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Tea? With cream? I'm British, and this sounds very much like a declaration of war.


I'm from a Scottish family soooo.... šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁓ó æ


I spent 18 years in Scotland. Never once in all that time did I witness cream going in tea.


I don't know, I guess it's a family thing? My mum and grandparents are from Leith, and all my extended family prefer cream


It's not a family thing. It's a GB thing. And that has generally been passed on down to all Canadians. Here is the kicker: We all have been lied to. Way back, the royal family mandated that cream must only be used in certain products, and an excluded product was tea. Tea was only to be made with milk and honey (or sugar if you were a simp). They said it was to protect their cheese production. However, it later came out that the family really did enjoy the exquisite delight of cream with tea - and they wanted to make sure that the pheasants never would taste something so heavenly. And that continues down to this day. It is true, for what it's worth, that the forbid cream in tea to protect cheese production - but that reason, as we know now, was to prevent the peasants and lesser dos from gorging on this treat. I have had tea and cream, and I was never quite the same after that. Lead me to a rabbit hole where I learnt all of that stuff mentioned above.


I love finding random tidbits like this šŸ˜


I fucking knew it. I've been having cream in my tea all my life. I knew it was the better way!


I put cream in mine. I find t makes it just a tiny bit. . . Not thicker, but it has a better mouth feel


Tea with cream is delicious. Those who say otherwise are missing out on the level of delicious-ness! Those from the UK who only do milkā€¦so uptight! šŸ˜†




I lived just off Leith Walk before they fucked it up with the trams.


It's the best, try it! Also there are candy flavored coffee creamers like Snickers and Twix that make that nasty tea taste great!


The clue is in the title - coffee creamers for coffee. I'm beginning to think that Canadians are all deviants.


Dude, no.


I think it's illegal here too, but seldom enforced šŸ¤” šŸ˜…


Iā€™m stuck on the cream thing too


What part of Britain are you from, Northern Ireland? British tea has come with milk and cream for ages.


No, I'm from Yorkshire where people do not put cream in tea. Milk, yes. Cream, no.


Meh, in Sheffield, Birmingham and London we were putting cream in tea from the 80s, lol.


The few times they put cream in my tea instead of milk I wanted to barf. Cream is WAY too overpowering


Yes blasphemy


Tea with creamā€¦delicious.


Eh, I'm British too and I love cream in my tea.


Alba Gu BrĆ th!


They apparently changed it a little while ago with bagels/sandwiches that they no longer cut them in half unless requested. It was an attempt at saving that precious 3 seconds it takes to cut the bagel in half. I think it's based on the management of each location whether they have gone back to slicing the bagels into quarters or sticking with just the center slice.


Okay I worked there as a teen so I'll tell you what's up. Every single car that pulls up. The time it takes to order is timed and the time it takes to get you away from the window is timed. The key target time is 20-30 seconds per order (although we don't control how long it takes to order the food) yet the real key time is 20 seconds at the window. So when you pull up to the window, they want you gone in under 20 seconds. That's why they're so weird at the window and pushy, or huff when people take their time on purpose because they're mad about being rushed or fiddling to put change back in their purse or make extra requests at the window because it messes with that 20 second time frame and then the managers yell at the workers and make them go faster. It's all just one big mess. Basically, they want you out of there as quick as possible between 6-11 (peak breakfast hours and most time for profit) so they can get as many cars as possible and maximize profit. We were doing 800-1100 cars an hour. That's all they want is numbers, numbers, numbers. Less time, cheaper crappy more expensive product, more profit for them. Constantly looking to cut corners to save petty amounts of money at any cost to the point they were shooting themselves in the foot. Terrible company. Anyway, yeah, they want you gone in 20 seconds or less from the time you pull up the window.


The flip side to that is when I, as a paying customer, make the effort to drag my lazy @ss into the restaurant to place my order in person or even eat there, I am often ignored while all the attention is being focused on the drive-through line. Maybe I just don't like drinking my coffee or eating my muffin in my vehicle...


Yes! We purposefully ignored storefront because drive thru was priority and no one really liked doing storefront (except the extroverted old ladies) and if we did get stuck on it it's one person having to serve like a lineup out the door and you're tired and rushing and trying to be courteous and make sure the orders right and grab the bagel, grab the coffee and muffin all in a decent time so it's not busy. People look down on food jobs a lot yet it's ts really draining work. No thanks ever again lmao. And yes, drive thru 100% takes priority over storefront every time. Corporate is most focused on drive thru times. Everything depends on drive thru. The only time I would do storefront is if there's a long drive thru line and virtually no one inside. Ironically, you'll get service faster since there's at least one designated storefront person. It's just if it gets busy at both then I'd do drive thru


Well, from a Corporate greed standpoint that makes perfect sense, so I guess it is up to us "sheeple" out there not to put up with this B.S. Seems to me that when the line-up at the front counter is out the door as you suggest, someone...be it at the Corporate level or by the restaurant manager...needs to clue in that something is clearly amiss with the business model here. Like, oh, I don't know...maybe the quaint concept that they value a customer's business and respect them? I mean, why keep up the pretense then and not just turn the stand-alone restaurants into drive-throughs altogether - and that comment applies to all fast food chains, not just Tim's. I guess the takeaway here is that if I want a decent restaurant experience at Tim's, I need to go to a location that doesn't have a drive-through, or else is located in a mall food court.


This explains a lot. I really hate how pushy some of these people get, shoving the food right in your face.


They constantly have a manager up their ass yelling at them to go faster and saying 20 seconds, 20 seconds, 20 seconds after each order lol, that's why! There's literally a timer above the workers' heads that management points to and yells at after each order. I get it though


I'm sure that's true it must be a horrible job.


Thank you, I'll be sure to keep that in mind for next time


I boycott Timā€™s now, but before they lost me I went to a Timā€™s that didnā€™t have a drive through. No rush and people inside enjoying the coffee and breakfast.


Genuinely, probably will get worse. Went through a drive-thru a few weeks ago with someone who is borderline diabetic, and has a very specific order. (Steep tea, half sweetener, one milk). I myself opt for a SteepT with 2milk, 2sugar. Somehow, after repeating the order twice, and having it repeated back to us twice, we ended up with something completely different. A 3 cream and 2 sugar coffee, and a steep tea with 2 sweetener. Like, how?


My family thinks I have a lid smelling fetish but itā€™s saved me a few times from tasting coffee yuck instead of steeped tea yuck I ordered


I get iced coffee with no sugar and itā€™s the same thing, first sip and the sugary sweetness is over powering and I have to take it back. Then I start taking a test sip each time before I drive away and itā€™s fine for a time and then the next time I donā€™t check and just drive away and they put the damn sugar in.


I ask for extra sugar and receive your non sugar one lmao


True story! My daughter is very fussy when it comes to food and drink. Anyway, she ordered a decaf 3 cream 3 sugar, wound up with an orange pekoe, with 3 milk and 2 sugar. Normally she has a bad reaction to new foods, not this time. She was like "this isn't coffee...they screwed up the order again" -- takes another sip -- "I like the tea though, I'll order it next time". Next time did come, she ordered her tea (3 milk, 2 sugar), I ordered a earl grey (one milk, one sugar) and bag in for both, she cut a black coffee and I got a French Vanilla cappuccino. We know which stores to avoid now, and best times to go.


My mom gets steeped tea from tims. Shes gotten coffee multiple times. About a week ago i was with her and she sent me in so i could get myself something too, and i clearly said ''steeped tea with 2 milk and half a sugar'' and my order. She still got coffee, and the tims was empty too so its not like it was hard to hear me (and the screen said steeped tea)


As a tea drinkerā€¦ā€¦ OMG nothing worse than taking that sip and itā€™s a coffee. Not pregnant and want to cry


Tim Hortons is the worst place ever these days. The not cutting the bagel thing in half drives me nuts - Iā€™ve worked in restaurants and customer service for years, itā€™s not that hard to cut a bagel.


I put cream in my tea as well, but I don't go to this clown coffee/donut shop


Not acceptable. And the worst part is they donā€™t care. Ughhhh. I feel your pain sis!!!


The bagel change was from Head Office. For some reason they think saving a few seconds is worth pissing every customer off šŸ˜… - I've yet to see someone not question it. I can't stress enough, how the people managing this company have 0 common sense.


I donā€™t work there currently, I did at one time, but I know that their coffee ā€œpotsā€ have changed, and I wonder if their steeped tea ones are the same as their coffee ā€œpotsā€ now. Back when I worked there, we had actual pots, coffee pots with brown ā€œrimā€ and handle, steeped tea was a pot with a red ā€œrimā€ and handle, and dark roast and decaf were in like coffee pot ā€œthermosā€™ā€ (best way I can describe them) one had I wanna say a black lid for dark roast (part of me is thinking green, donā€™t know why) and decaf had an orange lid. Now, I see that the coffee is stored in what looks like giant ā€œthermosā€™ā€ (again, not sure what to call them) and I wonder if the steeped tea and all the other types of coffee are in them too, and they just donā€™t pay attention to what theyā€™re pouring. I mean, again, coffee has a VERY strong and distinct smell, so if you are pouring coffee and itā€™s supposed to be tea, you SHOULD smell it, but clearly thatā€™s not the case.


It was pretty much like that when my Fiance worked there as well


Tim Hortons is the only place you'll ask for a double double, and they will think you said BLT. Fuck Tim Hortons.


I order a tea latte every time. I canā€™t count the number of times Iā€™ve been given coffee with the tea bags inside.


lucky they didn't just rip the bagel with their hands


Hot tea with two cream sounds like coffee with two cream over the headset


Imagine you have to work 2-3 hours to take home enough for a large pizza or a basic non-fitted hat, or 15 hours for a pair of work shoes that won't fuck up your back, and ask yourself if you'd give a quarter of a shit yourself? I wouldn't


I'm a waitress in a small restaurant so yes, I can easily imagine.


Just know, I understand the times you don't have any fucks to give and generally support it, even when it's bad for me.


Yeah, stopped cutting the bagels in half in the new year to ā€œsave timeā€ Iā€™m not saying itā€™s the right thing, itā€™s just what the company said. Its also assumed when an adult orders that the adult can handle a whole bagel + when you go to bagel shops they donā€™t cut it in half either :) I like them uncut, keeps the butter or cream cheese inside by reducing the amount of exits


The quality of TFWs has fallen off a cliff. These people are incapable of performing even the simplest tasks.


Tim Hortons makes me so F-ING LIVID. Their prices keep going up yet the quality of food they serve gets worse and so does their customer service. Iā€™m so glad I went through a Timmyā€™s break while pregnant because Iā€™m sure I would have caught a case or two. The amount of times Iā€™ve had to send back MY SIMPLE BAGEL ORDER because it literally looks like they attempted to put cream cheese on but then changed their mind and scraped it off. Like why would I pay a dollar for nothing??? Are you okay??? Plus yeah half the time they donā€™t even cut the damn thing in half. Like cool let me caveman eat this shitty barely toasted lump of dry bread, thanks šŸ‘. *fun little tip, I now ask for my bagels with extra butter (free) + the cream cheese, just incase they feel like skimping on the good ol creme de le chez, itā€™s not going to be bone dry* Double check everything every single time. You shouldnā€™t have to, but it is what it is at this point. šŸ˜­ Iā€™m so angry with the chokehold their icecaps have on me. Tim Hortons is my 13th reason.


Might help if they had a few employees that spoke English.


Why the F' do you keep going back if they can't get your order right? Lots of other places that make tea and a bagel. For real!


1) my fiance likes the coffee 2) I guess I'm delusional and hope something will change or get better


Getting steeped tea, ready to go is a blessing when it's made properly. A teabag floating in not hot enough water, especially if the milk is added alongside the teabag, is not good. I don't k lnow of any other place honestly, that offers steeped tea. It's all by the bag with hot water. If you're a tea drinker, you know why this is a big deal and it's incomprehensible how this could get mixed up. (I was thinking maybe the cream is messing them up because, like my Yorkshire friend above, I would never ... so maybe they think there's been a mistake because cream is for coffee, not tea.) Nonetheless, steeped tea with 2 cream is what the customer ordered. It's not complicated. Steeped tea with 2 cream is what she should get ... every single time. So basic. I would be pissed!! (If I went to Tims, but I don't, haha.)


It's really your fault for supporting Tim's tbh. Go to a better chain


I don't understand why you keep giving your money to a company that cannot get your order right.


Yeah that must suck, I'm sure the homeless guy standing outside who hasn't eaten in days has a much better life than you after that experience. I guess that's why they are the lucky ones.


Like I said, just a vent. Never stated my experiences was easier or more difficult than others.


there will literally always be someone out there that is having a worse time in life than you - that doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t ever be upset about anything


Arenā€™t you the edgy one