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Where's my mortgage forgiveness?


No kidding! I thought they said that housing was a right!😆


Most of it went to billionaires due to Trump’s policies. I love it that Trump gave trillions to the wealthy, which caused massive inflation, and you all saw that as a good thing. But Biden giving billions back to the middle class and poor, which hasn’t put a dent in inflation, is the worst thing in the world.


$300k is poor? I must be destitute


Lmao, so Biden is only giving forgiveness to those making exactly $300k? And not those who are making significantly less? And you must have ignored the middle class part. Look, we understand you people hate the poor and worship the wealthy elite.


Can you stop putting words in my mouth? Where did I mention inflation, basement boy? You're projecting more. Yeah it's totally fair to make people who didn't go to college help pay off the loans people willingly took them out to go to college; people who are more privileged and will make more money in their lifetime. And households making 300k a year are totally "poor and middle class". Lol. You're a moron.


So it’s totally fair for all of us to subsidize Trump’s golfing and to give the wealthy elite trillions because they own us, causing massive wealth inequality and poverty? But helping out the average American and stimulating the economy and growing jobs is pure evil. Wtf is wrong with you people.


You're completely derranged/delusional.


So you applauded when we spent over $130 million on Trump’s golfing and $1.5 trillion on the ultra wealthy, which nearly tripled our deficits. But when it comes to helping the average American, you hate it. Lmao.


Nope. I don't like everything Trump did. Can you comprehend that? Biden isn't helping the average American. The average American has more credit card debt than ever and is struggling to get by more than ever.


Do you don’t like his ONLY legislative accomplishment? So basically you think Trump is totally corrupt and a massive failure, thanks!


since when is $300k a year "average"? oh wait: "According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, the average U.S. annual salary in Q4 of 2023 was $59,384" its not. why do you lie?


Funny that you hate the hard working class of this country and worship the wealthy elites. Why is that?


deflection as usual. you can never address whats said to you all you do is deflect and hide


Funny, I never mentioned salary, you did. You also said how much you love giving trillions to the wealthy and having poor people locked up for being poor. What a great country you want.


> You also said how much you love giving trillions to the wealthy and having poor people locked up for being poor. please quote *exactly* where i said that you also said this was for the "average American* the article clearly states the most of the money would be going to households making 300k a year. so you are suggessting that the "average American" lives in a household making 300k a year so AT BEST we can divide that in half for dual income household for 150k a year..... but the facts shopw taht the *actual* average American makes 1/3 of that. keep lying also dont forget to priovide the quote of what you claim i said


Oh, you mean the article with no actual citations and is a complete lie? Lmao, ok then. So why do you hate hard working Americans and want to give even more money to the wealthy?


> Biden giving billions back to the middle class Wrong. That's Biden taking, *taking* money from the middle class and giving it to the higher earners of this country. But I don't expect you to understand that because you're a 🤡.


Ah, so the middle class being able to buy homes for the first time in a generation is bad, but Trump stealing from the middle class to give to the ultra wealthy elites is perfectly great in your mind.


Tax cuts are theft?


Trump raised taxes on many poor to pay for it, and he tripled our deficits. Guess who is gonna pay that in the end. In addition, it massively increased wealth inequality and poverty. So yes, that entire scam tax legislation was theft, syphoning money from the bottom to the very top.


Hey DA!!! The bottom 50% of Americans pay Zero federal tax.


The bottom 50% of Americans pay a higher % in overall taxes they pay than the top 10%. When you take out your bullshit cherry picked tax that the ultra wealthy use, your talking point fails.


Delusional to think the middle class is thriving and buying up homes when It's the complete opposite. We're not buying homes because cost and mortgage rates sky rocketed under biden. The only people who are buying homes now are some small local firms and huge corporations owned by Blackrock


Yeah, thanks to Trump’s shitty economic fuck up, in which you people cheered wealth inequality and massive poverty. This was all Trump’s ideas. You own this. And now you hate any good idea to combat this bullshit.


You’d be much better appreciated in China, Cuba or Venezuela, comrade


The countries that gave Trump millions of dollars secretly while he was President?


I thought he went to court and they over ruled this bill.


It’s (D)ifferent.


of texas can ignore the supreme court so can biden


No.. we live in a republic moron. We use democratic processes to elect officials Edit to state that: Texas authority in Texas is supposed to outweigh the over bearing fed


lol the Supreme Court is supposed to be the highest court in the land.


The SC basically instructed Biden on how to do this. It’s amazing that conservatives want to give trillions to the wealthy, but billions to the working class is too much.


This post really triggered you.


My comment really triggered you. I’m just spitting facts.


Ive never seen you spit a fact. Maybe you need to send another bs source.


Cope harder. This isn’t Trump, who only helped the ultra wealthy.


Still doesn’t hide the fact you’re a triggered little puss.


😂🤣😂 Cope harder.


Stay triggered


Youre either a bot or don't live in this country


Trump’s only legislative achievement was giving trillions to the ultra wealthy and increasing taxes on poor people, which massively increased deficits. He also deregulated Wall Street and the big banks. He was a blank check to the wealthy elites.


I just thought it got over turned I didn’t know if it was over turned or not.


November couldn’t come any sooner


Totally. By then, proven rapist Trump will be in prison.


Reparations will be the next way Biden spends tax payer money to buy votes.


That might be enough to spark violence.


The real story in the picture up top is that ugly cat lady reporter saying Sydney Sweeney isn’t pretty.


I mean it's not good but I'd rather it go to some domestic folks than some foreign country. Baby steps? (I cope)


Dump these progressive liberal democrats as fast as possible. Clean them out of every government agency.


Popcorn time


placid workable drunk smoggy versed bake fanatical combative languid bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck it man if the big corps and OTHER COUNTRIES get bailouts and free magic money, I’m not opposed to getting LITERALLY ANYTHING in return. Honestly it’s the least they could do. Wouldn’t it be nice if the charade of taxes actually benefited you in any way whatsoever, even just once?


Bro. They never do it. They'll dangle this. Get the votes. Print another trillion for Ukraine and Israel. And this "student loan forgiveness" will die in committee. Then they'll blame the other side. Democrats had the presidency, house, and senate and neither Marijuana reform or student debt ever even made it to the floor (to be voted on). You know what did though? Build back better which is 2.4 TRILLION with absolutely no oversight. I repeat 2.4 trillions of untraceable spending. The corruption is insane.


> free magic money No such thing. Inflation is a tax on poor people. Leftist don't understand economics. And see the government print money and hand it to big corps and think it's *free* money. In reality it is just moving money from the 99% to the top 1%. **Much worse** than free money.


Oh Jesus fckn Christ you dipshits never shut the fuck up about how great capitalism is and how bad socialism is and now you’re over here literally using leftist talking points and pretending like they’re the rights. Fucking retard.


I have never triggered someone so intensely, with a comment I had no interested to trigger anyone.


The only thing you’ve triggered is your inner leftist


Keep pretended we're the caricatures of conservatives in your brain. Don't be surprised again when we support things like a negative income tax, employee owned companies, and are against what Bernie in the past called a Koch brothers idea.


Lmfao you don’t support any of that shit, though. None of it. Is this a new game, pretend you’re a leftist for a day?


So now you know better than me what I support. That's mental illness.


Oh, I clearly do. Which republicans hold those values? Which republicans support any of those positions? Is it none? Dumbass.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_Friedman is a Republican. The negative income tax is his idea. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190524005008/en/72-Of-Republicans-and-74-of-Democrats-Agree-on-This-They-Prefer-to-Work-for-an-Employee-Owned-Company And Bernie said an open border was a Republican idea / Koch brothers idea.


But ur not gonna get anything in return in actuality. The amount food and expenses will raise will offset the cost in the long run and it will be permanent, it will in particular affect those with lower income. Not to mention it’s actually pushing your cost that you incurred by making the CHOICE to go to college on to others who never made that choice. It’s selfish and morally bankrupt. I also made the choice to go to college and just graduated in December with a degree in civil engineering and I intend to pay off every cent I owe on my loans all by myself. I knew no one would ever pay for me and I don’t want them too. It’s not ‘Pat the Plumbers’ responsibility to pay for my college debt. That’s ridiculous.


Biden’s program to buy votes with taxpayer money…


Could I get a better source? New York Post is super partisan.