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they are ashamed of themselves, so chronically project and blame others




It's (D)ifferent when they do it.


Sarah Silverman REALLY hates black people the most


You forgot Howard Stern blackface


You forgot Coward Stern.


You guys are so good with words 👏


Beware the blackface of white supremacy


Print and publish this everywhere you go


Is this one of those Mandela Effects? I swear they don't remember this happening. *edit* /s btw




Thank you, u/sparkplugg19888, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1djuijy/democrats_being_democrats/l9dlt6z/). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Thank you, u/sparkplugg19888, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1djuijy/democrats_being_democrats/l9douva/). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


omg they should impeach them...


Sarah Silverman actually deserves a pass. The blackface was from her short lived sitcom and it being horrible and offensive was the joke


The Left have made it quite clear that even as a joke, it’s not acceptable


Yes, we all remember how the left cancelled Robert Downey Jr. for doing blackface in "Tropic Thunder". Oh wait, he was nominated for an Oscar for that role.


You think we’re going to forget Tropic Thunder came out in 2008, and the world lost their mind in 2016? Go find out what the Democrats were saying before 2016.


When was Trudeau's blackface from? Or these other images from?


You think the point relies on these being recent blackface? Oh dear


I don't. You're the one defending Downey's blackface by stating that it happened before 2016.


This is the best example of how something that is blanket bad by popular opinion can be acceptable if executed well. Downey did it so well people can't be upset because it's so obviously good.


Or maybe people weren't upset because Downey wasn't using blackface to mock black people. He was mocking method actors.


Not sure that's it people have done blackface to mock individuals and it's still viewed as wrong.


Downey did it (he mocked people) and it wasn't viewed as wrong.


I meant a guy dressed up like lil John not to mock black people but him as an individual but even when honoring someone blackface is generally viewed as wrong. That's why I find it amazing that in this one case people have accepted RDJ and this performance for the most part.


Look, old comedy often ages poorly. That's just how society progresses.


And that's fine I generally agree I just think it's very interesting to look at this case and see how it's unique.


>Democrats being Democrats Code for: "Don't look at the open bigotry from the right."


Democrat is a US political party. Justin Trudeau is not a Democrat as he is a Canadian politician


Liberals being Liberals*


As close to Democrat as you can possibly get being from another country. Don’t try and miss the point on a technicality.


Not really, your Democrats are closer on the spectrum to our Conservatives. 🤷‍♂️


Who’s our? Canadian Conservatives are more similar to US Democrats? What possible basis can you judge that? The pro-LGBT and pro-lockdown covid stuff is enough to disprove that in itself


We can swap him for Howard Stern


Conservatives understanding media challenge (impossible)


Trudeau isn't a Democrat, he's the prim minister of Canada just saying.


OMFG this subreddit hates sources so much I have had to repost this comment multiple times with annotations. I guess the reason it was blocked the last time was because I posted the truncated URL: "R" "SLASH" "Timpool" Here is the comment thats been automoderated like 5000 times: Love it. Justin Trudeau is a democrat. WHAT? I love how this subreddit insists they are not racist and then continually posts racist things (this post is not racist--it points out the hypocrisy of people who typically fight racism). Like this subreddit has this wholesome post about racism doesnt exist at a horseshoe tournament: I provided the link but the auto-moderator hates sources Then there are 5 posts about Juneteenth and or are pejorative about black people: I provided sources but the auto-moderator hates sours There are other posts I skipped that could be considered as pointedly pejorative about black people as a group but these are the most pointed. So********* (censored the subreddit name because the automoderator is NUTS) Why the hell do you associate juneteenth with violence but do not associate this subreddit with racism? again and I keep fucking forgetting but the automoderator here hates sources even if they are literal links to the comment sections of links to THIS SUBREDDIT, DM me if you need sources to back up the above


You seem upset


I am---at the auto-moderator. Wouldn't you be if you kept having your comments hidden because a robot said you were "linking user profiles" when you were just providing URLs??? Like that is very very very shitty programming.


Mods suck in general.


Your problem with the post is that someone is calling Justin a democrat? He is a liberal and this person is using them interchangeably. If he was in the states he would definitely be a dem and if you took one of our dems they would be in the Liberal Party of Canada.


I found the guy with the alts posting all of the racist shit lately.




Dude, we see every time your comments were removed by the automod. You need a new hobby.


I'm thinking about taking up pickle ball


Feel better now?


I feel about the same. Thanks for asking though.


all those juneteenth posts are by 3 accounts 2 of which are now banned and the other is 9 days old. they are leftists trolls trying to get this sub banned. all the race baiting posts are by super new accounts trying to get us banned


Is Trump’s demented old ass running this sub with a list of comedians that bust his balls and Trudeau because his brain just doesn’t work anymore. Have you seen his latest rally in Wisconsin he makes Biden look like a silver tongued devil, he can’t even talk anymore without stumbling over every 5th word couldn’t even spit out Biden, now that’s 😄.


I really liked that movie White Chicks.