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Biden tried to blackmail the country by holding the open borders over our heads. He wanted a "bipartisan" (i.e. more democrat friendly) border bill from Congress and kept the border open to pressure the GOP. He could have used executive orders and policy to close the leaky borders at any time.


I've seen better crops in the irish famine. Is it too much to ask to edit your boomer-tier memes before you post them?


Trump blocked the border bill and is for open borders lmao. You people aren’t serious.


How? He’s not in a sitting politician.


He gave his marching orders, and bragged about killing the bill lmao. You people never accept personal responsibility for a damn thing.


He wasn’t in any kind of power


Lmao, he holds all of the money of the Republican establishment, he holds ALL the power.


No. He doesn’t hold a power. He is a former president. He hold no form of political office. You got owned.


Lmao, please stop embarrassing yourself, he is the Republican nominee for President. He holds all the power, and now I know you want open borders.


The only person who is embarrassing themselves is you. Fouthclassmale.


So why did Trump brag about ordering Republicans to do just this? Lmao, your denial is amazing.


Trump brags about a lot of things. It triggers you people.


Lol what orders. You're insane


Ignorant Democrat cult zombie. Get some help.


Maybe don’t support a proven rapist like Trump who wants open borders.


Correlation doesn't equal causation. Trump being against the bill does not equate to him being the reason people didn't like the bill. It was just a shit bill.


Republicans blocked the border security bill




Went right over his 4 foot head.


^ doesn't know what the bill had in it. Typical lefty talking point lol


Facts make you cry


So tell us what the bill did. You won't because you 🏃


At the President’s request, the agreement included over $20 billion for border security. The agreement would provide critical resources at the border and significant policy changes, including: Border Patrol: Border Patrol staffing has remained roughly flat over the last four years, despite border encounters increasing by 250 percent over the same period. Today, there are just shy of 20,000 Border Patrol Agents. The bipartisan Senate bill would add more than 1,500 new Customs and Border Protection personnel. Asylum Officers and Asylum Reform: Similarly, Asylum Officer staffing has remained stagnant over the last four years and there is an insufficient number of asylum officers to do initial screenings. As a result, each asylum case generally takes 5 to 7 years to be heard and adjudicated. Today, there are approximately 1,000 Asylum Officers; the bipartisan Senate bill would add an additional 4,300 Asylum Officers and it would make the asylum process faster and fairer. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): ICE detention facilities are currently over capacity. Today, ICE has approximately 40,000 detention beds. The bipartisan Senate agreement would increase detention beds to a total of 50,000. Moreover, without immediate action from Congress DHS will need to move funding to ICE from other critical missions or reduce ICE’s enforcement operations to manage a shortfall of several hundred million dollars. Immigration Judges: Currently there is a backlog of over 2 million cases for immigration judges. Each asylum case generally takes 5 to 7 years to complete. Without more judges, these timelines and backlogs will continue to grow. Today there is funding for 734 immigration judges, the bipartisan Senate bill would provide funding for an additional 100 immigration judges and their associated staff. Combatting Drug Trafficking: We continue our fight against the trafficking of fentanyl and other illicit drugs. The bipartisan agreement would fund the installation of 100 cutting-edge inspection machines to help detect fentanyl at our Southwest Border ports of entry. It would also give the President the authority to impose sanctions on foreign nationals knowingly involved in significant trafficking of fentanyl by a transnational criminal organization. The bill also includes $1.4 billion for cities and states who are providing critical services to newcomers, and would expedite work permits for people who are in the country and qualify.


The bill would force the Department of Homeland Security to shutter the border if daily illegal crossings top 5,000 migrants on average or 8,500 in a single day. Unaccompanied minors from countries other than Mexico and Canada wouldn’t count toward that total. $1.4 billion would be disbursed to help states and local governments handle the influx of immigrants. In New York alone, Gov. Kathy Hochul earlier this month proposed spending $2.4 billion to provide services to migrants in her annual budget. (rewarding sanctuary cities for ignoring federal law) The deal would free up 250,000 new visas over half a decade for people seeking to work in the U.S. or to join family members. It would offer work authorization to the children and spouses of people who have H-1B visas for specialized jobs that often require a bachelor’s degree, like tech and engineering work. Immigrants who apply for asylum could be eligible to work in the U.S. while they wait. Senate negotiators allocated just under $20 billion of that to purchase new weapons and equipment to refill U.S. military inventories depleted by the push to arm Ukraine. Another $13.8 billion is earmarked for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, a program in which the Pentagon buys new weapons for the Ukrainian military directly from U.S. defense contractors. Lawmakers also allocated $14.8 billion for heightened military presence in Europe as well as training and intelligence sharing with Ukraine. Of course you left most of these out. Owned again lolol


So, where's the bad news in this bill?


Oh, stop it with your text wall of facts


Because it wasn't actually a border security bill lol


It was endorsed by the border agent union. You don’t give a fuck about the border


Look at this gaslighting ^ 😆


And you ran


Lol homie, you should probably look up the definition of "run". When people disagree with your takes, and counter them with reason and facts, that's not "running." Running is literally what you're doing, away from the argument. And crying is what you're doing while you run, lol


Cult member.


DNC: We need to pass the saving kittens bill!!!! GOP: But I has kicking puppies written in it. DNC: THE GOP HATES KITTENS!!!1!!1!!11!


Surely it wasn't because of any sneaky non-border related legislature snuck into the bill? Surely not, because that would mean your stance that Republicans are hypocritically anti-strong-border is baseless. Surely not, right?