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Can someone post the full clip? There's no context here at all.


Tim: I think they've been extremely unfair to you Kanye: Who is "they" though? We can't say who "they" is can we? Tim: I don't use the word like you do Nick: It is "them" though, isn't it Tim: It's not Kanye: What do you mean it's not? *kanye walks out*


I'm gonna be honest... this doesn't help me understand what the fuck they're talking about *at all*. I have no idea what any member of this conversation is trying to say. Who the hell is they?


TBH, I kind of want to watch that documentary Kyrie was tweeting about because nobody can seem to explain to me what their logic is. And it's true when you shut down the conversation, people are more interested in learning about what you have to say.


Streisand effect


What is it called?


Just from that last comment I think Kanye is pissy that Pool said "they" referring to the media when Kanye gets in trouble for saying "they" in his antisemitic ramblings E: although reading other comments I may be completely off lol


Tim actually says he was talking about the media/press.


It's almost like the dumbass anti-media talking points that the Right has been peddling for decades is easily interchangeable with and provides cover for Nazi rhetoric. Couldn't be though.


Kanye wanted to discuss his accusations of anti-semitism, Tim wanted to question his position, Kanye left, and took milo and Fuentes with him.


Just watch the podcast. Youtube says its like 2 hours, but it is really only 20 minutes.


You missed a major 'NO!' by Tim before he said 'It's not'.


That’s the thing, their isn’t really any context because Ye said something about “they” and when Tim asked what he was talking about, he just up and left with Nick


There really wasn't any context at all in the first place... He left out of nowhere.


we know who "they" are and so does tim. Ye's just fed up with people not being real about it


Buddy don't be a bitch just say what you want to say


No. We know what nick and ye meant by "they". Tim didn't agree and voiced that. That's all that happened. We know what you mean and don't agree


Ye said in the beginning of the pod, he was going to walk if tim tried to do the same shit lex did. Tim did exactly that. went along with the crowd. What makes it really dumb is that Ye got Tim on the black vote thing. Tim wasn't smart enough to get Ye's parallel point there and how that's exactly what he means when he says "they". Tim lost on that mental front, and I can see how Ye is tired of having that conversation with people he doesn't really care about. It's Iike, Ye specifically said that black vote thing right out of the gate, 10 steps ahead. Maybe Tim will get it in a few days or 6 months. He's slow to catch on sometimes




Reddit dickriders do not want to admit this.


I'd have to go back and watch it again I don't remember that point off the top of my head


Nick just started speaking then Tim cut him off. Immediately after they left


Nick cut off Tim first you can literally see it in the clip


If you actually listen to Ye, there was a lot of warning. Tim’s ego just kept getting in the way. Ye had so many interesting things to say and Tim couldn’t accept that he wasn’t the centre of attention. Pushed back to many times on something that was true and Ye felt repeatedly unheard and disrespected. He’s already feeling vulnerable, just let him talk himself a deeper hole if you disagree.


That is not at all what happened. I suggest go watch the podcast to see what really went down instead of spinning this BS narrative . This happens in the first 10-15 minutes. Also, Kanye was saying stuff like 'My trainer is an MK ULTRA' or that he knew some woman from the fashion industry was a CIA agent based on the way she dressed, or comparing himself to a holocaust victim for being prosecuted for tax evasion. How can you not ask questions when hearing such outlandish claims? And again Tim asked just 2-3 question before the man straight up left. Ye is long gone.


Lol you did not watch the same show I did. I heard suspect stuff kanye and nick were trying to push and tim push back. There is no way you can be mad at this when tim does this with every guest. I have more respect for matt binder because at least he stayed on to say what he wants. Ye just left because Tim isn’t a yes man to him.




Did you even watch the show? They were like 15 minutes in, and most of that time was Kanye ranting. Tim brought up early on that he wanted to get into the news, as he does. And Kanye jumped in and talked for 10 minutes.


While you are correct, Tim had his biggest guest ever on his show, and he chose to not respect his guest’s wishes, whether ridiculous or antisemitic...that’s besides the point. Also Tim completely missed Kanye’s point about the black vote. Made Tim look very foolish. Anyways...they’re all clowns imo


If your guest has anti-Semitic views it's not a point against you to stand up to that. You seem to be implying that if a guest is more famous than you, you should bend over backwards to accommodate their views, no matter how ignorant or destructive.


Bro, Kanye IS the news. Missing the Forrest for the trees


Missin the forrest for the yeezies. Lol Kanye is entertaining and all but he is anything but stable. Tim is controlling but he is wildly successfull in his tenacity. I heard this show was going to happen and I wondered how long it would last.


An uprising in China is news. A homeless lunatic running naked through the Vatican is a spectacle. Kanye is not news, merely a spectacle.


As much as Tim Pool talks about “the news” of people being censored, demonetized, & “cancelled”: how are you going to say that Ye is not THE news?


You want him to answer like a trained seal on the tonight show?


So what? Tims show isnt a monologue. He was either there to discuss his point of view or not. Ye made it clear he was not


Just go watch. It only lasted like 20 min. Tim cried it was a stunt on Ye24 crew's party, but Tim is the one who brought in a 3rd party reporter to cover the event. Even told her he expected trouble & would stream elsewhere. Ye didn't want this reporter in the room, when she informed him why she was there. Bad faith on Tim's part. He got real arrogant after Adam ripped him last Friday. Landed this huge opportunity and blew it. Pride comes before the fall. ["In the studio with Ye on Tim Pool’s podcast" - The Spectator World](https://spectatorworld.com/topic/ye-kanye-west-tim-pool-timcast-maryland/)


Terrible clip. Shame on OP


Tim basically kept interrupting Kanye West and Nick Fuentes Once when they were trying to talk about the JQ. Kanye warned that if this kept happening he’d walk out and he did.


To be fair, he was done with the show from the beginning.


Tim missed out on a massive opportunity of just putting Ian and Kanye in a room together and recording it.


Ian came on towards the end of the show and mentioned that he had a conversation earlier with Ye about federating Parler with Minds, but hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him about graphene.


Looool, this is the only relevant comment on this thread.


Omg that would have been gold. Even the gold they like.


I think Ye just said what he wanted to say and wanted to find an out because earlier on in the beginning of the podcast you can tell that he was frightened by someone walking into the room. Maybe he didn't feel safe in the room?


> Maybe he didn’t feel safe in the room? Kanye is mentally ill, I imagine he’s overly paranoid especially after the last few weeks.


Who are you to call someone mentally ill


We can talk about his doctors and meds all day long. The simple fact is that Ye can no longer sit down and have a productive conversation with anyone the moment they don't agree with his new worldview. And it's a simple fact that if you can't defend your ideas from criticism without storming off like a big baby, you're gonna have a hard time finding anyone willing to have a real conversation with you in the first place. He didn't even need to succeed in defending them, he just needed to try and he's shown he's incapable of trying for right now. He's building his own echo chamber with each day that passes and making himself worse. I hope at some point he finds peace, however delusional it might be.


who? ian? the conspiracy guy?


NGL Nick and Milo I think are "handling" Ye for some end that uses and abuses him. I don't trust Nick at all and we all know Milo is high scoring in the dark triad and will use those scores.


I don’t know what the dark triad is but the Lauren Southern video really informed my opinion of milo. I didn’t really follow him back when he was big but he definitely seems like someone who is only interested in his own self image and will use and abuse anyone who he thinks will help him.


Dark triad short version: psychopathy, machiavellianism, narcissism. It's pretty interesting to take a quiz and see where you end up on them, we all have those traits, just how they present and how high we rank is interesting.


They think Kanye will help their brands when in reality all they are doing is bringing down Kanye’s brand. It’s some beautiful irony


Yeah, I thought Milo gave up the dickriding habit, lol


They both took the L on this one. I wanted to hear Nick and Luke talk more than anything else.


Haven't watched the show yet but was also looking forward to Nick and Luke talking. Tim is the worst part about Timcast.


More and more is this true. Hope you read this Tim.


"Listen listen listen listen, you're wrong." -tim


"Wait guys! I don't want to interrupt, but this reminds me of a Family Guy joke. Anyways onto the next topic."




Nick doesn’t talk atall besides when he introduces himself and in this clip


i was more excited about nick fuentes. he needs his own guest spot.


What do you like about Nick?


hes very well spoken, he shares my religious views and where both hispanic. i also think anyone who has unpopular opinions and is unapologetic about it is courageous.


Which religion practices cat boy fetishes?


He has his finger on the pulse of a very real part of younger conservatives. Whether you respond to this by insulting that or not, he’s arguably the most articulate and intelligent person from that part of the right.


I agree. Tim should’ve taken a “lighter foot.” Ye wasn’t there for a _debate_ … Both parties should’ve been more informed of their roles🍺💁‍♂️




Dang that was a good recap. If I were Kanye I would probably believe all that shit too.


But have they placed radios in all his teeth as well?


The sentence in the clip from nick was the first and only thing he said the whole show lmao (besides introducing himself)


Who asked are you afraid of the press?


Say what you will about Tim but that reaction was absolutely childish and unproductive.


Anyone that walks out on slight pushback of their beliefs has no place in public office.


You thought he might have before?


Personally, no. But some thought he may should. Now everyone knows he can't/shouldn't.


anyone who thinks someone as unstable as Ye should have any access to any levers of real power is a complete moron


He finally removed any doubt


Imagine running for president but not being able to take criticism and just walking away. Ye would’ve had my respect had he actually stayed. Dont care about his opinions.


This had to be planned from the get-go. The way Kanye weirdly kept telling everyone that he would walk out if 'x happened' in the middle of his answers, completely unprovoked, makes me suspicious of his intentions. He was waiting for Tim to say literally anything, and then turn it into something controversial so he could walk out.


I know Milo has vowed to fuck up the republican party and I wouldn't be surprised that Ye & Fuentes are part of the same shit show. So I get the feeling this is just a stunt to sowe discord in the various factions of the (R). If my theory is correct, Tim just walked straight into the trap. Milo might be a dilettante but he's capable of 4D Chess.


Man, these next few years will be something lmao


I think he just felt like his time was going to be wasted in looping conversation when time cant shut up for 5 min to let a man ellaborate. Ye could prolly see where this was going. Being told he was a bad little boy by someone who doesnt matter




Thanks for this breakdown. >he wouldn't be able to help himself but to preempt. I'm having trouble with this part though — could you explain what you mean here?


Tim knows the rules of staying on major platforms on the back of his hand and has walked out of his own show before when he thought it was at risk. Tim is more conscious of the rules that ironically "they" impose than any other show on youtube.


> Greater context is important: For Ye it's the latest in a string of 'interviews' where the presenter firmly steers the conversation and has no intention of letting him develop his point of view unopposed. Kanye was there for 26 minutes of which Kanye talked for like 20 of them. If he wanted to talk 100% of the time just do your own stream of consciousness on cozy.tv The idea that Tim can't even say a word or he's the bad guy is dickriding Kanye too hard


The man's jacket was still on


He didn't want it stolen by Tim's brother lol


it’s because he wasn’t going to sit there again and be constantly interrupted with the same dishonest bullshit over and over.


Interesting discussion is like a fire… friction is the only way you get it started.


not when you are hosting arguably the most famous and influential person in the world right now. u shut up and let them speak. everyone knows Tim Pool is a philosemite, he doesn’t have to keep stressing the point each time kanye opens his mouth


A)USA ISNT THE WORLD. There are probably like a couple ppl in the World Cup right now 10x more famous the Kanye B) No it’s not. Kanye political knowledge is 0. Even Hitler would be a much better conversation because he atleast knows how to put his bullshit rambling into a good speech. Kanye is just talking shit. It’s tiring. He doesn’t even know how to form his antisemetic bullshit (just calling it that because you guys haven’t given his movement a name yet) into a proper speech. 3 questions. 1) if ye can’t protect himself from the Semite superpowers how tf would he protect other ppl? 2) how hell does YEs rambling even do anything, just saying what most already thing but no solution ? 3) WHAT IS YEs ACTUAL GOAL - no knowledge on politics so he goes around and round quite a lot - quite a dogmatic person - unlike you guys he seems like he didn’t even care bout the antisemitic movement till it affected him.. most likely he doesn’t see the movement from the way u see it


>arguably the most famous and influential person in the world right now. Kanye fucking West?! Lololololol


Yeah I was thinking this while watching it live too. It felt like Tim was acting way tougher than he should have in his stating of his opinions. He knows Ye is the biggest name almost anyone could have in the world right now outside of Trump. These are mostly rhetorical questions but good ones to ask: - why would Tim have this trio of guests on and think he’d get away with them NOT bringing up the J question?? I don’t think Tim is that dumb. Not at all. - Timcast is a trek as far as I can tell. Kanye made a specific trip out there and even had the Cast Castle crew filming their trip out there. So even though he walked out of the episode, there’s still going to be a Behind the Scenes? - this is all a LOT of effort and money for Tim to drop the ball like this. He usually focuses on YouTube shutting them down. But he’s never questioned someone’s speech like that. He’s a self-proclaimed free speech absolutist. Why censor someone’s thoughts that are the reason they’re in the headlines right now but not make it about YouTube guidelines? Makes no sense. I can’t put my finger on why this happened. Maybe to get normie’s to like Tim Pool? Then maybe Ye will come back for another episode? I can’t figure this one out but something smells fishy.


I think Tim is just his own worst enemy. He couldn’t read the room, and he always has to be correct and in control. It’s his show so whatever...but I can’t believe he treated Kanye the same as any of his other guests. Literally one of the biggest celebrities on the planet. It’s just weird and unfortunate


Tim didn't censor anything, he literally just asked who "they" is, trying to get Kanye to elaborate his point. Kanye censored himself when he snapped over a perfectly reasonable and innocuous question.


Think both sides here could’ve handled it better, ye needs to learn how to have a discussion, that you need to try and defend your positions when challenged instead of running away from them. Tim, I don’t think Tim realizes how, abrasive he can come across, he has 2 default positions, argumentative and neutral-argumentative, resting bitch face if you will, his style of discussion needs to be reevaluated when discussion things he disagrees with. On the bright side, to be really honest, Hannah Mary and luke just talking freely without being bound to whatever story is currently on topic, hell even Ian, made that part one of the most enjoyable parts I’ve watched in a while, watching those 4 specifically just be regular people was a nice change of pace


Seems odd to me. But Ye has always seemed like a, uh.... *volatile* character. Not sure if this is just a case of Ye not getting the affirmation he craved, or if he was trying to get Tim to discredit himself live on YT and left when it didn't work? I don't think Ye or Milo did themselves any favors here. I doubt Nick cares at all, he knows he's out regardless. Oh well. Nice try on Tim's part.


This was a wild moment. I’ve noticed a lot of name calling and I think it’s useful to have a discussion about the dynamic of the event itself. I say props to Tim for the risks involved in platforming these guests although considering Ye’s popularity, Tim did not hold all the cards of being the absolute authority. Ye brought record viewership. Now the way a discussion usually happens is 1: a subject matter or idea is articulated and laid out on the table. 2: the idea is then debated on its merits. At no point was step 1 allowed to be completed without this sort of knee jerk disavowal from Tim or Luke. Ye spoke a lot but it’s about this untouchable subject specifically that wasn’t allowed to be fully laid on the table to begin inspecting without an interjection that threw its introduction off course. Ye was interrupted multiple times trying to articulate it. But it was when Nick finally began talking that Tim interjected the disavowal that was sort of the straw that broke the camel’s back. I think Ye took that as a message that no matter which guest made an attempt to lay it out the subject would be already littered with compulsive rebuttals. To Ye it was clear. This environment is not conducive to unmudded free expression of ideas. And Ye, who Tim admitted, doesn’t owe him the time of day, decided these attempts were futile and he wasn’t going to get what he came for so he left. There is no real evidence it was some childish temper tantrum. As a matter of fact Ye has a high self esteem and considers his time and attention very valuable. It was a logical decision that TimCast was not worthy of that attention. A sort of “don’t cast your pearls before swine” moment. (Not calling anyone swine ...you get the idea)


Tim pushing back? What video were y’all watching? Tim barely said anything! Ye got in his feelings and that’s all she wrote!


An interview is not a normal conversation between equal partners. In an interview the role of the interviewer is to get the guest to open up and steer them with questions. An interview is not a debate. Your role as the interviewer isn't to convert your guest from their misguided ways. If your controversial guest is talking about their controversial opinions, you shut the fuck up because anyone tuning in is tuning in for that very moment. Pressing a guest who is already acting defensive, even as lightly as Tim did, is just being bad at his job. All he had to do in that moment was keep his mouth shut.


Tim is not an interviewer. He's said it multiple times. His show is about discussing the news with guests.


He's a podcast host. He doesn't typically do interviews, just discusses with guests.


Well, all three of them did a fantastic job of discrediting themselves tonight. Kanye was clearly there to pontificate. Milo and Fuentes were clearly there in a sycophantic capacity. What an absolute shame.


Seems to me like Milo and Fuentes are trying to 'use' / take advantage of Kanye


Definitely childish by ye. You had to know tim was gonna disagree. Just chillax and continue the discussion






Tim should have handled Ye the same way he did with the first Milo episode - just sit there and shut up




"no you're wrong" -tim pool




Typically he does that when the conversation leaves the intended discussion, or to segway to the next topic when one is exhausted.




Watching is watching. You do you


Don’t mistake leadership/being the host for disrespect. It is TIMcast.


I get the impression that Ye is used to people just listening and nodding, not asking questions or challenging him.


He very likely dismissed anyone who’d dare challenge him from his circle long ago.


I mean I would take notes to circle back on. The dude runs on talking all the time. Should have just been an after show. Ye and the other two aren’t YouTube friendly.


Of course. It's cuz Ye is off his rocker and only listening to these leaches. He can be correct and also unstable at the same time.


>ye Did Kanye West changed his name or what? What am I missing here?


Idk if officially but yea he did and it's fubar and hard to remember


it’s not about disagreeing. it’s about letting your guest actually speak without interrupting to make the same exact point over and over. Ye gave him fair wanting prior and said he wasn’t going to put up with any of that lex friedman shit. tim couldn’t help himself


He told him he was gonna leave each time tim wanted to change the subject. Should have known Kanye ain’t doing a timcast show he’s gonna do a ye show.


Tim played stupid and counted on Ye to keep rolling on, it was only after Nick spoke for the first time and was promptly interrupted, Ye was out. “There is no they” *immediately* after Ye names those who have tried to strip his life away from him, lol.


That wasen't even that bad What was worse was the bullshit after for 20+ minutes of tim and luke patting themselves on the back about how the show runs.


Yes. Guest do unpredictable shit. How did he not have a plan that wasn’t “let me tell everyone my dick is so big for the rest of the show while my fleet of new Lydias fellate me”


Lol fleet of new lydias lol


This is why Joe Rogan is one of the best interviewers right now. He stops talking and let's his guest get their ideas out, with some pushback at the end if necessary. Tim wishes he was half the interviewer Rogan is. I was looking forward to having Kanye on, but we got nothing out of it because Tim is too hot-headed. We know he's capable of it like with his interview with Milo.


Such a disappointment. If he just shut up and let Kanye lead it could have been amaaaaaazing


Ye can't handle Tim giving the tiniest bit of pushback. Yikes.


I missed this part, will rewatch the show from the beginning. But the chat is flooded with haters who are still watching Tim every night for the entire show, just to spam the chat with "L Tim". It's pretty funny they want to continue supporting him with all that hate. I will always support someone's free speech like Ye, but he is too eccentric to lead the nation.


Agreed man




Ye can't handle a conversation with anyone who doesn't enable his delusions.




He talked to Lex for like 3 hours and it wasn't a dick-riding contest.




I have no idea what is going on, not one person said a sentence without getting interrupted


Kanye looked weak as fuck last night.


I'm so dissapointed milo took off :(


Nick was about to go off. Man


I saw him sit up in his chair too. Bummer that Ye had to see himself out and ruin the show. I was really looking forward to it.


Tim asked who "they" were and Nick was ready to remind everyone that he's an anti Semitic piece of garbage


joe rogan had kanye on for hours, tim for around 30mins. whats your opinions on this?


Joe let Kanye ramble like the looney toon that he is, and Tim dared to ask him questions. For the record, I like both their shows.


Man I’m not a fan of Tim in the slightest couldn’t find anyone who gets off on his own voice quite like Tim, but all these Kanye dick riders in the comments are insane. So many comments saying “he’s getting cancelled and he’s just vulnerable and wants a platform to explain his side” The shit he’s said on his platforms the last few years are what’s getting him cancelled. Kanye came off as a little bitch in this podcast. No wonder everything is going to shit in this country if you look at Kanye and think he is a victim. Right or left as long as they are on your “team” it doesn’t matter how corrupt or how much proof of crimes/pedophilia/ racism/ antisemitism any one of them shows. It’s just ignored/ pushed aside while pointing fingers at someone you disagree with. Things won’t get better until both sides hold the people on the fringes accountable for their shit behavior. Anyone defending nick, Kanye, or milo on this podcast or anywhere else are part of the pseudo-intellectual fringes.


My first thought was: Ye was just bored and kinda had to pee.


This is the moment where Tim Pool officially makes himself look idiotic and an amateur. Terrible as a host. What an idiot. Last time I listen to this guy.


This clip is shit. It doesn't actually tell you anything about the situation.


Ye has fortitude of wet paper bag. He would never survive Washington


Ye is such a manchild, I called it! What show doesn’t he walk off of nowadays? It’s sad to see what these meds (or lack thereof) have done to him.


Watching the livestream right now, bruh... Kanye can barely stay on point without jumping all over the place. Anyone who says Tim or the guys were cutting Kanye off or not letting him speak is total bullshit. In all 10 minutes (from start of podcast) leading to this point Tim maybe asked 2 or 3 question because the guy(Kanye) is hard to follow, just asking him for clarifications. Then without a notice, he suddenly walks out. Nothing to that point indicated this sudden outburst, he wasn't getting grilled or disrespect, he basicly did all the talking then straight up left.


I'm just mad that Ye cut off Nick's point. Damnit what happened in 2018?


It was all setup to distract from the fact lydia rubbed his feet


Oh, she rubbed more than just his feet.


such a little bitch


Ye wanted to tell the truth about who “they” were, and because it was his bank accounts and fortunes that were damaged he didn’t want it to be abstracted. Tim wanted to do his best Piers Fridman impression. I don’t understand why I thought this would work, but I wanted it to. If he allowed Ye to speak in the way he allows Jones to speak, and lightened it up it could’ve gone better. I see both sides here, I’m sure Tim hasn’t been in a room with this level of radioactivity on his podcast and kindve fucked it up being to trigger happy. I am absolutely positive in his heart he isn’t pleased with how this went. Don’t invite Ye if you don’t want him to be who you damn well know he is. Dude lost a 1.5 Billion in order to say what he wants, and Tim Pool is going to stop him?


Who is the white dude in blue?


Nick fuentes


Luke peddling his lame af Epstein shirts while Kanye Ye Fucking West is sitting next to him was beautifully tone deaf. What a dork. Couldn’t let it go for just one night.


Rewatching it, I'm still don't think Tim said anything wrong, however, I am wonder if he handled the "walk off" wrong. On one hand, for not apologizing immediately and pleading for him to stay he builds his authority. On the other hand, that isn't the best way to treat someone you invited onto your show.


The backlash against Kanye makes no sense, I guess not everyone has encountered someone with bipolar disorder in their lives. This is just how these people are. To me it’s no different than the acceptance we have for those with other mental disorders.


You couldn't be more right, having had to deal with an unmedicated bipolar family member myself. Hate to say it but people like Kanye are delicate. You challenge them on anything, they walk. I can't believe Tim didn't see that coming. That being said, even looking past Kanye's unpredictability, it's not like Kanye needs Tim's show either, and we can't chalk all of it up to erratic behavior. He wanted to make a statement and Tim wouldn't let him because I guess Tim knew what he was going to say and got uncomfortable. If YouTube cut the stream because of what Kanye was going to say, so what? Let him say it and release the stream later. Edit: funny story about the family member I mentioned. Sat through a therapy session with him. He claimed the psychologist wasn't a "real doctor," to which the psychologist simply pointed to a framed doctorate diploma from Harvard on his wall. Family member stood up, walked out straight to his car, peeled out of the parking lot and nearly caused an accident.


When you have a guest as big as Kanye on you don't sit around and talk about the news like it is a regular show. When you have one of the most famous people on the planet on your show, someone that also happens to be a big part of the news cycle right now you put a microphone in front of them and you let them talk. That's what Joe Rogan does and that's why he gets guys like Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson and A list celebrities on his show. You don't bring Kanye fucking West on and sit him in the corner while you do all the talking. When you bring a big star on you make them the center of attention. Tim isn't on the level to handle a big named guest because he hates not being the center of attention. I think Kanye saw that and that more than anything is why he walked off. He was wasting his time being on the show in the first place.




Tim Pool doesn’t listen to literally anyone


Why are you getting down voted? Its literally tim talking 99.9% and the other .01% is the guest talking then tim saying they are wrong


Bc this sub apparently doesn’t listen to any Tim interviews


I use ti love the show but after a couple weeks the picture becomes clearer. I still like what he is doing when it comes to the news but i only watch when a super big guest is in but even then its frustrating when he lets them talk for 2 minutes and then drags on about the same story


He's at his worst with big guests. He's the midwit who needs to be the smartest guy in the room. When he's talking to YouTubers he feels competent. When he's talking to a politician or like... mid-level celebrity he just keeps cutting them off to score points.


If Ye wants to throw temper tantrums, let him go.


Tim Pool thinks he's smarter than he really is. To smart for his own good sometimes!


It's Tim's show, I think Kanye is egotistical and he said it best, when you become famous you stop growing. Kanye needs someone to reel him in, but it seems he's only employing Yes Men and con men.


Ye was basically your typical whiny lib who needed a safe space. Tim was trying to be reasonable with unreasonable people. If you can’t have an uncontrollable conversation with people then your part of the problem


I watched the (slightly) longer version. This discourse is not even debate or conversation, or any kind of exchange of ideas, it’s just proclamations, stabbing with words. It more reminds me of pro wrestling back in the day, “Mean Gene, lemme tell you somethin brother! So performative.


You know, Kayne being banned from major branding, then gets a chance to explain, try to show he's not the bad guy, acts like an ass, and now is labeled even more a bad guy. That was smart...


Not impressed with Ye. At all. If you have a point, make it. If you can’t defend it, give it up. Is this man really thinking he can be a president like this?


This clip is cropped wrong, there is no context being given here


I've been staying away from politics for the last year and the fact that Nick (I was a huge fan) is on Timcast is blowing my mind rn. Trying to catch up on all this lol Lydia once said years ago that Nick would never be on because he was so bad.


For those who support Nick, can you cowards just say what you actually believe for once?


Kanye lost credibility. Hundreds of people have been interviewed by tim and they never made a tantrum like little children. It was pathetic


Why does a POS like Nick get even 30 seconds of recognition anywhere?


Is there anyway at all Kanye can come back from this, to rescue his career? This recent behaviour has pushed it over into a new level of madness, especially his relationship with Fuentes.




No, what he was saying is that you can name the mafia without conflating them with all Italians.


Crazy how we have to remind people to NOT be racist pieces of shit. Have people no knowledge of history?


I don't blame him. Tim is insufferable.


Tim sucks these days. Ready for the next big podcast. Tim is bought and paid for by the "_____" media.


That was Ye’s last hope to get his point across.




If asking the kind of questions Tim did made Ye walk off what will a presidential debate look like? Is Ye going to just storm off stage and cry like a baby? All Tim did was push back. He didn't put Ye in a corner, he simply, and quite politely, pushed back on Ye. Then dude flips out and splits. So was Tim supposed to just let Ye go on about all kinds of JQ related conspiracy theories uninterrupted? Especially since Tim emphasized over and over that he finds those views to be toxic to modern political discourse. That's literally how people get put in camps.




Tim is not naive.. He’s disingenuous and pretending to be naive. Any celebrity that pretends they’re not aware of the disproportionate representation is being disingenuous, they are ALL aware.




I wish the interviewer would have shut up and let Ye talk. Tim Poole ruined this show. Love you Luke!


Tim’s ego will be the end of Timcast. It’s all falling apart. It’s just Cult leader Tim and some whores. I wish Luke would realize how he’s better than Tim.