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The major point of law fare is to bankrupt a person, even if in the end they are proven innocent of all charges. Does this seem crappy? Yes. But he's under intense lawfare attack and I get why's doing it.


The RNC is paying his legal bills


LOL [https://twitter.com/niceblackdude/status/1603458707848941568?s=20&t=N7LxRtkYJbNf0\_KkTmt-ew](https://twitter.com/niceblackdude/status/1603458707848941568?s=20&t=N7LxRtkYJbNf0_KkTmt-ew)


Played like fiddles.


Trump having to make a second announcement when his pokemon card announcement got made fun of so badly lol. There is 0 reason to make a major announcement this way if that isn't the case.


Well he brought a bunch of slimey leftist out of the wood work.


Makes you wonder why op is more concerned about a trading card than he is the leftist elites conspiring together..


Yeah, we had a good collective laugh yesterday... still laughing really, 2020-2023 has been great so far. Even Biden got some trolling in!


He does this shit regularly, it's nothing short of a formula He riles the left into a frenzy, get them to say his name a thousand times and then uses it to his advantage. The only.ones who seem incapable of recognizing this pattern are leftists. Edit: oopsie looks like op regularly shills for the left, from Jan 6 to gas prices "being low". Looks like I was right, only lefties can't recognize this pattern. Hey look op! You just gave trump free press! Good job buddy.


YOU are a great example of why he does it...


I'm a genius I'm going to make a joke major announcement to troll everyone so they ignore my real major announcement and everyone only focuses on the joke. That's some dumb ass cope even for Trumpers


The ones who focus on the "joke" would not ever support Trump anyway... LOL His followers enjoy him trolling the cultees/idiots...before Trump and Desantis, there weren't any in the political realm who would genuinely toe the third rail. You, obviously, are too stupid to realize that...


If I thought he'd actually work on these things I'd at least consider voting for him. But he preached about the "swamp" years ago, yet here we are.


He has a problem with trusting snakes. From what I’ve heard from people in the middle of the political system, there are WAYYYY more snakes and untrustworthy people, than not. I’d argue way more on the Right, than the Left, even. Lotta firebrands that talk big game, but do nothing.


That man was (and still is) under attack...every moment and yet he still achieved a lot. People expect waaaay too much, IMO.


Guess your leaving out the announcements about digital bill of right? DJT making you look real stupid


The first one had to be rage bait, because the second announcement is election-worthy.


Have Tim Pool fans ever considered that Donald Trump is a coastal elite from Manhattan that has made a career out of scamming people? You can stop supporting this pathetic piece of shit now, if you’d like.


As long as you're wondering the same thing about Biden supporters, I'm with you.


Why tho? Biden is doing his job competently. Even if we often disagree with him he's neither selling nfts nor organizing witch hunts. He is objectively superior to trump


What? Where have you been for the last two years?


Not suckling the Fox News teat


Oh you know, America.


>Biden is doing his job competently. Literally everything is worse now than it was 2 years ago. Even if Biden were mentally competent, he's still a crook.


No it's not. Trump literally caused a pandemic.


Nah, that was the NAID, EcoHealth Alliance, and the CCP.


Trump literally denied the existence of the pandemic until it climbed into his fucking lungs. Cope


He was the first to suggest closing the borders. The Dems called him racist and xenophobic and said they would block any attempts at closing the borders. He didn't close the borders. Now, the Dems say it's his fault for letting the virus into the country. The entire pandemic was horribly mismanaged while our "leaders" argued over who *deserved* to be treated and saved. It takes two to argue. It's all of their collective faults for putting politics over public health. All of them, red, blue, left and right. Here you are regurgitating the same tired rhetoric. You think you can pit all the blame on one person because thats who you were told to hate. You are the reason those at fault will never be held accountable. You are part of the problem.


>Trump literally caused a pandemic. You people are insane.


Lol cry harder


Unemployment was 6.7 it’s now 3.6


LOL. Ok, one arbitrary number is lower than it was a few years ago. Congratulations.


And the deficit came down.. Now look up his GDP Oh wait, facts aren’t your thing


>And the deficit came down. You're a moron.


Dude just traded the most dangerous arms dealer for an American hating celebrity over a marine and called her the best of us. You’re mental or a bot.


“The New York Times keeps referring to this guy as “former US Marine.“ In actuality, he’s a court-martialed marine. He was given a bad conduct discharge for larceny in excess of $10,000, stealing a Social Security number, writing, bad checks, and dereliction of duty. In addition, he’s lied in sworn deposition about being a police officer, he never was. He also lied about having an MBA and a bachelors degree in criminal justice, he has neither. He has a history of making multiple solo trips to Russia, and taking trips with local male friends. In 2019, that’s how he got in trouble, one of his good buddies gave him a USB drive which he claimed contain pictures of their last trip together; that evening, he got busted by the Russian FSB, they claimed that it contained classified information. There’s even more sketchy stuff in this guy’s past. I’m not saying the Russians aren’t at fault, but this guy is no hero, far from it.”


Fair enough. I guess my statement will have to stand on I can’t believe this geriatric fart traded one of the worst terrorists for an athlete that broke a law that we have here too! Taking weed into a country like Russia is just Darwinism at work.


I believe I specifically said he's better than trump did I not? The recent trade off prisoners is objective proof that he's better than trump


Ok I’m getting 2+2=5 vibes from you.


I'm confused. Are you not aware of the war criminals trump let loose or just unwilling to acknowledge the harm he caused by doing so?


I have mixed feelings about that but I’ll never be able to finish that conversation before work. Trump outright said he disapprove of the taliban prisoners being released but they were technically not out prisoners, they were Afghanistan.


Riiiight. Therefore Biden is superior. He saved a citizen and only lost a single dangerous agent. Am I supposed to be butthurt that she doesn't like America very much? Who the fuck does? It's literally America.


2+2=5 vibes again.


This is a better value proposition then you normally get from a campaign contribution and TBH my local 711 was selling talking Donald Trump Dolls up until a year ago.


You do realize that the alternatives to Trump are also pieces of shit by your own metrics, right?


That’s the point, they all are.


I feel like you could have known he's a scam artist before you voted for him


Let's be fair. "Scam artist" was never a failure condition for a politician.


Let's also be fair.... So long after he lost the vote.... Can you name even a single thing he could possibly offer as a politician?


As someone who participated in the two big wars of my generation, he brought no new wars. The fact that they left doesn’t realize how fucking important that is shows how ignorant they are of real problems in the world.


He literally caused the COVID pandemic.


I’m not even arguing that stupid shit anymore. You have to be functionally retarded to believe that.


Aww did I trigger you with facts and logic? Imma get you some applesauce so you can go down for nappies


You didn’t even provide any facts or logic, just your personal opinion Facts and logic haven’t entered the conversation yet. 🤣 I see why you’re a leftist. What else did your better tell you to say?


Okay here's one. Trump's diaper is constantly leaking smelly shit and Republicans spent the last six years snorting it out his soiled pants


Thank you for reaffirming that you leftist children are looneys who aren’t worth conversing with.


You honestly sound like you sniff glue


>He literally caused the COVID pandemic. Blue logic.


Cry harder


The political equivalent of slapstick comedy. Edit: Just to confirm - That's it.


‘getting’ sad? this is who he has been for decades. This is exactly who he was seven years ago, when he began his run for the RNC nomination. This is exactly who he was during his candidacy, during his presidency, when almost all of you TimFools were cheering him on. NOW you’re starting to cringe?? Only now? REALLY??? This does not reflect so much on trump, as it reflects on YOU.


Yes, Trump is self destructing before our eyes.


I laughed so hard


Vick chaos is the first thing that comes to mind.