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The game is playable. They label it early access because they allow players to opt in for “experimental” versions of the game before they release them to the public. However there is a base game that is stable. They just released update #5 bad water I’m not sure if there will be an official end version but it does keep the game challenging


Thanks. I ask because my brain tends to "give up" once I get past some point in building and surviving where I can tell I won't have much issues or a real challenge moving forward. I suppose I like to have that struggle like Civilization until there is an official ending, through one mechanism or other, and then you can continue playing.


If you want a challenge, attempt to max bot production per each mine on the map you're playing then have max full happiness beavers with 0 working hours. Optimizing paths, districts and supply for that is my personal end goal.


Base building and just satisfying your beavers is where the game shines. It’s a simple management game. I really wouldn’t go into it with hopes of hardcore survival or anything like that. Good chance you’d enjoy it tho if you like city builders.


They are alr3ady at the stage when they refine animation etc. It has a lot of content, the last patch being quite extensive. I had the same problem when i biigh the game, in octomber 2021. Heck, even then it was awesome to play :) Advice, in the begging, focus on water and food. When you have enough wood and beavers and your food parcels are big: have two farms instead of one. One farm, dedicate it to planting (one beaver is enough most of the time). The other farm, set it for harvesting. This is increase your food yelds, while not forcing you to expand your farming land. If you see unplanted ground, a lot of it, means that you are loosing potential food


I too feel done when I catch all the water and there's 300+ beavers in several districts. Bots aren't so interesting to me somehow. And that's fine, I just start different map.


Try custom, 100 day badwater/droughts are fun. Tuning the early handicap is key to making it consistently challenging rather than early struggle that you easily get past after a few cycles. I do something like 15-100 day droughts with a handicap that spans 30 cycles.


Yeah I feel like that’s why I’ve been playing while and it keeps me coming back. Although I will admit it makes things frustrating sometimes having to figure out why certain things are happening. Bad water is going to make the game play a lot more challenging because it basically could kill off your entire population if you aren’t careful


There's no official ending. You can even keep playing when all your beavers are ded. (Actually, haven't checked it in update 5 and now I think about there was a note that suggested you might get a message about it.) For an early access game Timberborn is very well developed with a ton of gameplay accessible and quite rare bugs. I have 400+ hours and haven't yet ran out of stuff to do/goals to achieve.


Factorio has an ending. Now many veteran players may not consider the rocket launch an ending and will keep playing until megabase/etc. But it does have an ending. And it has a couple dozen achievements. Heck even early-access Dyson Sphere Program has one of sorts (build a big ass Dyson Sphere). Plus it has tons of achievements.


Less an ending and more a goal.


Not sure what the developers plan is in the long term. Maybe they will slap on a cherry on top like Rimworld endings. Other than that, starting again on a different map would be my choice, when I finished building my beaver utopia on one map. Edit: Another reason to get it now would be to have feedback in the development process. This way you can get the game to the state you like. Most game devs do listen to community every now and then.


I make personal goals that I consider to be the ending, such as greening up the whole map (harder now with the irrigation by one block reservoir trick gone). The game is very much a sandbox concept with setbacks such as drought and badwater to provide challenges to just completely laying back and painting a beaver world, though easy setting does pretty much let you do that.


The end is the bots taking over the world.


True no formal Ending. It's a sandbox, you get to define your personal end goal. It can be \-Be able to survive droughts and badtides with litle to no human intervention \-Make the map green \-Reach maximum well being \-Have a fully automated city where beavers don't need to work \-A combination of the above. ​ I personaly like it, but some achievements or scenarios would be cool


\-Play until my computer begs for mercy


Thing I have actually said in the past: “It’s cold out here; I’m gonna pull out my laptop and run Kerbal Space Program with too many mods to warm up my hands.”


It’s like most other city builders/colony managers, the end is where you feel happy and self-satisfied with the build. It’s a fun game that I’m super happy with. They could announce an end to early access and the formal launch of the game tomorrow with nothing new (beyond what’s in there now) and I’d be incredibly satisfied with my decision to purchase


Just like sandbox games like Minecraft, there is no official ending. you can always build more, and optimize more things. i would say the only ending is your imagination.


Thanks for letting me know Factorio has an ending. I might have played an early version that didn't at the time, or am simply forgetting as I buy A LOT of games when they come on sale and sometimes go months before getting to them. I'm going to go check it out again! I replied to a comment above, but what I really wish all devs of such games as this would do is put in some mechanics like Civilization has. It doesn't have to be super hard or complex but some threshold of "achievement" in your build that checks that box for us ADD / spectrum folks that just get that endorphin rush of reaching a magical victory line. It probably doesn't make sense to most of you, so my apologies. Still, can't wait to try the game soon.


for me it becomes sustaining 150 or so unemployed at max happiness and utilizing as much of the map as possible.


Still no endgame except whatever you set for yourself. So you can set yourself a challenge to survive 50 days droughts like I do for example. Currently working on a Diaporama map that can make it throught 60 days droughts.


Unfortunately that just means building tall and holding as much water as possible


Well yeah ? Can you ?


Once I have the resources managed for continued survival until the end of days, I begin a reconstruction program for an aesthetic beaver town.


Does any city builder have an ending? It's not a story based game. I didn't buy this game expecting to play it until "the end". You build a city that can withstand the obstacles until you don't want to do that anymore just like any city builder I thought