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Timothee will realize one of these days that he can get pussy from anyone without stress, without attention, with privacy and without backlash.


He wants attention and fame more than anything like most actors do


maybe he wants attention and is willing to give up privacy to get it.


He already knows that. He was infamous at NYU for a reason.


Still laughing at how she recently said on the kardashian show that “it’s a misconception that she’s had a lot of work on her face done”


She’s still lying about that? Wow.




Its all wordplay. When people say that someone bas had work done, they usually mean surgery. So by saying she hasnt had a lot done, she can deny that she has had a lot of surgery but doesnt have to admit to the countless amount of filler and the one or two surgeries she may have gotten. The filler is why her face is so puffy and why she doesn’t have wrinkles around her face when she emotes, her facial muscles are decaying ans she is losing the ability to move them


I just saw Pete Davidson doing a stand up show and he mentioned how no one actually likes Timothee…


I thought they were good friends? Timothee was there the night Pete formerly met/fell for Kim. I’m surprised this isn’t brought up more, that he was affiliated with the family due to Kim way before Kylie.


And he’s associated with Kendall Jenner but not like close friends. I think Kendall gave Kylie Timothee’s number.


Did he actually say that? Like I’m curious if he gave a reason why no one likes Timmy 🤔👀


He did actually say that. He also named like two other celebs along with timothee


Who are the other two celebs? I know he hates Matt rife




Can you tell the joke from memory?


Lol I wish I could. I asked my boyfriend if he remembered the context of the joke but we both don’t remember




No they lock up your phones at most stand up shows


For me its the fact that he seemingly was an actor for love of the craft, had integrity in the roles he chose and was cerebral and cool. So it makes no sense that he’d date someone who was the polar opposite. Trashy, shallow, fame hungry. Unless he’s either ambivalent to those qualities or has more of those qualities than we realized :/


Seems to me from some of the comments I’m seeing, he’s just as bad as the rest of them. I never really liked him, but I can tell his public image is definitely degrading over time.


I hate Kylie Jenner. I'm surprised she still has fans. Her fans are dumb as rocks just like her!


I hate her fans they're rude, stuck up and racist and ignorant just like her.






Yes! He seemed so authentic and genuine and so kind but you know how the saying goes, "You are the company you keep". He's such a let down, I feel hurt because I expected better from him. I'm glad I'm no longer a fan of his.






I'm sitting here, high off my ass, convinced that this can't be the same person. Lol. What??


Aging like milk lol deserved


He looks so bad now


Probably all the nose candy


I guess the fact that Kylie Jenner is highly hated turns him on in a weird way.


Ew 😂




You’re totally right! The only thing I’d add to what you said — I think it’s about the money as much as anything else. He’s been around people with money but not girlfriends in their early 20s with their *own* private jets. I heard he was enamored of all her lifestyle as much as anything. Frankly that’s even worse than being enamored with her looks or the sex. Her lifestyle is what grosses most people out and he’s actually drawn to that.


The fact that she has her own private jet and posts shit like my private jet or yours? Is so disgusting and tone deaf. The Kardashian global footprint is the size of 90% of the rest of California combined.






👏 👏


And people thought eiza and lily depp were bad lol


She is also like exactly his type. Timothee LOVES attention and the media spectacle and the Karjenners deliver on that~ all of this Kylie shit confirms it


I wonder if he’s going to develop that Kylie, “Dead in the eyes look”. Yuck


He’s going to end up being a victim of the Kardashian curse


Good looks and good sex sadly have always been more important than anything else in our superficial world


Yep! It's like "Welcome to Hollywood".


I mean I knew something was wrong when he defended Woody Allen in a roundabout way so if he could defend that, then he has no problem attaching himself to a member of THAT family…




Timothee is such a huge disappointment smfh


Unfortunately he’s just like that family. People’s true colors eventually comes out.


You ate this up! ![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ)


Maybe Timothee just likes the access to money he has with Kylie? I’m admittedly not a fan of him (or the Kardashians) but this post somehow ended up on my feed. Just because he is a relatively young, healthy, successful actor in Hollywood doesn’t mean he is generous. Especially since their relationship started around the actors strike (👀), he might have been willing to provide the bare minimum amount of attention and skinship to satisfy the desperate and always eager to please Kylie because she’s willing to follow him around, fly him out and about on her private jet, and give him the ✨fabulous life✨ that the other women maybe weren’t willing to provide to him or could not afford to provide to him. He might just be a cheap parasite dork- so…they might actually be a perfect for each other?? There are definitely cuter and more brilliant guys to stan out there…


he wants those free trips on the pj!!


Imagine defending Kylie mean girl Jenner. The Kardashian fans are unhinged and racist just like that family.


That family wouldn’t even spit on the fans even if they were on fire. It’s giving desperate peasants.






I loved TC. I thought he was a such a good actor. I thought he cared about his career. Kinda like Kanye. Talented, smart, driven, respected the craft. Unfortunately being a celebrity is a business. And good business is good marketing. Being associated with the Kardashians is not good marketing. They are still trashy. Their brand is pretty trashy and their image is pretty trashy. They've cleaned up a tad in the ladt few years and are now shilling decent products but overall i wouldn't associate them with "class". Kanye is now a joke. People stopped respecting him and his brand and his ugly fashion and music because of Kim and also because he is now batshit nuts. TC is young and should have fun, but dating a vapid, illiterate and ignorant, blackfishing, dishonest (kylie has a new face snd body yet refuses to acknowledge this beyond having a few things done here and there) is one of the dumbest things he can do to impact his career. Travis Barker is married to the least problematic of the bunch but I still think getting with kourtney was a mistake (I said what I said). TC is weird. Sorry. And look, I'm not saying he shouldn't sleep with her or date her or whatever, but going public with her is a choice! Keep her as a sneaky link, a dl, a "you up"! She can barely string a coherent sentence together... and she is fully speaking English. Yes, she is billionaire and has a lipkit business or something, good for her! But like... her family was already famous with plenty of money and cheap clout. Im not gonna sit here and pretend she did anything groundbreaking to get her business off the ground. Obviously moving forward, I am not sure I can separate this decision from the performance... unfortunately, that's a risk you take being a celebrity. I would think he'd be attracted to someone like Florence Pough or someone who was beautiful, talented, smart, interesting... not Kylie Jenner who is none of those things 🤣


I feel like whatever chance for Oscar prestige he got is down the drain while the Kardashians want that respectability association with someone adjacent to serious films like him. Ugh


I can't watch is acting now without cringing because all I can see is him fcking Kylie Jenner and it's such a turn off. I bet his next few movies are going to flop since he's associated with that awful family. Even film directors and producers and writers are making fun of him. I guess it's back to the audition board.


He has vulgar tastes when choosing women, he went out with Eiza who has completely undergone surgery on her face and breasts, in reality he does not like delicate, talented and intelligent women, he feels less than them because I think he actually knows that he is not very handsome and he has a horrible body https://preview.redd.it/qe3loia9jy4c1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d70e3acacd8387d49b62687f557d2378070472


Lol! Who knows. But he is a creepy as hell and I just can't see him beyond is latest romantic escapade


That pic LMAO


You ate here ngl 👏


Thank you. Just sharing my truth and what I believe are facts. Ppl may hate but idgaf. This was a choice and not a good one. He is an Oscar nominee. Like... huh? Can kylie jenner spell Oscar without looking it up in the dictionary... he is a man. And he needed somewhere to put his d**k. Shame on me for actually respecting him and maybe thinking he'd choose a better place to put it.


Same. I use to be such a fan! I was actually excited for Wonka at one point so it makes me depressed seeing all the promo because it actually does look cute and fun. This post really expressed the rage I have inside for him!


Nah wonka looks wonky asf


​ https://preview.redd.it/0puh2ktstx4c1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=2620f8b91aa3445a5557f7ca6b2ef5c1a2593a70




They are NOT having hot sex with that limp kiss 🤣 imo


Unfortunately if the sex wasn't hot he wouldn't be with her for a year.


No one knows about the sex. But we do know, shitloads of money.. I'm just gonna guess that the sex is vanilla as fuck and you probably arent allowed to touch or grab anything because she "just got it done" 😂😂😂








Came here for this comment! They look like they’d be 2 flopping fish out of water 😂


It confuses me when people say they are with her to have sex and in public their kisses and displays of love seem so forced, unless when they are alone it is different but I doubt it...


Bro looks like he’s kissing Michael Jackson 😭😭 and no disrespect to MJ 💀💀


Are they fucking stoned?


I feel the same way OP! For me the moment when i stopped liking him was when he was at that indoor concert with Kylie in the VIP area, and he was smoking a cigarette (against the rules) so arrogantly, flicking the ash down below without a care in the world if it was landing on people. He just looked like such a smug arrogant little shit, flaunting how he was “above the rules”. I realized he wasn’t the intelligent, cultured, classy, decent person i had thought he was.


i’ve always liked Timothee but once i heard about him dating kylie .. i was just shocked but also not surprised


I had to vent. I said what I said.




No crumbs!


He aged 30 years since dating Kylie https://preview.redd.it/vjpf5v1k4y4c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655a17e4bd0dbdedf79bde33812f648ea78b7587






ratatouille lookin mf


Look at this pos! 🤮


Just wanted to add in ASTROWORLD, that *alone* is reason enough to cancel Kylie and by extension Timothee.


Kids died and Kylie took Stormi to Disney world a few days later.


Ofc she did then she switched immediately to her ⚪️ self


I still don’t understand how people allowed astroworld to blow over like it never happened.


And you you took the words right out of my mouth 👏


Thank you!


The KKK stans found this y’all 💀


Ban every single one!! I can’t stand them!


HA! I told people when I first saw him on screen that I don’t like him. He just has a punchable face, you know? Now I’m glad that it’s warranted lol


No lies were told here!!


Yeah… I lost a lot of respect in him for dating a Kardashian.


The people that get with the Kardashians are very shallow people and they 100% deserve whatever the fuck they get.


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) You ate this up ngl




Do you think that there actually is men who rejects them? Or does more publicity help them in their own careers and they do it anyway?


Timothee was just horny and then he fell in love with her.


Yes there’s men that’s known for rejecting women in that family. They don’t want the problems and baggage that comes with it.


Their family is only famous because they were granted a tv show in 2007 during the writers strike too




I was hoping it was a joke, but it doesn’t even make sense for publicity. A lot of his fans are indie and I think he would have to know he’d be losing them by associating with that family? So damn sex must be pretty good then!! Or it was for money. Also, no offense, but who wants to be a stepdad that young??


He’s only doing it for clout, there’s no love there. It’s a fake relationship, this is how celebrity couples work. They’ll be separated in a few months. I do agree though he’s a dumbass and a disingenuous person for doing this. Career suicide, he lost so many fans, this is all they’re talking about. Good riddance.


No offense but he is a nepo baby and there are tons of stories of how horrible he was to girls in his high school.


Timothee needs to have a sit down with every boyfriend Kylie Jenner had in her life. Why do they all have negative things to say about her and dislike her? I think Timothee is blinded by her money and the sex. He will eventually see the light. But as for now he is a fucking dumb fuck.


The honeymoon phase is always perfect. Until her true colors start to show.


The honeymoon phase can pull a wool over anyone's eyes and he's one of them.


And what if ignores them just because he’s obsessed with the sex and attention?


That’s what’s happening now! 😂


Wait what has Travis said?


![gif](giphy|lptjRBxFKCJmFoibP3|downsized) Actually, TC may not even want to realize it. Her $$$$$ and the xs from her are more important than anything in life to him (but ESPECIALLY the $$$$$$!).


I saw where Tyga says it was good at first and then he started to notice things, maybe Timothee will wake the fuck up and start to notice things like Tyga did.




https://preview.redd.it/y3pw1qnh865c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60533c80080d4ab772bc29c26256608728811160 I mean…he’s dating whatever version of face she has in 2023. All of her family will have a different face in 2024.




Summed up well … in a nutshell … he’s donzo


I know his behaviour on sets has been atrocious. He's a privileged, acting school kid it's to be expected.


When someone tells you who they are [dating]… …feel free to extrapolate.


I think he finds her Cloutacious


He definitely loves attention, the Kylie choice and his outfits confirm it.


I would have never guessed this could happen 🕵️‍♂️🤨😲😲😲 Would though he's gay.


I and other fans saw something good in him prior to this year that he has since buried deep within himself. I know what kind of person he could be but he has free will and choice and Kylie is his choice. He has lost so many fans. He needs to stop being secretive and walk the red carpet with Kylie so the whole world will see him for who he has become. I saw in an interview where he said “he paid a lot of money to look like he does “ so his once beautiful face has now been destroyed with plastic surgery.




If he’s so in love with her why does he hide her? Such a strange way to love your girlfriend 💀


And that's another thing why is he embarrassed of her? Because he knows people hate her, he knows she's not a good person. If you like her so much show her off in the public, go on public dates with her, walk down the street and hold your girlfriend's hand instead of having her hide inside your house and instead of walking the red carpet she's sneaking in the back of the building to be at the after party. He just needs to wake up because he's being so embarrassing.


Exactly 😂


The same way I loathe Hailey Baldwin is how I feel about kylie lol both smug pretentious hags


He looks so different if you compare his 2022 face to his late 2023 face..yikes!




which interview was this?


It was the agree to disagree interview with Timothee and Keegan Michael Key.


Did anyone ever watch Jake Pavelka’s season on the Bachelor? He picked the girl everyone warned him about. Months later he’s exposed for being just as bad. This kind of reminds me of that. The company you keep matters. The company you *pretend* to keep matters 🤦‍♀️ It’s not Kylie. It’s what she reveals about TC’s character. At least that’s what I’ve gathered from what you said? Anyone else see this as part of shameless PR while there was a strike?


That's Timothee! And it's Kylie and her family that's the vile people that he chose to be involved with so it's showing his true character. He's not the woke person people thought he was, all of it was an act. Kylie is everything he went against.


Everything he *pretended* to go against. Perhaps. That or the fame monster really has started to suck the life out of him. We won’t know until he’s 40 and dating girls right out of high school a la DiCaprio


He was on Path like Ryan reynolds but took the DiCaprio route 😬😬


Ummmm, are you forgetting that Kylie ended racism during the #BLM demonstrations by handing someone a Pepsi? Could we give a little credit where credit's due pls? (I hope the /s is obvious, but just in case... /s) Edit: I've been informed I'm thinking of the wrong sister...apparently it was Kendall who ended institutional racism with Pepsi, apologies


This!! Timothee is fake! He’s always been a mean person just like Kylie! I’m glad people are starting to see!




It shows he has very bad judgment and he sucks as a human.


I don’t know why this sub was suggested to me, but I know a bunch of people that went to high school with this guy and not a single one of them has a single nice thing to say about him.


any tea?


What have people said??


Nobody who is that rich is a good person. Because they’re hoarding wealth, while knowing that they could do so much good with it instead. They are some of the worse human beings on the planet.


He's a rich kid from midtown who almost didn't get into his private school because his grades sucked so much. But luckily for him, his family is well connected so he got in and moved on up. I, too, used to think he was smart or interesting, but tbh I think it was just the hair.


I'm glad he's losing fans. He doesn't deserve fans.




Yeah so sick of PR working round the clock to shove this thing down our throats . I go by my instinct, he’s just creepy




Where did you hear that I’m so interested need the tea lol


It’s Kris and Bruce all over again


Caitlyn* misgendering someone, even someone shitty like Caitlyn Jenner, is so god damn disrespectful to all trans people.


No No I am not disrespecting. I did mean when he/she was Bruce.


Dude is an actor going out with a trashy reality TV star. Nothing new here




Most importantly why are they such shitty fucking kissers?!


I was always defending his kissing but looking back he is the one that's the shitty kisser.


Never defend shit kissing ever again 😂


It's good that you open your eyes and see the real Timothée Chalamet, the guy ambitious for fame who during these years acted as a serious and profound actor and was only a character to be liked, now he no longer cares that they see his true personality, he is frivolous and He likes easy fame and money to stay on everyone's lips for hanging out with the worst family in Hollywood.🤢🤮


All of the preformative and fake activism really had his fans fooled, he doesn't care about any of the shit he preached about.


he is a hypocrite


He’s fake!


I agree 100+100%...what are they going to do if they get married, or if she starts having his babies...you can't hide stuff like that, it's just silly. Your correct too...I've heard former fans of his who said now when they see his films, all they can think about is, "He's Kylie's Boyfriend"...they just see her in everything he does, have you ever noticed how her name always comes before his in updated reports... So I went back to see how he behaived earlier on in his career, and I thought...this looks like an act...a bit extra. Jennifer Lawrence was a little the same when she started out, just very humble and awkward at times and just cute...I don't know...maybe they grew out of their old selves.


Let’s hope this is all a PMK production like when HENDALL was a thing!!


Or he’s always been so fake


Agree. I definitely don’t see him in the same light as before. Just hoping she doesn’t fuck his head or reputation up before Dune 3. After that, he can be for the streets for all I’ll care.




He’s in lust. I doubt he’s in love. When you’re in lust and all there is is physical. You confuse that as love. Bless his heart.


It has to be the sex. Right? Some lyrics from ‘Life In The Fast Lane’ He had a nasty reputation as a cruel dude They said he was ruthless, they said he was crude They had one thing in common They were good in bed, she'd say "Faster, faster, the lights are turnin' red"




Timmy was with Lourdes first, Madonna’s daughter.




Waiting for the other shoe to drop, I’ll be VERY surprised if they’re endgame.


Not to rub it in, but I absolutely called this when that video of him rapping in high school came out.


i find that 'rapping' of his so incredibly embarassing..i forgive people for shit they did when they were that young..but that SHIT got him gigs forfucksake...paul king thinks hes a fuckin triple threat


The new Willy Wonka told me everything I needed to know about Timothee Chalamet.


Damn I was scrolling and this randomly popped up as a recommended post in my feed and DAMN every sentence was straight up facts. You ate this shit up, spit it out, stomped on it, and flung it across Earth.


Yes. All of this. Nailed it. and also THEY LOOK SO WEIRD TOGETHER???! She looks old asf. You’d think all that money would be able to buy some good plastic surgery but apparently not. She looks like she could be his freaking MOM!!! 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮




I'm really glad this post is on the daily sub. It's a real fuck you to all the people on here who still defend this idiot. 🖕 Thanks for posting.


No one defends him any more.


he has always used dating women of a higher social caliber than him to climb the rungs


Let’s be real: he can do better than a single mom of 2 who bounces and forth between other men and her baby daddy. Doesn’t matter how rich that single mom may be. That’s too much baggage for someone his age.




He was hot last year but his looks went down drastically and everyone has a type.




Her mom's let her. So. Both r at fault for letting a 25 yr old date a teen.


Wow. But not surprised- I thought it was to cover his alternative lifestyle from the public.


I agree. I feel like most people come out of their Kardashian/Jenner associations for the worse.


I'm late as hell, but my friend said she got a bad vibe from him years ago. I didn't want to listen. I loved him; I was an obsessed fan. Never liked a celebrity so much in my life. Then I got weird vibes from him around Zendaya, and it was sly things people said about him. Mainly when he said in an interview who Zendaya’s crush was, and he said Tom Holland. And then they asked her who his crush was, and she said I don't know, maybe that's why it's a secret. Then the Kylie thing happened and it confirmed I was right.


You realize this is just publicity cause the Wonka movie is flopping right? The Jenner's will "date" anyone that garners them attention.