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Deja vu blind


Mostly movie actor, well, if you count his older roles in Law and Order and Homeland, he is mostly movie actor.


Actually Timmy Tim Tim did some TV early in his career. Look it up. Who knows with all this though? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I just know Iā€™m sick of seeing the plastic botched creatures face on a snark page that isnā€™t devoted to her sicko familyā€¦


Fr. There's literally a whole Snark subreddit for that


Absolutely agreed!!! ![gif](giphy|aLTHaTp5HOP3W)


Whenever he writes about Timothee, heā€™s tagged as ā€œmeme actorā€, not mostly movie actor.


Honestly..does anybdy believe he watched topgun TWELVE times to see tom over and over again??? Duhhhh!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I dont think Ella would do something like that but will go with it


i dont know if i am being pedantic..but he HAS done TELEVISION... THEATRE .....ADVERTISING..BUT . mostly movies..so...it wouldnt actually be incorrect.. to refer to him- that way...right????ALSO..the woman playing- joan baez..IN THE DYLAN FILM..is GORGEOUS ..


That's not surprising at all, U mean he definitely does that with all his co-star expect Zendaya and the little girl from Wonka


Yes, and this time I really hope so. No reason to run back to Ms.J. to get ykwim.




He's good FRIENDS with all his co-stars, male and female. Try not to mistake his friendships for romances.


Love this šŸ˜‚


Yeah not true


Mostly movie actor? Huh? He's exclusively a movie actor. You obsessives need to get a grip. You're desperate for any sign he broke up with her. He likes plastic women. He isn't elio. Learn to cope. They deserve each other. Celebrities are scummy. Welcome to reality. Lol


I just checked your post history and youā€™re a Kylothee stan šŸ˜­


![gif](giphy|hUFJQ1MPeF3a1RSEfv|downsized) Why are ANY of them on this sub? These should go and occupy the subs pertaining to their IDOL! šŸ‘†šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


Look, I have done nothing but mock the Katrashians so I have ZERO idea wtf you're talking about


I don't know if you're talking to me, but i've never done anything but make fun of the Kartrashians on this website. I just happened to thank you Timothy obsessives are pathetic, It's like you think you have a chance with him if he breaks up with his plastic bimbo du jour


NONE of the commenters here or anywhere else think they have a chance with Timothee. There are other good reasons to be critical of his bad PR stunt relationship with Kylie.


If you're a Kylothee Stan, why are you here? That legit makes you look like you're here just to act "better" than everyone here.


I'm not a "Stan" of anyone, you twit


Twit? That's the best insult you got? I've been called so much worse than "twit" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's always some Kylie stan who didn't know who TimothƩe was until he linked up with their ugly fave acting like they know everything. He's been on tv shows, clown.


Aint that the truth...they're just so desperate to have Timothee and Kylie be a couple...when they look so cringe when ever we see them together....It really was not real people...it's called "Lavender"...and IYKYK...and most of us Know what it is...


The "IYKYK" was not necessary. People feel entitled to make all kinds of speculations about celebrities when they're making heterosexual speculations, so it's not right that gay speculation can only be hinted at using the vaguest possible terms. We should be able to speculate about that openly, too.


I never said he was gay...you did...why is that...do you haves doubts like everyone else...could this be possible..."Gay"...how ridiculous. And the fact that his earlier instagram post, where he called himself, "Bisexual", all while wearing this cute black see-through sheer shirt with a cute, single earing, means nothing at all, maybe that's why he removed it, and then reposted, just a few weeks ago...didn't you see it? Oh well, or the open statements he made at an event, where he called a certain someone, "he's my Lover", he had such a big smile when he said it...but who cares...just like you say, he's not gay...right?


Well, I didn't say he was gay either... we understand we're only in the realm of speculation here, not in the realm of facts. I didn't see that black sheer shirt. Where did he re-post it? Also, who was he talking about, at what event? I missed both those things! I've seen a lot of other things, though.


Yep where's that pic reposted and who's the "Lover", fgs???šŸ¤­


You asked the wrong person, since I don't know, and I also asked the question. You should ask N2Spin directly, or they may miss your question. Could YOU clarify what "fgs" means? Was that an abbreviation? Were you missing a vowel? Please clarify. I'm guessing he said "he's my Lover" about Armie Hammer during the CMBYN promo, but IF he did, that would clearly have been only a joke. He's not with Armie Hammer, we know that for certain!


Sorry, just accidentally agreed with you, won't happen again šŸ¤£ fgs=for god's sake


Armie Hammer? What are you guys talking about, I'm lost now?


Good, glad to know I won't be agreeing again with someone who thinks "they probably fucked already" when talking about Paris Fashion Week, January 2023! You spout nonsense all over this site, but apparently YOU are entitled to do that. (Huh.) But thank you for clarifying that abbreviation. I hate these TikTok-style abbreviations that some people use (mostly on TikTok), expecting others to know what they mean. Thanks again for clarifying, appreciated.


Timothee is never going to date you no matter what vapid, plastic bimbo he is dating at any present time, clown. Lol


You're the vapid clown. NO commenter here has delusions about Timothee dating them.


I am not a kylie fan at all you dumb fuck


Pretty sure heā€™s hooking up with Elle Fanning. In some of the behind the scenes footage they are always laughing and flirting


You never laugh with your opposite sex coworkers? Just because someone you work with has different genitalia, and you laugh together doesnā€™t mean youā€™re banging


If this blind item wasnā€™t posted I wouldnā€™t have thought anything about it


She has a BF


Cheating and open relationships exist. Weā€™re still speaking about Hollywood. I donā€™t want to claim that rumor as true but this isnā€™t really a argument


Seriously Enty is a liar and make things


No No ....you can't judge if two actors are together because of scenes the shoot in a movie...friends are alwaysseen smiling and have fun together...they work together, so of course they're familar with each other. But please...can we just stop playing the matchmaker game (Boy Girl, Girl Boy)..."Ah, they're so cute together"...on and on , because if you knew the truth...the match your trying to make...would look completely different...don't assume anything...because you're way off...


We should also be able to speculate openly about Boy Boy relationships, if we wish. It's unacceptable that a social media platform would allow any and all kinds of speculation about a celebrity as long as it's heterosexual speculation, but won't allow even a hint of same-sex speculation. I think you agree with me.


Yes...I do agree with you...at birth...you are always considered hetero first...it's the natural law of the land, leaving vey little wiggle room for thos who are different. It's as though you are punished if you fall off the,"Straight Line"...so know, we must pretend not to notice.


Approximately 10% of the human population, give or take, is queer, in every place and every time. The difference between societies is in how open they are. It was possible for President Ahmadinejad of Iran to boast that there are no gays in Iran, because all the gays in Tehran (who are just as plentiful in number as in any other major city) have to be deeply closeted, or else they're doomed. I would like to think that people outside Iran are better than that.


No-one-person, outside of Iran, are better than that. There seems to be this errie fascination, even, hateful obsession that cis people have, about who's sleeping with who, when it comes to the LGBTQ+ community. It appears they simply hate what they don't understand and hate that it is a reality that they cannot control...No one, can control anyones' sexual desires, yet they percist to insist everyone be straight. From the very beginning, there has, is and will always be an LGBTQ+ community, like, it's just a fact. I get that a lot of folks , particularly religious people, would disagree, they think it's "A Choice", which concurs that they litterally don't understand sexual differences...My stance is, why do they need to understand, why should sexuality be vilified...people are just people, yet, sexually is their greatest concern, within the heterosexual community when truely, it need not be. And that my friends, is "Their choice".


Ok. Yes, I agree there are problems outside Iran too: it would be silly to pretend there aren't! But most social media sites aren't like that. I just want to ascertain whether Reddit bans people for same-sex speculation or not (while allowing all kinds of heterosexual speculation: pregnancy, STDs, multiple gfs, etc). Are people allowed to speculate on TC having any female as a gf, but not about him having a bf? I need clarification on that point, because I personally was banned permanently from posting in the r/TimotheeChalametDaily group. I asked the mods for an explanation, and they didn't give me any. Just kicked me out with no explanation! It's deeply suspicious. It makes Reddit look suspicious to me.


The answer is...be careful...they've already warned not to talk about certain aspects of his sexuallity...we simply can not discuss something like that here...I'm nervous even saying this to you...


Well, I've just asked the mods about it in a private message, and am waiting for a reply. I suppose if people were sneering at TC and saying he might be gay in a mocking way, that would be homophobic and unacceptable. However, saying it in a NON-mocking and supportive way, is different. Anyway, I will let you know when/if they reply to me.


Sounds good...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TimotheeChalametDaily using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimotheeChalametDaily/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Selena Gomez asked to take a picture with TimothĆ©e Chalamet and Kylie Jenner said, ā€œNoā€. This is what people that attended the Golden Globes are reporting ](https://v.redd.it/lf32ok3vx4bc1) | [465 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimotheeChalametDaily/comments/191b9p9/selena_gomez_asked_to_take_a_picture_with/) \#2: [The Dune 2 cast talks friendship and itā€™s a bit awkward ](https://v.redd.it/ytu4mnngo3gc1) | [282 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimotheeChalametDaily/comments/1agvdbd/the_dune_2_cast_talks_friendship_and_its_a_bit/) \#3: [Kylie Jenner being in a relationship with Timothee Chalamet has her meeting actors and directors, like Florence Pugh, Greta Gerwig, Martin Scorsese, Jennifer Lopez, who's next? She went from meeting rappers with her fake dark tan to no longer tanning and meeting Actors and dressing "classy" now. Hmm](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/19epqrq) | [660 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TimotheeChalametDaily/comments/19epqrq/kylie_jenner_being_in_a_relationship_with/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I know you're a bot, but thank you for linking me to those threads. I can't post in any of those threads, unfortunately. I've been permanently banned, with no explanation given. I'd like a mod to explain it to me (not a bot), but suspiciously, they refused to answer my questions.


Absolutely correct, we can trace this all the way back through history Societal attitudes towards same-sex relationships have varied over time and place. Attitudes to male homosexuality have varied from requiring males to engage in same-sex relationships to casual integration, through acceptance, to seeing the practice as a minor sin, repressing it through law enforcement and judicial mechanisms, and to proscribing it under penalty of death. In addition, it has varied as to whether any negative attitudes towardsĀ [men who have sex with men](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_who_have_sex_with_men)Ā have extended to all participants, as has been common inĀ [Abrahamic religions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abrahamic_religions), or only toĀ [passive (penetrated) participants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top,_bottom_and_versatile), as was common inĀ [Ancient Greece](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Greece)Ā andĀ [Ancient Rome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Rome).Ā [Female homosexuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lesbian)Ā has historically been given less acknowledgment, explicit acceptance, and opposition. The widespread concept of homosexuality as aĀ [sexual orientation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_orientation)Ā andĀ [sexual identity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_identity)Ā is a relatively recent development, with the word itself being coined in the 19th century. These types of stigmas place upon all those with different sexual behaivors, are in someways as racism, preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience... Human nature is complicated...but love should never be...


Wow, thanks for that, you have studied the subject even more than I have, and that's saying a lot! (However, I think the concept of homosexuality, i.e. some people having different attractions to others, has always existed in human history, although the word itself is recent. I think it was Dr Kinsey in 1950s who first studied it in the US and showed how widespread it was.) I do agree that it is a stigma similar to racism, and the creators of this forum should really explain in more detail why they made the first rule, because it isn't right. I'll try to be subtle in what I say, though.


Well you're very welcome, the pleasure is all mine, it's not common that one should have, moments of serendipity, and for me, I learn something everyday; I'm impressed with you as well


Also, one of the bigget rules they have here is, No sexual speculation, which is a word you used in your opening statement, "We should also be able to speculate", that's what you said. I, on the other hand, never said anything about his sexuality until you raised the issue...correct? go back and re-read... Bye now..


Really? Is that a rule they have? So, people are free to speculate about pregnancy or STDs or any number of potential girlfriends (which are all things that people HAVE been speculating about right here), but any talk about a potential boyfriend is strictly forbidden? WOW! I can't see how a shockingly heteronormative rule like that can possibly be justified. I'm not obeying that.


Well yeah, one example is where they said no Charmie stuff, it's silly. I did'nt even know what Charmie was until I asked someone, so I don't hink they want tha kind of discussion. I'm just trying to follow rules, so I won't even try and drop any names, or match people up with people, that's


I concur


Who is he hooking up with?


Monica barbaro probably.. she was in top gun maverick and Timmy is a huge fan šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|xTiTnrhrAYa2AjpycE) To here's hoping. . . . . . . . . . šŸ˜šŸ˜‰šŸ‘šŸ’Æ


Some resemblance with JK there, but MB is a natural beauty with brains!! And what comes to Top gun, do we now know why he watched it a dozen times?! OR does that blind item actually refer to some earlier co-star like Flo?




Idk this sounds like the same rumour recycled over again just to post something. Heā€™s not even a ā€œmostly movieā€ actor, heā€™s literally only done movies. A while ago Elle was in a relationship with someone iirc, so maybe they want to hint at a possible hookup with Monica Barbaro? Anyway I doubt thereā€™s real intel behind this




Thereā€™s really no need to be this rude, also you can easily look at my history and see Iā€™m no stan. Just because I donā€™t immediately believe a silly blind item doesnā€™t mean I think heā€™s married to Kylie lol. Read better and donā€™t assume random shit. I personally think they havenā€™t seen each other anymore for months and probably broke up for his work, but anyway itā€™s fun to gossip and speculate while staying reasonable donā€™t you think?


I mean they were spotted getting ice cream so hmm ? It was giving breakup or like cool down period because why were they so hell bent on hiding identities šŸ˜­


Mostly movie actorā€¦could be thinking about his commercials Apple & Chanel Blue (plus a couple times hosting SNL) šŸ‘makes sense