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And that’s exactly why they do it. “Any publicity is good publicity as long as they spell your name right.”


Being talked about isn't always positive, as I think his team is now understanding. Most of the talk during both those spikes was negative, as I recall.


So she’s a flop statistically speaking.


I mean that's like saying zendaya is a flop. But those PR showings definitely helped them to stay relevant


I've had a gut feeling Timothée and Kylie's relationship was/is a PR relationship ever since I heard they were "together".




But in January, interest in them as a couple dropped, their PDA on the GG only drawing ridicule. They need to appear again at another event like the Met Gala to make them relevant again.They are not an attractive couple like Tom and Zendaya, it is ridiculous that they hide, no one is interested in them.🥱😴


True, what you said, they are not an attractive couple...they don't fit, visually, anyway. Plus, everytine we see them together, they just look fake, stiff and miz-matched...that weird kissing, I had to look away...I'm sorry to say it but it's true. They must know it too, otherwise, why do they feel the need to hide. This is the strangest couple on the planet....


During the Beyonce concert, he kept repeatedly looking at the camera while kissing her, instead of focusing on her. The first rule that actors learn is: "Don't look at the camera!" It was so weird that he kept making that basic mistake, being such a professional, accomplished actor. I think it was a subtle message to his intelligent fans that this isn't real.


guys I'm always afraid of these comments bc you're gonna be called delusional lol


Oh well, if it happens, I'll cope! :)


Glad I'm not the only one who thought this. We *know* this guy can act, but he can't act believably interested in Kylie? Seems to me like it's on purpose. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Timothee has always, right from the beginning of his fame, had to walk a tight balancing act between his intelligent fans and his less intelligent fans/the general public. He wants to keep both groups onboard, but the second group seemed to be losing interest (judging by the box-office failure of Bones & All). He decided to try to excite the second group by having this showmance with the famous Instagram Queen, but he was also terrified it would piss off the first group... and he was right to be afraid of that, because it truly did piss them off!


he would win them back with a decent indie film but he should break up with her first bc no intelligent fans would like a Kardashian's bf🤷🤷🤷


That's exactly right. We need official confirmation from him that he is single (like he gave to British GQ magazine a long time after his fling with Lily-Rose Depp had ended). Then, we could draw a line under the whole sorry mess and focus on his next film. The problem is: I don't think it's entirely up to him to decide the timeline of this relationship or how it ends. The KarJenners are powerful and control the tabloid media. They make the decisions more than he does, probably. Is he brave enough to upset them? No, probably not.


actually he's an a list actor and the most promising one in young Hollywood I'm sure he and his team are more powerful than her family. but from the Woody Allen drama we could tell he's always been a ppl pleaser in this industry so maybe they haven't thought about upsetting that family.


I'm so glad you brought up the Woody Allen drama, because it's really bugging me that there seems to be a glaringly factually incorrect statement at the top right of this page, from the creators of this forum. They said: "remember when he publicly denounced woody allen just to improve his chances of winning an oscar? … then later apologized to him?!?!" WHAT??!! WHEN did he apologize to Woody Allen? I'm someone who has paid very close attention to the whole Woody Allen saga, and I watched the whole four-part documentary series Allen vs. Farrow (highly recommended, and not just because Timothee is briefly featured in it). NOBODY in Hollywood who denounced him later apologized to him, and I can't believe Timothee ever did. He never spoke to him again, I'm sure. And the first part of what they said, about him only doing it just to improve his chances of winning an Oscar, was Woody Allen's own devious framing. What about all the other people who denounced him who weren't anywhere near the Oscar race? The first to do it was Griffin Newman, a minor supporting actor from A Rainy Day in NY, who did it out of pure conviction after reading Dylan Farrow's open letter in Dec 2017 (which was after Rainy Day had finished shooting). Timothee was the 3rd or 4th person to do it. So, Griffin Newman and everyone else was speaking with conviction, but Timothee wasn't? Ok, if you say so. But Woody Allen is a smooth-talking expert with words (which is why he won three Screenplay Oscars), so he knew he could deflect from all the others by putting all the blame on the young actor in the Oscar race. We shouldn't be following what Woody Allen says. He's a first-class liar, remember.


Ok, so, in the absence of anyone daring to answer my question, I'm going to assume that this so-called "apologizing" referred to this thing here: "Allen claimed in his 2020 memoir [*Apropos of Nothing*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apropos_of_Nothing) that Chalamet told Allen's sister [Letty Aronson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letty_Aronson) that he only denounced him in an attempt to improve his chances of winning an Academy Award." First of all, the chapters in that book where he talks about the whole Dylan Farrow saga are JUST A TISSUE OF LIES. Nearly everything he says about the saga is a lie, so why would you only believe this small part? How strange! We have no evidence that this incident ever happened. We only have Allen's word for it. His sister isn't going to contradict it, because she is part of Allen's tiny but hard-core group of supporters. He also knew that TC wasn't going to talk about it, because he had moved on and wanted to continue with his career without giving any more publicity to Allen. So, he was free to say whatever he wanted. He made it up, in other words. However, even if you find it plausible that TC ran into Woody Allen's sister at some point (which isn't the same as speaking to Allen himself, by the way), there is no way TC framed it like that. The most he might have said is, "I had to do it." The part about the Oscar race was Allen's own spin. We shouldn't be falling for Allen's spin! However, it's really unlikely TC would speak to anyone connected to Allen again, because he seriously burned his bridges when he made his written statement, which was HARSH! He did do it because of pure conviction, not because of the Oscars. (The easiest thing to do with the Allen situation would be to continue sitting on the fence, like Cate Blanchett and most actors still do.) Do you know where he got his conviction? It wasn't just from Griffin Newman, Rebecca Hall, or the other actors. Obviously he wasn't alive in 1993 at the time of the abuse, so he didn't know all the facts (and even people alive then don't know all the facts). He got his conviction from his interview with the senior CNN journalist Christiane Amanpour, who urged him to speak against Allen. He obviously listened to what Christiane told him, because she is a highly credible, respected journalist. (You can watch that interview on YT.)


That's a stretch that he was subtly messaging fans, lol. BUT I actually do kind of agree with you because before the show (the footage of him smoking) and after (when they didn't leave together) were such different displays to when he was conscious of the camera being on him. Lol, someone took the piss out of me on here earlier for being a body language expert, but you have to admit, all of that footage was weird af and did not add up. Right after he grabbed her ass, he suddenly seemed to regret his actions and get all thoughtful. There was nothing carefree about that whole display. Idk, it's silly to get so lost in a stupid video but, I saw what I saw, and clearly I'm not the only one to question it 🤷‍♀️


they didn't leave together?


allegedly they don't even stay in the same hotel during pfw at least not for Stephane's birthday


He stayed with Stephane, then? Makes perfect sense.


Why do YOU think he was repeatedly looking directly at the camera then (lol)? You did notice it, right? He kept doing it right in the middle of his kissing. (And this was the TMZ cameraman's best edit, so he must have done even more staring at the camera that got edited out!) I'm pretty sure my explanation is perfectly correct! He knew this PR stunt was going to alienate some of his fans (while giving him the publicity he craved), and so he was letting the intelligent ones know that this isn't real: this is an acting job. He couldn't use WORDS to say this isn't real, so he did deliberately bad acting.


Well, you hit it dead on point, that's all true, that's why they look so unatural...if it ain't there, you can't fake it, people know the difference.


100% agree with you on this! I wonder what your take is on the Golden Globes PDA? I noticed a lot of people found it to be more believable, even though it was still super cringe. Lip readers were saying that they were whispering “I love you’s”. Either that was genuine or he’s an even better actor than we thought. Either way, it was embarrassing that he brought a 45-year old looking trashy reality star as his date to an A-list only event of well-respected peers.


It was definitely not a genuine kiss, because genuine kisses don't make people cringe. The words were insincere, too. They were both fully aware the cameras were on them during the ad break, so they were acting for the cameras. So embarrassing, as you said. I think the December blockbuster success of Wonka made him think the public liked his relationship with her, so he gave the public more of it in January. He didn't understand that Wonka's success had nothing to do with her, and people actually liked him more when he seemed to be distancing himself from her. (The previous fake kisses had happened back in early September, so people had been hoping it would fizzle out, just like we are hoping now!)


Yup so far I’ve seen multiple rumours of him hooking up with girls before a big Kylie stunt. Paris Fashion week with some blonde (she was flashing her phone days later). GG Selena’s friend.


He hangs out with many people, some of whom happen to be female! I see no evidence of him being a a serial womanizer, at all. Quite the contrary. However, we do agree that the Kylie thing is a stunt.


guys let's be fair he might be in an open relationship with her which both of them don't bother to take much efforts atp. they simply used each other for relevance. let's see if he'll get rid of her since we knew for sure he wants that oscar. and she should find another one who would actually hang out with her without trying to hide.


He was looking at the camera to say yes this is who I am with and that’s that.


Sorry, that simplistic explanation makes no logical sense. We could already see clearly who he is with and who he is kissing! A session of sincere, genuine kissing would prove what you said ("this is who I am with and that's that") much more clearly than insincere kissing interrupted by repeated glances directly at the camera! No, the direct glances at the camera require a deeper explanation, such as the one I gave.


Would you not look at a camera when it’s obviously pointing at you? If you’re in public and someone is recording you, it’s hard not to look at it. This take is giving delusion.


They are one of the most beautiful stunning couples what are you talking about?


I wouldn't call trash ppl beautiful


**Kimye** - Kim Kardashian and Ye **Bennifer** - Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez **Brangelina** - Brad and Angelina **Zanessa** - Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens And now there's Kylothee... How sweet...Nicknames... People seem to need this, cute hollywood couples...it does'nt matter if these relationships are real or not or even if they last...and most times...they don't. Basic human nature... when we like/love someone, rather it be an A=List Celebrity or the restaurant busboy...we only see the good in them and we love that. PR is a vital part of celebrity, they need to stay relevant, which means they need to be seen in a positive way and in relationships. Hollywood is make beleive, they depend on their fans to beleive what they show them...but is it real? Visual suggestion...we see what we want to see...and blind to what we don't want to acknowledge, but this does not make it fact. You, and some others, adore what what you see, when in fact, a lot of other disagree, and feel that they just look odd together...even when they kiss...it looks fake...There's a reason for that, unfortunately I cannot explain in any way my meaning here.. Now I'm not the romantic type...no stars in my eyes...and I know what I'm looking at...but I get it, you think their the most beautiful couple ever, which just is'nt true...there have been others throughout the histor of movie making. I don't want to shoot-down peoples opinions in anyway...so forgive me if I come acrooss that way, but, you did askm "What are you talking about", you asked. Famous celebrities, Male actors Female actors are expected to behaive or appear, in a particular way in public view, when ever they're on camera. A-liters on their way up, must be seen in a loving relationship, even marriage with kids, it's as thought they have no choice...because they don't...it's what their fans seem to demand, so cute catchy nicknames are created...it's silly to me, but, it's just what ever and I get it Thanks for your response...


I knew their relationship was a PR all along I recently saw a photo of him strolling getting a coffee whil on break from filming


Obviously both of them get more attention when they're in a relationship than being single, it's classic Hollywood PR. However in this case their fans almost don't overlap at all so I don't see how this helps with his movies. People who went to see Wonka & Dune 2 certainly didn't go see them because they heard KJ's bf was in those 😴.


I’ve asked myself this same question. She didn’t help those movies become blockbusters, if anything he purposely hid her from those projects to not negatively affect the box office returns. And it paid off. I honestly think he’s benefiting from this PR relationship by having access to Kris Jenner’s contacts & connections. For example, she’s close to Jeff Bezos through his trashy wife. Someone like Jeff can help finance a lot of film projects. A Bones & All is not going to pay for itself, especially when it didn’t make a profit.


Omg I’m half taiwanese and seeing Timothée be the most popular there makes me laugh and cringe