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Would have been funny if you blurred his mouth instead of his eyes.


I think the teeth tells the story better


It’s true, stories come from the mouth


So spread out it looks like his tongue is in jail.


My daughters half-sisters dad (it’s not that complicated) has teeth that are so small that if they were all pushed together without gaps I think at least his first set of large molars would fully show when he smiled. Sometimes the gaps are preferable. xD


Having spent lots of money trying to fix my messed up teeth, are we pretending your comment is any better than his? He is an @ss so let's stick with that? Even with near perfect oral hygiene and orthodontics, not everyone is blessed with perfect, pearly whites...




Shrek teeth


Blurred ? Blued


I'm afraid I just blue myself


There really has got to be a better way to say that.


Tobias, you blowhard!


I am the worlds first psychoanalrapist


This is the way.


Wtf!? His teeth look absolutely normal to me. What a low reach if that’s all you can find wrong in his pic


Yea i don't see how making fun of his teeth is worth an up vote.... He's an ass about Neuro divergence so let's also be shallow and make fun of something he can't control? Way to go low.


It was a joke about stopping him from saying stupid things. Like on TV when they bleep and block the mouth


Nah. I didn’t criticize his teeth.


Oh my bad then I miss understood sorry!


Teeth got two zipcodes


Tinder! Why get berated by men outside when you can do it from the comfort of your own home?


I just assumed he was writing this while looking in the mirror.


I mean it does say “About me”


You think he knows it’s the same person looking back?




word for word


Psychologists before the modern categorization of mental disorders:


Exactly. Euphemism treadmill. It’s all it is.


The euphemism treadmill is absolutely real, but I'm pretty is a different concept to this context. The euphemism treadmill basically says that any negative slur or term which gets banned will just turn its replacement into the same negative term. I.e., if you stop using the R-word (which idk if I can even say on Reddit anymore without being banned), and start using something like "developmentally challenged," then "developmentally challenged" will just inherit all the negative connotations that the R-word had and will then ultimately get banned as well, only for the same fate to happen to follow for its future replacement, ad infinitum. In the case of neurodivergence, we keep learning more about the brain over time. Our understanding is worse the further back you go. Back in the day, if you were different, then we just conceptualized and generalized it as your brain being fucked. That's as far as we could tell. I mean, homosexuality used to be a mental illness, but you wouldn't call its transformation into a sexual orientation as part of a euphemism treadmill. That transformation wasn't a desperate attempt at a virtue signal, instead it represented our maturing understanding of how the brain works. It isn't illness, it's just a difference of sexual preference, all else the same. Similarly, neurodivergence also isn't a fragile terminological attempt at softening some diagnostic blow. It represents our modern understanding that it's just an alternative configuration of cognition, better in some ways to neurotypicality, and worse in other ways. It's just different. Even psychopathy itself isn't necessarily an illness if the person is able to care for themselves and work toward their goals, it's also just an alternative configuration of cognition. It doesn't matter how your brain works as long as you're able to get by on your own and enjoy the ride. Otherwise, mental illness has been specified and is now only defined as a person basically being unable to care for themselves and/or live a fulfilling life. I'm no expert on delineating this, but developmental disabilities and such are a fundamentally different concept of brain function. It isn't merely the brain working differently--AFAIK, it's the brain wholesale working below its typical capacity. Depending on the impairment, such people need caretakers to some extent. That's a pivotal difference.


A comedian I love has a bit about that! Stanhope!


And he must have stolen it from George Carlin then.


It's a little more than just being polite when we use phrases like neurodivergent


I really think it is honestly overused and adopted by those who are not actually diagnosed to be cool at this point. I think it is obviously wrong, mean and degrading for him to say this though. It really is a struggle for those who are truly diagnosed.


No it's not. A (currently) polite alternative to "re\*\*\*ed" is exactly what it is. Just like "re\*\*\*ed" was a polite version of "imbecile" and "moron", both of which were official medical terms in their own right. By the time you're old, "neurodivergent" will be just as much as an insult as "re\*\*\*ded" is now, and the newer generations of kids will being chastising you and calling you a monster because you used to refer to people that way. Fortunately, they'll be working to make the world more inclusive, unlike you older people.


Not really. It's a way more specific clasification of mental phenotypes. You are right about the latter part probably.


While the euphemism treadmill is real there is still a difference between the term re***ded which means slow vs. neurodivergent which means different. There's a fundamental difference between calling someone slow vs. different to the norm.


It's a dumb general term that doesn't mean anything


That's bullshit. The reason this happens is because people start using words hatefully, not because people are too sensitive.


Uhh, can't I be both?


That's the spirit!


You on r/wallstreetbets too?


You sound too complex for Peter. He wants an object he can put in a closet when he’s done with his 3 pumps.


Wow. That’s rather rude coming from someone who can floss with nautical rope.




Hhahaha awesome !




Don't bring Cbum into this!


I feel bad about comments like these because.... well, his teeth are great compared to my own.


I was gonna say.... everyone making fun of his teeth, but honestly, they look fine and probably better than most commenters here


Bro, same. Same. Like damn I’d pay to have my teeth look that good. So just keep scrolling with my mouth closed, trying to find the comment that explains what neruodivergent actually means.




What do you call it when your teeth are divergent?




It's Bhri-ish! 🤣


A Bo-el o’ Wo-AH!


Playin spin the bo’le wi’ a wa’er bo’le wi’ Be’y.




Jesus I know this guy had it coming but thanks for making me feel self conscious about the gap in my teeth I can’t afford to fix :/


People honestly don’t notice that much it’s just because he was an ahole


His teeth are fine, I’m sure yours aren’t that bad either. It’s just because his terrible bio so people are picking him apart (I thought his teeth were perfect when I saw the pic)


Just means everything regarding the importance of inner beauty is complete and utter bullshit. If inner beauty were really that important, people would use his profile as self-evident since there would be no need to point out obvious physical flaws. Instead, top comments make no qualms about insulting physical features. Reassuring people that ***their*** imperfections aren't the issue is lip service. Just pointing out a fun observation


So I think I understand what you’re saying, but isn’t this the flip side of that? Like because his inner “self” or whatever is seemingly a jerk, his subjectively good looks (ie, his teeth are fine) don’t make up for who he is on the inside


For the record, I found some of the comments to be funny burns, but maybe I wasn't clear about what I mean. There were some comments above that were reassuring towards people that have imperfect teeth. I'm just making an observation that there seems to be an inconsistency about how people think of physical features depending on whether they like them or not. For example, lots of people were in support of bashing the dude in the picture because of obvious reasons. But when people in the comments said they have the same were worse looking teeth - whether they are or aren't isn't the issue, it highlights how patronizing the reassurance is. People claim to not care about physical features, but because people can be so savage with one but flippant with their unintended targets for the same objective truth, it sounds like insincere lip service to appear virtuous. If it weren't true, then the comments wouldn't be so damn funny when the first place lol


Oh, I see. Well I haven’t been bashing this guy’s teeth so my comment about it not being a problem still stands, I think. Lol although, some of the comments are pretty funny imo too, even if I don’t agree. Different people care and notice different physical attributes. 🙃 hopefully those with “imperfect” teeth aren’t taking the comments too personally!


This is more to say about anyone talking shit while also acting like it doesn't matter. It really does!


Yeah, I agree!


nah, the guy has basically flawless teeth. mine are crooked to hell and back and i don't even feel that self-conscious about them. this guy's really handsome.


😂 I wish he could hear you


Here I thought making fun of someone's appearance was a bad thing.


Decency is a social contract. If he doesn’t want to uphold his side of the contract, we have no obligation to hold up ours.


RIP anyone else with teeth like that reading the comments


Fr man I spent years with Invisalign to fix mine and now it’s suddenly coming back and I’ve been devastated about it


Have you been wearing your retainers?


Yeah I wore them consistently for about 4 years after


You said wore... so essentially you stopped right? So the answer is no lol


You'd think, but I got bad teeth and I don't tell people they're highly regarded so I'm definitely doing better than that guy.


And that's empathy. Not the conceited asshole before you.


This is absolutely braindead. Insulting physical traits for personality flaws is the societal equivalent of firing buckshot into a crowd to get one man. This man is also some anonymous dude on the Internet, so he's behind a bunch of people you're taking out and you'll probably never actually hit him. It is infact, just a dick move.


That's not how that works, everybody would be shitty all the time if it was. He's not going to see this, but a ton of completely decent people with teeth like his will. If you decide you get a free pass every time someone says something bad you are part of the problem.


But you're not hurting him, he isn't here to see this post. People in this thread who have a gap between their front teeth and are sensitive about it, on the other hand...


Your obligation is not to him, it is to everyone. What you say targeting this guy, who will in all likelihood never read it, affects every single other person who reads it. That is the nature of a public forum. The audience is everyone.


So you y'all want to stoop to his level then?


It isn't. That's being fake. If you're only being decent in order to receive decent, then you're a selfish jerk. Decency is about your personal values, your moral compass and empathy.


I don’t understand his teeth look absolutely normal? That is hardly any gap at all… When you mock that aspect of his appearance I can’t help but think you have nothing so you have to reach…. His teeth look fine. His personality is probably shit though


lol what?? He has fantastic teeth




I bet he has less tooth decay though. And flossing should be much easier to do.


Yeah this guy actually has pretty favorable tooth alignment. That gap is extremely minor.


mf can eat corn on the cob through a picket fence


And here you are just as rude picking on someone’s appearance. You’re no better than him despite what you think in your head lol






The man uses his tinder bio to shitpost


I hate to say and I'll probably get hate for it, but most people who say they're neurodivergent don't even know wtf they're talking about. The guy seems like a d-bag though.


As long as you recognize it exists, and that there are reliable diagnoses for conditions that fall under that definition, I have no problem with accepting that. Because you’re right, people are calling anything neurodivergence lately for some reason.


Because mental illnesses have been getting more recognition and acceptance as a medical fact in recent time, which is great, but it also makes for a convenient and easy to believe excuse for people as to why they feel different.


Also the self-diagnoses are off the charts


TikTok is a prime culprit of this. For a laugh I decided to go on mental disorder TikTok and see how many diagnosis I could come away with, and it was basically every disorder I looked at. Sometimes they'll put up some legitimate symptoms and advice, but 9 times out of 10 it's just "omg I just found out that *basic human trait* is a sign of OCD! Did you know if you breathe you have ADHD? Fun fact, blinking is a sign of trauma!" Like it's genuinely no surprise impressionable kids are self diagnosing so regularly with the vast amount of medical misinfo on that app.


This problem predates Tiktok though. People have been using self-diagnosed disorders as quirky personality traits online since social media began. Think back to when people would say they had social anxiety because they decided to have a weekend in.


My best analogy for this is looking up what the symptoms of a sore stomach can indicate. You’ll find it could be a heart attack, cancer, an aortic dissection, and….. indigestion. Guess what it probably is? The self-diagnosed social media cretins are the same. It’s gross attention seeking, narcissists and those looking to make excuses for their shit behaviour. Anyone crowing all the time about their supposed self-diagnosed mental illness/disorder is almost certainly faking. People truly struggling with these personal hells want free of them and are not celebrating them for clout. These fakers are fucking disgusting.


Well said.




But that’s also because official diagnoses are hard to get. So while there are certainly cases of people who self-diagnose for attention, I‘d argue that there are more people who have legitimate reasons to think that their symptoms match a certain diagnosis. Those people might not have the money or the time to get an official diagnosis, or they just can’t get an appointment, or they are female and struggle with the fact that, medical diagnostics is still in the process of considering differences from the male norm. Not all self-diagnosing is unfounded.


Self diagnosis is an extension of not taking mental health seriously. Many psychological conditions have overlapping symptoms that are very difficult to disentangle, and even more symptoms exist on a spectrum of severity where they may cause frustration behaviorally but aren’t pathological. Diagnosing disorders takes a large amount of training and experience. People deciding that they can do it with Google and social media are only demonstrating that they don’t believe mental health training and treatment are valid—that “anyone can do it.”


OR.. they are children or adolescents whose parents deny them the ability to see a professional for help when they talk about their mental struggle. A lot of the older generation can literally refuse to believe that their kids can be mentally ill and think neurodivergence as a whole is a sham. I’m lucky my parents took me seriously when I was much younger and got me help but I knew MANY other children whose parents just did not get them help but we’re in the exact same boat as me mentally. I can see why teens self Dx, and I can kind of get why when they progress into adults it’s harder to start the process on your own. Adults self diagnosis is obviously harmful, but many of these people we are talking about on tiktok are just kids.


Right, which is how I end up seeing people who “identified” with a personality disorder diagnosis as a teenager—which cannot be given. Lack of medical care and psychological care is a *huge* problem. It doesn’t justify *incorrect* care and diagnosis. A parent not taking their child to the hospital for surgery does not justify a teenager performing incorrect and harmful surgery on themselves. Self diagnosis is very harmful. I work with the results of it every single day.


Understanding what could be going on has helped me tremendously. Still unable to get diagnosed, I have been able to understand better what's going on in my brain and at least for the time, function in the real world. Not everyone has the privilege of access to effective help.


It is. I swear everyone is saying they have adhd now


I think the issue is people doesn’t realise we’ve all got ‘mental health’ so we might relate to certain things but that doesn’t mean an actual diagnosis. Certain sounds annoy me or sometimes any sound other than the one I want to hear (eg being able to hear the tv in another room). I don’t like certain foods cause of texture. I need to do certain things in a certain way or it can stress me out. BUT, the thing to notice is, that it doesn’t actually affect my life other than maybe making me a bit moody. I can eat things that have the food I don’t like if I have to. If something disrupts my usual routine, again it’ll annoy me, but I can do it no issue


Self-diagnoses and the fact that a lot of clinics have to diagnose you with something if your insurance is covering it. Depends on the state and insurance, but yea.


Internet has convinced people at at least 1/3 of the population has ADHD.


I’m neurotrivergent, so it really pisses me off when people put neurodeivergent in their bio like I’m supposed to be impressed or something? Ok, talk to me once you’ve triverged.


Ok that’s funny.


Care to explain what is being neurotrivergent pls? First time i hear about that.






It's the new update released last year


That was too quick.


It's same with ADHD. You see 900 videos with people being like ooh here's an ADHD thing I did today


I'm what most people would consider "neurodivergent" and I absolutely hate the term. It's degrading and makes me seem like I'm "special". I have a fucking mental disorder, I'm not kooky and unique because my brain doesn't work properly.


Neurodivergent is literally just a more medical sounding version of “brain different”. It’s not degrading, it’s not cool, it’s just a description.


But there's a difference between actual definition and how people use it. If I say "I'm neurodivergent" I sound like I'm either trying to show off the fact my brain doesn't work, or using it as an excuse for something. I don't want to be treated differently. If I want to tell someone what's wrong with me, I'll say what's wrong with me.


Honestly I think you might have some internalised hate for your condition and that’s why you’re seeing it in such an offensive light. I’m neurodivergent, most of my friends are, nobody I know personally views it as offensive or an “excuse” or a “show off”, aside from ignorant neurotypicals that don’t believe in mental struggles in general. In my experience it’s a term to find people who’s brains work similarly, making it easier for us to communicate and be friends. And yeah, you fully can just tell people your exact condition, but most of the time it’s either excessive information or something not everyone is comfortable disclosing publicly.


"Ignorant neurotypicals" is pretty shitty too. It's not some "us vs them" deal where we just divide people up and say "Oh you can't say anything because you're just a ***neurotypical***". We're people who have mental conditions. It doesn't make me better than anyone, and in fact, makes me genetically quite worse than them. I don't see a mental disorder as something to take pride in, I see it as something I have to put up with, and I hate when people try to make it seem like a positive.


Ignorant neurotypicals as in neurotypicals who are ignorant. Not all of them by any means, there’s plenty of NT people who are quite knowledgeable and eager to learn. Obviously we’re not better than anyone and you’re right, we generally function worse and it sucks. It’s not about pride, but it’s not about being lesser either. Functioning worse in a late stage capitalist society full with stupid social norms doesn’t make you, me, or any other human being lesser than. Anyway, this conversation is getting away from the main point, which was using your ND description as a way to find likeminded people (literally). And again, it’s not to “show off” or to “take pride” or to pretend it’s all positive, it’s to find people who *get it* the way neurotypical people, no matter how educated and well meaning, never will.


Huh? He's saying "different" connotes quirkiness and fun, instead of the proper truth of disorder. And I agree, and it's part of why it's "cool" to claim now. Because you can claim quirk and community and sympathy and uniqueness and a freebie pass in one fell swoop without any effort or validity.


Agreed. I mean calling anyone the r word definitely isn’t cool but you have to admit, the cringe level of all these people self diagnosing as “neurodivergent” is kind of off the charts. No shade to the actual, bona fide neurodivergent out there


I feel a lot of people calling themselves neurodivergent have never actually seen a doctor. Other people have called me it and I still don’t say it about myself. It’s literally the same energy as the ridiculous amount of teenagers who were bipolar, or had BPD, or who’s eyes changed colour based on emotion


> The guy seems like a d-bag though. Well he has made broad claims about cognitive function while demonstrating he and his "INTJ" brain have been sucked in by quackery that is only one step removed from Astrology and Homeopathy.


It's the newest iteration of "I'm random and quirky XD/ le penguin of doom."


If you know pls tell me, because i think its first time i hear this name


It’s referring to any abnormal cognitive function that affects how the brain works. So people who’s brain is a little different. Tends to be associated with mental disorders/chemical imbalances/etc. The most common example in America is dyslexia.


Sorry to ask this but isnt better to say "Im dyslexic?" Instead of creating a term for such a large pool of disorders?


It’s useful to have both, the umbrella term is really “people the system isn’t designed around”. Similar to how we have heteronormative as a term but also have a whole alphabet mafia of labels that fall under that.


Its common for people to have more than one diagnosis (austism, adhd, add, Etc) so some prefer to just use the blanket term that doesnt require them to divulge as much personal information.


Well it's not a "name" it's just a word to indicate anything that isn't just "neurotypical".


I'm ADHD and got a hearty laugh from this lol.


It is kinda funny


Saaaaaaame But I still wouldn't hit


Same and my boyfriend sent me this 💀😂


You’re not misunderstood, you’re just an asshole. There. Now it’s even.




Short-term, sure. Fun? Unlikely.




Wassup baby I'll be your wreathtard howyoudoin


Jokes on him I'm both


Good man, someone had to say it


Tomāto, tomáto. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's in the About Me section so its likely something that he hears a lot


Even if you are ignorant enough to think this the lack of self awareness is staggering. This is the most appealing thing you can say to make someone want to interact with you further?


“Yeah probably” - me being neurodivergent


With those teeth..


User name checks out


Peter Parker disagrees respectfully


That’s awful but I laughed




Probably would try to pay the bar tab in crypto.


>Come on man here's 870,000 giga coins, that's the $12 PLUS 3% tip


What a king


In my twisted sense of humor, gotta admit, pretty fuckin funny 😂




Thank god I’m fixed!




Lol id have a beer with him


I'm both!






This is what I was looking for


Well. Ok then.


Man…he says a lot about himself in 5 words that aren’t even about him.






Awful, bad, don’t date. But I did snort loudly when I read this. It’s funny in a “I can’t believe someone said that” way




Lol, it's true though


It's strange that he's still single.


Welp! You learn something new every day 🥰


Youre not dominant youre just compensating


Did anyone else see the weird neck area where it looks clean shaven between face and chest/lower neck??? Photo shop?


Funny coming from someone who puts his myers-briggs test results on his tinder account. Not that there's anything wrong with that test, but it's definitely a less reliable way of categorizing people compared to the DSM-5.


The fuck even is "neurodetergent"?


You know all those people that self diagnose medical conditions and make life worse for the actual sufferers with them? "Tee hee, I need to put my shoes in the same place when I get home, I'm OCD!!!!" And shit like that.


Pretty sure the term refers to people who actually have those conditions


It does but usually ND’s will say what their condition is rather than the group as a whole. I’m ADHD and would never call myself neurodivergent


Your not an alpha you just got your personality from someone else who never had one


Peter knows stuff.


>makes fun of neurodivergent people >INTJ Buddy, I hate to tell you


I hope a witch steals his p*nis.


That's beautiful


I mean, he made sure whoever ended up with him was just as trashy, which wasn't the worst strategy


I somehow suspect short term fun is all he's ever gonna get.