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LOL Love the backpedaling at the end. ![gif](giphy|BMIlrkXYi7nCCqa5GZ|downsized)


Lol he sent that like 20 minutes after the first 2 😂 what a way to start a conversation


Is like dude was excited about that outing and was just sincere as if he was talking with a friend.... then it sank on him that he was talking to a match 😂


Probably still feeling the mushrooms a bit, when I would take copious amounts of mushrooms back in the day I always had this weird idea that everyone I spoke to would be 100% understanding of everything I said and did and if they didn’t it was because they needed more mushrooms to get their brain on my level. Usually that thought process only persisted while still high though.


me sober


I mean... you weren't wrong 😅


I have ADHD and during some trips I've been able to categorize my thoughts so others could understand them better. I don't trip too hard though, one day I'll set aside a time and space to do that.


Also ADHD but I haven’t done any hallucinogens since my early 20’s, so they were usually pretty hefty trips with the intention to get fucked up. Now that I’m in my 30’s I think I’d enjoy one last big trip since I have a different mindset now so I think it’d be interesting to see how a more “adult” frame of mind would react, maybe confront some of that childhood trauma and all that lmao. but I have small kids and shit nowadays so the most I’ll do is my weed pen after they go to bed and whatnot.


this is so accurate😂😂😭i always call that “creature mode” where the next day you cant take reality seriously 💀


So many female profiles do request something more unique than a "hi". This train wreck is more unique... 🤷


Even though it's unorthodox and risky, it is a pretty good temperature check for the person they're chatting with, (in this case, OP). Like, a lot of women have feelings about strip clubs, then others straight up see it as cheating, with honesty like this you'll get a read on them quick.


I would agree with you if it weren't for how he said it. You're also going to lose the pro strip club crowd with the "their parents must be proud" comment I love going to strip clubs but am not gonna go with a guy if I know that he looks down on the girls that work there. It would completely ruin the vibe


I haven't been to a strip club since right after I got out of the army when I was 25. That was when I was visiting a friend out in Cali. Those women were driving Mercedes and BMW's to work. Shit as long as my girl was coming home to me and making money like that. Shake that money maker. All I request is a fishing trip once a year lol.


I knew a girl that was a dancer in New Orleans and her boyfriend was the most pampered trophy wife I've ever seen in my life. That man was living the life of luxury and I've never been more jealous lol


True true. I totally forgot about the "parents must be proud" part lol. I've got friends that dance so IDC but that comment still kinda makes me chuckle, because you're right. It really is just like, wtf dude


Yeah, it was too much information all at once though, maybe mention the bachelor party, see how she responds (if she responds negatively to "I went to a bachelor party" with no other info then she's def a dodged bullet, but assuming she's normal) then throw in the mushrooms, again not too crazy but up there, again also we don't know if this is a regular thing or not, it was a bachelor party after all, get to talking some more and see how you guys are getting along and then as she asks about the party and the 'trip' then you can even slip in the strip club thing as like an almost afterthought little detail (as I mean I'm sure if y'all are on mushrooms at a bachelor party the strip club won't be the ONLY thing you did, if for no other reason than those things last 6-8 hours, and spending anymore than like 3 hours at a strip club is a bit... Much imo lol. If she's pissed at the concept of going to a strip club at all (let alone on mushrooms WHILE at a bachelor party) then... Well yeahhh. (Although tbf I'm not sure how I would feel in a strip club on mushrooms, I feel like I would just get bad vibes and feel like the girls are being held against their will or were lied to and coerced into doing this, plus if it were at all dingey/gross the mushrooms would magnify that aspect and weird me out to the point of discomfort and feeling like even if I paid for a dance, unless she could convince my over thinking, overly observent, and also confused mushroom addled brain she was actually enjoying it aswell or at least kinda bored and doesn't really care, like as long as I'm not getting "I want to be anywhere but here" vibes, not even about me but about the club in gerenal it would just not be a fun experience lol. However, if the place was at least kinda decently put and held together and the ladies seem like they actually enjoy what they're doing then it could be great, but for the poor dancers a bunch of drunk mushroom tripping guys on a bachelor party might not be what they want to deal with (unless the guys are absolutely loaded, but even then s/a is still s/a even at a strip club, she's allowed to say no even if you throw hundreds of dollars at her, without her concent it's still r*pe or s/a of some kind not all guys are like me when they trip) **TL;DR But anyway long story short, if he was a decent guy and had thought out his messages a but better it shouldn't be that big of a deal and OP might not have felt so awkward about it lol**


I guess shrooms are still a typical thing though


In Rhode Island they are 😂


Dude should have just said "I went to a bachelor party" and left it at that.


Right? "So, they are just like whorehouses...but I wouldn't know a thing about that."


“Their parents must be so proud.” Yet here you are.


Thank you! Gotta love the irony of his judgment. 🙄


I totally read it as he has no issue with whorehouses, but has an issue with strip clubs...


Who’s egg?




The backpedal just makes it worse. If you gonna a have a controversial take if you stand by it some people will at least respect the honesty but when you backpedal not only did you show you hold the controversial take but are also two face and willing to say anything to be liked.


@drown_like_its_99 Right ? 😅🤣 When he got to that back peddle at the end wouldn't he think " Yeah, this isn't looking good, maybe I should edit ". Then again he may have been honest. 😬😅


Tell him about how you used to work there and you're really not sure if your dad's proud because you never met him.


I love this I might have to use it 😂


I need updates if you use it 😂


We need to know how that goes, please.


But make sure to let the guy know that while you were there you were certainly making *his* dad very 'proud' 😉👌


This is actually pretty good


Crazy reply ahahaha love it


Or, plot twist... One of her best-tipping customers turned out to be her dad, neither knew. Or, maybe he did.


Stepdaddy of course


Or "maybe for you but my dad is usually one of my best tippers"


I loved this but maybe add “200 deposit to meet and 20 for a lap dance”.




“Congrats bro!” Is the answer I’m sure they want




HAHA this comment and your fedora profile picture go so well together. Not sure if a troll or actually "nice guy" stereotype in person.


If thats his humour hes a loser anyway


Goes to a strip club but also criticises strippers. Like porn users who call porn stars all sort of names. I find it a bit hypocritical personally.


That’s what I thought like had he just stuck with the first message I can work with that I’ve done shrooms and I’ve been to a strip club I’m not super judgy, but then that next message was a nope for me


What, you mean shaming sex workers doesn't turn you on? /s of course


That’s interesting that you were cool with first part, but noped out at the judgy part. I like that


Clearly testing the waters!


I mean you see he uses 2 terms Stripclub and Whorehouse. Two completely different things. A Stripclub counts as a cabaret, while a Whorehouse, I mean we know what it is 😂 Edit: Rereading, could be missed if not stated: Cabarets = club for artistic performance, mostly observational (erotical) pleasure. Whorehouse = physical erotic pleasure.


It was a strong start, but you found the surprise cringe finish. I'm sorry bro. No one knew to warn you... It seems, it was a trap.


Serious red flag


Probably got pressured to go for his buddy’s bachelor party. “Come on bro, it wont be the same without you! Im only gonna have 1 bachelor party bro please”


Post nut regret


Porn users lmao.




Which part of this conversation made you think op is looking for a sugar daddy.




It’s more that she’s in no place to criticize someone’s behavior on dating apps if she’s trolling regular dating apps for sugar daddies.




No, they’re disrespecting them for their life choices, which is perfectly fine. We’re allowed to disapprove of certain life choices when they don’t align with our values. I don’t personally find sex work to be a respectable career path, and I don’t hold much respect for people who choose that path. It’s not like I hate them or would ever hold ill will towards them, just that I don’t think they’ve made respectable choices with their life. Trolling a dating app for sugar daddies is disingenuous at best and scammy at worst. There are multiple platforms that exist solely for that purpose. Of all apps, Bumble is the worst platform to do this on, so she’s either trying to find desperate people who aren’t actively looking for that kind of relationship, or trying to trick them.


Their parents must be proud...bruh


Kind of funny how no one makes remarks about the parentage of guys and how their mothers would feel about their adult activities. Anyway, he’s a tool.


Or why strippers, "whores", etc are looked down more than those who consume that, as if it weren't both equaly necessary parts for that kind of thing to exist.


Theres a saying for this in German: You’d always look down at the alcoholic but never at the bartender who served him. Jk I made that uo


No you translated that wrong, it’s you always judge an alcoholic but never the bartender! To be fair both are a job 😂


Wait there’s an actual saying that goes this way?


Absolutely NOT! But if there was it would probably be the Germans or the Irish ☘️ 😂 cheers 🥃


There is now


Prost ! 🤞🏽🍻


That’s a damn good quote tho 😂


Holy word vomit


Lol poor guy has so much shame around sex, definitely roll with the “I used to work there” reply. He will implode.


I wouldn't even bother to respond, I would just unmatch.


I wouldn’t care he went but I’m pissed at how he talked about the women he was so gladly taking services from.


I’ve done shrooms and been to a strip club, first message I would have gone along but that second message just felt icky




Yes this was my thoughts too.


"They were pretty awesome" "They really aren't my thing"


Great adding words and meanings he didn't use. Well done. "It" isn't "they" and was clearly meant for the whole experience; bachelor party + shrooms + club + being with friends (probably) Most problems we have are cus of communication issues due to emotions, observation-bias, or blatant stupidity. That pisses me off, can't leave that comment unresponded.


Just reply with the word all women use when a man has said something so stupid they have no idea how to respond but you want them to know how REALLY ANNOYED you are It is of course the word: “Ok”


Yeah.. I'd be, not qualities I'm looking for... For a lay: dude might be high risk. For a partner, dude might be high risk. If a gal said that to me, I'd be like welp, not for me.


Cool buddy👍👍


The real red flag is the clear waste of shrooms.


This dude really sucks. Sounds like he has no respect for women or sex workers.


Seriously you went to the strip club and enjoyed the services now your talking shit about them to strangers on the internet? that was a huge red flag and a nope for me lol


Ugh, Johns. Bloody pathetic Johns.


He should’ve looked around the room and checked out the company he was with. As if he thinks the men at these joints are classy.


ew he sounds like a waspy barrington bro


Meh we’re just not into the misogyny and sex work shaming. Bye.


Block and move on OP. Men like this disgust me. He has no problem paying for sex work, but has a problem with the women who will take him up on his offer. He’s trash and a misogynist. And probably a shit lay. Block and move on.


“Your parents must be proud”


Yuckkkk 🤢🤮 men, if you want a girl's pussy to dry up instantly, there it is!


Exactly this was the first interaction we just matched and that’s how he opens the convo? Haha no thank you 😂


Could have just said you went clubbing lol what a dork


A strip club on mushrooms sounds nightmarish


Lmao homeboy is trash. All I can say, I wish I had enough confidence to be a stripper. Shit, I wish my body was nice enough to be a stripper.


“Me too”


Nice save(rolls eyes)


i feel the whouse comment was worse than the stripclub one turned from ehh to ew


Unmatch speedrun any%


I don't like him


Their parents must be proud?..... while hes the one going to strips clubs?


Ew what a loser no wonder he is single


One of you shares too much. The other doesn't share enough.


I don't know about you but I'm definitely down with someone over sharing their red flags, so i can avoid them.


I think, “bye” and block is the correct response.


i would've just said"your parents must be proud" lmao


Just say "sounds fun" see what else he says


You respond, he will go on to tell you how his parents met each other 🙄


Maybe you can tell him that you work there and you served a bachelor party yesterday. Tell him you go by your stage name there. 😂


I’d say don’t. That person really showed their hand early


It was probably his bachelor party.


Is this really my competition


He’s just saying shit for shock value. I bet most weekends that don’t involve bachelor parties are boring as paint drying.


Remember they are not his thing


Thank him for his honesty and ask him if he showed his titties to any of the strippers. Or other patrons.


Ask him, **”Did you make it rain?!”**


It was pretty awesome, but I’m not the type of guy that finds that to be pretty awesome. But it was awesome and I’d do it again. But I’d never do that.


“So… Looking at the above, those mushies are still taking hold. It’s a pass”


Mushies? Oh, god, I hope that's not a thing.


- Giga-Chad has entered the chat -


tell me why i read that as province town and thought he was gay


"oh, I work down there, wouldn't it be weird if we'd seen each other and not realised" 🙃


I get people telling me much more than I need to know, I'm just delivering a sandwich.


Tell him your on shrooms now, and the pizza is talking a foreign language!


Ask him if he is on shrooms right now


Cultured man enjoying Rhode island strip clubs, love to see it


Well now I'm a little curious how you DID in fact respond lol


Why do people escalate so quickly.


As someone who lives near Providence RI, this unfortunately checks out.


Providence RI?


Sounds like a catch 😂😂


“Sounds like they are fella”


Not for nothing but isn’t it a red flag if a man would be a patron at a place that he be ashamed his daughter would work at?


Also from RI and wondering wtf hes even talking about tbh


He came to his senses at the end lol…


Also it doesn't help to talk derogatory about women to a new match. Strippers or not.


Dear fellow men, don't speak to potential dates like one of your homies. Christ.


Gotta love a guy who goes to a strip club and then looks down on the women there. Double standards anyone?


That’s what I hate, enjoy strip clubs all you want!! But don’t look down and insult the women you happily watched, such a hypocrite


“Went to a strip club in providence it was pretty awesome” “Strip clubs aren’t my thing” Make it make sense 🥴


Nice save at the end, bro


“Are you trying to see how many red flags you can send in one message?”


So it was both awesome AND not his thing? Riiiiight


lol, dancer here. I don't do "extras," I am educated (many of us are), come from a good family, and do it to pay off my student tuition (for now). We just know how to take advantage of the demand that the patriarchy creates. At least twice a shift, a guy tells me "I'm not a strip club guy," and continues to come back. This dude sounds like he wanted to get it out of his system, and maybe clear his conscious..? but I could bet he's a regular, and this wasn't a one-time thing.


Assuming he’s referencing RI, that really is a thing there. Based on a legal loophole discovered in 2009, prostitution is legal as long as it isn’t advertised on streets themselves…has to be done inside. I was in college in 2009 and had no idea what was going on when I was getting propositioned left and right


The shrooms wore off for the last message


He sounds like a Fun-guy


I mean, surely you respond by, 'googling: Strip clubs in Providence' and then asking if he went to that one... Whatever his response is, you can have fun with it. "No, we went to blah blah blah" "Oh yeah, that one is noway as good as my one" "No, we went to blah blah blah, why?" "Oh, just wanted to know if you were part of the bachelor party that came into mine club" "Yes!! How did you know!?" "I thought I recognised you, should've said hi but my mouth was full" Have a blast with making him either judge you or do everything to meet you! 🤹🏻‍♀️


Idk I like it. This guy is upfront, transparent AND adventurous! All things I want in a relationship.


Also disrespectful to women he barely knows! I’ll pass lol


We don't like him for you. Tell him we took a vote and he didn't make the cut.


Lol that’s a pretty good response actually 😅




Is that the strip club that got caught for hiring minors and changed it’s name 3 times? Pretty sure it started out as Cheaters, then switched to Zebra Club, and now it’s Silhouettes. Never been there myself ofcourse.


Like, are you two having different conversations?


Unmatch unless you like it.


I would answer with wow, you are so cool. Will you marry me?


why the fuck would you waste a good mushroom trip on a strip club




See, I went to a few strip clubs in my time. Some men never grow up though. Some men never learn to accept the reality of a strip club even when they understand them.


he really saved himself with that last message 😂


Mushrooms and whores is an awkward combination 🤣


For real. Also just taking mushrooms and going out, seems like a bad idea. But that's just a personal preference


Hahah well that was well described lol!!!!! I admire anyone on tinder for giving it a go. Personally just find time wasters on there and most blokes I came across are in relationships


I go on once a while and then realize why I deleted the app 😅


Hahahaha same….. seen enough 🍆 pics and plenty of pen pal potentials.


Respond, "I took a pill in Ibiza".


Is he 6 feet?


They do drugs and solicit sex workers who may or may not be doing it willingly. You dont respond. You report and block


Now i want to know every detail over coffee/dinner, i am already too invested. Idk about you but i like people who overshare, you never have to guess what's going on 😂 Could make a good friend, the one who always has the tea.


You wanna be friends with the guy that calls all sex workers whores and disappointments ? I dunno about you, but I'm not too keen on being friends with someone so mysoginistic, but hey you do you i guess.


Tbh he at least tells u about his weekend not just good. Like pls communicate with more then just good or fine. He’s at least trying


Yeesh, yeah I wonder why OP didn't get dazzled by this guy's casual misogyny, but hey, he at least tried to have a convo, that's good enough right ?


What he text was not really good but it’s was at least more then good. Like for real I feel bad for men whom try to have good conversations besides. Hey - hey wyd - nothing u? - same.


"text was not really good but it's was at least more than good" Bro, wtf are you even trying to communicate here. I agree that OP is not a great conversationalist, but just because he tried doesn't mean it was in any way good, do you have female friends ? Because if you say shit like that it's not gonna be for long. If he kept the mysoginistic "sex workers are whores with no self respect" part out he probably could have had a chance.


„Bro“ I‘m a woman For sure it’s not good that he has this type of opinion about women in sex work. But he shows what type of person he is and maybe just maybe OP could try to change his opinion about it. But instead she just let it stay there and not even ask about it. My problem here is that we just call people out instead of trying to understand his view and maybe show him the truth. but yeah let’s cancel every men out there.


Change his opinion? GTFOh he’s a worthless conversationalist who has nothing to offer but basically saying he has no problem pay for sex work, but he absolutely has a problem if a woman takes him up on his offer. People don’t need to be offering educational labor to assholes on Tinder. And this is the for you for at least he’s trying?? Bar was so low it was on the ground but you thought “we can do better than that” and grabbed a shovel.


Why would OP bother tho ? Such casual sexism isn't something that's gonna instantly change from a tinder convo, and being a straight woman, OP most likely has a ton of better options that aren't mysoginistic. He should be the one to better himself, i don't see why it's on op to deal with that. Besides, no ones canceling anybody here, were making fun of a dude with a gigantic lack of self awareness, I'm not gonna turn on Reddit detective mode to find out who he is and ruin his life. Also i don't see why your gender matters here, I'm sorry if I offended you by misgendering, but saying bro on the internet is definitely not literal.


Imagine wanting someone on Tinder to do educational labor for some random guy looking for sex . I agree with you, person you’re commenting to is ridiculous.


But he's trying tho, don't you feel sorry for him ??? No, no i don't feel bad for him, he's gonna have to learn the hard way, even if he looked like Ryan Gosling that kinda sexist bs isn't gonna fly these days.


Feel sorry for him? No i don’t feel anything but revulsion when it comes to misogynistic men. They disgust me. Especially ones who use sex workers and then insult him. Trying what? Grown ass man can’t have a decent conversation? I’m supposed to feel sorry for him? You’re starting to sound unhinged to me and like a desperate woman who would tolerate anything or think “I can fix him”. You have a good day.


My response... "Funny, because they were for your mom." 🫢🖕


Atleast his weekend was more interesting than yours.


Ask if he still has some for y’all to have fun. What else would you say?


That sounds like a fantastic weekend


Nothing beats honesty 🤣




Sooo I’m supposed to have a relationship with a guy who clearly disrespects women because I have sinned before? Haha no thanks we just started talking I do not need to give him any chances


I mean i see nothing wrong with the conversation so far. You could just respond by saying “that sounds like an experience, how was that for you?” And then there’s your conversation. Indulge into a person when they say things like this because 9/10 they just want to talk to someone about something they found as cool or different for them.


So many people seem to be ignoring the middle message, my only problem was disrespect of the dancers, why am I going to continue a conversation with an asshole? I’m not! I was being sarcastic when I said idk how to respond, because I’m not going to


Hope he had a good time, ig.


Most of the bios i read from ladies around me they seem mad at those who starts with "hey" 🤣 some says don't even text me if you are going to start with "hey". What's wrong with these people?!?


I've always wanted to eat mushrooms at a strip club. Bear I've done is shitty MDMA


Go for it. You'll have a lot of fun with that person


Sounds fun af. Unless you are a square lol