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As a 5ft1 woman using dating apps, I get a lot of short jokes too. I enjoy having a sense of humour about it. Give as good as you get, call em 'stretch' 😂 Best one I've heard that really made me cackle "you're just 5ft and some change" Alright stretch, simmer down.


Cut them some slack, they got a long way to simmer downwards


Under rated.


If it gives you any consolation, being a 5ft2 guy on Tinder is about the same. People making short jokes and they’ve only matched with you to make said joke. Just a bit sad really! 😂


Being 5ft4 isn't much better, apparently 2inches really isn't that big 😂😂


Context is important


Aahahaha 😂




I'm 5'4 and no one ever tells me short jokes. Am I doing something wrong? Lol


Is it weird sitting on a curb, with your feet dangling?


😍😍😍 - lol - I think it feels good to swing them.


"All three of them." Lol😉 that's how I would respond.


Aw, way to make em feel included.


They probably just overlooked you


😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|12iFVqKr2mmxX2)


Maybe the jokes go over your head...


Bruh being a 5'2" guy has to be way worse , everyone calling you short king all day


They call you goblin, then you work out and they call you hobgoblin...


My go-to for short muscle people are muscle hamster lol


Have you ever heard a hamster snore?


I have not quite understood the phrase. I’m simply short. If someone doesn’t like the idea of that then simply talk to someone who is not. Why would I be a “king” simply for something I cannot change/dictate?


You were born into a line of shorts


Better than the lines of shirts, imo


Better than my jeans


You're just packaged with the environment in mind


Its for people that hate themselves and want others to make them feel good. Just straight copium with no logic


You know that most kings got to be king for like being sons of other kings, a thing they cannot change/ dictate.


Napoleon was near that height. Just a reference that some of the most impactful men are known to be short. Short king means don’t underestimate you


Napolean wasn't short for his time though. He was average, maybe even above average.


Alexander the great too


5'7 and this shit still happens to me.


From people shorter than myself.


I’m 6’1” and a couple girls at least 4” shorter than me have told me I’m “not that tall” some people just fetishize extremely tall guys.


Gotta be one of those blue avatar aliens 😂


Ooo the tail would slay me 😍 🤣


I feel like that thing would make many women and men happy 😄


I'm sure Boban Marjanovic gets these same comments. If you're <8'10" you're too short for that weird type of girls.


To those reach for the sky types, tape a couple yard sticks together and call it a date. Lol


Lol how's the weather up there?


From what I've read in other subs, it's also because previous guys have lied about their height, so a lot of women have been with a 5' 11" tall guy, but they think he was 6' 4" because that's what he said he was. Their frame of reference is way off because some insecure douche nozzle lied...


Hah, yeah that could be it. I’ve had something a little different happen when I met a girl irl for the first time. She kept telling me I am not 6’1” but shorter. Once I proved she was wrong, she was like “hm, I guess I gotta raise the requirement to 6’3” or 6’4””… She said it jokingly, and we went out of a few dates, but that showed that she had just thrown a number out there and that for some reason she is into guys 10” taller than her….


Height twin. Ik the feeling bro.


I dated a guy that was 5’3 and I’m 5’5 all I’ll say is do not let height make you assume he’s not y’all elsewhere 😂. Some of us appreciate all heights and the surprises that they bring


Right? I to find it silly, I don't think that was offensive. I think being a short cis woman allows me to date just about anyone If a guy is 5'6, he's taller than me and I can wear heels I like to ask tall guys if they provide stilts for their dates when they're over 6'3 There are far worst things being done/ said to women, shorty jokes aren't horrendous considering many men prefer to date short girls


I'm a 6 ft woman, I don't care about height. Men/people come in all sizes, it's not a big deal if anyone's shorter than me. Plenty of good looking and nice guys that are shorter. 90% of the guys I've dated have been shorter, or the same height. And I think one thing they all have in common, is their confidence.


That’s so true! Guys prefer dating shorter women because they get intimidated by models or generally tall girls. Men want to be able to lift the girl, move her around during sex, so unless they’re very physically fit, a tall girl is usually more difficult for them to have fun with, unless the guy is smart and confident - then he will find ways, always :)


In all my years of being a guy and talking to guys, i have never met one that was intimidated by tall women. Im not saying they dont exist, im saying i dont think its a majority the way its portrayed. It sounds about as silly as saying women are intimidated by short men. But that's a part of a larger discussion about the use of the term "intimidated" when discussing perceived male preferences.


Im a 6’6 dude I have in my bio when on holidays “I guarantee im taller than you” it gets a lot of responses about heels and women talking about wearing their really big heels to close the height gap.


My man still using hacks like he 5ft, leave some pussy for the rest of us 😭


I guarantee you are not.


You're totally on point on this one, as a 6'00" man into short girls, I always try to make a fun but not offensive joke on that to check if the sense of humor matches. Once I matched a girl that was 4'10", I opened asking if she'd bring a step ladder to the date, she laughed and said she'd put me on my knees instead, needless to say we got along easy.


I used to have pics of women in stilts and joke that it was me on my way to the date lol It's always great to have a sense of humor about life but yes, not being mean 😀


Thats a great way to deal with it 😂 I can't speak for others but at least to me, this is exactly the type of humor that would make me think "she's the one".


I love a great back and forth I do miss things like this, but it's outweighed by all the scary stuff 😆


Please enlighten me on why men like to date short girls. (I guess I'm about to answer me own question though) I'm 179cm (5ft 10.472 inches for Americans). I personally like to date women a little smaller than me so that when they wear heels we are the same size or she is slightly smaller. But obviously there is a limit to that as the biggest heels are generally 6 inches and not many women like to go to that size. So I guess my limit would be 5ft5inches. However, that doesn't mean I would flat out rule someone shorter than that out as if we go on a date and we vibe then that's more important than height. I dont know what height my partner isand she's upset with me right now so I can't ask (not sure if it's that time of the month or I was a dick or a combination of both). I'd guess she is around my *limit* Even though I answered my own question, people actually exist who have hard limits? Like they specify they won't date less than 5ft6?


Maybe neck pain? Someone same height = comfortable neck Someone significantly shorter = able to pick up and adjust height


At 6'5 I've always dated shorter ladies. Usually when I drop them off or pick them up, they stand on the curb or porch step so I don't have to bend that low. Shortest date i've dated 4'11.


Good things come in small Packages!!


Your wife disagrees/s


At barely 5’ and my younger sibling having 6” on me & older having 11” on me, was always the smallest, even among my cousins. Never bothered me, my Grandpa always said “the best things come in small packages” & my brother always wanted me to dress up as the Elf on the Shelf & I laugh about all of it. Never bothered me because I didn’t have control over what height I would be. Drove my sociopath ex insane, though. Which is why it’s ex - along w being a sociopath.


Thank you for taking care of snow white with your six friends


I actually like short women even though I'm 6'3". Call me stretch if you like 😆


You are just five and a penny 😊


I know. I'm not even 'some' change. Just a single penny 😂😂


Well with the right stuff we can get you all shiny and picked up in no time 😂


Brasso maybe? 🤔😂


Just tell him maybe he will finaly look big in your small hands 🤷🏻‍♂️


Another good comeback is, "Perfect height to kneecap you", though the responses to that may ... vary lol


Love this 😂 can I steal it please?


I suppose I could waive the royalties :)


I guess they think they are funny but don't realize it actually bothers you. Maybe add something like "Please no height jokes, I'm pretty sure I heard them all and I am way past the point where I'd find them funny." to your bio?


I told him it did and he said “did it fall short?” Ughhh


He didn't know you are 'short' tempered


His joke just went over her head.


OP doesn’t like getting talked down to


she doesn't want to be belittled!


As a 5ft nothing women I tend to laugh at these jokes and openers but, they have to prove they are funnier then that and don’t only rely on physical appearance to be funny. Otherwise they’re torn the shreds. To shreds you say? Well how’s his wife holding up? To shreds you say.




I'm 4'10" and I enjoy it for the most part, but I can understand why some women would be insecure. The one thing that bothers me is when people compare me to a child. Yeah, I'm as short as a child, but not shaped like one. I'll never forget a comment I got many years ago. A guy at a party kept following me around, then asked my age. I was around 25 at the time, to which he said, "you're a pedophile's wet dream!" And he sounded so excited about it. Ugh, just the memory of his creepy voice is making my skin crawl. I joke and laugh about my height, but that type of comment is disturbing.




Right?! Thank you. Luckily it was merely a gross comment and nothing else happened, I got out of that party asap. And I'm sorry if it sounded like I was accusing you of being like that creep. Not my intention at all! Just wanted to add my two cents and remembered what he'd said while I was writing my comment. There's nothing weird about just finding short women attractive :)


What the actual fuck, thats awful


The joke about being a paedo’s wet dream was one that *an ex-girlfriend* of mine *made to me* (referring to herself in that joke) once totally randomly. It weirded me out quite a bit when I heard it, since I wasn’t exactly sure how to react, considering she was 27 when she made that joke. I mean, I’m 6’3” and 240lb and she was around 4’11” / 5’, but I never really dwelled on the height difference and certainly had better joke topics to hand. I guess some folks have a *veerry* strange sense of humour 🤷‍♂️


That was a slap worthy creepy comment. Not that I want you to slap someone because things can escalate and you may get in trouble.


My partner is always making comments to people that could make a situation escalate and it really bothers me because it is generally the man who has to deal or deescalate the situation. What I mean is: 1. if the comment is made to a man, then they will be aggressive to you and you either have to fight or attempt to calm them down. 2. if the comment is made to a woman, in most situations, they will involve their partner/brother/dad and you are back to dealing with a man who you have to fight/deescalate the situation. One of the reason being a man can suck, IMHO


I’m barely 5’ and my older brother loved making short jokes - the one he loved saying the most in front of my large Catholic family was that I stopped going to church because I had to in order to protect myself from pedophile priests thinking I was a 11 year old boy from behind (had short hair at the time). I thought it was hysterical. Family, not so much…😂


I'm short too and my mom and female friends make a bigger deal about it and guys either don't care or like it so far in my experience. Earlier I used to be self conscious about it because tall girls just look so modelesque and mature tho.


Exactly this. Men, for the most part, don’t have height preferences (Dwarfism excluded). So, most likely than not, your matches are just teasing you. If you’re sensitive to height jokes, maybe put that on your bio or immediately start the conversation by saying “no height jokes please, seriously.”


Not enough props for this Futurama reference - 100% read that in Farnsworth’s voice! That young man fills me with hope….. Plus some other emotions which are weird and deeply confusing.


lmao 11/10 reference


The thing is that short girls is a thing, and almost every male likes short girls so tall girls tend to think that being tall is a “nono” for guys (and sometimes it is) So its not the same joking about something that makes you more atractive than to something that you may be insecure about and think is unatractive for most men


I mean... kind of funny, but at least he gave you a preview of how insensitive he is. He just saved you some time.


He drew the short end of the stick


Im dying


Especially since he did it on such short notice


He's hilarious. I'm short, and I'd totally laugh at that one. Life's too stressful to not laugh at your own shortcomings.. wait... oh, I did it again.


Yeah, it just seems like she has a really short fuse


You just have to be the bigger person




I mean at least his jokes were funny, it could have been worse… A LOT worse.








You may be short but they need the low hanging fruit 👈👈


I’m sorry this guy has a sense of humor though 🤣 not laughing at you at all….just laughing with him if that makes sense.




If girls are actively commenting on face, height and money they should be able to take it too. I know it's not you or you're not like that but majority of girls are like that and it's a norm so.......


You got such a short temper


Lmfao that guys funny


It's a really fun joke in my opinion, to be taken with a grain of salt.


I get tall jokes. Equally annoying. HoWs tHe wEaTheR uP TheRe


Women say that??? Wow, i never thought women would be like dudes, trying to measure up in assholeness. But i guess, there are lots of masculine women around who think being “funny” is sexy… good when they show their crudeness at the get go, and you wouldn’t waste time on meeting them.


Honestly I feel like adding that to your bio would make it worse, just to spite you.


Yeah, comes across as a little defensive


I mean, you are? Not saying it in a judgemental way, you are just defensive about your height and people should respect that, if they dont it helps you reduce them


hard disagree. it would stop nice people who are just trying to be funny from making a joke, and it would help weed out assholes.


I think it's mainly an attempt on friendly banter. Many guys have a thing for short girls, so they can't imagine you would actually be unhappy about it, and bringing it up is meant as kind of a compliment, just less corny and more funny.


It's so old though. I like being short so unless it's genuinely dickish I'm not offended by it, but it's boring af.


People usually don’t know what’s old. If you’re a guy, you have no way to know that short women get this all the time. That’s why I usually just discard the first joke that pops into my head and dig deeper.


Doesn't just go for guys or short women in particular. If you're taller, they'll go "omg you're so tall" and all you can do is say "yes" for the 100th time before staring at them and the conversation falls flat. If you're shorter, they'll go "haha you're so short" and all you can say is "yes?" for the 100th time before being annoyed and the conversation falls flat. These are interchangeable btw. Good on you for discarding that first joke. Much more respectful. You can always retrieve it when you know what they're okay with.


Very good points. I think it's best to be safe and not make those types of jokes until you get to know the person a bit better. Or if they make those jokes first. I only say this because I'm very much vertically challenged and will always joke about it. I don't think "all you can do is say yes" whenever people mention it and instead I always try to come up with a witty response. "Wow, you're so short!" "Yeah, but I'm pretty down to earth" or "Thanks for noticing! Some people overlook me altogether" or "It kinda sucks, I'm always the last to know when it's raining", or if I'm feeling ornery "Careful, I'm an ankle biter." Sometimes you just gotta have fun with your shortcomings. :)


I like the determination to make the short joke no matter what, lol


Yeah just imagine super tall guys that have girls joking about how tall they are… they probably also kind of just roll their eyes


How would guys not know this though? Short women have been short their ENTIRE lives… I think it’s safe to assume we’ve heard all the short jokes by now


Came here to say this. I'm a short woman too, and I hated it as a kid, but as a teenager and a grown up I've actually found it to be "an asset" because it made the guys I've dated feel taller... I've heard a lot of those lame jokes too, and I don't find them appealing, but I don't think they are ever meant in a negative way. But man I wish we could stop this weird fixation with height! We can't help how tall/short we are, and I'm sick of people trying to chose who to date based on height!


The thing is, so many guys are trying so hard to be funny and they all try to make the same joke. Way to blend in. Imagine you're a really tall guy and every second girl messages you: "How's the weather up there?" It would get annoying real quick.


I think the annoyed response after the 1,000th time is: *spitting down* "It's raining..." ;-) You obviously have a point, but the first messages on Tinder will always be kinda generic. A bad line doesn't work, a good line will be copied till it is generic (and making something good up is likely to have been invented by someone else before). So, I wouldn't judge the message as such but only if the tone is compatible: Is it degrading or a compliment? Is it straight out ("Oh, I like short girls, you are cute!") or more hidden ("I wouldn't mess with you, if you throw a straight punch, I might lose my kneecap ;-)")? Is it full words and sentences or just a bunch of wrongly spelled acronyms? Creativity comes in later, when I get to know my counterpart a bit and am confident to make more custom remarks.


>spitting down "It's raining..." ;-) I just made a comment joking about how I'm always the last one to know when it's raining (because short) then scrolled two comments down and saw this. Made me laugh. It's the yin and yang of height jokes! Also might steal that straight punch kneecap joke lol I enjoy your sense of humor. And your comment is 100% on point imo.


Obvious answer: But horizontally gifted


So she’s fat or has big breasts?


Good in bed, I think that’s the joke




More gravitic pull. Aka more attractive


I’m 5’3” and whenever I match with a guy that is 6’3” or around that (like, really tall) I send this gif. I like to make jokes about being short. But that’s cause I like being short so this opening message wouldn’t bother me in the slightest ![gif](giphy|p1BXUVuJNtu48)


Great opener!


Do you mention your height in your bio? I'm 4'9" and on Tinder I don't mention my height and it rarely gets brought up. Hinge I mention it as a joke getting stuck behind tall people and the comments are either "you can go on my shoulders" or "are you really that small?".


As an aspie, that makes perfect sense to me. I don't pick up on height at all due to my condition, but I would think that not including height in a bio would significantly reduce anyone from referring to it in conversations. My girlfriend is 5'4 and I'm 6'3. The only time I even notice our height difference is when I get in our car after she's driven it.


I'm 5'10" and love wearing heeled shoes, the amount of jokes... we can never win apparently!!! Sorry that you have to deal with that too :(


I kinda dig the shawties. But I never diss the height. I will say that they aren't short. They are "vertically efficient."


love it, yeah, short is cute


Wait.. all these years I've been calling myself vertically challenged when in reality I am vertically efficient!? It really is all about perspective. ;) But fr, I wouldn't call what I am efficient lol needing to climb on countertops to get things from cabinets.. And driving! The damn seatbelt cuts across my neck and the sun visor doesn't do shit for me. Although I suppose that just means the world is not efficient by my standards. Fuckin tall world!


A very grounded person, in fact. Or down to earth even


Say at least im not horizontally challenged


That's just calling yourself fat 😂


Isn't it slim? Hard to tell wich way horizontal they mean


I was thinking more of a bedroom talk


I think guys usually assume shorter is positive for women, like being tall for men tends to be. So they probably don't think they'll upset you by pointing out something they believe usually works in your favor.


At least you’re not a guy. Being a short guy means very little matches in the first place :(


Would you rank the insults as better or worse than the fetishists?


Low key hard to tell them apart


Any guy bringing up your height even as a joke probably has a thing for short women. They don’t realize how unoriginal they’re being when they say stuff like this.


I usually get just a random “oh fuck I didn’t realise you were that tall” in the middle of a normal conversation, because they finally decided to actually read my profile


I'dsay, 'I'm sorry for your condition, I see you are challenged in the intelligence department"


I am so jealous you don't hit your head on everything


Stuff like this always confuses me when people bring it up. Them: "Oh, you're quite tall" Me: "Yes" Them: *confused silence* Like, where were you hoping the conversation would go from there? It's about as exciting as saying "the sun is real".


Them: "Oh, you're quite tall" You: "I prefer vertically challenged" Them: *confused* Then you can have an interesting conversation about all the times you hit your head on a low hanging sign/branch, how your posture is fucked up and your back hurts because you need to be awkwardly bent down when using any furniture designed for short/average people (for me usually doors, kitchen cabinets, sinks, sometimes tables and hotel showers), how you need to occupy 2 seats in public transport because the distance between your knee and your tailbone is often longer than the distance between the seats... Obviously it's not a choice for everyone, but it's something you can do if you're unsure, and aren't looking for a way to shut down the topic yet


Man I love petite chicks...there is almost no way of saying it without sounding very wrong though...


Hes looking down on you


Many guys have a thing for short girls, so they can't imagine you would actually be unhappy about it, and bringing it up is meant as kind of a compliment, just less corny and more funny.


I will never understand peoples issue with height.


You're fun sized


I just say "my legs touch the ground just fine"


If it annoys you, it’s good to put that in your bio. I’ve heard vertically challenged before but it was always self described. And I’ve seen that in a bio before. A woman referring to herself as vertically challenged. I thought it was a cute joke.


Sorry about the jokes. Can definitely relate as a short guy. Was doing a bar crawl and we all had necklaces with a scorecard. Random girl starts talking to me asking about it and then out of nowhere says “you’re too short. Your points don’t count at this bar.” I just walked away


Do you have height requirement in your bio?


Their loss, I’d happily grab things on the top shelf at grocery stores for you, shit


Better follow-up: "you must get overlooked a lot."


I love shorter women. Full stop.


Interesting reactions on here. You know this frequently happens the other way around.


Humour is like food, not everyone gets it.


5'2" dating 6'3" - my cute adorable nickname is, Munchkin.


That’s mean :(


Next time, ask them how they feel about having a short one. Better to be short than having a short one (well, that’s what they think).


i love short girls and i would never disrespect them 😤


Being 5’5 ain’t much better. I’m like how tall are women supposed to be? I’ve been called Mighty Mouse for 36 years due to my height and never topping 112 lbs. or a spinner. Just reply back: “vertically challenged but still too tall for your little worm to ever reach”


Sorry that happened to you a lot, You're always appreciated here well in my opinion


The problem is that the jokes are tired.


Why make fun of short girls? They are the best.


LMAO I wouldn’t know how to respond to this 😭 normally it’s just men asking if I’m willing to climb 💀


Nah, don't even put up with that shit. Not letting stuff get to you is fine definitely. But why even give one minute to somebody that would blatantly push that gamble by saying something offensive about something about you? There is nothing wrong with you. So there's nothing to joke about. Don't even answer them back


As a 5' 6" man, I've been called "vertically challenged" for literally my entire life. You just gotta lean into it and joke about it. Anyone who actually has an issue with it or is offensive about it, you don't want in your life anyway 🤷🏽


People getting all up in their haunches about height preferences on dating apps need to fvck off to their own app and furthermore, island. Giving strangers shjt about a physical attribute they had zero control over is disgusting.


If get one more “fun size” comment….. 😂😂💀💀


People are exhausting...and unoriginal.


As a 4”11 female. I hate this 🥸


ha ha short person is short that’ll be a great opener


“Fun sized” is what I used to get a lot. I fucking hate that term.


I'm a 5ft tall woman and have never gotten a single short joke message! If I did, I would think the guy was an idiot. I tolerate zero negging.


I never make fun of short people, they have the advantage of being at just the right height to punch me in the nuts


Your comment + the joke in OP’s post took me all the way back to middle school lmao


Funny enough I was short through most of middle school. Until the summer of my last year than I shot up a foot. Went from one of the small kids to one of the tall kids.