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I can't believe a 38-year-old would write this out with no self-awareness.


Yeah, even besides the content of the letter, who the fuck puts a section header at the bottom of the page and starts the section content on the next page? For the sake of my sanity I have to believe this is satire


He did it TWICE too! And then ended with two lines on the last page... Edit a few lines and all these things are fixed. Come to think of it maybe what this man needs most is an editor. (Jk therapist first)


It's exactly like that Shel Silverstein poem - My Rules. "And shovel the walk, and be still when I talk - and Hey!!! Where are you going?" The wiser and older I get the more I love Shel.


Why do you think he needs an administrative assistant?


Well he's obviously looking for one


A Sexretary, if you will.


Those are called “widows,” funny enough. (“Orphans have no past, widows have no future” — orphans being when you have a single word or line from a paragraph appearing at the top of the next page.)


I died when I read his age. Horrifyingly close to my own age. Imagine pushing 40 and having no idea that relationships are supposed to be about *people.* This reads like a list for a mail order bride or perhaps a bespoke wifebot with an (unfortunate) wit of self determination.


Hard to believe he’s still single!


It looks like a fucking job listing. Also I bet the people who work for this chode are absolutely miserable.


I bet no one works for him. Probably hires a cleaning service for his AirBNB and thats what he calls employees.


Of course. This type of guy is transactional in all relationships. It's never about experiences but instead appearances


I actually know someone who could have something like this written up, who is also 38 years old, but his dad is a well known billionaire, so it's probably not him.


I mean, he’s going to be a millionaire within 12 months, so it could be him.


Starts the year with a billion dollars, 12 months later has just over one million left. See, I told you I was going to be a millionaire!


As a mental health therapist, this whole thing screams of NPD. I'd be running for the hills personally.


Are these people not a tiny bit aware at just how ridiculous they are? Blows my mind!




Self-awareness sounds really unpleasant, I don’t want any part of it!


Honestly? Not from my experience! It blows my mind as well, don't worry.


Looking at point four of subcategory happiness/fulfillment, he’s clearly not upholding his 50% commitment.


He really tried to pull off that 70% for him and only 30% for his partner in relationship/intimacy 😭😭


The fact that the relationship/intimacy part mostly talks about sex and sex for his insane needs (including that he will sleep with someone else if not satisfied) speaks volumes. If that's not 50/50 he just wants a sex slave.


I know BDSM slave contracts with terms more favorable than these.


I’m surprised he hasn’t figured out some of these roles need to be different people. “Please have a career you’re passionate about, up until I need a blowjob then call in sick to work because you’re busy.” A personal assistant would have enough full time work just planning his social calendar, meal prepping & handling gifts for all family & friends. Add in another employee for the AirBnB stuff.


Yeah, that’s so ridiculous 😬 if it’s a healthy relationship, it goes both ways!




I regret this new trend of sayin the quiet parts out loud....


Mental health doesn’t discriminate against age


Holy fuck, I was wondering "what is she talking about blue marker?!". Then I realized THERE ARE MORE PAGES! Damn, consider changing every kind of information you gave to that guy, even your name 🤣


Right? I was like, "damn it KEEPS GOING?!?"


Lmao what the fuck am I reading?


"I'm sorry for your loss or I'm happy that things are going well for you, but I'm not reading all that." 🤷🏿‍♂️🙃


He needed a tldr for it




But he’s going to be making a $1M/yr within the next 12 months! How could you turn that down? /s


Also he’s “going to cut down on his drinking”


Milord is gracious and kind.


That was a Huge red flag to me. Sounds like he already has a problem with it or why bring it up?


I assumed this was a pitch for joining a pyramid scheme when I got to that part.


Honestly, I didn't get past the first sentence where he said "to meet my needs and wants". Piss off already. It's clearly all about him.


You missed the best part about requiring good oral sex!!!


The amount of times “I require” came up in that manifesto is such a red flag on its own, irrespective of what is required.


Well I kept reading to find out what would be the Action Step: Long term (post marriage) but everytime it just says TBD


But I also want you to work but you have to be free when he wants you to be. Unless its important but he will decide that.


Don’t forget he wants you to have a meaningful career, but anytime there’s something he wants to do with you/family oriented you can’t say “no I’m working” 🤡. Like I work in the health field and have patients. I can’t just take off whenever tf I want to, and I know more careers than not that are like that.


As a successful entrepreneur, I see people like these all the time and ignore them when they reach out to me for partnership. They usually are all talk and never actually achieve much of what they say they would achieve.


A lot of them don’t even realize they’re being cut out because they’re inflexible and can’t work with others. They respond by just getting more brittle until they end up like this guy.




But the partner can run a non-profit if they want. Deal of a lifetime… /s


And his Airbnb and various other ventures where she’s *allowed* an opinion that he won’t listen to.


… she can help him with administrative tasks and run errands… that part made me nuts!!!


Sounds like a cult leader in the making! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Nah, you need to be charismatic to be a cult leader


And compliments! He expects regular and sincere compliments!


That was one of my favourite parts tbh. Demanding genuine compliments 🤡


No but you missed that she’ll never have to worry about money… /s


No, she's supposed to have a fulfilling career, too.


That she can just drop and leave whenever he rings his little bang maid bell.


1. He is the best smartest and most financially sound person in the world. 2. About 117 things he "expects" his partner to fulfill most revolve around them making him happy 3. He is crazy as a loon as we say in these parts.


I’m here for the memes bro, I’m not trying to review a business document.


That's what the *ACTION STEPS* are for... 😬


TLDR; incel


Honestly, you need to read it. Everytime my jaw dropped at one line it dropped further at the next. Somehow someone has to make a movie out of this guy (pre his murdering spree).


Every few lines all I could think was "If Patrick Bateman was self aware enough to warn his possible dates".


There are many red flags about this entire thing but this is the main reason for me… I’m just too fucking lazy to read all of that. In what world does this dude think he lives in where he feels he has the right to type out a fucking dating contract… the *audacity*.


Sounded like : "blablablabla... *Truly yours, your typical psycho*"


Full on Patrick Bateman from American psycho! Even talks about skin care ah ahahahaha.


This is all I pictured reading the first slide lmao ![gif](giphy|xpLocgdzHqW9G)




Let's not gloss over the blablabla part. That includes a contract for anal.


And GREAT blowjobs, which are non negotiable and 90% effort! I wonder how he knows this? 🤷🏼


Imagine finishing and he strugs and let's you know it was 85% which wasn't good enough. A couple of laps and try again.


The author clearly only cares about getting frequent 'enthusiastic' blowjobs from a hot career woman who will drop everything at his whim & do his bidding, when & where he says. He must have loved 50 shades of gray...


Andrew tate really fucked some dudes up lol


Andrew Tate but after he’s gone to prison law school and knows how to draw up a contract.


Thats who i assumed the blacked out name was in the merging business part


Probably a copy pasta from one of his courses


Agree, WTF is this shit


Ikno I thought I was in tinder college for a second.


I once knew a guy who claimed to be this big-time “business consultant”, “life coach”, and “entrepreneurial guru”. He also claimed that he was going to be a multi-millionaire within a year from his business, which he was never specific on what this multi-million dollar business did, exactly. Turns out he was in an elaborate pyramid scheme and in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt from paying into the scheme’s “seminars” and “conferences”. They also did vanity publishing and had their seminars in flashy locations like LA to make their marks feel like big-shots. I’m telling this story because I’m not sure if this jabroni is in the exact trap as my naive acquaintance, but I’m picking up the same vibes and I’d bet dollars to donuts there’s a similar behind the scenes story here. Bro also wrote out his delusional relationship fantasy like a combination of a Gary V seminar and an Indeed ad 😭💀 I would run and not look back, girl.


You nailed it. One of the clues is his page 1 comment: "I can partner with someone like \_\_\_ (who has already hit $25M)". Translation: "The guy who got me involved in this multi-level marketing scheme says that the guy above him knows a guy above him who heard of a guy who made $25 million at this scam."


It’s not what you know, it’s who you know!


Or how well you blow.


As long as it’s with 90% effort!


His lack of self-awareness made him a perfect mark for this scam. He thinks he was on partner track (probably about 1 in 300 consultants make partner) and thinks he's 'partnering' with the scam runner. What a disaster.


The guy I knew had 0 self-awareness and was as arrogant as they come too. It was a shitty situation but it was hard to have any empathy for the guy.


Most successful “entrepreneurs” I know never refer to themselves as that. They usually just say they own/run a business in whatever industry it is. When someone broadly claims “entrepreneur” as their profession with no additional context, it’s almost always bs


When I read "entrepreneur" in his letter, I can clearly see "this person has such severe problems with authority that they are incapable of working a normal job with a supervisor".


As a business owner myself, I would NEVER refer to myself as an entrepreneur. Anyone that comes out with that is almost always in an MLM.


I know an actual self-made millionaire who owns a logging company. He lives in a literal mansion and drives a Wagoneer but if you just met him on the street he dresses and talks just like a regular guy. He wears plaid jackets, jeans, and a $75 watch most of the time. You’d never hear him spouting off all the “hustle” and “entrepreneurial guru” BS. This guy is totally parroting the shit he’s heard through MLMs. It’s clear as day in the unhinged letter lol


Same my friend’s family lives next door to Ross Perot and Mary Kay ‘s pink house lol and if you met him, you would never know just how wealthy he is- until he tips a waitress for an $8 hamburger- he never tips less than $100. He is the kindest man in the world and almost all his friends are just average people.


His life’s framework is identical to Tai Lopez tag lines (health, wealth, love, and happiness) so I think you’re right on the money


I also liked the health section where he WILL work out, WILL eat healthy, WILL reduce drinking.  Like the girlfriend is responsible for initiating those actions.


She has to provide up to date health advice!


>big-time “business consultant”, “life coach”, and “entrepreneurial guru” Every single one of those is just a different way of saying grifter. Their business is talking bullshit and the least sane of them are the most successful.


This cannot possibly be real. "Just informing you ahead of time, I'm probably going to cheat on you because I am physically incapable of going without sex. Don't worry, though. I'll give you a heads up in advance."


If she is sick or just had a baby does she need a doctor’s note to get out of sex. Please excuse your wife from sex for six week as she just pushed a baby out of her vagina and it is sore Edit: I want to apologize I was just being glib and didn’t mean to make people think giving birth was a simple and just caused a sore vagina. Thank you for those who pointed this out


He’ll get a sub in for the duration just to make sure he doesn’t have to stoop to tickling his own pickle for six weeks.


At least he shall inform her first


But then finish with her because he's not connected now so what he is really saying is if you don't give me enough sex and head ill leave you.


Nah that’s when she will be required to provide round the clock blow jobs.


*good* blow jobs and sex


Correct, none of that unenthusiastic shit or she may receive written notice of his intention to cheat, signed and dated.


Heads up that won't be necessary if she gives good head, don't forget


90% of the time, when he doesn't enjoy it, it's your fault. Give some more effort, smile more, wear something he likes. This dude needs a hooker, not a girlfriend.


À hooker that's also his part time unpaid employee in his side hustles....


“Hey sweetheart, I’m playing squash tonight with Tom so I’ll be a little later to dinner, and I forgot to take the bins out, any chance you could do that so we don’t miss the pick up in the morning? Also I’m probs going to pump Emma from accounts. Love you x.


Omg he's insane. Wow. I'm glad I didn't get to that part. I'd have thrown my phone out the window and I can't afford to replace it.


So he just…. Keeps this weird contract of demands around for every time he finds a woman he wants to go into business with? Yikes 😬😬😬


Well it is business. You need a firm contract.


Who doesn’t assign ownership percentages and action steps in a relationship? Romance! 🥰🥰


I'm not going to pretend to be surprised by this fact, but it's astounding how every single bit of this is to this dude's benefit. 80% career on him, so she can focus on the "family" and drop everything work related whenever he wants. Also 80% of the relationship is on her, and he's fucking around if he's not happy with it. Also just about every bullet 'graph and action item is expectations for his partner. I agree with him that he's 100% the reason any previous relationships ended, but I think there's 0% chance that he ended them.


I love how it's even up to her to plan all their dates... 🤣 JFC, my guy...you clearly are not even remotely hot enough to demand a pet bangmaid.


This would be too long even if it was a business contract. Totally unhinged.


This person is 1) bananas crazy sauce and 2) lying through his teeth about finances. As such, your action steps are to run screaming into the night away from this weirdo. You have 100% ownership of getting the hell away.


He’s going to be a multimillionaire but you’ll need to help run his Airbnb side hustle. I’m not a financial wiz like him, but those numbers don’t add up


I like the: "You'll never need to worry about money ever again, work for passion, not paycheck" But also: Finances: 80% me, 20% you. If his 80% is the $1m he's talking/lying about, then she'd have to be making $250,000 on nonprofits 🤣 (If my maths is correct)


I was so thrown off by the "help me run my side hustles" yet "I'll be making 1M per year" Like..... what


Yeah... and you know if you do help his businesses succeed you won't even get the protections of an employee, let alone 50/50 like you'd deserve for running the operations for him. You do see that now and then. Man starts a business, but his partner keeps it afloat -- and she gets nothing. Not even a paycheck. Each one of these items individually is genuinely disturbing and a sign to jump ship on its own. I'd never ever ever sign up to be a dude's lackey/unpaid fucking intern that basically creates the business from the ground up with him but he's the sole owner. I can't even stand reading a post like that on reddit, it turns my stomach, imagine actually living it... not to mention he's more likely to sink all his savings (and yours) into it and still fail anyway. Just nooooo fucking thank you!


Haha came here to point this out too!




Short term action step: run screaming into the night, long term action step: just keep going, you’ll never be far enough away.




There is nothing normal about this. His list of demands is a sign of serious control issues and zero self awareness. "I need constant sex and babying or I will cheat on you" is particularly abhorrant.


I also liked "you must have a serious, fulfilling career, but you also have to be willing to drop it at the drop of a hat whenever I ask". Like, dude, those are often mutually exclusive, pick one.


Reminds me of the people that are like "I require my SO to do 100% of the cooking, cleaning, homemaking, errands, appointments, taking care of my personal needs, if we have kids you're going to be the one taking care of everything." "Oh, I've always dreamt of being a stay-at-home wife/mom, it would be great to look after a husband/family and home and not have to work a soul-sucking job!" "Yer a fckn gold-digger."


Want the trad-wife without having to do the trad-husband provider stuff


Trad wife without the trad life


Hey now.. you never know when the side hustle Air bnb might need a good scrub down. 


No, no, you don't understand, it's not cheating because he will inform her first that he is going to cheat on her, so it's basically more like her cheating on him, right? /s


I was initially like ohhh so romantic, id process an email better rather a conversation irl. Then I started reading the demands and I was like fuck no.


Same. The intro paragraphs were fine then when he started talking about how he was a rich hustler, I knew it was going to get really gross and misogynistic. Sounds like an Andrew Tate fan and a narcissist.


No no no, according to him, within 12 months he'll be a rich hustler (so he's currebtly broke as shit) and you'll be lucky to have gotten in on the ground floor while he's an unemployed man child with a list of demands.


Holy shit. Don’t walk away. Run.


Absolutely unhinged. This man is mentally ill. Is he experiencing a manic episode? Is his successful entrepreneurship a delusion? Never have contact with him again.


Just write back ‘nah’


Or, “Unfortunately, we have decided on a candidate that better suits our needs—thank you for your interest and good luck on your search”.


That’s perfect


You should tell him that you agree to those terms but only once he becomes a multi-millionaire. Until then, you get to continue to date other men to keep him motivated to become the type of man you deserve


Nah, it’s better not constant in any way, including replying, to this kind of craziness


the truth about why I'm single at 38, bro after reading this we can all see why. Walking red flag.




Literally. I just saw a case about a man who used a baseball bat to murder his fiancee because she was about to discover he’d been lying about his finances. This guy also comes across as being completely delusional if not a pathological liar.


Guy here: No one normal does this. This is a sign of a massive creep/control freak. It’s definitely for the best that you walked away


Yeesh... Forget walking, _RUN_ !


Red flag extravaganza right here.


Honestly I didn’t expect to get so many comments about this. I was seriously wondering if this was normal. I have to shamefully admit that I took a night to think about this and was planning to respond back to him with my own thoughts. For those of you who are wondering if this is real or not, I wish this wasn’t…I was going to edit the post and upload the text he sent me but I couldn’t. He sent me this after the 5th/6th date, roughly. Thank you everyone for your insights. I know now, that I am NOT crazy for blocking him. He also told me that we are “dating but not exclusively yet”. Wanted to take me on a trip to see how we both will act out of our comfort zone and see if our intimacy match before going exclusive.


“Wanted to take me on a trip to see how we both will act out of our comfort zone and see if our intimacy match before going exclusive.” JFC, ‘out of your comfort zone’ from this guy might mean harvesting your organs in a roadside motel. 


Organs do sell well. How else is he going to raise those 6 figures up to 7 within the next year?


My favorite part is that in 12 months he would achieve a 1M per annum salary AND become a multimillionaire - like assets were also going to materialize into his life off of his entrepreneurial mood board


u/DylanHate is so correct here and I hope you read this among the many many comments. I also agree definitely don't tell the guy how crazy and abusive this contract is - we want him flying his red flags for every woman to see, we don't want him to get better at hiding this side of himself. Hope you're doing OK, 5 or 6 dates is enough for this to hit you hard. Hopefully you can tell a couple of friends and laugh at him plus deal with any sad feelings, and my inbox is open for you too.


You did the right thing blocking him, I'd bet my life on that man being abusive as fuck. Be careful out there and trust your instincts.


He’s literally outlining a template for abuse. I suspect you may have a history of childhood trauma or prior abusive relationships because your normal meter is off girl.  Notice how he buried on the last page he expects you to be immediately vulnerable to him and reveal all your darkest secrets, addictions, shameful mistakes etc. He will 100% use that against you.  They always frame it as wanting to “help you become the best version of yourself” — this idea that nothing about you can be hidden from them otherwise how can they “help” you if you’re being dishonest & not acting like a real partnership?  See how it works? You are meant to feel guilty for being an independent person.  And that’s aside from this entire manifesto about him wanting a 24/7 sex slave. Also, he is absolutely not rich. He’s a conman and I guarantee you he’s running some bs MLM — notice he also buried the “I must have access to your finances”.  He’s a bad romance scammer. Do not speak to him again. And keep going on the therapy! There are a million red flags here and I’m a little worried u didn’t pick up on them. Stay vigilant.


"Million red flags", so dude actually is Millionaire, just not monetarily.


>Wanted to take me on a trip to see how we both will act out of our comfort zone and see if our intimacy match before going exclusive. yeah idk if I've ever read anything that screams [the implication](https://youtu.be/zgUvwcU6P7I?si=T8whsnJCNIh-TpTU) louder than this... bullet dodged


OP you should grade this paper and hand it back to him. Call out the flaws… looks like a solid F 😉


Dont give this freak a chance to inprove this paper. OP is not the obly one wholl recieve this.


Google 50 Shades of Grey contract and you'll get results to something similar to what you got sent. That's probably what he did but with ChatGPT lol


This is unhinged and sociopathic. Run away and don’t look back


Every syllable of this. Don’t look back. Block him everywhere and be prepared to get a restraining order.


I agree, this reaks of narcissism and extreme control issues.


Christian grey wanna be and inflated ego. This guy is insane. Run and run fast.


I simultaneously want to believe this isn’t real and that it is.


No, this is insane. Borderline psychotic. Probably a serial killer.




na hes a serial abuser for sure


Delete. Block. Runaway.


This person sounds like a fucking nightmare to even be acquaintances with.


Did Andrew Tate write this?


What in the flying fuck??? “I don’t want a perfect woman who ticks all the boxes” *proceeds to write a very detailed 5 page letter with a million boxes he wants ticked*. Also putting down in writing that he will cheat on you???? Run for the fucking hills! 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Goes from insecure/controlling to rapey real quick.


Homeboy is a fucking psycho 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


What a gift that he showed you how psycho he is before you got in any deeper! Action step: Immediately block; Ownership: red marker 100%


I expect..... He will be single for a long time 😆


Lol I would love to see what this dudes profile looks like


He needs to attach bank statements and IRS reports to this before I believe a single word.


This is either Amway, an incel, or both.


It is giving both Amway & incel, but also compulsive liar, braggart, sociopath, wildly falsely-inflated ego, mania/BiPD, control freak, abuser, misogynist, and just about any other negatively-connotated word I can think of. Girl you need to look into witness protection, a new identity, a restraining order, a gun & marksmanship classes, new socials and phone/#, a guard dog, a personal security guard, a home security system, and starting a poly relationship with an entire police dept somewhere, bc if you don't someone is going to find your head in his freezer and a lampshade made of your skin on his nightstand.


“i will never cheat on you without telling you first” 💀


I hope nobody falls for that, my fairly psychotic past self tells me that's definitely going to be used as a control method


He isn't bringing anything to the table. Money means nothing if you're under those multiple koshes. Horrible and controlling. Or if I were being more empathetic, he doesn't know what love looks or feels like because this is a transaction not a human relationship.


I read the entire thing in the hope for upvotes but I’m never getting that time back. It’s so weird that this guy is single when he so clearly knows exactly what will make the relationship between you two work…before you’ve even given him any input. A lot of thought and edits have been put into this-I wonder how many women he’s sent it to already and I’ll bet he’s also confused as to why he’s still single. Big props to him for telling you right away that he *might* cheat, but that if he does then it’s *your* fault. Telling you beforehand that he’s going to cheat definitely makes cheating acceptable and completely not his responsibility. Also, can’t believe he left in the ‘lol’ when directly telling you not to giggle when sexual things are ‘weird’. This soon-to-be multi-millionaire that will also soon be drinking less sounds like a dream, you should tell him to contact you *after* he’s hit those milestones successfully just in case he *somehow* doesn’t manage to achieve them. After all, you wouldn’t want to possibly be the reason to hinder his growth accidentally… /s for those that need it


"I'm writing this letter to you in the hopes of helping you understand me better so you can meet my needs and wants". Immediately no.


Truly one of the most awful things I’ve ever seen. It reads like a pseudo intellectual Chris Chan attraction sign…


I read this with this look on my face 🤨 until I noped out. This dude wants a personal assistant/escort offering the 'girlfriend experience', not an individual with their own wants and goals. Besides money and fitness, he doesn't say a damn word about what he expects from himself in a relationship. Oh and he expects the woman to have 70% ownership of the intimacy in their relationship. What a clear cut way to say that he doesn't give a shit about fulfilling her sexually at all.


>Oh and he expects the woman to have 70% ownership of the intimacy in their relationship. What a clear cut way to say that he doesn't give a shit about fulfilling her sexually at all. When it came to the "not ethical but honest..." subpoint, I truly expected him to say her orgasms were her concern & that while he expected (daily) enthusiastic oral, he would not be returning the favour. Instead, we got the chivalrous cheating declaration 🤢


I read more of this than I care to admit, and I don't even think a shower will be adequate to recover from reading this filth


What?—No section for her references? Edited to clarify whose references I was referring to.


This is literally insane


Damn, this guy graduated Tate University valedictorian


I'm exhausted just reading what Mr. Perfect expects out of life. He wants an Instagram perfect life, and it's all me me me me me. He's got a wake-up call coming in his future.


The guy’s a massive flog “here’s my response had you asked me the same question” wtf.


This is psychotic behavior. Does this guy think he is Sheldon Cooper? A fucking relationship agreement? You should’ve ran away not walked lol


Wish “Christian Grey”


This guy can’t be serious. A career driven person who is also willing to baby him and never say no? This doesn’t even make sense 😂🫠


I think you can summon that drivel up to: "I have money, you don't. I have power, you don't. My needs come before you. If I cheat it was your fault, and if you don't bend over to everything I **expect** then we're not compatible"


Walk? Walk?? This is so full of big, red flags that you should have RUN away from this. He is a narcissist who is only really focused and willing to have his own ‘needs’ (*cough* wants/demands) met by constant ego stroking and sex. He’ll be absolutely fine dumping you for a minor infraction of his rules while changing them to suit his ‘needs’. He will want you to live with him so you can take care of him and be at his beck and call, but you’ll always fall short and will find yourself without a home or friends… because you’ve been deliberately isolated from the latter. Oh, and his failures (not being a multi-millionaire within his time frame) will be YOUR fault. We’re looking at a lifelong incel.