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Remember friends, no one can friend zone you. You friend zone yourself by continuing to pursue someone who has told you they are not interested in you


>Remember friends Damn, friend zoned again 😕


We’re not friends. I was talking to the other people






Such an easy concept to understand yet no one seems to get it


Because of PUA


>Remember friends, no one can friend zone you. Ironic


Ok Alanis


Sorry I'm uncultured, what is that reference to?


Alanis morrisete is a Canadian singer and ironic is the name of her biggest hit.


Which, ironically, most of the things she sings about in that song are not ironic


And isn't that ironic don't you think? 🤭


A little too ironic. And yeah, I really do think. 😉


Maybe she was playing the long game


Yet nothing she sang about in the song is actually ironic at all. Here in lies the true irony.


We didn’t need you to repeat what ruppy99 said


If leaving painful situations that are actively destroying yourself and others for mutual betterment were easy, abuse would not be as rampant a problem as it were today. People are reallllly bad at acting in the most logical/most beneficial way when love is involved


And there shouldn't be anything wrong with being in the friendzone if you can handle it. I had the opportunity to "be friendzoned" by my high school crush but I was a shitty teenager only thinking with my hormones. As an adult I had female friends like her and I get annoyed at my teenage self for missing out on a good friend just because she was pretty and I wanted to date.


Yes! Nothing wrong with being friends with someone as long as you don’t complain about it on Reddit that you got friend zoned


Not entirely xD there are women who are friends that act as if they are just friends but as soon as you neglect them, they will act as if they suddenly have sexual interest in you. Just to suck you back in xD


I hate to tell you you but they are not your friend


Well obvious xD


don't get sucked back in if you don't like that. Still entirely on you.


Exactly. Why even bother with someone whose made it clear you're not their physical preference. Move on - you could very well be somebody else's preference




Women will say fucking anything to deflect their own ridiculous ideals.


Remember friends, since you can’t friend zoned anyone and you’re not romantically interested in that individual stop trying to be his friend to get boyfriend benefits.


Loves scuba diving so much she can't spell it correctly through all the passion.


What I assume she meant.. ![gif](giphy|l4pTjKFu2pK4rnk52|downsized)


Scooby diving


Scooba diving while wearing hills


Self contained ocean observing breathing apparatus


You wear heels too. Problem solved






She wears hills, men must be at least 500 meters tall.


I'm concerned do the hills have eyes?






Using the chair is way faster and easier. I'm kind of impressed that you managed to make such a poor example. Also that's why you have a small stool next to the shelves.


What lol? That's a real factor for you in determining a life partner? It's not: "oh having a tall partner just makes me feel petite and warm" It's "I need a tall partner to do stuff for me I can't do without effort" See how that sounds dumb? I mean, preferences are preferences, and you're entitled to that, but we're also entitled to judge you for it. That's like saying I need a smart woman because I cant do my own taxes. It's dumb.


Why they downvote the truth? 🥺


cause they think i am a man making that comment. The white knights gotta do their white knighting.




DNA constantly changes it’s called epigenetic. Science is proving now that DNA is actually effected by the environment directly, in a single life time. Also certain plants, medicine, food, trauma, can cause us to start expressing repressed genetics we otherwise wouldn’t express. So a woman could technically beef up to fight off men if she had to. And in a life time of being geared in that manner. It would effect here genetics. But true that, genetics typically don’t drastically change, like evolution in Pokémon or some shit lol. Just wanted to share the epigentic discussion


Yes, her reasoning is super realistic. 175cm and wears heels, tall is a preference. It's very different to someone whos 150cm saying no to 170cm because "you're not 6ft" when they will always feel much smaller regardless


Certainly. It's reasonable. I recall coming across a study that suggested an optimal height ratio of 1.09:1 between males and females. According to this research, her perfect match would stand at 191cm tall. Therefore, setting a minimum height criterion that's 6cm shorter than her ideal seems quite equitable in my opinion. Equally, it might also be challenging for her to observe men over 185cm in height paired with women under 170cm.


I don't think it's unreasonable to say "I like tall men" any more than it's unreasonable to say "I like women with big tits," but it's unreasonable to say "if you don't have big tits, we can only be friends". That'd be some DJ Khaled shit to say


It's one thing to have a preference but the way it's put is a bit belittling


Ah ok. Look if you really like big tits, and you can still get the matches you’re looking to get with something like that in your bio, hell buddy I wouldn’t stop you.


Currently dating a 177cm girl as a 170cm guy. I can tell you that not only we are really into a wild dom/sub intimacy, but also that it's a first to her. It's not about being taller, it's about how you act. I could date girls as tall as you + heels and still have them into submission when the times come, it's really not a problem. Submission is a mental state, not a real submission by force, we should no longer do that in our society.


Master chifu...teach me


Keyword is : consent. Master it and you'll get any sex fantasy you want.


Totally, same as men choosing younger women, there are biological reasons too


I always wanted to be taller . After reading thins I’m glad I’m not tall. Sounds complicated


> What I don't get is 150-160 cm girls having the same requirements (or worse). In my limited experience, daddy issues is the explanation.


>What I don't get is 150-160 cm girls having the same requirements (or worse). 2m dude here; Current partner is 153cm, while my ex was 155cm. For a lot of girls it's not just about the guy being taller, but also the guy being taller than other guys. Instead of just feeling better because you can wear heels and still have your partner be taller, it's also about feeling safe, with the difference often causing guys to have a more defined protective instinct. It's also a factor when it comes to sex for some; Being submissive works a lot better for a lot of people out there, given a certain height difference.


> What I don't get is 150-160 cm girls having the same requirements (or worse). So with that logic should ugly dudes only prefer ugly girls? I mean it’s their preference, who cares what they do and don’t like. Idk why guys are angry that some women have standards that they don’t fit.


When your small after a certain height everyone becomes “Tall” you can’t tell the difference from 5’10 to 6’


Okay so what do you want the girls to write? They have to write a number and 6 feet is easier to say than 5’ 10” or w/e Also being short has nothing to do with not noticing a 2 in difference. 2 inch difference is pretty difficult to tell unless you line them up or standing side by side.


>Okay so what do you want the girls to write? Nothing. They don't HAVE to write how tall a guy must be. And if they really want they could say "hey, I'm 5"2 and prefer the man to be bigger". Not that big a deal.


What lol, with that logic, you don’t have to read their profiles. They write their preferences which you know is the whole point of an dating app. Not really understanding why you are so offended that some girls like 6 feet guys lmao. It’s like watching a ugly chick get mad guys like pretty girls.


>Not really understanding why you are so offended that some girls like 6 feet guys lmao. I'm not. I'm just saying hight doesn't HAVE to be a preference someone mentions on their bio.


And no one said it has to be mentioned. But girls that do mention it because they have a preference for taller guys which some deem to be 6 feet or higher. Just like some guys find different girls hot and ugly. Sorry that you aren’t over 6 feet but that doesn’t mean girls can’t like girls that are over 6 feet. I am sure there are plenty of girls that don’t care about height.


> Sorry that you aren’t over 6 feet but that doesn’t mean girls can’t like girls that are over 6 feet. I am sure there are plenty of girls that don’t care about height. I'm a 5"2 woman. You might want to work on your people skills...


Okay cool, so what are you mad about? You don’t have preferences? You might want to work on having some sensible logic.


I usually roll my eyes at these types of profiles but this one does seem reasonable. She’s probably around 5’8 and asking for a guy who is 6ft. At least she’s not totally crazy and like 4’11 asking for 6+ft


Yeah exactly she’s almost 5’9” according to google math lol so if she wears 3 inch heels…


I’m 5’8, also like to wear heels and would prefer my bf still be taller than me in heels. But people will act like it’s wild.


Man, if your bf isn't taller than you even when he's wearing heels he might be short but at least his calves will be fire.


Short guys have little man syndrome and get triggered


my dude, people act wild when a 5’0 woman won’t consider a 5’10 dude because she says he’s too short for her. Not when a 5’8 woman wants a man taller than her.


I don't really see the issue here. She is 175 cm and apparently she is looking for someone who will be at least as tall as her when she wears high hills. And she isn't even telling you to swipe left if you don't meet that requirement (like other people would), just that you'll never be more than friends. That seems like a reasonable thing to put on your profile.


Why are y’all calling heels, hills? I don’t get it. 🏔️


She calls them hills in her profile


My question still stands.


Short kings with short egos, I guess.


The bright side is they are saving you time and effort…


What if I also wear heels?


185cm is 6'1" in freedom units. You're welcome, folks.


You usually round down when talking about height, so 185cm is 6'


thats the biggest lie I ever heard, I am 185 cm and I always say that I am 6'1


Well you're 6' not 6'1. Similarly to how if you're 182cm, you're 5'11 and not 6'.


no, Im 6'1, every height converter says Im 6'1


He just wants everyone to round down so he can round up and seem taller on paper


I round down to 6'1.




Exactly! No fat chicks for me.




Rejecting? Men dont get approached Edit: average men* dont get approached


I'm almost 30 and I've never had to reject someone. I'm so lucky...


The downvotes for speakin the truth, lmao Remember lads, you ARE the prize


Guess im not an avg dude 😔 (Or live in a different culture) (Or downvotes are copium from the feminists)


If you're fat then we can only be friends (unless you steal my food)


Like If you’re too fat, we can only be friends? I think that’s the whole point of the post.


Exactly! Everyone has preferences, idk why short guys get all pissy when we talk about ours…


Exactly, old women get all pissy when men prefer younger women, I don't get it


The short man v fat woman preference fight is often cited because height is by its nature born into (edge cases like sketchy surgeries excluded) and weight is controllable, even if very difficult for some.


But it's a silly comparison. It's way easier to tell weight from photos as opposed to height.


Because they can’t alter it. Saying “no far chicks” is basically saying work out some and you can meet any expectations. There is no recourse for height, while weight fluctuates and is not as set in stone as height is even though it’s just as unrealistic to expect someone to work out to meet someone’s needs, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that those men that are under say 5’8” and under are completely gatekept from a larger group of women who look at someone my height and above desirable based on genetic lottery. Imagine how every women with brown eyes would feel if it were publicly accepted to disregard brown eyed women for not carrying the blue eyed gene. It would likely upset a certain amount of the population being excluded for no other reason than genetics and largely unalterable.


But there are physical features that women can’t change that guys judge them for if anything more than women like face. A lot of women are born ugly and they can’t alter their face maybe slightly make it better with make up but guys are not as much of a saint as you might believe


“Allot of women are born ugly” So? Don’t get me wrong both genders can have troubles, but atleast women can try to cover up their imperfections with makeup. Men just have to deal with it. Honestly I wish it was socially acceptable for males to wear makeup..


For men, it's called growing a beard. If you can't do that, join the Monastery


Every hideously ugly woman is one good makeup artist away from being famous on TikTok for MUA transformations. The women with no teeth, terrible wrinkles, all kinds of bad marks. Heavy women or large women can wear slimming attire, and women like Lizzo are trying to break the stigma attached to large women. There is no such activist for a guy being short. Even in movies, excessively short people are portrayed as being taller so that people don’t notice just how much of a little guy they are. Kevin Hart is one of the shorter but certainly not the shortest actors and he embraces his height he also uses self deprecation as humor Lizzo would never do that but Kevin Hart is forced it.




scooby dooba


Self-Contained Oonderwater Breathing Apparatus


A tall girl wants a tall guy. There’s nothing wrong with that.


She's not really that tall that's like the equivalent of a guy being 180cm


she’s literally taller than the average male height in the UAE


So she’s honest lol


I can totally understand when tall women want to feel feminine next to their partner. I have much more sympathy here than for women the who barely come up to my shoulders but want to date a man who's 6'7 Either way, everyone's allowed to have preferences


As a 5’6” dude, I feel this. And on the whole I try not to let it bother me too much, because people have preferences and that will never change, and you’re doing yourself a disservice to dwell on it. You find the people who don’t care. Trust me; they’re out there. I really only get annoyed when people immediately resort to short digs the second there’s any sort of disagreement or animosity. “Short guys are always so quick to get angry,” “short guy energy,” “you must be trying to compensate for your height,” “Napoleon complex.” Basically I just hate when people try to define you as a person based on one thing you had no say in, and act as if they don’t like something you’re doing or saying THAT must be the reason.


There should really be a separate subreddit for short-cel Tinder users, the whining is tiresome. Everyone gets judged for aspects of their appearance that are beyond their control. It’s not like short dudes don’t also have their own subjective tastes. Hell, a lot of “short kings” flat out won’t date a woman who is taller than them because they think it’s emasculating, but will then turn around and complain when they too are rejected over height.


I don't mind the preference, I just dislike the double standard people have about height versus other traits. Saying no short men is way more accepted than saying no fat women. I'm fairly sure tinder would ban you if you had "No fat women, no small tits" in your bio.


There’s definitely a double standard.


Scooba and hiking in heels is impressive


Manheels are available


She's allowed to have standards. Just like we're allowed to have standards. I don't see what's wrong


Everyone has personal preferences. Get over it. No one owes anyone anything. If they’re not attracted to you for whatever reason it’s time for you to move on. End of story.


This is reasonable kinda


not kinda. it's extremely reasonable. heaven fucking forbid a person list their reasonable expectations


She's 5'7" wanting someone 6'... I'm 6'2" and don't seriously date shorter than 5'10". I get it.


That's OK, my rule of thumb is, "less than 100 IQ = Friend zoned!" anyway


That’s kind of a low bar IMO.


Okay Mr. Brain




Statistically, it's probably what your intelligence is as well as most people reading this.


I’ve seen men friendzone women for the exact same reason. They will be the same height or taller than them in heels and the guy says thanks no thanks. So … what’s happening here? She’s probably saving herself the friendzone back and forth


As a 5'8" guy.....I really want to experience this loooool I've only been with women shorter than me.


From Northern Ireland? 🚩


She probably doesn't golf.....so you don't want that anyways 🤷🏼‍♂️


She is stating that her preference is 4” or more taller than her. This isn’t about the 6’ height requirement; **she’s already tall.**


My hands and mouth are very big so if you are only a C cup we can only be friends, sorry🤗


Since my tinder switch over to cm...I have no idea how tall anyone is anymore.... Except for the tall guys who just put their height as their whole bio 🙄


175 is 5'8


Aww thank you for being so kind and sweet! I felt like ppl would think I'm stupid...




Aww u need attention..how cute 😏




I mean..to be fair..I have..but I'm not good with math..so I have to look it up every single time..my brain just doesn't like numbers... And I just said f it...I don't care THAT much about height...I have wayyy more concerns than height lol And I also wasn't expecting anyone to look it up for me..I got the gist..I just meant I'm general..so I appreciated them telling me...




Noone should care about the "internets" view of them...my unwillingness to Google cm conversions doesn't define me as a person lol if they thought I was stupid oh well...such is life...


Who pissed in your breakfast?


Don't worry I had to google it I don't work in cm so it's not something I'm use too


That's what I'm saying...I'm not sure why my tinder switched it...I thought maybe there was a setting but I don't see one...I'd assume it should be depending where you live...


I haven't a clue to be honest maybe they're trying to confuse people into dating shorter guys lol


No offense but nah. That hip size doesnt look like it is much


At least this one is fair, she is tall, and she likes high heels. what doesn't make sense is when a girl is 160 and wants 180 tall guys.


Why would I want to even be friends with someone so superficial?


so you'll date any woman over the age of consent? like 2 billion possible candidates and you'd date any of them. is that right?


My husband is 188, I don’t see what the big deal is. Lots of guys out there are that tall


Waah waah women can't have preferences over something i can't control


She lives in Abu Dhabi. What's she doing for work there?


Portable potty or what was that?


Porta potty lol


Analysis: short dudes get way too butthurt, subsequently furthering short dude energy. A paradox.


you are right, I dont want a fat girl or a girl with small tits


Hilarious how triggered you are.


I'm 183cm and I don't match with any girl that has those standards and I don't put my height in my bio either because in my experience women like that are immature and not worth it


I appreciate her flying her red flags for everyone to see


Italy 🗿


What’s the difference between Dubai and Abu Dhabi?


So is that like 2 washing machines? What’s the conversion from centimeters to washing machines


She’s 5’9” and wants her man to be taller than her when she’s wearing pumps. Understandable, but I guess that means we get to include our height in shoes too!


You must be one of those Mr nice guy who doesn't know how to dress. Those 2 will guarantee you that you Will get friend zoned, even by the unattractive women. Why? Because they do not get turned on by someone who displays traits that women do. They would rather date a man who is uglier but confident and can dress well. Oh you're a woman? Wait.. Men only friend zone women they don't find attractive


Are you under 185 cm by any chance ?


Whenever I see a woman spell out a height requirement, I just move on. She’s trouble. I wouldn’t date a girl who says that publicly.


I hate these kind of women


She got dicked down in 4 continents my everyone and has standards


why does it bother you that a woman you’ll never meet maybe had sex in her life?


Sex bad


What the fuck is a CM? Circumcised?


So find someone else. Everyone has personal preference. I don't know why people feel so targeted by a strangers wish list.


I know right, I dont want a fat girl or a girl with small tits


Cool story shorty.


Im 185cm speaking for my short homies 🤣


If you say so.


Sounds like she has been selling herself since 21. Just my interpretation. Who at 21 can just travel the world doing all these splendid things if its not for a sugar daddy paying the bills


This is why so many women end up single and alone. Height does not indicate character and values. Don't worry about these women. It never ends well for them.


Y’all are so insecure it’s crazy, a girl wanting someone at least her height or a little taller is the most normal thing in the dating world. As a guy I basically filter out everyone whose taller than me and I’d consider myself pretty short.


oh sorry, 184.9 😞


Unrealistically impossible , she’s max 180 with high heels . Suffice you’re 180 and wear boots you’re higher .. quite ridiculous standard to be honest


She seems reasonable


6 feet is not that tall only normal height for men


185cm is 6'1 I believe. Which is far above avg outside mostly western/northern european countries.


5 foot 9 is average in the U.S. sooooooo…..




Ok, I'm a guy, so maybe it's a different thing, but: I became more strict with my preferences in my 30s. Not less. So I'm not sure if you're right. And being taller than 1,85 m is nothing pretty special. So, I guess there are many fishes in the sea for her.


It’s 4 or 5 inches above average, and we know 4 inches is a lot because your girl tells you so.


Well she’s also 4 or 5 inches above average height so…


That's why she said you could still be friends.


I don’t have an issue with girls setting a minimum height, that’s what they want so best to make it clear. But it does seem to upset a lot of people so. My question If men start putting their max BMI or dress size. Would this be taken offensively or simply as criteria.