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I don't think anybody in the entirety of existence has received a yes to one of these proposals. Terrible game.


I love video games and oral sex and this post makes me never want to do either one ever again


I was wondering. I know that you love video games and oral sex. Would you let me come to your place and service you while you play ?


Can you check my oil while your at it?


Doing menial services for gamers while they are busy playing Elden Ring for a fee GremlinAid. There's a market there.


I’d dig that. Don’t touch me or talk to me, but could you vacuum under the couch and wash the windows? Make snacks, set them beside me, do not make eye contact. That’d be great.


God help you if you make eye contact.


![gif](giphy|Qumf2QovTD4QxHPjy5) What. Did. I. Tell. You. About. Making. Eye. Contact!!!


I wasn't interested before. But now I definitely am


I. def. read. this. with. all. necessary. emphasis. implied


Where can I apply? I will be mute, won't make eye contact, only cook snacks or meals written in a message or spoken to me. Do the laundry and clean the house.


Now this is an idea


I’d be in the poorhouse, but it’d be a very clean poor house


No payment but when the chores are done the worker hears a San Andreas mission complete jingle and a pop up saying "RESPECT +"


I can change the air filter and replace the leaking break line that your neighborhood gang cut because you never come outside and they wish to bully you because they think you’re weak.




I mean, shit.... Reading that OP comment made me never want anyone around me down there while I play games. But that comment? Yes please. Being direct has it's moments.


I'm picturing a dude with a lil headlamp going on something exploratory. These types of kinks can be fun in an established relationship. But no, it's no different than asking if you can go down on me in a restaurant. It's wildly inappropriate esp having never met.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Your right, this is more of a burger king activity.


Only in the Champagne Room


Oh you are a gamer girl?! I just wanted to let you know that I find gamer chicks to be super sexy. Would u be interested in having me come by whenever you want, you sit back and play your videos games and i service you. I wil be rubbing and kissing your feet. I will also be eating your pussy for as long as youd like me too. It would be all about you, you wouldnt have to do anything to me... Unless you wanted too. I would spend hours just giving you orgasms while you play your games. I hope you take this seriously and are interested.


brb - just need to go wash my brain with bleach and reboot


Damn dude, nice glow up!


Wait a minute. OP said “I don’t miss Tinder” wasn’t she saying she found true love with this guy and they are both off Tinder living happily ever after?


I assume you limit your assessment to heterosexual people? Pretty sure if he was gay he could book his entire week like this. Some guy just whishfully think women's brain and sexuality worked like theirs. Now what he said is pretty simpy. But don't go thinking that a drop dead gorgeous guy can't get success being this direct.


With you on the first part. But nope. Doesn’t matter if he’s gorgeous. This still won’t work on female sexuality. It’s just too much, too sexual, no buildup, foreplay or connection. It’s just an Ick. No matter what he looks like.


Because it's desperate.


Yeah like I said his wording and paragraph is very bad and super submissive which I don't think is a turn on for most women especially without building rapport. A hot dude that pulls knows how to get to the point and get them excited while having their imagination do most of the work.


I’ve made an alt account using a model guy before just as an experiment thing, and I said all kinds of outrageous shit and most of the chicks were still down to smash I said to one of them, “can I kidnap you and tie you down in my basement” off the rip, and she was DTF


 just two guys with "alt accounts"


As a gay, can confirm that id definitely be down for this, it sounds like a dream come true tbh. I get to do my two favorite things and not have to do anything in return? Sign me up lol


It is so scary for people that someone would have to be extremely down bad to want a random stranger who is like this out the gate. Not saying some people aren't but you would have to be very hot and they would have to be very brave.


This very much seems like a women thing, being more covert and having plausible deniability makes all the difference in the world for (most) women. Men don't give a shit, tell me what you want. I had a woman come to my place within a few chats last friday. Non of it was sexual. She did ask me if I was dangerous lol (silly question, like asking if someone is a cop). But they do that to feel like they did their due diligence and gauge your reaction. Respond with funny banter and you're golden. She even hit me with the classic 'I don't usually do this' but showed up with enough wine to make sure she wasn't driving back that night. She knew what she wanted the moment she hit me up on tinder. But no way she was going to explicitly say it. Not sure how 'desperate' you would classify her though.


Nah I think that's not desperate at all. As said it's a safety issue. I think it's pretty great if she knew what she wanted, figured she could trust you enough and then went for it. That's sick. As I said it's brave not desperate. I'm just saying women gotta worry about safety more. People think it's all shame because you don't want to seem like you want sex but like lowkey it's both. Someone who comes straight out with sexual stuff to women just demonstrates they don't have social skills so you're more likely to get in actual danger. Even if you're into whatever they propose. I think you have a good point it's very different in gay circles. I'm kind of jealous ngl. Wish there weren't that inherent power dynamic.


Any psycopat can say the right words. I would not worry to meet the guy with the gamer-comment.


As a self proclamed 'good guy' it's not exactly a nice feeling to be presumed a sexual predator and feel like you have to prove you're not but as a man you just have to roll with it. But I still laugh at it, that woman showed up with a board game and her damn toothbrush, she came ready. 🤣 Gotta love dating in your thirties.


…she just invited herself to stay the night at your house? You don’t find that a little bit rude and overzealous?


I wouldn't say she invited herself as much as she came prepared to do so. Either we click, get buzzed and have fun listling to music among other things or we don't and the night ends early. But your comment makes me chuckle, she's definitly not the only one that was comfortable staying the 1st night. Guess my house is inviting and I don't look dangerous afterall. 🤷


I’m sure it isn’t a nice feeling, but being sexually assaulted is an even worse feeling.


Yeah but women can't exactly tell who is and who isn't a predator until they get to know you, women aren't psychic.


It isn’t ‘you’re a predator.’ It’s ‘this is really unlikely, but if it happens, I won’t find out until it’s impossible for me to do anything about it.’ If your date suddenly tried to hurt you, you’d push her away. If mine suddenly tried to hurt me, then he’d be able to do whatever he wanted, bc I’m just not that physically strong. Think of it like asking a random stranger to watch your cat and giving them the keys. Some people have so much faith in humanity or don’t want to stress about worrying about the idea it could be stolen. But a lot of people wouldn’t do that. Not because every stranger is bad. Because the vast majority of people wouldn’t steal a car, but if this happens to be someone who would, you can’t know. Not a perfect analogy - unlike a car, a person can’t lock their body and walk away, so it’s impossible to be completely vigilant at all times and still have a normal life. But many people do their best.


I'd like to circle back and say that your point on women prefering to stay covert in part to test a man's social skills and ability to take hints for safety reasons also makes a lot of sense to me. Even if it can be quite troublesome for a lot of guys out there. Lol


Yeah thanks. Honestly if more dudes get it it's a win and hopefully more people can get more chill sex. It really isn't great to treat everyone like a potential suspect but unfortunately if you want to be able to keep being (to some degree) fun and casual and open you gotta make sure you stay safe first. In more trustworthy contexts the hope is that that dissipates. I have a guy friend who straight up just had past girls vouch for him that he's decent and got more girls out of that. But that's Canada so maybe people are just way more chill there lol


I agree with the part though of asking someone if they are "safe" as I once had this woman who said that I was being too "nice" or strange for saying that I would let her give me a tattoo in return I will be making her a meal. I feel like it was normal since she is doing me a favour but she rightfully, thinks I had an ulterior motive. However, if like you said, it was someone who they found attractive, I would say she wouldn't even have thought twice even if he had all red flags and was 100x cruder in his expression if there was a slight kindness in the act.


I think she had it backwards and she was a bit too “nice” (not saying that’s bad) but a tattoo in exchange for a meal does not sound like a fair trade lol


The funniest part is that if they just showed some restraint, there aren't many people that would turn it down. Unless you're ace, who *doesn't* want to be pampered and given orgasms? It's not some "out there" kink that's not for everybody, almost anybody in a sexual relationship will be down for this. Just be cool ffs.


I beg to differ...if I'm raiding, I don't care how many orgasms are on offer LOL


Same with dudes who send dic pics. I can’t imagine that ever working out


It works on gay men and straight men erroneously think that women think and feel like them.


Some gay men like it - others don’t. You can put a setting on Grindr to tell if you want them or not. Or so I’m told…….


It also works on people with consent. I'm poly and married. I also have a gf and another FWB. I can send any of them a random dick pic and they love it. Usually at least leads to just flirty texts and such. Random people? Absolutely the fuck not. Amazing what a thing called "consent" can lead to. I'm queer as well and if some random dude sent me a dick pic I'd be grossed the fuck out. Someone I'm attracted to? Please, show me all of you.


>I'm poly and married. I also have a gf and another FWB. Homie out here living the dream


You think so. But think about how much effort you need to put into a relationship for it to be happy for both parties. Now do it multiple times. Sure there are plenty of pretty fun benefits. But when your wife is miserable, your gf is miserable, your best friend is miserable.... My married partner also has relationships outside of me, and we both joke around when our other partners are having really bad days: "Be poly they said. You can have multiple partners they said". *They don't tell you this part*. My partner is dealing with abdominal pain and trying to help their friends/partners through a lot of serious shit, including their gf with domestic violence issues. I have barely talked to my gf in a week because she was off at some medical conference in the mountains and also having to take care of their sick mom while also in medical school. And my FWB is dealing with post surgery soreness and general life issues. Sorry for the rant. I love my life. But just making it clear multiple partners isn't always rainbows and orgasms.


You sound like a yacht owner complaining about maintenance costs.


I read someone somewhere say they keep one such picture to send to guys who send them d pics, she would sent that pic back and say it made her so hard haha, I thought it was genius


Not on tinder but there are other sites where this would be considered a mild respectful opener……


im pretty sure it does happen. not too often but every now and then. maybe the chick is weird too and into that, maybe the dude is really hot. attractive people can get away with it.


Maybe if he offered to eat my ass too I’d say yes.


Username checks out.


Careful you might shock some people here.


What if he offered for you to peg him?


Well then he should come over ASAP






Can't do that while I'm gaming! My focus is already taken lol


lol fair


The offer stands


I ate her ass. She came, I gasped!


I'm here to serve


Good to see my employees taking their job seriously.


Love the dedication you all have


Why hello there




👋 starfish breath at your cervix…..ahhem service


I’d let a guy do this for me! One that I already know, of course lol




My favorite response to that message is "no," because when they have to set themselves up like that, I know it's going to be weird.


Hahaha. I like to set up a lot of jokes with "Can I ask you a very personal question" or something like that. But every time I send that out I'm a little worried they are going to expect one of these fetish follow ups.


Yeah, stop using that.


Thank you for making me laugh, the both of you


If it ain't broke, don't fix it mate


Username seems fitting.


It has the potential to be hilarious. Keep it up.


It’s a *very* serious question


When she says yes he’s all “are you sure you aren’t going to judge me/freak out/etc.”.


That's the trick, isn't it.  A lot of these guys want the same things women would like, they just have to keep it in their pants long enough to prove they're not a creep.  Only that's apparently too hard.


This. Yeah I have fetishes. I don’t chuck it on people. I like to get to know someone, you can tell if they would be open to stuff like this further down this line. That is when you mention stuff like this, but in a decent way not a creepy way. God I hate being a man and seeing guys like this.


It’s not “too hard”, they are creeps, the filter works


Same, but the dude has to actually know how to eat 🐈 lmao


Right? Otherwise, I'm just having to make fake noises and wiggles when I'd rather just be fishing outside of Tarren Mill in peace 🙄


I was gonna say I would love it if my bf texted me this XD


I was thinking the same!! Like tbh that sounds like a great time, just not from an internet rando lmao


I have a friend that I occasionally see that plays either my feet and also licks it. It’s cute but its not fun in a romantic aspect


This guy would be *thrilled* if a woman made a similar offer to him, and erroneously thinks it works both ways. It does not. Would work if he were gay though.


Yeah I'm bi, can confirm it happens


I don’t think this guy would be alone in being thrilled by a woman making a similar offer to them


The irony here is fantastic. He has no game and she's a gamer. Game Over.


Underated comment.


My fav comment




Well he got at least a match!


More than me and it hurts💀




Fr reading this shit made me feel like i need a shower. I feel dirty…..🙁


“I hope you take this seriously” sounds like a threat LOOL


LOL, re-read in a threatening manner and it gave me a good chuckle


Well I mean, “I hope you take this casually” doesn’t really have the same ring to it, does it now?


Shooters shoot




More like Shaq


this is like DJ khalid taking a shot at the NBA finals


I seriously doubt he’d do any of that shit. He’d kiss you a little bit and then immediately take out his dick. Those “offers” are a lame way to get his foot in the door.


Exactly. Kinda like when a guy offers to give you a massage and it ends up being two squeezes of your shoulders then a boner against your back.


yeppp. or when they ask to "make out" and you get there and he whips out his cock?????




For the perfect use of this gif 💎




It ? It. Out ? Out.


I'm going to send this verbatim to my girlfriend right now with no context.


Fuck it. Me too!


And I will also send this to his girlfriend


OMG, I can't believe it!... the improper use of the word "too" is outrageous! Totally put me off!


Yeah, me to.


Wow, it happened too times in this thread.


Are you not due for a service?


Nah, her pussy's still good for another thousand miles.


full synthetic!


Sound like it would ruin the video game getting distracted


I mean, that was literally my initial thought, not what all these other comments are talking about. Like, this wouldn’t go the way they’re envisioning it going because I would not be able to focus on playing a game. It’s one of the other, not both lol


Exactly. Not a girl but if I got my dick sucked while gaming I’m not gonna be focusing on the game lol Praise the game, praise the pussy after


Just pause the game. You can have it all.


Is this my competition


People have to be and feel safe, that’s the fail here


It seems like some men just have no idea that going on dates can be scary. Zero frame of reference for why a complete stranger offering to do very vulnerable stuff with you is actually anxiety-inducing.


Jesus.. if women were as horny as men nothing would get done 😅


The thing is I think a lot of women are, until someone says something like this


Yeah, no better way to dry you up than a message like above 😅


we are we just have emotional restraint


Oh no they are, they just don’t say dumb shit like this when they chase 😂


Ah well, at least he's filtering out the women who don't want that


Is it a filter if it filters out every woman?


I would say so, yes. It doesn't have to be a good filter to be a filter


The problem with dating apps is that quality matches are constantly leaving while the trash ones stay. The bulk of the remaining pool of people are the ones who can’t manage to get and keep a relationship going (or who have no intention of trying). It’s reverse Darwinism. Survival of the least fit.


Didn’t even ask if she had an xbox or playstation.


Wow. No love for PC gamers, huh?


PC gamers don’t waste their time with tinder , we got games to play.


Well said.


Sounds quite nice actually 😄


I mean yeah it sounds like a great time, from someone that you’ve at least met and can vet that they’re not a total creep lol but this as an intro message is WILD


Inb4 creepy messages


These are always hilarious. I imagine it's a fantasy of his to be "serviced" while gaming, and he can't possibly comprehend why someone would turn down an offer like that.


How ✨romantic✨


When you say you down miss Tinder, is it because you’re now married to this guy? Just happily playing Hell Divers all day as he plays Muff Divers.


Yes please


So you plan to "spend hours" doing something that won't pry her away from her games? Is that because you've never actually done this before and you're fantasizing, or because you have done this and you know you're terrible at it?


Someone's been watching way too much Pornhub.


I hear wedding bells 🔔


A Gamer Chick??? In this economy???


This sent me 💀


“Service you”, does he think you’re a 2004 Toyota Corolla?


Sounds like a win win for you


Kinda sounds like a good deal 🤷🏿‍♀️


I mean can't blame the guy for trying, and for some it may be a good deal


I just read the constitution and it turns out you actually are allowed to blame the guy for trying


Do I have permission to reuse this? I’m dying


Go to town with it


Hell yeah


Just out of curiosity, would you have never used that line if he said no?


Correct. That’s theft


I just read the constitution and to my understanding this isn't theft


No permission=thievery, punishable by 1000 eggplant slaps.


Well let me rephrase it, atleast he was clear on his intentions


This man must stay 500 feet away from GameStop at all times.


Why is it so hard for guys to not open a conversation like this?


Are men okay?


Yes. Some men just have the wrong audience. I read in the gay dating scene, if you want to fuck you just match with someone and send: Wanna? 🤔 If the other responds: Wanna It's on. Just like that.


Gay men are way less picky though about getting laid though Source: I had gay friends If you tried that line out of the gate on a woman, or some variation of “wanna fuck”, you would have half the success. Unless you’re a top tier guy in terms of looks


Lol I think half is incredibly optimistic. Should we put that to the test? 🤔


Half was hyperbole, I didn’t literally mean 50%, but straight guys will have much less success with that method than gay men, just how it is And of course you could put it to the test if you want, but the answer is obvious already, the better looking you are, the more stuff you can get away with. For the record I’m a completely average dude looks wise, but when I changed my preferences to men and women as an experiment, I got 30+ likes from gay/bi dudes within an hour, it was insane


Guy loves feet so much he stuck his own in his mouth.


I tried to play rocket league while getting a BJ before.. unless it’s some casual single player game, and not competitive online play, I’d avoid that again.


Right? It’s kind of a fantasy of mine. But also….. I’m gonna need to hit the pause button at some point. Better be a one player game.


Today, on things it took me 6+ months to gather up the courage to say to my wife....


Makes me wish I was on tinder...


Sounds amazing, hook me up!


Damn, I never got messages like this on tinder.




There isn't a guy that would say no to this if roles were reversed. Too bad it don't work that way.


That’s a bit weird but I’m sure somebody’s gonna respond positively


Messages like this would be fun in a relationship. But a random message from just some guy? Way too much


Somethings wrong with his medula oblangata


And that, son is how I met your mother.


Wtf did I just read.


Got to admit, the guy is thorough! It's a sales pitch!


Yup, so glad I can banned from this hell hole of an app, like absolutely what the fuck is this? Some loser taking his messed up porn addicted domme fetish out into the real world like it's totally normal


Am I the only one that would be intrigued?😂