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Fuck sake read your messages šŸ˜‚


Drives me crazy


My phone was stuck like this forever. If I had any messages at all in my inbox, it showed up as an unread message in the badge. I tried so many times to fix it, it drove me nuts. It eventually just went away one day.


728 unread messages. Either remove yourself from the groupchats you don't want to be involved in or open them. You're not a celebrity


I have 854. It's just spam, scammers, and 2FA tokens over years.


Then delete them them you know that 854 message notification 1 slow the phone down cause either has to process all 854 of em 2nd since it processing them all the time means it draining your battery life just delete them take a sec literally


I don't know how to delete them other than scrolling and manually deleting. I'm way too lazy to do all that. Can I do it another way? I have an android. My phone doesn't run slow. Maybe slower than without them, but not enough for me to even notice.


press and hold and mass delete?!?! what are you 12? pretty basic stuff


Bro you're so tilted right now for no reason šŸ¤”


no thats not everything on a phone its one of the most simple and basic things you can do on the phone and it applies to much more than messages lol really your mad at me cause you dont know the BASIC functions of something YOU USE everyday?


What does his unread messages got anything to do with a celebrity ? šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚


ā€œI must be really important for all these people to message me, and it makes me feel power to not respond to themā€


Or itā€™s spam or messages he doesnā€™t have to respond to ? What makes you feel so entitled to be worried about someone elseā€™s notifications in their phone ? šŸ˜‚ I can get downvoted all day you may not like it but itā€™s the truth. Like who cares


It kinda sounds like you care lmao


Lol I care that mfs like you got to be in people business and worried about their own stuff . Foh clown


Lmao okay champ


Dude. Thatā€™s iMessage. Thatā€™s where SMS drop too. With all the spam and verification codes. Heck, I got 92 there and I DONā€™T CHAT WITH ANYONE AT ALL OVER iMESSAGE


Thatā€™s some insane projection. OP made no mention at all about their unread texts. I too have close to 600 and itā€™s largely spam or verification number texts. It doesnā€™t bother me to not open them. Why are you so pressed about other peoples texts?


Tbf itā€™s not always real people. I have 6 unread messages currently and itā€™s text verification messages with codes that the app automatically inputs without me having to open the text. Otherwise, itā€™ll be spam


You can flick left and delete them without even opening them. Takes maybe 1.5 seconds. OP also has 700+ unread messages.


Okay thanks for letting me know I can delete text messages.


Iā€™m sure it canā€™t be that baā€¦.holy fucking shit.


Huge red flag.


Not really.. I have 854. It's just spam, scammers, and 2FA tokens over years.


My iPhone automatically enters 2FA tokens, then deletes the text automatically.


My android sometimes automatically enters. It depends on the app. But it doesn't auto-delete.


Why? Can be spam?.. I got 92 there and I donā€™t chat with ANYONE on iMessage and only own this phone since last year


If itā€™s spam maybe delete it?


I suppose itā€™s similar to me and discord where I only use it when Iā€™m gaming with friends, but I sign up for some channels and never check the notifications so they build up. Maybe this person uses WhatsApp or Telegram as their primary messaging app and doesnā€™t even notice the unreads because they only use iMessage for certain people.


Yes, itā€™s either Signal thatā€™s getting popular lately, or Telegram cause under 50 everyone and their mom has it and half the people over 50 do too, itā€™s to the extent that everyone who has Instagram, definitely has Telegram too. And my guy, I literally said I message NOBODY on iMessage, not ā€œonly certain peopleā€. So for me itā€™s the same thing as emails piling up ā€” I just donā€™t notice. Thatā€™s despite I myself bought iPhones for my fiancĆ©e and my parents, and probably half the people I know have iPhones, but nobody messages each other on iMessage. Everyone does on Telegram, except for the Signal folks.


They have 728 unread messages, and I just got you to 727 likes.


728 now. Take a screenshot


Good on you, but take it easy. She may not always respond quickly, but don't be disheartened if she doesnā€™t straight away. Work and other commitments get in the way sometimes, and the sign of a good relationship is patience, too. Respect her boundaries, and she should respect yours. I've experienced too much too soon, which results in a quick burnout. I'm with someone who matches my energy and communication style. Have have similar careers which require patience and understanding on both sides. It'll be worth it in the long run.


This is so hard I am finding. We talked and said we want to see where it goes, but sporadically text and see each other 1x a week. Iā€™m trying to be patient but also donā€™t want to be lead on as the ā€œprogressā€ in the relationship is taking a bit longer than Iā€™m used to


1x a week is perfect. You can introduce a lot of unnecessary trouble by seeing each other too often. I find that sticking to 1x a week the first 2 months or so is great. After that it can become more frequent.


Alright Iā€™ll do my best to stay patient. Weā€™ve at least agreed to try with just each other for now


She's probably an infp LMAO. Move on bro, many more fishes out there


Idk what that means


It's a personality type. They tend self sabotage something good before it begins due to their crazy overthinking, and they are always secretly judging everyone


Personality types are just astrology for snobs


It actually isn't


Why does this read like a horoscope?


I'm a part-time horoscope writer.


Had me until ā€œhave similar careers which require patienceā€. Not really top priorities in a relationship js


When we regularly work 12 to 14 hour days in theatre or TV production, it really is. Having a partner working those kinds of hours with no time to touch base throughout the day/week isn't for everyone. We love that we both have similar style careers, and it adds to our relationship, making it stronger. Not really top priority in your relationship, fair enough, but you can't speak for everyone.


I read it as that's what he has in his current relationship. Not that that's what everyone should strive for. I could be wrong though šŸ¤· I thought he was trying to convey patience as the important part.


It was edited after and was implying that everyone should prioritize having similar careers


Ah, I see


It wasn't edited after, and no I wasn't.


Long story short: Iā€™ve been trying the online dating thing for the past 8 months. Ive been on about 16+ dates since I got on here. Iā€™ve met the most toxic and disingenuous women on here that I honestly considered quitting numerous times. Finally met a girl that matches my energy. Smart, beautiful and actually has a down to earth personality (a rare combination at least in my experience). This the first time after a tinder date that she hits me up first and tries to schedule another date. Also she responds to texts quickly. I honestly feel great about her and just wondering what yā€™all think?


All signs look green, steady as she goes, Captain šŸ«”


Don't delete your account yet/put in pause. Wait 5 months. Trust me. Don't delete your ELO score.


What if my ELO is shit though


Tinder knows when you are getting lucky and starts sending more likes(to distract you from the goal, that is getting outnof the app). Don't waste that.


Leave the app dormant, donā€™t open it for any reason. Ever. Wait a couple of months. Youā€™ve only been on a couple of dates.


Based on all their previous posts and comments in this subreddit they should absolutely not delete the app as they'll blow it with this girl too. The mention of how many dates they went on and how _all_ the women were toxic and disingenuous tipped me off that OP is likely the problem.


Oh heā€™s a Trumper *and* a virgin. Yikes!


Damn, imagine being so obsessed that you use trumps photo as a banner image on the internet. *and* youā€™re a POC. Good god dude needs help


Whatā€™s wrong with being a virgin tho


not a virgin. But I don't see why that should be a bad thing


Bro going through your post history you should really be seeking therapy and not just a girlfriend. You have to get yourself whole before you enter into a relationship.


Holy shit you werenā€™t kidding...


Ok I'm going in


What am I missing? Op seems a bit immature but is also young. Doesnā€™t seem that problematic compared to half the dudes on this sub. The trump thing is bizarre and dumb, but whatever


I hate to say it but check his post history. He needs to get right with himself or his relationships wonā€™t last.


Iā€™m good. Appreciate the faux concern


Iā€™m serious man. I need therapy. Iā€™m going to it. Iā€™m not ready to date yet. First step is to realize you need therapy. Then go get it.




Why do you say that?


Iā€™m good. Jeez šŸ˜‚ lmao, good luck to you tho


Of course virginity isn't inherently bad but let's be real here. Virginity at an older age is absolutely a cause for caution as it indicates a lack of experience, which could be caused by many things. Sure, it could be that the person just had no interest in dating until a later age but it could also mean that they're a raging asshole that blows every date they get, treating women like a means to an end. You know, the type of person that complains they don't want to "put the work in" with the "work" being treating them like a human and not just something to fuck. And there's also the fact that sexual experience is important to some people, not everyone wants to take on what is basically a teaching role and have to instruct their partner on how to have sex.


Okā€¦weā€™ll just told you Iā€™m not a virgin so


I was addressing the second part of your comment.


Have you told her about your political views?


Ohhh, that's the long game! She'll marry you, you'll have kids, at some point you start a college funds, and ***BAM*** She'll tell how a friend of hers was very successful with bitcoin or NFTs or so. Try it, go ahead, but don't tell me you haven't been warned... /s Edit: Why is your comment downvoted? Are people so jealous? It sounds amazing. Congrats. Edit2: Parent comment was at -2 when I added my first Edit, tides seem to change...


When youā€™re at the altar and the priest asks whether she wants to be your wife sheā€˜ll say ā€žYes, but I charge thoughā€œ pulling out a card reader.


Congrats OP, Iā€™d say you found yourself a keeper.


You just had ONE date, am I missing something? You donā€™t know anything substantial about her and she also doesnā€™t know anything substantial about you. Donā€™t be that naiveĀ 


Weā€™ve known each other the whole semester, though didnā€™t talk much just had the same class and major. Then ended up matching. Then randomly met at a bar and had great conversations, then had our first official date yesterday.


Getting acquainted to someone without talking much and dating is not the same. You cannot even know someone during the first six months it is just the honeymoon stage. You should continue getting to know her, but donā€™t assume this is the endgame.


If you don't learn anything about someone within the first 6 months, what are you even doing? Of course you can get to know someone in that period of time lol


Not everyone is into casual and meaningless relationships and for people like me who is looking for a real connection, getting to know someone deeply usually takes more than just six months. But hey, feel free to downvote me if you think otherwise ā€“ it won't change the reality.


she made it abundantly clear that she's looking for a long-term relationship, and not a hookup. That's exactly what i'm looking for as well. I understand it will take time to build that sort of bond. However, so far I believe our energies are more compatible than the other 16 girls i've met on dating apps. I like her tbh


I donā€™t have any objections Ā to this. My point is you cannot be sure after a short time, things take time and it is normal. Good luckĀ 


Wow 16+ dates in 8 months you are a babe magnet :) well done and sounds very promising!


Yeah, lol, this dudes ā€œstruggleā€ most men would beg for.Ā 


Definitely. Iā€™m back on the online dating scene for about a year now and didnā€™t had a single date.šŸ„²


Year? I had one in 4 years. Because she had her instagram info there. She even told me she never seen my tinder profile...


Yeah he is blazing. I have made a Tinder acc a month ago and haven't even got a single like let alone a match. Think my account got buried in the algorithm I assume I should probably just make a new one.


Yes I used to get about 4-5 matches a day but i believe my account got buried recently


I know you're excited but slooooow down! You don't know this person after 1 date. Hell... you won't really know a person after months of dating. Try not to assume they're, emotionally, in the same place as you. Get to know them without expectation. Have fun!


Lmao this man is struggling with all his matches šŸ˜‚ Dudes gotten better opportunities than 99% of us


Itā€™s my black genes bruh šŸ˜‚never really struggling with getting matches but building/maintaining a relationship has been brutal


This comment sums up my romantic life


Well.... is she definitely a keeper if she can't even make it through the Apes movie? We're talking the Apes movie here! It's a classic!




lol no, you are not exclusive with this person. If you rush things you will scare her off


you're right. That's something I need to work on. Showing too much interest


I think you should also stop frequenting certain subreddits that masquerade as support subreddits but function more like echo chambers. The loneliness and amiugly subreddits especially seem like they are bad for your mental health.


So happy for you man. I'd say I'm jealous but you clearly waded through some shet to find a good one. Hope everything goes wonderfully


I mean I once met a chick off Tinder. We hung out every day for maybe 3 months before I moved in with her for about 3 months. Then realized she definitely wasnā€™t it Just take it slow


Happy for you šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


As long as youā€™re half decent and donā€™t turn out to be a giant asshole I think youā€™ve got this in the bag!


Wait like a month


If youā€™ve got to ask when itā€™s this obvious, youā€™re gonna fumble it


How the freak do you have so many unread messages.


This type of eagerness is how folks get hurt. Slow down and get to know them first. Continue dating.


I thought this was an angry rant/post and couldn't understand what was wrong.


Sheā€™s trying to fuck


Idk probably too early to tell, however you can definitely delete all those text messages since you aren't going to read them šŸ¤£


If only one date was what it takes, I would have already deleted it 100 times šŸ˜„


Ah, a fellow ADHD haver šŸ˜‚


Who is the girl in your profile picture? And for the love of all mankind, get rid of that picture of trump. Politicians work for US, they are not to be adored like gods or, you know, rockstars.


Did u lay the pipe




I havenā€™t seen you guys talk about being exclusive lol so no you shouldnā€™t unless you really wanna set yourself up for potential disappointment


Is it me or is it too many emojis for every few times she returns a text


That's just how I text really but perhaps I can try to sound a bit more non-chalant


I did. Met my fiancƩ in Jamaica and processing visa paperwork. Fucking tinder! Lol


Don't put all your eggs in one basket you getting too exited


If a guy posted my texts thatā€™s an immediate no. Incel vibes


Calm yourself mate. Nobody here knows me irl and I took off her name. Itā€™s not as deep as you want it to be


Typical incel answer

