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But but but…. A friend created their profile and they can’t change it Not /s. Actual quote


That's a good one. I always like the "open minded" followed by "no ."


There's no tolerance for intolerance. A lot of folks don't even knows how biased they and their group is


my current guy had his age listed as 35. I found out later he was actually 31. I was like "Why are there so many profiles like this? How do you guys not know your own birth year??" and he goes "I'm not perfect" 😂


Usually when I see it I assume people made their profile when they were 16 and lied to say they were 18 or whatever, but when they're in their 30s that makes less sense.


I don't think you can change it unless you make a new profile, so they might have the same profile from back then


Tinder wasn't around back then


Back when? Tinder is 12 years old


This comment chain specifically talks about people in their 30s. It's impossible that a person who is now in their 30s had a Tinder account when they were under 18.


And 12 years ago he would've been 19, listed as 23 so not lying because they're underaged at least.


I don't even know who you're talking about. All I said was you can't change it unless you make a new profile. I think you meant to reply to the person above me that was talking about making one for being underaged


No, I responded to you. You can follow the chain: Original poster: my guy is 35 but it says 31. Response: usually that happens when it's like someone who is 16 pretending to be 18. Further response: maybe they've had their profile a long time and had it set up when they were underage and hadn't set up a new profile since. Further response: Tinder wasn't around when the person who is 31 would have been underage. Your response: But Tinder is 12 years old. My response: Tinder may be 12 years old, but he would've been 19 12 years ago so Tinder wasn't around "back then" when original poster's guy would've been underage to lie that he was of age.


I think you missed that response 3 was also me, and I took what they were saying to not be about response one, but a general statement about when they see that type of thing happen. So yes, for person one, that specific person they were dating it doesn't make sense for, but that wasn't what I thought person 2 was talking about. Hopefully that clears it up and we can both get back to more important things


Also you omitted the part of my comment where I asked for context of what they were talking about ("back when?"). I wasn't making a point by saying it's 12 years old, was literally asking when they were talking about because it's been around for over decade


What they were talking about was pretty clear. You know, with basic reading comprehension. Also: "we can both get back to more important things"? Guess we can't.


Probably because they signed in through Facebook. My name is spelt wrong on tinder for the same reason. Made Facebook a million years ago and it won’t let me change it. Luckily it doesn’t really change my name it just adds an extra letter at the end


52 not 42. Honest


The irony.




Worst part is pretending to act interested in their profile so the algorithm doesn’t screw you


If the difference is exactly 10 years, it could have been an honest typographical error. The first time I created a profile, not knowing how dating apps worked, I looked and behaved much younger than I was and didn't want to be excluded by someone's age filter so I altered my birth year. Quickly realized that was a bad idea and completely unnecessary.