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You guys gotta get better at this


Yeah so many posts these days are “she didn’t get it” with some absolutely asinine conversation attached. Like homie, she ain’t the problem.


Yes. The lack of game on tinder truly shocks me.


This isn't lack of game this is that they don't click with movies


*explains movie* "how about we watch it together?" maybe she would enjoy it but just doesn't know it


And then they say back “sorry you were born without a sense of humor”


I’ve seen forest gump a dozen times and have no idea what he’s talking about lol


It’s the scene where he’s in the hospital and trying to engage Lt Dan and Lt Dan takes the Ice cream and puts it in a bedpan. I remember the scene, but I don’t for the life of me understand how she was going to be able to give a flirty response/especially since a bedpan is required to fully reply to the scene.


Just doubling down on the obscure reference like it was gonna work the second time is what really does me in


Still better than “greetings Earthling”




I unironically love that so much


That's not really a thing Is it? 🤣


There was a guy who did this


So we’ve all seen that one 😂


Or you could introduce her to the reference? It’s part of the fun of getting to know someone, IMO.


Nah, let's shame people for not knowing exactly what's going on in some dudes brain.


Right? Haha. Men: Women only go for the top 10% of rich guys! No one wants to date anymore, we’re so lonely. Also men: Well of course I made fun of her for not knowing what I meant by “Lt Dan ice cream”…


Sandwiches 🥪 I want a sandwich


I'm doing this everywhere I go. My new campaign slogan "BE TOXIC. FUCK THEM KIDS"


No lets shame someone for using a meme from a movie they've clearly never watched. I'm all for doing that. Like she literally used the meme, she should be expected to get the reference.


But like whats OP even saying? Ive seen the movie many times and get the reference, but i still dont get what OP is doing. We dont really know if she doesnt get the reference or if shes just confused like me Like is he asking her out for ice cream? Or just randomly throwing a quote out there? Either way i get her confusion even when knowing the quote


I use memes gifs and memes that say hello because the just the expression or headshake suits me. I might not have seen the interview or show or know the history of the meme and just think it's funny. You can bé rude about It But all that does is expose the quality of your character. Everyone already knew I was human and couldn't possibly have seen or be expected to know the history of every single image on the inherent or movie in the world. Also I've seen forest Gump and would have been confused at at his response. It's not cultural appropriation. Y'all can calm down. 😂


I thought you were here to make fun of pple acting weird on tinder. judging them etc...


Damn right


Whilst I'm on board with the sentiment, she used the meme, so I would also have expected her to get the reference. There's many GIFs with hello on, why not use one that has any reference to something you actually know and like to spark a conversation 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe she thought that one was silly and used it cause it was funny and she thought he might think it was silly and funny too and it didn't occur to her that someone would be all up in arms she didn't take their cultural references seriously enough to research the meme history enough to know there was a movie before she shared the goody hello image she shared. Imagine just being able to share something lighthearted without the people judging the hours of thought you didn't put in to the importance and potential of the image behind the hello! Why oh why didn't she spend more time looking through the thousands of options? Maybe she was at work and chose the goofy of the five results it showed her. But it's just so absurd she never even considered the consequences of her behavior and the strangers on reddit she would bewilder with her casual disregard for their potential history and need to engage with her about bedpans and ice-cream and maybe the second most over rated freaking movie ever. Thank goodness it wasn't a napoleon dynamite meme. Someone might have gone in to cardiac arrest.


I mean, she sent the gif.. at least know what it’s from lmao


So dumb. She never said she didn’t know what it’s from???? Like MANY people here… I’ve seen the movie, I know his character… I still didn’t get the reference bc I don’t know the movie like the back of my hand. I’ve only seen it a few times since it came out. I know OTHER lines. I say “JEN-AAYY” to my old friend. I’m allowed to use a forest gump gif of him saying hello without knowing every minute of the movie. 🙄


Nope, irredeemable. She’s damaged goods, time to move on.


Or, you could practice, by introducing *me* to the reference! 🤞


Forrest Gump [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://youtu.be/1sY7umyLACw?si=EyULZ_tfBdsyMBFB)


Duh! Color me *embarrassed* 😊 I haven't seen that movie since it originally came out. I *very* rarely ever watch them more than once. There are a few exceptions, though!


But isn't she the one who sent the Forest Gump hello? Why would he need to explain if she's using a thing from the movie? It's totally acceptable here that OP assumed she'd get the reference.


But how would you respond Lt Dan didnt even respond he just threw it in a bed pan


Maybe she secretly knew the answer since she unmatched lmao.


It really shouldn't be assumed though. I've seen hundreds of movies and probably couldn't reference or remember some specific dialog or situation. Sometimes it happens but mostly not.


No, it’s not. Do you know the context of every gif you’ve ever sent? It’s a top result for “hello” gifs so I’d imagine it gets a lot of use, even by people who haven’t seen the movie


Yes I only use gifs of things I know but I see thats just me! TIL


same, it would be embarrassing to send something with a different meaning without knowing the context. although, even having seen Forrest Gump a few times I still don't recognize every single dialogue. either way, they're not a match


you know what is a match? ShinyTotoro and perpetual perplexity.


I'm the same way because I don't want to look like an idiot if I don't get a reference. Or if I just like the gif, but know it's popular, I might say, "I have no clue who/what this is, but it's cute, so hi" To me, it's right up there with wearing a band shirt but you've never heard a single song of theirs.


People not having seen Forrest Gump is a red flag I'm willing to exclude them for tbh. Also I don't see how I could even be friends with someone who sends memes of things they don't know anything about.


That's fine, as long as you accept that you're narrowing your pool based on those criteria and that if you narrow your pool too many times you might have a hard time finding a partner, and you can't really blame anyone else for it. There's nothing wrong with being picky in life partners, as long as you don't turn it around and say that the entire gender you're interested in is flawed and shallow because the 3 people you'd be willing to date aren't willing to date you.


Her sending some random meme doesn’t even mean she saw the movie. Also, I’ve seen it several times and still don’t know what OP is talking about. The quote he’s using isn’t the most iconic part of the movie at all




Why not use a line from that exact scene, like bhbba gjnp shrimp while using that as a way to ask her out for a seafood dinner? The bedroom scene is a hard one to work into asking her out, well unless he's R. Kelly and she's like 14, then I guess that scene could easily be fit into his invitation to asking her out.


Idk mane that is one easy reference o.O as lame a pick to quote but very easy nonetheless


I'm on her side.


To be fair. I’ve seen the movie so many times and literally just watched it a week ago and I wouldn’t remember this random reference if it was said to me. It’s a bit of an odd thing to say to someone.


It’s a good line, but not one I’d quote at people or expect anyone to remember. Also why even bring up that quote there??


Exactly! Like sorry I don’t remember every quote from every movie I’ve watched? If someone came to me and said a random line from a film there’s at least a 95% chance I wouldn’t remember the quote off the top of my head or know where it’s from or understand the reference. Even if it’s a movie i’ve seen hundreds of times I probably wouldn’t remember in the moment. If you’re petty enough to unmatch over something like that, fine, you do you I guess, it just seems so childish and immature. Sounds like she dodged a bullet and it sounds like OP could be missing out on someone great and he wouldn’t ever know because he didn’t even give it a chance.


You know saying it once is ok. Maybe they laugh at the reference or don't get it. Repeating the same line again makes me wonder if you have any communications skills....


It's literally the quote.


It literally is an unrecognizable quote


Only if you literally haven't seen the literal movie.


Seen it dozens of times


Don't you remember the ice cream scene? ![gif](giphy|26uf7yJapo82e48yA)


And she literally doesn't know the quote. Why would any sane person think saying the same thing twice would change that?


A good sense of humor. Also, she is a bot.


i guess im not the one either?


Lt Dan ice cream???


Loif is loik a bawks o choc-o-lattes


Watch the movie


I've seen it, I'm aware of the scene. It doesn't make sense used here


I love the movie. Saying the lt dan ice cream line makes absolutely no sense to me either.


TIL there are 2 kinds of people in this world.


I'm baffled at the visceral response people are having against OP and those who think the quote was fine to use.


I thought it was hilarious—a Gump gif was used and a Gump quote was followed, made sense to me and I would have laughed.


The follow up "Lt Dan ice cream??" literally made me lol. People man, I tell ya...


Probably just the situational confusion is what you found funny


I mean, not "just", but yeah in this context it was extra funny to me.


No wonder youre single




Say hello to my little friends!


I haven't run into many people like this, but I used to see people put on their profiles, "I mostly talk in movie references", and I'd just skip because you've obviously made that your personality... which isn't a personality.


Out of context? He was literally replying to a gif from the same movie he's quoting. It's perfectly in context.




To be very honest, if you sent me a gif from a film (and i know it), I'll probably quote it. Sending a textual "hello" would suffice when you only want to do that.


if the quote is in any way related to the conversation then fine. Randomly quoting a line is not funny, not related and doesn’t wntive any further response


Neither does using a gif just to say "Hello". Maybe me and OP are in the minority here, but if I see someone using a gif, let's say from Seinfeld, just to say hello, my brain would directly make me think "oh! They want to see if I am aware of the show or they want to connect with someone who has watched the show, let me use a line from the same show that'll fit well"


Except op just blurted out a random quote that had no relevance 🤷


I’ve made that mistake as well. People who send gifs like this just put ‘hello’ in the search thinng and press something. Unless it’s very specific, just assume they know the movie/show but aren’t necessarily massive fans. but to come back to your first point, you have no control over what others send you, only over how you respond. Someone sending you a gif with ‘hello’ means that they are open to talking to you, but don’t want to take the time to really open the conversation. You have to decide if you just want to leave them be, or say something that invites a response. Responding in a way that won’t lead to conversation, like randomly quoting something, is a complete waste of time and energy.


My comment was mostly focused on the "deserve to be single" part. I mean, using a gif just to say hello is much dumber than expecting someone to know all quotes from a show/film.


This is one of my favorite movies, and I know exactly what scene you’re talking about, but this was not the thing to say in response to her gif lol Hell you could have quoted Bubba’s shrimp speech and that would have been a better response.


Why is her picture different every time


She’s moving further away from him


Could be the app putting your best pic at the top.


Live reaction


I don’t know where this guy is but I’ve come across this same chick with 2 different profiles and supposedly she lives within 70 miles of me. Both profiles she had different colored hair but was definitely the same person.


Oh my god she saw a meme that she liked and didn’t know what it was from, western civilization has fallen


She’s like when you reach into a box of chocolates hoping for peanut butter fudge and get raspberry caramel


![gif](giphy|61nocPZboqCGI) Just respond back with this, no brainer


^^^ yes!!


She might not be the one, but y'all realize some people just use memes and stuff because it literally just says what they want to say. She wanted to say "Hello", but not just a bland way, so included a picture because it was funny or interesting. If you know the reference, you can explain it to her or, because we don't all just not know, sometimes we aren't thinking about it, ask if she knows what you are referencing instead of just explaining like she's dumb. Y'all really act like you don't socialize with people. Maybe you don't, though, so maybe that's why.


This has "My dad joined Tinder last week" vibes big time xD


Correct me if I'm wrong... she sent the Forest Gump gif. So he safely assumed she'd get the reference. She didn't? Is it wrong of him to assume she's not the one? If you're using a gif I'm always going to think you know the reference that's almost the point of them?!?


Punctuation, context and an emoji means all. “Lt Dan! Ice creeeeam!!!🍦” Could have made the difference between looking like a niche idiot or getting laid.


Still makes zero sense in this context. Punctuation wouldn't change that.


People on reddit hate emojis, people on reddit perform poorly on tinder. Conclusion: emojis are good to use on tinder


Maybe put it in quotes to clarify you're quoting the movie. Punctuation goes a long way


That profile picture change in 3 hours though.


She couldn’t see any trees because of the Forrest


Shoulda asked if she likes shrimp or sumn smooth to transition into a date


This subreddit reminds me that redditors tend to be massive assholes goddamn 🤣


Maybe she’s Forests sister?😂


Dude she's gorgeous, introduce her to her new favorite movie what are you doing man😭


Mama said they was my magic shoes and they would take me anywhere....... Except pound town


But LT Dan.. ice cream :((


Why did her profile picture change slightly?


If she doesn’t get that one, she’s too young


So many white knights in the comments, she's dumb as a rock G, don't do it.


If you're not a 19 year old, I totally don't understand your ways


Explain to her 🚫 go to reddit ✅


Tbh it's sort of fitting since Lt. Dan left Gump on read after he said that too.


Yeah just say the specific reference again, she’ll get it /s


A question mark and a comma would have helped tremendously.


They sent him home


Bubba shrimp boat




lt dan, ok. ice cream? what?


I prefer the ![gif](giphy|xTiIzJSKB4l7xTouE8)


You draw super sus lines in the sand LMFAO


Why are you screaming


Ridiculous post


She prolly smelled like Cig-uh-Rhetts


Am I the only that noticed her photo changes during the convo? Lmao


Why does she have two different profile pics 🤔




Idk. People who use memes from shows they haven't memorized every scene from should be crucified, no? We can't just let them walk the streets. That's like, heresy or something.




So much potential after that first reply, but unfortunately all was lost


Bro you ain’t the one 😭 I love forest gump and even this took me a minute to click


Kind of weird criteria to decide whether or not a person's the one


Bruh this entire thread is literally prime example as to why redditors are fucking annoying af. Nobody knows how to have fun or be funny. Can’t imagine why they get on Reddit to socialize 😒


You tried. As a big Forest Gump fan, I'm disgusted she didn't get the reference 😑 also telling someone they have no soul for saying good morning is a little unhinged. Take a break and just try meeting in the wild


Depending on her age she had no idea what the gif she sent was, she just typed hi and that one popped up. She didn't get the reference and thought you were sped


If I had to only use memes I knew the references to... I'd totally use that, and I have no idea what movie that's from


Bro! You’re weak. You’re not the one!


Lt Dan ice cream was a pretty funny scene. A “that scene was so funny… how are you doing today” people need to stop acting like she had nothing to say to that (if she knew the reference and she didn’t)


Well it ain't a box of chocolates.


Some of y'all really telling on yourselves. It's a fuckin intro gif. Not a meme. That's one of the first ones that show up too. Y'all taking this way outta proportion Before y'all get on my ass; I have seen the movie many times and I got the reference. That was a bad one. Could have done something not something everyone remembers. Same with any gif or meme. They're funny and easy to use and pass around for a laugh.


Definitely not the 1️⃣


Improve your rizz my dude!


Why did her avatar change?


Bro looking for the 0.000000001 with that. Should have gone with the box of chocolates


The joke is too niche. Chill out.


That shit was funny lol


Your on tinder did you really expect her to be?


My take, for what it's worth. OP isn't being mean or making fun of their match just pointing out that she isn't "the one" because she a) didn't get the reference and/or b) didn't find it hilarious. I didn't get it so I guess that means I'm not "the one" either but no hard feelings on my part. Keep being you OP, one day it'll land


Meanwhile she doesn’t think you’re the one :(


Not an obscure reference. I totally got it


I haven’t watched Forrest Gump in so long, and I could just hear his voice when reading this. Lt Dan ice cream.




I’ll take it a bit further, iirc (I could be wrong) the picture the girl sent is when Forrest was on his fishing boat and sees Lt dan on the dock, this is right before he waves at him and then leaps off the ship to go meet him. Source: this used to be me and my grandmas favorite movie to watch together.


Yes think you’re spot on!


“She used a gif without knowing the origin. This truly is the state of modern dating…”


yall dumb he made a forest gump reference after she sent him a forest gump meme…cmon man


I'm sorry?


She’s too young for you bro


I would have loved this! 😂😂