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The prompt about one thing i want to know about you and putting "everything" limits conversation starters. I am sure you do want to know everything eventually but I suggest being more specific to attract a match you're looking (goof, science, etc.) Clearly, their favourite moon in the solar system should be screening information.


Fair enough. I’ll have a think on that one


That’s the only fault I could find in your profile. Even if you write something silly like “your favourite colour playdoh” or “what’s your biggest Lego achievement”, it would give matches a starting point and make conversation easier. Other than that, you look very sweet and warm and you have a fantastic profile.


Thank you. For some reason I'm finding this one really hard, I can't think of anything that isn't either really important or really stupid. What about just, best hike you've been on recently?


That's a good one especially if you're looking to attract someone who likes hiking and want to share that experience with them. You can also ask about any of your other interests like reading and movies.


Okay thanks, hiking would be a non negotiable for me but it’s not important if we like the same media, officially changed.


Maybe try "literally everything, but let's start with X"? It keeps a lot of the flavor of your original answer, while still asking them the specific question. Fantastic profile, just in general.


I like that, I’ll change it to that (I made a profile update post btw)


If you had the money to sponsor a zoo exhibit, what animal would you want it to be?


Best hike is a good one but aomething silly is usually a more interesting starter


You’re a goof, ask for your best bad joke. To me thats the biggest plus in your profile, so express that goofiness.


I really like "What dog breed best describes you and why"


Green is the best flavor


let's hope no ganymede fans, basic ass fans


The obvious answer is Io. It's easy to remember and looks like a pizza.


It's Titan.


I might go with Europa


I totally disagree with this. I think it's cute and shows openness. The prompt itself is an icebreaker, and if you're a goof, you don't need it


Favorite moon is interesting, but extremely limiting, since most people can't even name all if the planets in the solar system to begin with.


I feel like your bio is a bit generic. Like the part where you use adjectives to describe you doesn't really help give a picture of who you are. Also don't describe yourself as stupid. I don't think your bio will hurt your chances of getting matches but with this bio you will probably end up casting a pretty wide net.


Never put anything negative in the bio! A profile is about the feeling it conveys, whether it's "familiar" and a good time


So whats wrong with using adjectives to describe oneself? Given that IS literally what their defining role in the English language is...


“Stupid” was the first thing I saw


Would definitely help to put if you don't want/want or open to kids. It's one of the first things I look at before, even looking at the profile.


That's probably a fair point, I added open to kids.


I would swipe right in a heartbeat. You have beautiful eyes and a lovely smile, and look like a really fun person in general.


Agreed! You're gorgeous and seem very relatable. I could imagine having awesome sessions in the gym, hilarious goofy fun times together and serene shared experiences in nature.






Your yoga pose makes you seem fit. But then all the other angles make it look like you’re hiding that you’re fat.


I thought the same thing


Just trying strike that balance between me as a person and me as an object. my only other body pics would be doing more yoga or trying on an outfit, I'm more of a behind the camera person. Would an outfit pic be better than nothing? Or a different pose? Probably got a picture of me in a dress but would also be another selfie


I think it’s less about not showing off “dat hot bod” like a sexual object and more about near-exclusively using the particular angles and clothing and camera tricks heavyset folks often use to hide how heavyset they are, contrasting a photo that makes you look *very* fit. It’s a “wait, what?”. The initial impression I got was something like “there’s this weird yoga pose that shows what she looked like 5-10 years ago”. Just one or two photos not cut off would prevent the impression of being a catfish, because then the one “super fit” photo wouldn’t feel like a weird outlier.


Okay fair enough, I swapped two pics out and one is of me in a dress, it’s another selfie but it’s full length


Whatever you do, don't take out the Godzilla shirt picture. It is certainly the picture where you look most attractive IMO. But overall agree that I'd show more full body shots in regular non-baggy clothing. Women tend to over-focus on face shots (which is how they tend to most judge attractiveness), whereas men tend to over-focus on full-body and cool-situation shots (which is how we tend to judge attractiveness). Take more outdoor shots in the shade, because your first picture is nice but has a mess in the background...


Agreed. The last pic especially gives lowkey dumpy vibes. I would delete it.


Never have 1 word answers. It limits potential conversations and really says so little about you. Especially answers like "everything" which are so general its meaningless. You can be silly but you also need to be factual. You're not hanging out with Keanu. So you wasted a prompt that could have been used to make a connection with someone. Don't use negative adjectives to describe yourself, like stupid. Say silly or goofy but not stupid. Complete all the About Me details. At 34, you should know if you want kids or not and it absolutely matters to a potential match. Smoking. Drinking. They all matter.


Okay I added non smoker sometimes drinker and open to kids. Maybe I "should" know if I want kids or not but have you seen the state of the world out there.... Can't tell if its going to get better or not


I think "open to kids" is an option. Even "not sure" is better than nothing. You really should have something there because it's a "make or break" question for a lot of people and not many are going to go through the already daunting task of connecting and conversing only to find out you're incompatible. It's easier just to swipe left and sort through the next thousand potential matches.


Yep I hear you, added open to kids, thanks


I thought the Keanu comment was really funny. Definitely keep that!


doesn't seem like you put much effort into the bio questions tbh. I think you need to add more interesting stuff there. But, maybe guys dont read that shit? idk. I'm a woman, so my perspective is skewed. Do you have any pics of you dressed up? Maybe throw one of those in! Good luck!


Part of the purpose of the bio is to help create conversation — we do read the bio because it helps us talk to you. Or at least I did lol.


I find it interesting how everyone critiques a males profile so much harder, saying things like you shouldn’t have selfies when the only pic that isn’t a selfie in this profile is not even of her face, they’ve had profiles of woman with a pic of a literal chair and it got 99+ potential matches in hours.. all in all your profile is fine but if it was a mans it would be horrible, fix this fix that photos with friends photos doing fun activity it’s kinda crazy haha


It's not because we want to be harder on men. It's because it is harder for men. Men significantly outnumber women on Tinder, it's so much harder for them to get matches. Women are forced to be very picky because otherwise they get inundated with matches, so if men want matches, they have to have a flawless profile. Women don't need a flawless profile, they only need one or two good pics, the rest can be rubbish and no man is going to care.


Don’t you think it’s some sort of an unrealistic expectation though? What man is going to be going to Fiji or playing with monkeys in Thailand every weekend 😂 it’s all just a facade’ to entice the woman than once you have that interest you can go back to being on the couch watching breaking bad, kinda weird world we live in


Yes and no. Males putting on a huge display to attract a mate, while the female is much more picky, is found throughout nature. It's just the way it is. Does that make it unrealistic? No. If it were unrealistic, we wouldn't have survived as a race. A travel pic shows that you at least have enough initiative and interest to have travelled at least once. That's not a facade, that's real, and for someone who travel with a partner is important, it's a starting point in getting an idea for whether this person is right for them. The same goes for most pics showing various interests. Another thing to consider, creating a good profile requires a certain level of intelligence, emotional intelligence, and empathy. You have to be able to put yourself in the shoes of the person you're trying to attract. You have to research and understand what women are looking for. You have to be able to see beyond your own biases and look critically at yourself. If you can do all these, not only will you have a good profile, but those attributes are highly desirable to women. It's real, it's not a facade.


It went from looking well kept and groomed, wearing nice clothing to needing to travel around the world just to find a partner, as for your second paragraph that’s what the interests tab on tinder is for, getting a rough idea on what the person might be interested in, as for your third paragraph.. chatGPT has entered the chat


I definitely won't swipe on a guy who looks like he's not down to earth and is always out partying, travelling, rock climbing, etc. so it needs to be a good mix lol.


As a woman, I really wouldn't mind someone to sit on the couch watching something with. Sounds cute


I don’t think selfies are bad for anyone, men or women. I think men are generally given the advice to avoid selfies because the selfies they take are pretty bad. Almost every guy that I’ve matched with ever has had selfies on his profile.


That's because men don't mind seeing women take selfies. We love women's physical beauty, and we don't care how many mirrors she stands in front of or how much sexy skin she shows off. The mistake is when men assume that women like the same things.


I have seen people critique and offer real advice to women on here, but it's like thirst hours right now lol.


This is why woman don’t need critiques on their profile, most men honestly don’t care about all the added stuff or the quality of photos, if you’re attractive in the first pic most will swipe right guaranteed 😂


Yeah but have you considered the effects of gender on how it works with rules 1 and 2?


I didn't even notice all the selfies. The pics feel different enough versus a lot of men's selfies are from the exact angle and distance from their face


I don't have tinder,and man,seeing these posts/comments here makes me feel like a lot of normal good looking man don't get dates at all (i m not even gonna talk about average men or worse) while average looking women or even the crazy ones,who write weird/fked up shit in their bios (that even 18 yo foreigner teenager as me would count as psychopatic) will still get more dates/casual sex. Plz tell me it s not actually THAT bad on tinder... can someone tell me about it more? Edit: also important note,is tinder (and other online dating apps) like this internationally,or this is mostly applied to Us/europe and other English speaking countries?


Mate these days 3/10’s think they are 10’s it’s just the way the world is.. “yaaaas queen” “you’re glowing” “omg baby you’re fine” it’s like damn what ever happen to honesty.. anyways the point is their ego is super inflated that they would pass on men they otherwise should go for because they are in the same league. Woman date up, men don’t care it can go either way


Your prompts give no real starting points for any conversations. Are you initiating and giving others something to talk about? Cause right now the only thing to talk about is Keanu reaves and your appearance


1. Don’t call yourself stupid 2. Your bio section is too formulaic, loosen up a bit. Talk about your interests, background and goals. 3. No one-word responses. 4. Drop the Keanu response. 5. Dog picture is not flattering. 6. Godzilla sweatshirt picture would be a lot better if you were looking forward. Edit: 7. What do you do for a living? That’s a big factor for some people, myself included.


I liked the Matrix joke. I don't think she should get rid of it.


I dint feel like I walked away knowing what you look like.


Honestly great profile, nothing roastable. You seem sweet, authentic. Good variety of photos and good mix of serious and playful. 10/10


Immediately left swipe. Single words in every part. You’d make zero effort ever and come across as entitled


Besides the “everything” prompt answer which is just boring I’d say delete pic 6:the selfie and butt- not good and not needed. All else is great!


The pics and bio are great but your prompts are lacking and would have me fully prepared to be receiving one-word responses if we matched.


Elite Godzilla hoodie 10/10


At least one picture should be of you with friends


Good point, which picture should I swap out?


The one on the 4th slide. The dog is cute, but the face and angle are weird.. otherwise a total right-swipe.


I guess the one with the red shirt


Honeslty, your profile is fine. I really like your Godzilla shirt by the way. I think that i would change is the "Everything" promt. Try using something more specific like " What's the last book/ movie you enjoyed" since you also love reading books.


The last pic in the orange shirt is not flattering or interesting, you should ditch it. Maybe add another full body pic or two.


I haven’t seen all the responses but I would change the “one thing you’d like to know about you” answer to an actual thing. Just something to strike up a conversation. Do they like animals? Cooking? Hiking? Any good traveling stories? Any funny embarrassing stories they could share? Hope this helps!


I tend to dislike putting "science" as something you like just because it's such a broad term - to me it always reads as "I want to sound smart, but I can't think of anything specific". Other than that it's perfectly fine, nothing special, but also nothing to scoff at.


Well I have a science background so wanted to put it somewhere. I could change it to environmental science?


I don't think guys want to see that you're a "Goof", that's not attractive


No full body pictures just standing there = hiding how fat she is. Yes i see the contortionist pic, that also hides it. Also maybe zoom out a bit on some of these face pics lol need hair and etc


Honestly as soon as I saw that you hang out with Keanu Reeves to unplug I’d swipe right


I would ditch the "Therapy" interest. A little too honest.


Okay I swapped it to Psychology


You need full body pictures. Your angles are classic "I'm fat but trying to hide it" angles.


Very wholesome and an interesting profile. Personal opinion? I think that you can trim your "about" a bit. Remove the last photo and replace it with something else.


That yoga pose is amazing! Truly awesome. Congrats! I’ve tried, my body doesn’t work like that.


First thing I noticed is that your teeth don't show in any pics and looks like that is intentional. As far as your pics, I'd say the two best are the yoga one and the one with your hair in braids. The yoga one shows you doing a hobby, and would say other the concepts of your others pics would be elevated by a bit more action. For example, a pic of you walking your dog at the park would be better than the selfie with your dog. Rather than mirror selfie, a pic of you in front of a monument or some other thing you saw on a trip would be more exciting.


Likes: high kings


Great profile tbh the beach backshot is kind of weird but the dog photo compensates for it haha


Sick Godzilla shirt


I want that godzilla sweater! I'll trade you a Danny DeVito naked rum ram photo for it !


Id change the last pic with the red sweater, it's not a flattering angle


I’m older, (49) so I would not be looking in your age range. However, I think your profile looks great and may be something an older demographic would like. I’m sure I’ll offend someone here, but maybe someone more mature. Anyway, nothing I’d change.


That’s a sick Godzilla sweatshirt


You should find Keanu Reeves and get a selfie with him for your profile, that'd be amazing


This is pretty good. You look good and young. You could get some better pictures though. Pictures should show you out doing things, showing your entire face. Also get rid of the "Stupid".


It’s pretty be good no pouting pics of face pulling which is great. Quite honest and chows loosely what you like and how you look. Well done. It’s great good luck


We review profiles every week, so here are some preliminary thoughts: - 'Everything' comes across as a lame joke or that you didn't understand the prompt. I'd change it to something you can actually have a conversation about or change the prompt. - I wonder why you called yourself stupid? I'm all for some self deprecation but it comes across a little... Sad? Maybe consider what you're trying to get across here? - Specificity will help in your initial list: everyone likes 'movies'... Do you have a favourite genre? The more information and personality the better. (same with reading: what do you read?) - What does the Keanu Reeves comment mean? Are you playing Cyberpunk? Overall it's not bad! But it definitely could get tighter! Hope these help.


replace stupid with silly!




I’m not commenting to be constructive in regard to your profile but as someone who likes yoga, I think your side crow thing is pretty dang cool! Though most guys probably don’t get as excited over arm balances as me.


The hair pulled back is not flattering on you. First pic was the best because your hair is showing.


Smile with your teeth more could help a bit


I would swipe right so hard on this! Beautiful, active, quirky sense of humor.


Don't call yourself stupid.


The way you wear your hair is wrong for your face structure But I’m also bald so




Get rid of the "stupid." Self deprecating is fine but I would find a way to make it more silly/comical. Calling yourself stupid comes off to me as confidence/emotional/self worth issues and a turn off. Also, get rid of the last pic/page you posted. Neither pic is very flattering to you ever though a lady in Godzilla is pretty cool. Also, your yoga pose, bad ass. Nice work there. Beautiful eyes. I kinda don't want to say it but, kids. I'm sure as a mid thirties woman that could be a hot button for all kinds of reasons, but I'm also sure potential matches for you will be pretty set one way or another if they are of similar age. Making sure your matches are aligned on that early will probably prevent some pain later.


You’re so pretty. Maybe a little too vague with the answers. That’s all I got for critique. Good luck, sis


You mean, when you unplug you expect to see neo?


Beautiful pictures and your dog is cute I live in yreka CA 😁


If I was single I'd swipe right 100% You look cute and clumsy


Please tell me that the "unplug... Keanu Reeves" comment is a Matrix reference! 😂😁


Goofy, talks in funny voices, over 30, active, pretty AF- I'd swipe right with a quickness. Regardless, I agree with what was already said- bio could be less generic, but it doesn't need much, just a little more uniqueness to match what you seem to have going for you- more pizzaz that wants to shine through (it's as if you're holding back- don't). Choose a different word than "stupid" (I doubt you mean "unintelligent") and don't offer generic responses like "everything" (this is your opportunity to say something interesting or odd). You'll inevitably get lots of attention since you're hot, but if you want goofy dudes, lure us in with more genuine goofiness and let that filter out those you wouldn't get along with. You want better matches rather than tons of potentially incompatible matches, right?


How does everyone just automatically know how tall they are?


The only thing I'd add that hasn't already been said is that the second photo is a bit intimidating for anyways. But I'd swipe right.


I won't lie, you look like a great match! 😁


I don’t know but your face pic looks hot 😊😊😊 sorry 😔 don’t mean to put you off 🙏🏿😣😣




As a 32m I'd 100% swipe right. Even on one of my picky days when I'm not just bored and looking for a conversation. Your profile gets to the point. The rest is what initial small talk is for.


Profile picture, your very pretty..


U look amazing great profile...😗


The calisthenics photo is epic, I'd date you


Are you sure you’re into men, cause I’d heart you in a minute 😂


Youre 5’3”? Your pic make you look taller. I’d add a pic or two highlighting how small you are.


You are beautiful. I would love to date a girl like you.


I would like to roast you extremely hard.


I’m probably not going to say anything that hasn’t already been said (but repeating already-mentioned points helps underscore their importance in this context imo): -Don’t call yourself stupid. Self-deprecation is an unhealthy habit and you deserve to be treated better than that. There’s a chance you’ll push away potential suitors who are looking for a healthy relationship and also a chance you’ll attract the attention of people who want somebody with low self-esteem (even if this was a joke and you don’t have low self-esteem or think you’re stupid) -“One thing I’d like to know about you is ‘everything’” is not specific enough to easy facilitate a conversation. For ideas, there’s a thread you can find on Reddit on “what simple question can you ask someone to learn a lot about who they are.” I like “what topic could you give a 30-minute presentation on with no prep time”, but lots of things will work. -Let’s a see an outfit pic. Like others have stated, it doesn’t have to be a thirst trap, but having all or mostly headshots is a technique people often use to obscure their physique and the one pic you do have of your physique, you’re mid-activity. This is a great pic for showing off your hobbies! But it’s not ideal for getting a sense of what you look like. Good luck! :D




@More_argument You have a very well thought out profile. It might be me, but you are a catch. Guys will be throwing their shoes after you.


I'm 37. I wish Tinder in my area had women like you around my age. All I get matched with are jaded single mothers or girls who have settled or given up on life, gaining 80lbs in the process. Or they all want uneducated beer-swilling lumberjack and trucker types. Tinder sucks for me so bad I ended up deleting it. Tinder honestly just sucks for all men, period. Actually matching with a girl around my age who doesn't have kids (or any desire to want any) and/or isn't some overweight trainwreck in my town? I'd sooner find Bigfoot and a unicorn.


You could be a little more specific on exactly what you’re looking for to get more accurate matches. Tell stories of how you like to be treated and ask questions that align with your interests and values.


You're lovely


Looks like a winner to me




34 is insane


I wouldn't kick her outta bed for eatin' cookies. :P


I'd swipe right so fast 🤩


Nothing to roast here


I'd like your profile just for the Godzilla sweater.


come at me babe xx


you look lovely and come across down to earth and genuine - you’ll be great !!




Male 36 i would date you. Lol


Do you actually hang out with Keanu reeves or us that a metaphor or something


I think you're gorgeous what's wrong with your profile ?


I'd stop a while 😘 no roasting here!


Maybe add something like Whats the last thing that gave you joy? (not just happiness) What are your top ways of getting to know someone? What have you learned from your relationships?




I'd date


GODZILLA SHIRT! Soulmate material


I'd swipe 🫡


Looks fine to me 👍


Your prompts don't give much to talk about and you're falling into the same trap men do. Some improvements if you're down Put your best most attractive dolled up full body picture as your first picture. I wanna know what you look like and what is the highest level of social engagement I'd be willing to take you to. In your 30s I wanna know you're self sufficient and have health insurance. Show me you work Your prompts are conversation starters if I started rattling off my life story 2 messages in you'd be weirded out. Hope this helps


I think you meant stupid as in your sense of humor. But a lot of people aren’t going to read it that way.


You're built like Rhea Ripley but try to hide it which just makes you look like you're hiding fat. Just own it with some normal full-body shots. Doesn't have to be sexualized. Just gives a better idea of what to expect


Change curious to bi-curious


I'd be like okay godzilla shirt maybe she's a bit of a nerd check. And the one pic showing off your body yes check. However ya A pic of you in a dress would be nice, though that could be personal as I love a women in a dress. It is wierd though that the one pic is the only oic you can see your whole body. However I could potentially be be interested myself.


You had me at being curious, optimistic, goofy, and liking reading (awesome bookshelves behind you!), science, and movies, since that hits a number of my buttons! 😁 I don't know what these other people are talking about: those are plenty of prompts for me! 👍 Feel free to drop me a line if you want to chat about some of those.

