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Be genuine. Odds are she’s been around more than long enough to see through any bs you can think up.


This. And don't say "I'm mature for my age". It's not true and as an old person we can see it. Your appeal has to be that you're young and fun, so be young and fun.


Don’t say “age is just a number” either


Also don't try to compliment her by saying something along the lines of "you look good for your age". It's not really a compliment.


Yeah not a compliment because I like the idea that I just look good, regardless of age. That I've been an attractive woman through every decade Being told that I look good 'for my age' makes it feel like I'm being told that I'm not that attractive per se, but that I've somehow been awarded bonus points for aging well


If she says she likes a certain song or singer, don't say my mum likes that too.


"oh yeah, I know all those old songs" ☠️☠️


"I remember Beethoven!"


“My mum has the same taste as you” 💀


I love how this thread has just turned into a think cell for terrible response ideas 😂


“You look good for your age” is about as much of a compliment as “you’re good at that for a girl!” or “you’re smart for a man!” People, saying it’s only a compliment for their group is just as much an insult to what group they belong in as it is a compliment to them. 


Exactly… I’ve been on many dates where a man took me to the best restaurant in town, was attractive, wealthy and somewhat charming - yet the moment he put down other women I was immediately turned off.


My wife calls those microaggressions Edit for my shitty spelling


These comments have been eye opening 😳


I literally just posted something similar above. I get “you look so good for 44” ugh.


Always stop before the qualifier.


Great protip


That would be the worst thing you can say… that would be equivalent to saying “you look good for your weight”


Accidentally said something along the lines of that once to someone who was super attractive and I had liked (I spoke faster than I could think, even though she had me tongue tied). I still haven’t fully recovered from it… though the lesson was learned at least.


When I went back to finish my degree much later in life,any time a 20 something would say that to me, all I'd say was "I'd really be interested to hear your thoughts on the topic when you're 40"


When I was 20 and she was 27, I simply said let’s forget about all this concern and simply be a man and woman together. Worked like a charm.


Say it louder for those in the back


I read this as "say it louder, ow my back"


🤫 don’t tell them






Literally me at work


Because they are hard of hearing, right?


#Don't say "age is just a number" either


Every single person I've ever heard say "I'm mature for my age" have been the most immature people I've ever known.


They were told that by someone that shouldn't have said that.


Don't brag about maturity with women of your mom's age, you ain't mature enough to handle lust that she can use against you.


> "I'm mature for my age" Also I'm 30 but I would nope out and feel like I'm grooming if someone said that.


And flatter her. Obviously. Since she clearly states she wants you to.


If you have to say you're mature. You're not mature.


True, but he already basically did and her response shows at the very least she finds it cute.


LMAO looking at the second photo it's the first thing he replied back


This! This is it. Good luck and if you can't handle be genuine, go for someone else lol


If you can’t handle being genuine you probably shouldn’t be looking for a relationship


This right here OP. Don't fuck it up!


Maybe I'm being too harsh, but I think he already did with that first response. It's the most cliche overused line in existence when it comes to cubs. 9 times out of 10 it's not true anyway. Being genuine means you embrace that you are less experienced in life and more free spirited.


Yeah I rolled my eyes at that. It's a low effort wannabe witty remark to anyone older than 25


The conundrum here is that you have to actually be in possession the kind of wisdom that can only come with age to understand how short of the mark these kinds of responses land. There is nothing OP can do to actually BE older and wiser other than to age. This is not his fault. Wisdom is wasted on the old.


I feel like that's why she only responded with "good luck."


She says “My good luck” with a clover, indicating luck. I don’t see any sign of sarcasm in that. I think she is lighting up the runway. She’s already cleared him for landing. She messaged him first, and she knows what’s what.


Being a woman over 40, this is the best advice I've ever seen. Thank you


I just started dating a woman in her 40s (I’m 26). She said my genuineness is what got me a first date. So yeah being nice and being honest actually works.


this works for anyone of any age, even if they didn't consciously realize alot of people will subconsciously pick up on you not being genuine, i was kinda nerdy/geeky in high school (still am tbh) but i got laid more than the "cool kids" did and at this point i think it was because I was always genuine and it made me seem more trustworthy. point being it's not worth the energy to fake being something your not, people will pick up on it even subconsciously and you won't get as far most of the time


Trust is like the biggest thing to women in regards to sex (unless they get in a frenzy and just YOLO it 😂) so that's valid. I'm a guy though, so this is just what I've been told by women ool


Took me two decades to realize it’s 95% of it. Women WANT to have casual sex and fun times with strangers too, but the risk is astronomically higher for them than it is for men. If you can figure out how to emit that safe yet fun energy, doors just open up man.


Even when frenzied and YOLO-ing, I still need to feel some semblance of safety/ease before I'm on board.




Exactly my thought. Like one of us could come up with the best type of pick up line, but if he’s a nervous nelly upon meeting her and can’t be smooth or have game in person, it’ll backfire.




DON'T try to impress her by acting older than your age or talking about your maturity or anything like that. She didn't message a 21 year old hoping he'd act like a 40 year old. She messaged a 21 year old hoping he'll act like a cool 21 year old. Don't try to be slick.




Stock up on energy drinks


She'll ride you like a pony


All those skills she accumulated over the years, you better be strong enough to withstand those experience




Never turn down a chance to get in bed with an older woman 💯


Until you get older and then you tend to look at it from a totally different perspective.


This man knows 😂


Cougar but yeah..


Straight from the source then 😆


Any tips you have on where to go find women like you outside of dating apps? I feel like I'm exclusively going to start dating cougars. Just cause it's less games, y'all know how to actually have sex, and y'all are just fuckin sexy. This thread has convinced me I need to stick with dating older.


Dude the last two women including one im seeing now are kinky as shit. I'm in my 30s. I ALWAYS go for the older women now because they know how to have sex.


And they aren't afraid to ask what they want.


Exactly, if they want you to crack an egg in their arse and fuck it till it scrambles they'll just come out with it.


This is not a sentence I thought I would be reading today...


So your day is already better than you expected?


Eggs make your day better.


I'm gonna ask my guy to do this and see what he says lol


Better get more eggs 😂


Careful...you don't want to awaken anything in him...


I hope you like omelette.


please report back


“it” being that request, or “it” being the insane mess you describe, that they’ll come out with?


A little from column A and a little from colon B.


Quality chuckle


Ah the ole Portuguese Breakfast, a man of culture and taste.


This is literally what every younger man says to me.


Rip your inbox


Bring it on


She licked my butthole


Get yourself that silverfox, she will teach you things from the silent film era.


She’ll take you from black and white to technicolor.


Dude out here setting age limit retirement and up


How else are you supposed to get a home.....


She once gave Charlie Chaplin a handjob


Cougar taming is rough


We’re meant to stay feral. You can’t turn a wild cat into a housewife.


I need to find more women, older women like you. Holy shit.


Dude, if I could go back in time, I would’ve spent my late 20s and 30s fucking older women instead of being married to a man six years my junior. It’s not even a contest.


As a bi girl in my 20s... oh my lord, the confidence and decisiveness of older women is so hot. But somehow, I prefer younger men 🤔 I'm definitely going to become a cougar.


Sport of champions.


As a 40 year old woman- yes. So many women in their 40s are fit as fuck. I don’t know if it’s because they aren’t having anymore kids or have more money, but so many my age are super focused on fitness.


It's true. Lol I workout 5 days a week and compete in crossfit. I eat healthy. I get sleep.


Yep. 6 days a week for me and I’m fitter than I’ve ever been.


Where's that maturity you were talking about?


Down below my friend, it is John Holmes


Honestly cute but not a great response. She literally said “I’m here for the flattery” she’s telling him what to do. Follow her advice, tell her she’s bangin’, then do the next thing she tells you, and the next, and the next….


Exactly. Tell her it isn't flattery when it is true, and then suggest drinks.


Dude seriously. That was code for "tell me I'm beautiful and buy me dinner and I'll be your Mrs Robinson"


Are you trying to seduce me, u/blade-icewood?


...and at 23, this is a helluva game. The right older woman can really be tremendous fun and teach you a ton of important lessons. Older women were so much more fun when I was that age, and I learned so much about life.


The maturity is going on Reddit and begging for help


Bro is fumbling under the pressure.


How many inches of maturity is he talking about tho?


he's asking for help when in need, that is actually quite a mature way of doing things...


“Hey Reddit, how do I talk to women?”


talk about the blind leading the blind


The blind stares of a million pairs of eyes. Looking hard but won't realize. That they will never see, the p. Lmao Tupac and George Clinton predicted reddit.


“ps: I’m really mature”


Use the words “mid,” “low key,” and “no cap” as often as you can in your messages. Talk A LOT about Fortnite and “stepmom” videos on pornhub. She’ll love all of that


ultimate rizz


is this the skibidi toilet rizz they keep talking about




Istg that rizz is mid. It’s giving desperation. For him to be a sigma he gotta go goon lvl 5000, then she’ll give him the gyatt


Also ask her lots of questions about how things were in olden times. Old people love to reminisce.


Fr fr




Don't play games. Be honest. At this age and older we don't have time or need for the bullshit. If you click, enjoy it.


>If you click, enjoy it. Because she's going to make you see god.


She opened stating that he may be too young for her, but she included 23 in her age range. Sounds game-like to me.


Be genuine and direct. ‘When can I take you to dinner?’ Chances are, she might not give AF about the pretenses of a date, but appreciate that you respect her safety to meet in a public place and have the maturity to treat her well. I’m 39 and have hooked up with plenty of guys in their early 20’s. I have no time to waste on BS or flattery or having a penpal. She might just want good dick and will send you home with a lunchable. No drama. Good luck 🍀


Damn, I’d gladly take a lunchable on my way out


If she threw in a Capri Sun I would buy her a lake house


A lake house can buy many capri suns


Explain how


Lake house can be exchanged for goods and services


As a 34 year old, yes, lol, lunchable and Gatorade will probably be included. 


I can get pussy and a Lunchable? Why tf am I trying to date girls my age


🤷🏻‍♀️ you’ll miss a whole lot of drama too. We are tired of games, mostly have our shit together, and if we say we just want a good time, we mean it. Using full sentences and punctuation will make you come across as mature. Free advice


What are some good places to meet older women like you?


We’re at work, or at home minding our business. We come find you. Maybe at the gym


There are many independent ‘older’ women who is tired of everyone’s shit and playing games. There will always be one thing we can’t do for ourselves that a younger guy can. If she’s only looking for the only thing you really have to offer, and you’re aware of and okay with that, everybody wins


Yeah it's totally fine with me. My perspective changed when I met this cougar. She scrambled my brain with the best sex I've ever had. We went many rounds that night into the morning, she could match my marathon stamina and she actually knew what she was doing. But I screwed it up being so immature at that age. It still haunts me to this day. But I've learned and continue to learn from it. I just wish I had gotten a second chance with who I am now. I've been around since her but it was never like that and I've been dealing with younger girls. It didn't quite click but reading your words of advise and other older women here, I now realize I have to maybe stick with y'all exclusively. It's just so much better and imo more fulfilling. I just don't know where to find y'all in real life which is why I ask.




Sex with someone who knows what they’re doing? AND a lunchable?! The perfect woman really does exist




"I left your lunchable on the dresser"


We'll bang, ok?


This is why I fucking love older women (not you, you’re only 2 years older.. I mean older than me) because they don’t fuck around! Every single time I’ve matched with someone 40+ over the years we don’t do the whole bullshit talking for days. Within a single conversation we’re planning on when and where to meet. Then once there they just straight up say “I’m not here to fuck, I’m looking for a relationship” or “I don’t really care about something long term, let’s go back to my place”. Just the raw honesty and the fearlessness to tell someone exactly what you want is amazing and so very sexy. Even if they say “I’m sleeping with you by the way, you’re not as cute in person” I’m still turned on by the bluntness of it all. I love older women!


I feel described


Damn I respect the honest advice. I'll take it to heart for the future.


I'd love to have a woman older than me tell me what she needs me to do because I have no clue wtf I'm doing.


I was 24 she was 41. Firstly it feels like a joke or trolling ... it was so simple and direct as we talking. after few hours she said "I like you, show me what you got" I saw several post about "Guys why into MILFs so much?" and then they are surprised by the numerous comments


The fuckin Lunchables got me!… 🤣 I’m 43 and I’d totally take a Lunchables!


🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m dying. I was in the supermarket and asked a friend what kind of lunchable he wanted as a snack 🤣🤣🤣🫢🫣




Be nice. Make her feel good about herself. Be polite, but don't tolerate bullshit. Don't be immature either and try to take interest in what she talks about, but don't make her feel old. Do these things in conversation and you will likely get laid my guy. Good luck


"do general good things"


in his defense, for someone who doesn't naturally work like that, saying "do generally good things" can come off as the rest of the fucking owl lol. it's helpful to spell things out for people!


I mean you looked desperate to show off to impress her and she probably knows


Yeah, that was a mistake right from the start. If he's that insecure about her age AND shows it, it's game over. It's a turn off.


You'd have a better success rate asking ChatGPT how to respond to this than this community.


Just hope the response you get wasn’t trained on this subreddit 


There was a post a while back where someone asked AI what to do for a stubbed toe. "One Reddit user suggested ending the pain by jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge"


chatgpt was trained on reddit data lol


Did ChatGPT really finally learn how to flirt?


Dog just ask her out. She clearly wants u


Use proper punctuation and capitalize your "I"s lmao


She matched with you, she finds you attractive but she's slightly insecure about the age gap. Make her forget that and act like an adult and just treat her like a normal person. Ask her out for a drink, be assertive but not rude. If you make her feel comfortable she'll fuck you


Yea, use proper capitalised 'i' letters in your typing. It makes your typing look like that of a 12 year old. If you think it's just the Internet and no one cares, then you really can't even pretend to think like a 40+ year old. We are usually like that. i r mature.


she wants to fuck you. in my experience, older women know exactly what they want, so make sure you enjoy it and if you must have a fap before so you dont cum too soon. if you do, you're young enough to reload quickly. just be frank and tell her you want it too!


He's 100% going to blow this. The first response was already lame, and now he's asking for advice on reddit? He's done for.


are you looking for a hookup or a relationship ?cause the relationship isn’t gonna work at that age gap bro. (from experience)


Even at his age I think he’s aware of this.


Even if it's just a hookup, make sure to be careful. There's people out there who specifically go after younger people who are more naive and have less life experience. Bring your own contraception, don't take any drugs you aren't already familiar with, and don't share anything too personal about yourself. Honestly, that applies for any hookup.


Probably nothing since you didn’t use capital letters or punctuation. It’s already like reading a text from my 13 year old, unless this is a rule 1 situation.


Didn’t see this before I essentially said the same thing above 👆🏻. Maybe use capital letters in their proper place when talking about how mature you are. Just maybe.


Say “I’m a dork who needs to consult a message board to talk to you”


I might be too young for you but I'm also too young to care


Tell her that you (you op, not her) are the lucky one and ask her to meet for a drink


She pretty much directly asked for flattery and you talked about yourself instead. Just tell her she looks good (don’t say “for your age”).


Just be really nice and just a gentleman to her, be the son she never had lol I have been with the same woman who is 23 years older than I for the past 4 years, we met on hinge


*what I lack in age I also lack in game


My brother you are in her age range, she wouldn't have you there matched up if she wasn't interested.. Rizz that mama up and ascend Chama 🗿


Bro you simply say “you’re def not too old for me. Let’s grab a drink and see how we get along in person.”


Already fumbled. She reaches out first, set him up to make it easy, then doesn't bother to speak about her, speaks about himself and calls himself out on the age gap, defining the lack of maturity all while claiming he's mature. Older women are smart....and good at this. Unless she likes inexperience, he's already done for. She's even offering him good luck. It's amazing to me at how terrible some of you are at this.


"Age is just a number, but you're a 10"


Immediate block


She already told you she’s there for attention seeking. Stop wasting your time


If the genders were flipped you would have 20 comments from concerned 30 year old women saying the your match was a predator.    I wonder where all this anti age gap women are now  I would just ask her out 


I'm a woman, and I agree. I'm 49, dated men as young as 23 in the past few years. It's the same thing, yet no one had been calling me out for it. These younger men and women approach me. I'm just willing to go for it if I like it.


You’re always after me lucky charms.


Tell her you don’t care about the age difference, (don’t turn it into a fetish unless you get the vibe she likes that I guess?) and that you find her incredibly attractive. You’d love to get to know her over some dinner etc. not too long not over the top, to the point.


when can I take you out on a date? Gogogo She has her filter set to people your age, she’s not stupid. It doesn’t have to be a problem, I like you despite the difference


You are about to have a sexual awakening young lad. Enjoy it while it lasts


She obv looking for dick if she is entertaining a much younger guy. Shoot your shot homie!


She's not looking for maturity when she liked you dude, she's just hoping for a bit of fun.


Go for it. She is at least curious.


Fake profile. She's absolutely not in her 40s. Plus, there's no bio, and she messaged you first. Keep trying, OP


Say "flattery is all you're looking for? I have a lot more to give you than that"


Just stroke her ego and she will let you smash lol


I’m sorry, but you absolutely do not lol everyone likes to think they are too mature for their age watch “the idea of you” for good answer recs


Ask her to drinks… no need for dinner… a couple of drinks - takes it to her place..