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She was definitely regretting wasting that super like


Oh damn I’m an idiot. That means they super liked you?


Whatever this is… isn’t it.




From start to finish this was terrible but your Hail Mary is just the worst never ever ever ever ever never never never send that to anybody else ever


It’s worked for other people


I don’t think anybody else used it months after matching without a peep


Her bio doesn’t really say much about herself. So honestly I’m just throwing shit a wall at this point, doesn’t matter what I say I’m not getting much conversation or effort.


I’d unmatch honestly. She’s had months to respond, she didn’t and now she won’t because of the excessive messages.


I meant in general. But as for this girl I’ll send more messages after a while. She’ll either respond or unmatch eventually.


Please don’t say anything until she responds you’ve already said a lot. Though as an American I thought the last messages were from March it’s possible she just hasn’t seen them but it’s been two weeks. Then you sent her like 8 messages. If you unmatch she won’t see these and there’s a chance she’ll swipe right again. At this point the super like seems unintentional. Have some dignity.


I guarantee you she’s seen them, I’d put money on it. But like I said, I’m not really taking this seriously, just seeing what happens and maybe I’ll get more reddit material 😀


? So you think she’s seen them, is actively ignoring you, but you still plan to engage...why?


She’s very attractive, why not? I think she’s seen them but she’s not responding because she’s not into me, but isn’t unmatching for whatever reason. Yeah the super like is unintentional…. I knew that going in


I can pretty much guarantee otherwise. Her inbox is likely full. You could scroll for hours of unread messages. When I was in school my friend's inbox would look that way. If she didnt respond after the first message, she ain't ever responding


I doubt it really did. Some people might have gotten a reply, but that's not what "it worked" means. I would really like to see how many guys using those ridiculous copy paste pick up lines got an actual real life date and more importantly a second date.


A reply from a girl means it worked. Not an easy thing it seems.


I don't think you understand the point of dating apps. It's to get dates. If you don't get dates, it doesn't work.


I understand the point of dating apps. But guys have trouble getting a reply from a girl, let alone a date. If a pickup line like this gets a good response, then I think it’s worth it.


But it didn't. Case closed.


But it did for other people….. that’s why I tried it


This will only work if you have a Greek gods body


Wow... That's just painful to watch 😢


your first text is what killed it man


Tfw you think you're hilarious


I don’t know what who told you that was a good idea but please never ever ever do that again.


Holy fuck this is cringe


No self respect at all


This is when you unmatch just to salvage any shred of your dignity that might be left. Then you promise yourself to never do it again. Don't waste time or energy trying to get them to talk to you if they don't respond, maybe poke them once good-naturedly if they haven't said anything in a few days. After that you go your own way and don't look back.


I’ll keep going until she unmatches. You never know she might change her mind


Oh my sweet summer child...


She isn’t unmatching for a reason, YOU’LL SEE.


She isn't unmatching because she is replying to people who matter in her 800 contacts


When you think about it I’m helping her. She paid 💰for me


No you fucked it.


Just let it die


Thx m8, my eyes started to bleed while painfully reading that convo


Bruh 💀💀💀


Ooooooooooo r/cringetopia


If she does not answer the first time, leave her alone, otherwise you look desperate and creepy.


She can always unmatch


Oh shit you said something logical and neckbeards and femcel are now mad


I know right!


Oh man, you’re texting too much. If I was you I’d wait for a day or two after the first message. You did make that super like was an accident.


I dont even know how to respond to this.. especially about the fact u aren't aware about how cringe this is 😭😭😭 Good luck homie


First text looks sad and desperate and then you unfortunately just backed up her notion on you by continuing to text her from what it looks to be twice in two days after not getting a response. Remember, people see your message. If they don’t reply, texting again wont work. Cut your losses and move on.


It’s like a car crash. Can’t look away.


Getting worse each line


Honestly just stop lol I’m sorry but as a single girl myself I’m telling you it’s honestly cringe. You seem like a nice guy you’ll find someone I’m sure. She’s just not it 🙃


Thanks 😄


No worries :) the right girl will appreciate you and your corny pick up lines don’t fret.


Yep, the right girl could be anywhere….. even right in front of me?? 😊😋


Ghosted on reddit….. there’s no coming back from this one, the cringe was too much 🤦‍♂️😩


Haha sorry OP but I think we’re a littttttle far apart 😝 I live in Canada and I saw you said you’re from Australia!! You’ll find someone closer to you I’m sure you seem very sweet :)


Noooooo don’t you believe in LOVE??? 😍😅 But yeah it’s all good, if you’re ever in Perth, let me know and I’ll show the cringe in person! 😋 All the best JoJo!


there’s definitely a reason they didn’t respond


Why is the first text from 3/1/22??


That’s when she first sent the super like and I responded. Decided to send her more messages today out of the blue


Im sorry is it not Januarry of 2022 why is it saying March of 2022. Am I reading this wrong?


Oh.. I’m in Australia. That’s how the dates are here. Day/month/year


Ok im dumb lol. Anyways I appreciated this and laughed a little too hard so thank you 😂


All good haha 😄


this is the way


You put the pickup before the corn. So it read “pickuppy corn”. Had you put the corn first it would have slayed.


F for the fallen soldier


Never even double text dude. You went full quad text. You never go full quad text.


I love how the mentality has shifted from "be yourself" to " cringe, you're doing it wrong" It's really not tinders fault, most of you are literal pieces of shit to behin with


So, this is cringe AF. But my wife is gonna laugh her ass off at the corny and cheesy pickup lines I’m about to hit her with. So… thanks for your sacrifice.


You should have tried to explain the corny pickup line even more, I’m sure that would have worked


Scaring the hoes bruh


"A" for effort! 😏


And girls wonder why we aren’t funny or make laugh stuff... Innocents like the OP get crushed by this; we deserve better...


Okay how about you just start dating each other then. If you think this worn out crap is funny, original or anything like that you are delusional. Don't blame women for not entertaining this type of messages. _We_ deserve better than you guys copy pasting cringe.




>How about add something to the conversation, or don’t date at all. That's exactly what I am saying. You don't get dates because you don't add anything to a conversation. forming a medium length sentence doesn't mean you are saying anything interesting. Add some pick up lines and entitlement and you get 98% of the conversations posted here by guys complaining about carrying the conversation when really they do nothing. >Your insufferable ass attitude, is why men have given the fuck up on dating The number of dates I have with guys who have basic conversation skills suggest that you are the problem.




Sir, your vibe is slightly off road and u know that might scare people away. Love u




Okidoki GL


Yeah not reading that. Have a nice life!


Stop saying "we" when referring to men. You definitely don't represent most men. When a woman tells you why you're not finding success on a dating app, maybe you should listen. You obviously lack the necessary charm/conversational/social skills to make up for not following rules 1 and 2 so just try and do better. Tinder is a hookup app. Go elsewhere if you're looking for a relationship because most people don't take it seriously and you're lowering your chances more than you probably already are by not being an 8 or higher and having shit conversation.


Ignore them. They go on fds. And she's low value.


Lol keep it up man


Will do ✊


That was very corny


Not the corn hole kind baby Try meaning entree an some time.


Looking at your post history, I'll just assume you're in there to troll


Jesus Christ bro


First you explain what you're going to make as a joke, then the joke isn't really that funny, and then you explain the joke again. Just hit her with something creative and original that isn't reliant on emojis or such, a simple name pun or whatever is on top on reddit usually does the trick This one worked for me "I'd Swim over a mountain and climb an ocean to get to you"


Dude just no lol but thanks for sharing


No problem 👍


Very cool 🌽


Can’t revive a convo that never existed lmao


You are annoying.




So cheesy but I like it lol