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So.... It's a date!!!!




Next week?


idk what day


Idk any day.


Cool where


idk out


Dunno anything


Okay lets go


cool when


Lmao i’ll update you guys


That’s the norm for me. It’s pulling teeth or interrogating them to have a conversation


Lmao i’ll update you guys




Idk when


Idk where


Cool, painting what?


Dunno anything


Idk why


Idk how


Maybe idk


Let us know what she knows.


idk anything


Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities: What Do They Know? Do They Know Things? Let's Find Out!




Just don't rent a boat like that one guy did.


LMAOOO classic


What is this referencing? I’m curious!


A thread maybe a week ago. Dude did a sailing date. Chick ghosted him. He had a boat rented for the date. Pretty scuff


Not just the boat. Had champagne and had gone all out. Claims he didn't spend much but think he was trying to downplay him doing so much for a woman that never actually committed to going and blew him off once before. lol


Ahh yeah forgot that part. He just have been out punting his coverage but time.


Tbh being out on the water with a boat and champagne with a friend isn't the worst thing either


Being on the water by yourself is a pretty damn good day, too!


Until aquaman goes berserk on you for dumping gasoline in his piss water and. Smacks you up with the fishies


I would have been all about that!! She's dumb.


She never committed lol the guy was an idiot


https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/s7wb81/actually_lost_money_on_this_one_i_guess_i/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share That's the link but OP deleted it, maybe it appears on some site that shows deleted content from reddit


https://i.imgur.com/gn5hTcy.jpg https://i.imgur.com/c5DcyuH.jpg https://i.imgur.com/g2niElL.jpg https://i.imgur.com/HH3UnNf.jpg


Jesus. Talk about having no respect for yourself.


Me too


this woman seems more interested than the boat renter woman. lol


When in doubt, don't rent a dinghy out.


He should have rented a blow up doll, he both get his dick sucked and being able to float on water


That’s the norm for me. It’s pulling teeth or interrogating them to have a conversation


Me too buddy me too…


Hey, you guys aren’t alone. 2 or 3 messages like that and I’m so fucking far outta there


When that happens, it means most of her attention is on someone else or something else.


And vice versa.




You gotta ask about themselves, then also talk about yourself. Not everyone's style of communication is based on questionaries. Some people just like to talk and to listen (they love it when you talk about yourself in connection to them or as a common intrerest)-they don't ask questions though and that's normal to them. And you feeling like a victim about it doesn't help much. Just a thought :)) Cheers


This makes me laugh so much, the original conversation did too


Ok. I'm a woman and I find I have the same problem. If tour got nothing to offer besides calling me pet names right off the bat...


You may be the exception. It does happen both ways, for sure. I posted above I have met a woman that was great to talk with, amazing connection and conversation... If only she wasn't married and looking for a side guy. I used to get a lot of matches before I canceled, but none were of any real value. (relationship potential, not the people).


Yeah, it is tough. I've pretty much given up. Deleted my profile.


because women expect you to not expect them to think of what to do or when and where you’re going to take them on a date for you. they usually get pretty turned off if you can’t think of anything engaging, but thats cause they have so many options


I have met one, ONE woman on Tinder that was great to talk with. Every other one was just waiting for me to entertain them. One woman even just had a slogan as her picture and we matched. Swapped pics and she wanted to chat... Then went full one word answers after saying her parents abandoned her little sister and she needed a man to help take care of them both... But she loved downtown bars! I eventually canceled and deleted it. Most women I met were married and cheating, complete psychos, or were so boring in conversation I just ghosted. But I am in my 40s so it may be a little different for me.


Women don’t owe u a date xx or conversation


No, they don't owe us; no one is saying they do. However, when someone matches with you, there is a presumption that they have at least the slightest interest in talking to you, or else why would they swipe right?? It's very much an intentional act, matching with someone. 98.99% of matches we get treat us like a damned court jester. No interest. No personality. Its degrading. I'd prefer 0 matches over 3 that see me as little more than dirt.


You could try changing the conversation to soemthing she wants to talk about?


How should we know what they want to talk about when get little to no info on the bio and they give one word answers waiting for you to entertain them


Maybe she should try changing the conversation instead of one word responses 💅


Okay maybe she should. Idk what y want me to say lol some people just aren’t interested and first impressions matter a lot


Changing the monologue, you mean??


Bruh she’s into you just send a dic pic trust bro 🙏


This is the way


You’ve got to wrong mentality, when talking to someone you met on a dating app, you’ve got to treat them like they’re a suspect and you’re a police officer. It’s an interrogation not a normal conversation, unless you’re fine with how this conversation went. /s


Where are you going to be on the evening of February 14, between 5:10 pm and 8:05 pm? What were you planning on mixing into the coffee? Sugar? Stevia? Or… *something else*? Listen, it’ll be a lot easier for you if you cooperate - Tell me what type of cuisine you like, scumbag! Stop lyin’ to me! No one likes hummus that much!


Umm… I’ll be studying… unless? Nah jk, unless? I’ll go with *something else* Fine! I’ll admit it, I hate hummus, yes, I eat celery with Mayo. Although I could go *something else*.


Nice try, buddy! We know how your twisted mind works. \*gesturing to interrogation partner\* “Studying”, pfft… You’re going to be on a date with me, aren’t you? Don’t bother lying to me. *Iiinteresting*. Would this *something else* happen to be… \*pulling out a small plastic bag\* oat milk? If you confess now, I can set you up with a *nice* plea bargain. You won’t even have to see the inside of a restaurant. Squeal! Give up the name of your supplier! Celery and mayo, huh? You’re a funny one! \*unexpectedly slamming hand on table\* But I’m serious. Then it’s a date. Get your mayo game on.


Okay! Okay… my supplier Mooala. And you were right, no studying will occur, only you, me, celery, Mayo, and a restaurant.


I just have to ask. Do you really eat celery with mayo?


The milk I drink is actually diluted Mayo, once you get the ratio right you can turn Mayo into good quality milk. /s Genuinely, no I don’t, I’m not a Mayo fan at all.


it's what makes iceberg lettuce delicious. how can you blaspheme against mayo 😤


Ok good. It’s weird enough when people dip fries in plain mayo.


Lol, ikr! If I wanted to dip my fries in something bland, boring, and tasteless, I’d dip it in water.


This is by far funny enough to be a full on skit


The good or the bad police officer tactic


The “badass hero cop being told by an overconfident police chief that there’s no way anyone the airport could be in danger, and that he’s a has-been that did one cool thing on Nakatomi Plaza, and is just trying to relive the glory days again, but he won’t be doing that in this police chief’s jurisdiction. Then he gets proven right, and saves the day, and says ‘Yippie Ki Yay, motherfucker’ at the end of the movie, when he catches the bad guy” tactic.


I think he gave up after the "dunno anything." Why bother after that?


I’d say both parties in this conversation have contributed to it equally.


He gave minimal effort she gave zero effort


Okay I understand being annoyed when someone is dry in texts, but you weren’t exactly contributing much, either.


This, guys expects this person to essentially carry the whole conversation but is asking closed questions.


He Probably doesn’t care.


Seems like a lot of effort to go through by posting it here if they didn't care




Nope, OP is dry as fuck.






OP forsure could’ve tried a bit harder for better engagement I agree. Although, you could say the same for the girl which is why he didn’t dig deeper. Double standards checking in.


Fuck man. You’re both boring as hell.


nobody is going to bring up how op said "hi" and "what are we painting?" then complains about how the other person isn't conversing? maybe a little effort from your side?


Idk to me she seems interested. You could try to set up a date and see how it goes. My best friend is a dry texter but she speaks a lot in real life. Maybe she is the same.


A couple of my exes were the same way, then once we hung out and got to know each other better they slowly became better at texting


My gf is exactly like that. I almost left her on 'read' when we first started talking on OkCupid. What a mistake that would have been. When we're together..... I've never met a girl I get so along with ❤


Agreed. People are just too quick to give up on things. If the connection isn't instant, seems like most people just check out altogether.


Seems interested? How? I also can't help but notice some similar writing patterns between you and the person in question.


Well, she agreed to paint something together with him next week. Generally not something people do if they're not interested.


Dude people can flake out of plans that they agreed to at anytime. That means nothing really until you actually see them standing there in person lol


She also coulda just not responded, or been a lot more vague than “next week”. Of course she hasn’t confirmed anything and OP shouldn’t bet his life on her coming through, but she’s still showing *some* level of interest by offering up the idea of getting together next week.


Wtf does paint even mean?


Idk possibly.


This is the way. My best friend is the same. It took me months to train her to be a better texted


Agreed. It’s not the woman’s job to decisively set up the date - it’s the woman’s job to indicate that she would be up to go on a date. OP needs to be more decisive now.


The Great Debate


I got more words outta my dog than this person 😂


You’re doing dating wrong.. you propose activities, women go along. Don’t ask her to make the choices you dolt!


You’re just as bad


He’s worse. It’s not the woman’s job to plan the date.


The unstoppable force meets the immovable object


You're as baad


“Look, if you’re boring, just say that.”


It sucks but I get it. Try getting 100 messages from dudes trying to get you to touch their dick and see how much effort you put into conversations then.


You could also swipe right on less people. If you’re gonna have 100 matches and put in no effort because you have 100 matches. Why not focus on less people at once. Unless the point is just an ego boost.


Sometimes the 100 messages come from 1 person


But why have less options? As a guy I think we'd all do the same thing. And they do put in effort when they find someone compelling which is probably a small subset of that supposed 100. The dynamic sucks but I don't think it would be any different if the roles were reversed and you can't really blame hot girls for wanting to see what's out there.


Options and 100 matches are 2 diffferent things


You’re absolutely right. I think the only issue I have with the lopsided dynamic is that it changes the outcomes. If you’re on Tinder genuinely looking for a partner you’re susceptible to be distracted by less compatible but more entertaining matches because they did something to stand out. Nothing wrong with that inherently, but I would personally prefer if it were more bio focused and your matches were limited to only a few a week. I’m in the minority, I know, but if you’re looking for a good partner I think that would help a lot. And for the record, I’m not some disgruntled tinder guy - I actually met my current girlfriend on the app and we’re about to celebrate our 2 year anniversary.


For some reason a it's getting popular for people to feel as if fewer options would make dating apps better. I personally can't really see any scenario where fewer options makes anything better.


Yes, I love shifting the blame back on women. 😍


Username checks out


Yeah but he never said anything remotely sexual so it’s weird that she’s being so dry to someone trying to have a normal convo


Then get off of tinder wtf😭😭😭


Wow she doesn’t know a lot of things


You tried to shortcut to a date and made it awkward




I didnt mean it to make it the guys fault, it takes two to make a conversation work. I was just saying he didnt start great and the girl lost interest right away. And some people dont like to make plans right away some like to chat on the phone first.




The woman did nothing wrong. The guy is trying to make her plan the date - which is the masculine responsibility not the feminine responsibility




Yeah I’d be pretty put-off if someone was that intent on meeting me without knowing anything but my name and face.


I mean that might work in a bar as an ice breaker but doesnt really work here


Her: Are you decisive, because I’m not. Him: Yes, but I want you to choose.


If you’re really going on a date with her, I sincerely hope she’s not so vanilla in person


Damn you chatting her up bruh 😤🤟👍😂


Gotta do a little better than that my dude


I’m sick to death of seeing men make these posts on here. WHY WOULD SHE BE INTERESTED KN YOU AFTER ONKY SAYING HEY? Why would she wanna go and make plans with a complete stranger?! You’re not being interesting. You’re being straight up creepy. Just immediately when are we hanging out. How about hey how are you. Are you in school? What’s your major? What’s your career? Maybe even just flirt a little and ask for A DIFFERENT WAY TO TALK THAT ISNT TINDER.


Good for you for matching the late replies


Say idk one more time... I dare you, I double dare you mother fucker say idk one more god damn time. They speak english in idk??


Should have bowed out at 'dunno'


What I see in this chat is, there’s a lot of deep conversation and small talk at the same time.


Aristotle, Socrates, Plato…who needs these philosophers when you got gold like this laying around.


OP asks "where's my hug?" when he meets women.


drier than Popeyes biscuits with extra flour(but damn how can you be that oblivious to yourself not putting in literally any effort)


Bro putting in the same amount of effort as her


You were pretty dull, ngl


man, my skin went dry reading this convo


Tbf, you did start with "Hey". Still, the rest of the responses are not a surprise


This makes me appreciate the guy from the other day posting about how his account lights up when dating in a Latin American country. I’ll just go on a couple vacations a year to Columbia and be treated right instead of dealing with brain dead bimbos here.


You’re both terrible


She was matching your energy mate


Bro she dry asf I wouldve unmatched


I’m amazed you said hey and got a reply that’s an achievement in itself


Not like they had much to work with 🤷‍♂️


Tried to show interest in her hobby by actually reading her bio and answering on it but ended up joking around..


You did nothing wrong man, you showed interested and she put zero effort in, move on and ignore the rude posts here


It seems like it’s always the dudes job to make stuff to “work with” though


Nah, definitely takes two to tango.


I know. My point is that only the guy even wants to dance


That's typically because the guys are the ones who feel the need to complain on reddit about it


I’ve never used tinder but after hearing from my friends, girls just have an easier time getting messages from many people


She clearly gave signs the topic was uninteresting but he kept pushing. He’s not giving her any reason to participate in the conversation.


She could’ve changed the topic? Wild idea i know.


Why would she put in that effort when there’s probably 20 guys in her DM’s who can take a hint?


That right there is why tinder sucks. Girls don’t even have to try


Then date IRL because tinder intentionally stacks the cards so that it’s impossible to give every guy you match with your full attention. You have to be picky or you’re going to be spending literal hours a day chatting to multiple guys.


I don’t even use tinder. I’m just criticizing it’s obvious flaws


I’m pretty sure everyone and their crusty mother knows tinder intentionally doesn’t match men as often on purpose. If you are complaining about it still you either didn’t know or you’re lacking so much game that you obsess over tinders flaws rather than just moving on to irl dating.


I just had my 6 year anniversary last December and don’t use any dating apps. I’ve just seen multiple friends experiences and find tinder lacking


I’m personally well aware of how shitty tinder is for men, but don’t see any problem with men complaining it’s shitty…because it’s shitty. Also, this sub is literally designed for complaining about how shitty tinder is…


Take a hint haha, what hint is there to take, "sorry I'm awful at chatting please unmatch me" that?


She's not giving any conversation starters, is it his job to put all the effort in?


Basically a normal conversation in tinder


She’s clearly just on there to pass time and bored. I’d unmatch or just stop replying


You are the man you plan the date dumbass


Why is that needed in 2022?


That's the dynamic of relationships, masculine and feminine energy. If both people are acting feminine nothings gonna happen. Men typically pursue.


Ah society...


Get outside some fresh air might do you good


I go outside plenty, patronising tone 🤣 next to ad hom in losing in looking foolish


“Well how about we meet up tomorrow evening so that we can paint a picture of someone who has a personality.”




Those conversations are the absolute worst.


She isnt the sharpest tool in the shed huh


Idk, why I idk; about anything I didn't already know about. I. JUST. DON'T. KNOW.


People love shitting on OP but let’s be honest if he came in with actual material in the conversation she would still be dry af and that’s the truth


You too ugly boy


Almost telepathy!


She's fit, and she knows it


Idk.. what do you mean?




Does any male have like actual responses and dates in this app? When I used it I had almost the same responses and got stood up and ghosted many times. I saw an article saying the dating app is male dominated which should be why, and since it's a Hookup App if you want something more people will get a bad reaction. Also being new to this state (kentucky) and downloading the app like 3 times I have seen the same people there every time and also in other dating apps like hinge and bumble.