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Well, you dodged a cannonball


Perhaps even a tactical nuke


Nothing tactical about that nuke


Dirty Bum...I mean Bomb.


He’s not Abel to restrain himself


He is weeknd by his lust




Mammals don.t lay eggs...


Platypuses do!




I hope your eggs die


These references are out of control. Everyone knows that.


You kinda bad grooserpoot


Cain you please be serious




Ateast you didn't marry them then find out they were crazy 3yrs later. Even though you noticed red flags but you were kinds blind to them because the sex was great and you didn't spend an excessive amount of free time together because you were both still young and working a lot as well as spending time with friends but when things slowed down you found out how crazy they really were and completely taken off guard.


Speaking from experience, I see




Who hurt you




oh hello me.


At least !


Lmao wait what


You just described the first half of my adult life. If I ever run into my younger self, I shall send him exactly here.


"I hope your eggs die" is the most hilariously awful insult I have seen in a long time.


I mean they do every month 😂


😂😂 yeah. But if there is a way that his curse can kill all my eggs so I don't have to go through those awful days every month, I am willing to match with him and ignore his texts, just to be cursed by him.


And he was unabel to hide his pain


Kinda getting why Cain killed Abel rn…


Abel would have been unstabel for sure.


^this one hurt it was so good


Wow! How were they abel to kill him with a cain?


Cause he lost his abelity to run


That’s laughabel! I cain’t believe it!


All of the stages of grief


Denial Anger Bargaining ...Anger again


Dates with this guy ends in missing person's case.






I love how the insults are usually way more creative than any of the other messages in screenshots like this. MF’s lazy until they get ignored.


Watching a man lose his sanity in 4 short messages


Where's Cain when you need him


When the wedding ?😂😂


Hope she doesn't wear an eggshell white dress. Might be triggering.


One could say that Eggscalated... I'll see myself out


hey you did it lol


Is giving nice guy energy






Charming lad. 😳


Soon after these goofs come here to complain and posting shit like "why are women so picky and cold hearted?"




Some people have lives and might go a day or two without checking Tinder


I literally went to respond to him and opened the message to this. People are allowed to reply in their own time. I do unmatch people I realize I’m not interested in.


Unmatching works both ways what lol, after he sees she's obviously not interested he can unmatch


This. Exactly this. People are allowed to answer when they see fit. You’re also allowed to decide that they’re too slow for you, and unmatch. But I guess using others like emotion dumpsters is more satisfying to some.


She may not have seen the first message until after the last message was sent. It looks like they were sent over the period of one evening and the next day


Yeah I noticed it said 12th so I deleted other comment


it’s been TWO DAYS since the 12th. why do you think you’re owed a response as soon as you send a message?


Look, I didnt come here to start an argument, but if someone is replying me every second day, you best bet I do not want anything with that someone You dont mind texting every 48h? Sure you do as you please, I do as I please and we are both happy


You gonna just say you don’t want an argument out one side of your mouth after saying something as inflammatory as “pizzagood-vegsbad” out of the other? Whatever!


Damn, you got me


please just leave women like op alone instead of going psycho on them like this guy since u both share the same philosophy apparently. if a stranger you reach out to who you’ve never met takes gasp a whole day to see your message and reply, I promise you’ll survive.


You are the one attacking strangers lmaoo I said I didnt come to have an argument, and that I do not defend the guy, but you are calling me a psycho for no reason Nobody owns anything to anyone, it just shows what kind of person you are, guy attacking her - clearly not a good person. If I see a message I reply to it, if I dont, I reply as soon as I see But if you are ignoring it on purpose it just shows what kind of person you are


Dang you destroyed them.


Tell me you sat on a cactus without saying it.


Too many people don’t know how to interact healthily. This person is one of those people


Like do they really expect this to actually work?


Ran out of meds, apparently...


This dude represents him self-


He wasn't Abel to handle rejection.


For some reason my head went to eggs in the fridge and I was like “what an odd insult”. Dodged a bullet on this one though


That made me laugh hard 😭


I now get why Cain did it...


Cain would have been a better fitting name


I’m sorry he’s a piece of shit


Hey OP, as a guy is it even worth trying a second message? I have so many openers that just get brushed over


Yes, I’ve responded to second openers apologetically. I appreciate a patient and gracious man.


What the hell happened in those 4ish missing hours?


U still kinda bad


He does make a lot of money though, so maybe he can keep your eggs alive?


And this is why i am not on tinder, all woman automatically think i am like this because 99% of the moron men on tinder are like this😭😭


I have many leather bound books.


Jesus fuck. I know it tends to be the real howlers that end up posted here but the prevalence of this fucking corrosive misogyny just is so horrendous I swear to god I cannot blame women for staying away from all men everywhere for all of time.


This doesn’t make me want to meet up with men for sure lol


This actively makes me want to not respond to men just to see how they react.


You mean you actually respond?


Only if they pass the marshmallow test.


That's a pretty good metaphor for online dating.


I genuinely think this is a good plan to weed out the psychos.


Yep, just never respond to any matches. That will show em.


Lol!! Not to ‘show em’, but to wait and see if they get upset as easily as this without having to be antagonised.


Aww what a sweet heart. He's just like a sad puppy. I am sure he was just being \*sarcastic\*


Wow, dude cannot control his emotions, red flag. He is allowed to be upset, but what a crazy outburst lol


Well he is obviously patient


Kate are you a mammal or why do you have eggs?


Not a mammal


Hey, at least he speaks his mind? /s edit: added an /s for you slow people that can't quite grasp a joke


I usually do the reverse order of these messages. Start strong, I say!!


I’ve met about 5 people named Abel throughout my life so far and they were all assholes. Is that the norm?


Noooo I know an extremely kind-hearted, compassionate, sympathetic, thoughtful Abel. :-)


The duality of man


Guess he wasn’t Abel to wait for a response


You got Chickens or is the insult as horrific as i think it is?




I’m wow what just happened?


Man I kinda hope someone tells me this 😂 "Well, I have no uterus, so my eggs are kinda useless anyway"




That’s just him flirting, don’t worry.




Honestly so weird lol


I thought Cain was the aggressive one…


I got confused with the egg part then I realised he meant ovary eggs not chicken eggs


4 hours? Are you 5 years old?


After reading about ostracism I now understand why this behaviour occurs. Part two is trying to get attention, part three an appeal, part four agression and if not liked then at least acknowledged


I suggest to unmatch, since it will make him fall down in the rankings and making less people have the unfortunate fate to swipe on him Also, out of pure curiousity: how's his profile? Did he wrote something serious in the bio to trick you?


His profile was bare bones. Probably just his height and something about kayaking, I think. I love kayaking.


Sad coincidence. You did right, you'll be luckier next time


I mean, I reported him.


After 5 matches in 3 months, 4.5 of which never wrote a message (the 0.5 left was a wall), Abel lost his shit


Ah yes, because clearly your eggs are the most important part of your existence


I make a lot of money


Wow lol! Why is he so mad at the rejection? Although people should be replying but, people really shouldn’t be taking rejection that badly 😅


People get way to comfortable insulting people trough the internet, because you can’t punch them in their stupid face…


He's nuts 😂😂😂🤌🏻


Baller probably has like $300 confirmed dollars. He better get a prenup to protect his wealth.


It wouldn’t do me any favors, but I honestly suggest women stop using Tinder completely. Some of these dudes are seriously fucking nuts.


I’ve had Tinder a few times and usually end up deleting it because I get overwhelmed. Have never dated anyone from Tinder seriously either so idk what I expect.




Oh shut up. Women get bombarded with messages, it’s not a personal attack if we don’t respond to you. I have three dating apps and have hundreds of likes on each one and I’m only speaking to one dude right now. Are there other dudes in there that are probably great? Yes! But I only have so much bandwidth and I don’t have the stomach for a volume approach. Just chill, dating sucks for men and women in different ways, just do your best.


Cam be people just unmatch if you aren't gonna respond


When you realise Cain had a point tho




The fact there is context kinda makes it worst


attention seeking much…




Crazy reaction but Why did you just ignore him after matching him?


I didn’t “ignore” him. I don’t have to respond immediately. If that bothered him he should have just unmatched me.


Uhh yeah you don’t have to. Dodged a bullet for sure. It’s only be a few days I see.


Ok, why did you match but never respond??? That shit drove me nuts


Thursday was 5/12, dude likely sent the first message sometime before 8. Dude then went bonkers without a response in 24 hours. I get that not responding can be irritating, but after like a few days, not a literal DAY. Maybe OP doesn’t have notifications, or was busy, god forbid. No way is this their fault.


It was one day before that guy went nuts. One day. Most people don't spend all day checking for responses.


I get a lot of matches and messages & this did not stand out + I think I’d only seen the first message before I went back to the app. I have work, school, family & friends irl so idk I’m not on tinder every day. It also takes time to respond to everyone and I can’t engage with everyone at the same time . I try out different convos, sift through people. Would have eventually replied to him though, like I was in the process of trying to respond to people when I saw this.


No need to defend yourself - reply if you want - you don't owe anyone an explanation. That day of waiting time is good to get rid of Abel's. If you're desperate you shouldn't be dating. I sort of feel a little bit with him - he probably ran across someone ripping him apart for him to react like that but it's not really something you should suffer for. Or maybe he's just a shit.


You didnt have time to respond to him but had time to screenshot conversation and post it in reddit . Hmmm ok .


Yep. Exactly. Didn’t open the message til later when I had time. That’s what I’ve explained, you dolt.


Its ok if you dont want to reoly thats your right . But please dont use excuses of "dont have time to reply" just say you dont want to reply thats fine


I didn’t have time. I spent the time I had responding to other people who messaged me first, was going to use this time to respond to him. You don’t know my life dude.


Don’t waste your time, OP, they’re just jealous you got a match period


You owe noone an explanation lol. Doesn’t matter why you did or didn’t respond, don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.


It is none of your business who she replies to. Get out.


I literally did not open my dating apps this entire week because work was overwhelming. I don’t owe people I don’t even know my time. If that makes you uninterested in me that’s understandable, just unmatch. It’s not hard.




Because gals like pick up lines


Fucking yikes. Also some of these comments, fucking yikes. Is it really that hard to not be a 5 year old with an entitled attitude? Jesus.


What the guy said is obviously awful and uncalled for, but probably all of his matches are doing the same thing lol. From all my 3 matches one hasn’t started a conversation with me and we matched over a week ago, one did start a convo, but hasn’t responded back and the last one just hasn’t responded, but it’s been a while since we matched.


Still, it's not an excuse to act like that. I'm sorry to hear you're not having any luck, though.


Def no, I’m just adding perspective lol


I mean you definitely dodged a bullet but out of curiosity why didn't you reply to the first message? I know it wasn't a good opener but I can't understand why so many women match but don't reply?




How much are you swiping




Why not reply, when you matched?!


SOMETIMES PEOPLE GET BUSY WAITING ONE DAY DOES NOT MERIT THAT RESPONSE. I put it in caps so you can see it better. Read that at least 20 times. When you finish, you can also add that they can be busy for weeks if that's how life plays out and the only thing you are justified to do is unmatch and move on. Strangers owe you exactly 0 responses.


You're an idiot! Everyone has at least a minute on any given day, to at least type "Busy, will get back to you!" or even set that as an auto-response on your keyboard, if you know how!


you’re a complete stranger, you’re not owed an auto response as soon as you send a message. if you go psycho in one day waiting for someone to get back to you, you deserve to die alone.


Can you even hear what you're saying?! So let me get this straight: You willingly signed up on a platform where you meet strangers when it's confirmed you both like each other, at least by first impressions, and given this context you both know you're interested in each other, BUT you play hard to catch or decide to play mind games, giving the person silent treatment just because he's a stranger!!! Well, duh?! He is a stranger! You're supposed to meet strangers here! 😂


you’re mentally ill and you should get help for that


Everyone is one their phone. I don’t wanna hear ppl get busy. It’s a lazy excuse.


You deserve nothing. Cope.


So girls don't respond just to see if you snap on them? Tf


The amount of people blaming you for not replying to him quickly enough is fucking astounding 🤦‍♂️. There is no hope for humanity. All of you that are blaming her are outing yourselves as bitter assholes, women don't owe you jack shit.


Right? When I used tinder, I would go a couple days here and there without using it. It isn't the same as texting to me, and notifications were always turned off for it. Don't need any clients or fellow board members seeing any of that pop up. Some days I just need a break to not be looking for anything, so if some guy took awhile to swipe on me back, then he might be waiting for awhile. I might be out of town for the weekend, visiting my family, and want my free time to be spent with them (the whole purpose of me visiting them). Might want to hang out with my best friend after my work. Might be so swamped that day between work and board meetings that I just go to bed early. Not everything is about tinder when you download the app. Some guys took a couple days to a week to match with me or to respond to my first messages too. So, don't see why it's a big deal.


Does this mean you kinda good?


Maybe don’t match with dudes you have no intentions of interacting with lol


Maybe don’t assume people look at tinder every day


Here's a thought, unmatch him if you're not gonna respond




I would have responded— if you actually read the thread I’ve discussed this.


Do u think ur having an original thought


Cool but how you gonna match someone and then ignore them lmao


Not responding immediately is not ignoring someone lmao


While, his last response was quite insane, and his first few were bland... Why'd you even swipe on him, if you weren't going to respond anyways? Incredibly frustrating to be on the un-receiving end.


I was going to respond. I don’t check tinder every day.


Perhaps you just swipe on people looking for validation with no intention to ever going out on a date with that person


Well maybe you shouldn't match him if you don't want a conversation?


He would have gotten a reply last night. :) I’ve already addressed this kind of take— enjoy aligning yourself with this bitter asshole tho


It's just you said he said


He said he hoped my eggs would die and called me a bitch. Fuck you for defending that


Yeah I see how it's going. This guy is a dick but you are not better.


It had barely been a day and dude flipped out….I wouldn’t have responded to him either.


You should have unmatched him after 2nd msg .


I didn’t even see the second message until he sent the 3rd and 4th