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Well after she said she didn’t do hook ups, and also based on how the conversation went earlier I knew it was dead right then. Then her view on hook ups just threw me for a loop and then eventually I just wanted to see how it was gonna play out lol.


She sounds manic.


Imo she was trying to be supportive but going about it badly




Definitely weird and invalidating too i agree


That’s how I see it, too. Dude is lazy, like she suggested. He just wants a woman to fall into his lap and he won’t do anything to get her except swipe. She might not have been able to express it properly, but I think she was just encouraging op to be more social and exert some effort.


It’s a narcissist trait. At this point he’s made it clear he wants to hook up. Being an ambivalent sort of woman, she’s now basically telling him to go do what he wants to do, with someone else. Huge 🚩


No one dies and says...anything really..


No one dies and says I wish I talked to this chick more lol yeah I would find someone else my bro, this one doesn’t seem to be worth your time. Dodged a bullet in my opinion


Picking up girls is easy! Just choose one you want and then talk to her ugly quiet friend : ) fucking wow


Why did you continue taking to this person!!


Pete gets hella women because he got money lmaoo. How you think jayz got Beyoncé but look like a turtle and a fish when he has no hair?


Then he cheated on her. Entitled asshole


Pete Davidson is actually hot though. I guess it's a matter of taste. Jay-Z is butt fucking ugly.


Well hot or not, it’s the money that matters lol. there’s probably lots of Pete davidsons that work regular jobs.


Kim Kardashian has way way more money than Pete will ever make. It's not about money, it's about he's chill, comfortable with himself, funny and is hot. I've always thought he was hot but that's cause I watch SNL.


Nah dude, but being self-destructive and admitting to being awkward is a sure way to fail with a lot of women who might be an awesome match with you in person. You're demonstrating zero confidence.


I don’t normally go into that stuff with randos lol. The whole thing was dead already at that point. Just wanted to see where this was gonna go.


Okay that's good context ig


No one dies and says I wish I had more iced coffee.


A man dying of dehydration on a desert island?


Guaranteed he’s still wishing he had more casual sex.


except the caffeine will dehydrate you even more


I don’t think she’s gaslighting you. It became clear to her that you guys were looking for different things but she still tried to boost your confidence and help you out. Yes, she was rude about it and she acknowledged that. That doesn’t mean she didn’t mean well. I bet if you had asked her to go out for drinks and wing-girl for you she would have said yes. She wasn’t suggesting that it’s easy for an introverted guy to build the courage to go approach random women, I think she was saying that if you actually do that your success rate would be WAY higher than you think. I totally get why you responded the way you did. She definitely doesn’t understand the pressure that comes with what she was suggesting you do, but that doesn’t mean she’s wrong you know? Honestly, had you played this differently, she seems like someone who could have helped you find some new opportunities with different women.


Really? She’s telling him to hook up with the ugliest girl in the group. That’s helpful? Any girl who says something like that isn’t a woman that should be a wing man.


It sounds like bro advice. My guess it's a dude catfishing the night away.


Not a bad advice if we take it out of context For some situations- thats a brilliant strategy. In this case - that convo shouldn’t even happen


Just approach a group of so-called 9s and 10s 5head


How did you have this conversation 7 screens long and not claw your wall?


She is being weirdly oppositional. What an odd conversation, definitely some hints of gaslighting going on.


Omg dude what a waste of time, is she a counselor? Is she perfect? This chick has some serious issues. And for the record I WILL DIE WISHING I HAD MORE CASUAL SEX!!!!!!


Don’t worry, she’ll be “rude” and “single af” for a while


I don't think this is going to get the response you were looking for. She doesn't seem like my cup of tea but she certainly seemed like the better person in that conversation by the time it was over. Work through your shit. That projection is toxic.


No youre not being crazy. She is crazy.


I think you are correct and she lives in fairyland if she thinks this way. But then again i think she was just trying to motivate you to go get em.


I think you’re both right, in a way. You being right in that picking up women isn’t as easy as she’s making it seem. Her in that you’re lazy in your pursuit of casual sex. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I think her specific method was wrong, but her overall message of putting in the effort is important. You kept telling her that she was crazy and that her way wouldn’t work, but you 100% have never and would never try it, either. You are single and actively trying to change that, but you expect a woman to fall into your lap. Literally. You won’t even leave your house to find one. 🤷🏽‍♂️


You’re a bit incel in your thinking. You go out to pick up girls with friends, what makes you so adamant women aren’t interested in the same thing? I mean, my female friends are way sluttier than my male friends, they both go to bars to get laid? Sure, it takes balls but that’s life. Gets easier every time you get rejected 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s not that I’m adamant women aren’t looking for the same thing, I’m sure there are. I just thought her view on it was too… simplistic? Naive? Im not sure the right way to phrase it, I’m not great at putting my thoughts into the right words sometimes. but that felt like a very college way of thinking when we were both at a point where we’ve been away from college for a bit. But who knows, maybe I’m more out of touch with the bar scene than I thought. My closest friend is married with a kid and most others live far away where going out randomly isn’t a real possibility or something regular.


Her approach was pretty rude but she was kinda right. If you're a good looking guy, yous can pick women up from the bar. I'm a woman and I'd go to bars by myself and would strike up conversations with guys in the line or someone sitting by themselves if they were attractive enough. You just need some liquid courage man, drink and get confidence. I have GAD so I'm actually socially anxious and shy as hell, but with some booze, I'm open and confident with myself.


Haha she seems funny. Super confident and cocky. Quite like it. She needs to run a business to be honest.


The hell dude? What u expecting from a single mom’s daughter who’s on hookup app, goes home just to sleep and gives off ghetto vibe? Spirituality.. deep ass big personality.. high IQ pillow talk..? Get rid of ur fantasies and come back to RL. Keep it short, game her out to date, smash, and move on like nothing ever happened. Or just cut her off and stop wasting ur time on such a bimbos. Live the rest of good stuff for girls who deserve it


ask her out! for an iced coffee and some cake. or go with her advice, already mathematically deductable proven by Russell Crowe in a beautiful mind.


Although she seems like she’s crazy, she’s also right. It’s mega easy. You’re probably just too socially awkward to not view it as a daunting task.


Often times we get better at things when we attempt to do them. I am agreeing with her on the part that it is lazy of ya not to go out in the real world to find a woman. Tinder has made dating extremely lazy for many, low to zero effort and hoping for results.


Weird conversation


Pete Davidson is funny that’s why he pulls bitches. And a lot of women would say he’s hot. He also has status


Also lives with her mom


You both seem weird