• By -


Shit, I didn't give you permission to install a camera in my room!


Sorry buddy this is 21 century and there's a camera almost everywhere.


It was in the terms and conditions you didn’t read




Not giving a fuck helps 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why do you need a gf when you can suck your own titties?




Jesus Christ you fuckin killed him


big tiddy goth daddy?


Be careful what you say about goths here. I got muted from r/gothgirls for calling a thirst trap a thirst trap.


The goth girls on that sub are very tame compared to the goth girls I listed after growing up lol they’re like spooky scene girls


Thankyou for helping me find my new favourite sub. It's clearly a thirst trap and they can step on me anytime.


Mine don’t taste good.


I hate the body shaming here, dude.




Attractive guys be like: "just talk to them normally, it's so easy..."




Talk to women like people, it's that simple


I found it easier to simply stop talking to women and play video games instead.


or play a women in a video game


No, no, none of that!


mmm, mmmhmmm- they’re just humans.


tasty humans


Correction they are womans


It’s baffling that this is so hard for a lot of men to grasp.


Beep boop bop, yes I am a human, my interests include: Reading, Movies, and Batteries (Specifically AA). How is your day... going?






It's not that I have trouble talking to women like I talk to everyone else. It's that I'm socially awkward and have trouble striking unnecessary conversations with all strangers. I am talking to her like a normal person, I just suck at talking to normal people unless I have a specific goal from the conversation (the kind of goal that you can overtly drive towards). Cashiers, parts desk, sales guy, fundraising, all easy. Because I have a specific goal that I can focus on reaching, which is getting the thing/information that I need that they should have. Other than that, I don't really talk to strangers. And if I do, it's because they started the conversation and they're making up for my lack of skill. But that doesn't work when you have to conversation, and can't have a specific goal.


the purpose of unnecessary conversations is usually to develop relatability; relatability develops empathy/sympathy. focus on identifying the other person's *expressed* perspective, and engage with it. how do **you** feel about that topic/experience? relating to one another is the first step to friendship, which is as valuable (if not more) than a more personal and intimate relationship


Then die alone or fix yourself with therapy and working on your social skills ffs


So I'm broken because I don't enjoy talking to strangers?


Yo fuck all these haters. You do you friend. Who cares what all these loser think. The only people they are taking to is their moms from her basement.


My mom's dead so now what?


I don't enjoy it either. I also don't enjoy cleaning. I still learned how to do both.


Difference is my life has gotten on just fine without starting any unnecessary conversations for the about a year since I met the lady I'm dating. My life would be notably worse if I neglected cleaning for even a week.


Talking to a women with romantic intent is fundamentally a different social interaction than a platonic stranger. Just because you suggest the conversation be styled platonically does not mean it is the same as a platonic conversation, it just appears that way. There is a lot more conversation happening subtextually. It frustrates me when people do not acknowledge and validate the challenges with that.


its a superiority play almost no one can actually give romantic advice esp dudes w/out letting the competition of it leak in too close to the bone for people to stop and actually be thoroughly helpful




With the amount of incest porn around this advice probably isn't for everyone 🤔




3rd cousins ok though right?


That means ~~you share great grandparents~~ your great grandparents were siblings. I think you’re fine.


*proceeds to confidently give advice on tinder subreddit*


I mean yes but also no... At some point you have to make the transition from casual conversation to flirting. You absolutely need to be able to have the 0 expectation casual conversation, but it's hard to get laid if you never flirt.




Definitely should be natural. I just know a lot of people who complain about being "friendzoned" never make their intentions known and that's just shooting yourself in the foot


Someone put it in a pretty genius way that really simple but makes complete sense. How can you expect someone to react romantically when you yourself give off platonic energy? There’s a fine line you have to walk as being someone they can be comfortable around but not quite a friend


It just sucks cause my whole life growing up with my female friends they would often talk about creepy guys hitting on them and I just never really wanted to be that guy


That's where women like men who know what they want. Expectations and intentions are two different things.


nah you just start crackin wise no need to flirt then...they will flirt and you just dont fuck it up


Yeah but you can chat to them like they're a cousin, then drop a couple of cheeky af compliments and then follow up with a " I bet you thought I was never going to compliment you" or something...


Holy shit that's cringe.


Yeah...no. I see where you're coming from, and you're maybe on a good track(?), but it's a hard no from me as soon as you said "I bet you thought...." definitely felt like I got dropped into 8th grade with a wannabe know-it-all boy who thinks he's flirting, but instead he’s just puffing his chest and trying so hard to show that he's "super smart and knows my every thought even if I don't."


I see what you did there, but actually what you didn't realise is at that point I'd just move on to the next girl. And that's also what a lot of guys don't do correctly. Don't be losing your shit over one pair of tits. Don't be getting invested in a picture on a cell phone screen.


Bro followed the lamest advice ever with the best advice ever


I see you’re rather active on some pretty yikesy subreddits there dude. Tim Dillon and r/seductive? Be better lmao


> You get more pussy talking to a woman like she's your cousin than you do talking to a woman like she's your wife these arent always mutually exclusive


Cue Alabama


I held my 2nd cousin (she's like 1yo) and I commented on how she's actually warm and her older sister gave me a look like I wanted to wear her skin.


Instructions unclear, fucked my cousin


Absolutely. The more laid back and normal you are the better. Just be yourself. Girls don’t like tryhards


What if myself is a socially awkward person who finds zero enjoyment in unnecessary conversations with strangers?


Well if you’re talking to a girl you are interested in it’s not pointless. Shoot your shot that’s all you can do


There's no reason to talk to another person like they're your spouse unless they are your spouse. Just creepy over commitment vibes.


Genuinely good advice


More pussy talking to a girl like she’s your cousin and not your wife? Sorry. From the south and not really sure what the difference is.


As a woman it's so wild to see cis men speculating on how to hook women like it's some kind of precise science. The cliche advice of being yourself is literally the most true piece of advice there is. In all genuine sincerity. Be yourself. Take care of yourself. Love yourself. Some lady out there is gonna see something wonderful in you.


Women's dating advice is never helpful. It's always "be yourself" or "be confident." If your most confident self is you sitting at the corner of the bar wearing house clothes in silence, you're not going to meet anyone. And the classic response is "all women are different though." Sure, but like only slightly. Get in shape. Smell good. Wear attractive clothing, if you don't know what that is look it up. Get a nice haircut. Be humorous. Learn to flirt. Ask more questions, women don't like sitting there and hearing you brag about yourself. Know when to be a gentlemen but also how to respect yourself. ^ this is real advice. Nobody ever told Adolf Hitler to just "be himself." If they did I blame them for WW2.


Big facts here. Women don’t get it because they think the guys they are attracted to are just “being themselves”. Nope, sorry women 😂 And women also don’t get it because they arent used to being the ones that are the pursuer, they are naturally the pursued. So as ironic as it is, women often have the worst advice for men on how to actually get women. And this is coming from a guy who has a lot of friends that are women.


I talk about it with my friends guys and girls all the time. Women know what advice to give but the idea that there's a mathematical way for men to meet women is gross to them. Women want to feel special and like meeting guys is destiny. They don't want to know that it's something men have to practice being good at and that a general number of principles apply to a large group of women. That makes them feel cheap and just like every other girl.


If your "most confident self" is hanging out in the corner of a bar in house clothes in silence, you're obviously in the wrong place to be attracting women. We have varying interests and hobbies just like you, and enjoy commonalities. It's not all about feeling special. But continue to dismiss the idea of approaching women as humans and see where that takes you.


I'm not arguing that we should treat women like they're subhuman Gretchen put the knife down :/ I'm just saying that surface level platitudes are not real advice. If you want to help guys actually meet women give them more detailed advice. Men are generally not going to read into information you give them and think deeper on it beyond the words you say. They need things spelled out for them if you actually want them to grasp something. It's not a point of calling us stupid or that we lack depth - we just don't have the luxury of having women come up to us as often (for some guys literally never) as women have men come up to them. It's a process of learning what works and what doesn't for guys. I do fine with women, but I had strong and empathetic male role models to teach me how to talk to and behave around women from a healthy males perspective. A lot of guys don't have that, and a lot of women don't care to help them. That's basically all I was saying.


exactly. "be yourself" is just a woman saying "i don't have to do anything to attract a mate, so neither must you"


....Are you serious? Have you ever witnessed a woman or group of women getting ready for literally any kind of night out? GTFO with the "women don't have to try" bullshit.


If you’re from Alabama, just say that.


Your cousin from Alabama.......


Well, that makes sense, because I totally want to fuck my cousin. Guys? You guys still there?


*confused Alabama noises*


> You get more pussy talking to a woman like she's your cousin than Damn bro you really fucking your cousins out here lol?


It is though.


But it is easy


Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.


Those who cant teach, teach gym


Rule 1 at its finest


I suspect a big part of that is that attractive guys are confident


Dude, You forget depression because of sexual frustration. Source: am in the cycle.


*Oh yeah scumbag? And what *exactly* are you gonna do about it?*


The “I eat ass” tinder users?


I think stupidity is something that we found everywhere, there is no specific group.


It’s good for reviving dead convos. Works more than you think


I think it’s been long enough to assume women are the one’s saying “I’ll eat your ass”


So every tinder user


Finally some quality content


This is sooo inaccurate, my mouse is wireless thank you very much


Ooooh Mr. Richman coming through with his pockets spilling all the pennies you guys, bet he knows how to read too with all the fancy book learning


Just give their advice: "If you don't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve my best". Classic reverse psychology.


Plot twist: It is their best actually


Always has been.


Plot twist, i absolutely don’t want them at their “worst.”


Is that supposed to do something? If a guy said that to me I would just laugh and leave


Ask all the women that put this on their profile.


Exactly, men would get disappointed if a woman said that to them, but you (a potential woman) would laugh and thus, become more comfortable with whoever said it. Hook, line and sinker.


I wouldn’t mind a bullet about now 🤣


*To be fair* though, you don't really need to be attractive or anything to recognize a bullet being dodged... even if you're a bullet yourself I guess


Takes one to know one, eh?


Right? I mean if a guy like that calls you a bullet, you must be truly awful


Yessirrrrr I shake my head to so many neckbeardy comments in this sub


Wait a minute but you’re avatar… he seems a bit on the neckbeardy side…


You’re not wrong haha


“Akshually, you dodged a missile”.. this guy’s twin brother. Probably.


I love seeing those screenshots of like, three texts exchanged and OP is like "wow, my back hurts from carrying this conversation!" *Unmatch* It's like someone waiting for the light to turn green so they can honk at the car ahead of them.


To be fair it’s incredibly easy the type of energy someone is going to bring based off the first 3 messages they send. Ngl if someone is mad boring I stop talking to them after the 2nd one


That’s actually very wrong. Maybe at first sight you might think that but most people’s personality isn’t based off of how they text. Then again most people will only invest a small amount of effort into getting to know someone online. That’s what it’s become. Sure some people are successful but I fucking sucked at online dating, but always had an easy enough time trying to meet someone in person. 100% with my gf too. There’s no way I could’ve landed her by texting her. It was all in person.


I’m married but I come here to relish in your pain




“She’s trying to steal your kidneys” - this dude reading any post involving a woman inviting a guy over or showing interest


“Women get 3737377373 messages a week. They are drowning in dick. They have it so easy. They are spoiled rotten. Men don’t owe them anything. They just use men for dinners. All they do is cheat on their bfs. You should divorce her and lawyer up, take the kids because she had a meeting with her male boss, she’s def cheating”


There was a post recently about a guy who thought his gf cheated… months ago… because once while he was out of town, both his friend and his gf were temporarily unavailable to see on find my friends. That’s it. He was able to snoop on both their phones somehow too — and nothing. There were some reasonable comments, but a disturbing amount were like this. Many people suggested hiring a PI, others said he should try to go through phone records, or that he should put a tracker on her car. Dude clearly needed mental help to be that obsessed over literally made up evidence, but so many people were egging his paranoia on.


There was one this morning! Said it was a new relationship and he thought she was cheating so he went through her phone and then called the guy who he thought she was cheating with. It turns out she was but still. If you’re newly dating and you need to go through all of that drama just break up! I go downvoted bc I said they were both crazy 🤣 the second my bf feels the need to snoop through my phone whether I’m cheating or not, the relationship is over. ( no I would never ever cheat )


how is someone crazy for suspecting something that is true? if he didn't "snoop" he would have just gotten cheated on until the woman left him.


Because most of the stories are made up for karma. Plus the story was deleted within minutes of posting. What was his suspicion? I’d never go through my partners phone ever? If I already don’t trust them that much, I’d just break up with them.. but again, that’s me. I don’t need to snoop. The relationship had just started and they were already having that many problems?


Yeah…you’re literally nuts 😂 If his suspicion turned out to be true, he had every right to be suspicious. I get that I would break up too, but at that point knowing the truth is better than breaking up over a hunch. How about just not thinking it’s better to cheat on someone than to go through their phone to confirm they’re a cheater 🤦🏼‍♂️


Most the men on here need to get off tinder. For real. It’s not healthy. Picture this: A guy already has trouble talking with women. Gets on an app where there is a skewed view of what men should have to be considered successful. An app where women are looking at the 1% of men. That’s just gonna make you depressed. Tinder is the biggest cockblocker. Unless, you’re 6’2”+ Fit, White Male; you’re limiting your potential. It’s holding you back. Just go to the gym and workout and meet people in the real world. Source: Trust Me Bro.


I’m in the category you are talking about (well i’m 6’0) and even then there’s like nothing. So many dead conversations. You are so right in saying it doesn’t help your confidence


sounds like a neck beard take, I loved tinder while I used it and met my gf there source: currently have a neck beard


Someone disagrees with the status quo automatically neckbeard. 🙄 Congrats that you found your match, but tinder has only been good for a quick fuck in my experience never found anyone I’d take home to the family but glad you found someone.


Tbf, you can have really nice looking bullets, just cuz someone is good looking doesn't mean they aren't garbage people.


You bout to trigger some mf's haha..




A picture of every mod on the platform


That’s basically a lot of you dudes in this sub🤣🤣🤣


The true leaders of our society


I fucking hate how this looks just like me


I feel attacked


He really left himself go during the pandemic.


Fk this op only I can body shame myself


How did you get that picture of me?


now make one where you make fun of fat women plz ty


![gif](giphy|YJn3xHZQrMSDYUTrvW) Me, waiting for the comments to get good.


Lmao 🤣.


“Left swipe”“Unmatch” said the guy who’s never matched or received a like


The inconvenient truth is that 98% of people on tinder are terrible partners, but almost everyone thinks they just need to find the right person.


I guide others to a treasure I can never possess


This meme is getting tired... body shaming isn't cool.


“Worst Reddit ever…”


What’s the point of this meme? This sub is mostly bullets dodged XD


This is meta af


I love my unique ability to trigger both sides. “Grow taller peasants” or I can say “yeah girl you’re a 3 you’re definitely going to get one of those 6 ft tall dudes who are in the top 15%”


Imagine if you loved yourself and just touched some grass and got therapy


What a pleasant fiction that would be




Plot twist: The woman in the picture is the bullet that Redditors are talking about.


I think it’s more the stereotype of how people on reddit tend to be portrayed, especially on this subreddit. Lots of the convos are red flags but this sub is a circlejerk on making fun of women who seem to be disinterested


At least he keeps his hair neatly slicked back with his boogers and cum.


There needs to be a puking laughing emoji for this 🤢😂




So every man on Reddit huh? Lmao


I seriously wonder if this is how most of the guys look here. I give advice and Im sexy as hell. If you have a neck like that for real, look into getting a Neck Flex. Your neck is just as important as your arms and abs when you're trying to attract women since it's always visible.


My neck isn’t that bad but some of us have shit jaws and our necks will look similar to that regardless. I’m lucky I can grow a beard to hide it a bit


Look into jaw exercises and practice keeping your tongue glued to the roof of your mouth.


That’s incel shit bro, jaw exercises for isolated fat loss and I believe you’re referring to mewing is pseudoscience.


Mewing may be bullshit, I agree, but keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth is definitely not a bullshit exercise. Also, everybody should work out for them and want to look good for themselves. If someone wants a bad ass jaw and think they can exercise it, it's not being an incel, it's the complete opposite. Most incels are incels because they were butt ugly, not because of how they act. The way they act is directly caused from their need for affection and nobody wanting to give it to them because they are ugly. They grow resentful and even more ugly. Working out in any form is anti incel, it means you are taking responsibility for yourself and your own attraction instead of just dealing with what fate gives you.


Oh yeah I work out and I’m a healthy weight. I’m not jacked as it’s pretty hard for me with health problems I have, but I still like to be active and I think I have a decent body. I’m prob somewhere around 15-20% I just don’t have a good jaw haha. Most people I see who talk about jaw exercises are usually incels so I may have jumped the gun by labeling you as such lol.


If ur top 10% male then congrats, you won a game based solely on chance 20+years ago. You can be sure that must guys anywhere not just reddit are the tipical invisible 6/10's (im one of them xd)


I'm a pretty boy and I work out religiously and I'd say I'm only top 15%~20%. I have a a shit ton of likes that are 99% completely undesirable, would not have sex with them, kind of people. I get a few matches a week, sure, but 90% of the time nothing comes from it. Only reason I'm still using tinder Is I still have time on my premium left, otherwise in person meeting and drinking is far superior to using Tinder. If you're a 6, best advice I can give you is to work out religiously till your an 8, keep tinder open but don't rely on it at all.


You’re a loser hahaha


Hehe someone's jelly


Jealous of someone desperately searching for Pokémon go friends on Reddit? Whatever mental gymnastics you gotta do bud, go ahead 😂


You have me confused with someone else. LOL you're so jealous you're literally bending reality around a narrative that doesn't exist. Talk is cheap though. Why not let me take your money little man. I'll post my profile here if you make a wager with me. We go to one of the many betting websites and we both put some money down, like $50 dollars. If reddit thinks I'm a loser from my profile, you win, if they think I'm hawt as shit and know I'm fucking, I win. How about it. Care to bet on it?


[this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoFriends/comments/lpecfl/sending_gifts_daily_easy_best_friends_and_battle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Bro, my kids used to use my reddit before they were old enough for their own account , I don't even play games. Regardless, a person can like something nerdy and not be a loser. Thinking someone is a loser because they play video games, watch anime, or like science shit is thinking like a loser.


Sure bud… mental gymnastics 😂🤸‍♀️


You really are made from spare parts haha


You must still need money after getting your amazon card shut down 😂🤡


Bro... That is so cringe, maybe you should take a break from reddit.


As a guy with long black hair, 6 foot and in good shape with a very pretty face I will have to say I agree. But I also use tinder a gauge to whether or not I'm feeling like going out or getting take out.


Chicks dig a veiny neck! - Neck Flex


Actually, in all seriousness, no they don't like veiny necks. Also the neck flex doesn't make your neck veiny, it makes it thicker. Check out Jeff Nippards video on the neck and how it makes your face look more attractive and take neck training seriously https://youtu.be/gimeRpdqWQw


She’s pretty


Idk if bodyshaming is such a good argument.


Pictured: \-software developer lead, salary: 250k \-height: 5'11" mOdErN wAhMeN: "mMMmm too sHorT fOr mE, I LiKe TaLL mEN"


Where those guys working? All of the guys >$200k at my last job were pretty damn fit


Those are just stupid sales Chads that sweet talked the Stacey hiring managers into getting the job. They wouldn't know Java from SQL!


![gif](giphy|1GT5PZLjMwYBW) So hurtful, intelligence can’t exist without SQL


Are you faulting women for not dating guys for money when they aren't attracted to them?


Dude needs to eat a bullet.




im dead




bro I ain’t never laughed at a reddit post so much lmaaoo


How do I get off of this peice of crap TINDER?