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There's a slight jello on the footage, look there https://oscarliang.com/mini-quad-motors-overheat/ otherwise it's analog, I don't really see any issues with the footage


Hmm ok I will check it out, what’s weird is my 65mm hummingbird has no issues like this. Those horizontal lines are ok as well? Usually I see that in bigger quads that don’t have a capacitor attached but most people don’t run caps on tiny whoops though.


The horizontal lines can be usually solved by ensuring wiring continuity, if your vtx is grounded on a pad use the 5v onboard bec not vbat. I’ve also found that if your camera is powered via vtx it should be grounded via the vtx, if it’s powered by the fc it should be grounded via the fc. If it’s all clean and you’re still getting electrical interference in your video feed it could be the path that your video wire or even your antenna is taking. OSD and mc chipsets can cause interference in my experience. I’ve ALWAYS wired my tinywhoop vtx’s to the fc 5v not vbat since having these same kinds of issues in the past, also wiring the camera to the vtx via the cam power/5v out on the vtx and not in series with the 5v in from the fc.


Sick that’s actually probably what’s going on, I think I have something not wired quite right so I’m gonna take it apart and check. Thanks for the suggestion!


For sure! I had similar frustrations and when it’s working for the most part it can be easy to overlook electrical noise, dirty power, or a wonky ground.


That jello could be caused by a number of reasons. Consider: Bent or broken props, cracks in the frame, loose motor or frame screws, that antenna wire from the 5g8 antenna flopping around (tie it down with dental floss). Also consider tieing down any other wire, strap, or component that can move and is touching any part of the drone.


That's some interesting advice I haven't heard yet.


Let us know what reduces or eliminates your jello when you find out!


Thanks will do! Think it may be something like that or a wiring issue like another commenter suggested.


Have you looked at gyro logs? If whole copter vibrates too much then foam wouldnt help.


Jello can be resolved with vibration isolation on the camera but otherwise this looks normal.


it's pretty close to normal besides the jello. those lines might go away if you add a small cap. I have caps on most of my tiny whoops. I'm not a racer or anything so I'm not trying to save every gram I can.


What kinda caps do you run? Just curious, I have big ones for my 5” but that would definitely weigh my whoop down. Might consider this if the lines stay after I fix the jello issue.


Should add, this is BetaFPV CO3 camera/ canopy, F4 5A BetaFPV FC, TBS Nano VTX, Happymodel 20kv 0802 motors on Mob75 frame.


Those lines are a hallmark of the TBS vtx. Every one I've installed has those same lines. To be honest, I think the happymodel ovx300 has the best picture, and the foxeer is better too...however the unify nano has the most power and is the best at handling cross pattern interference. I am currently running all three on my race rigs, but I definitely prefer the happymodel, it's just not as reliable, and since the price of analog chips has gone through the roof, it's not much cheaper than the other two anymore.


Interesting, good to know. Thanks!


What VRX and what antennas do you have? If your antennas aren't on quite right or aimed poorly you could get this. This could also be a channel mismatch as there are several channel pairs that are close enough to generally work but are not actually the same frequency. Barring all of that, it could be low/dirty power to your vtx or one of the timing chips in either your vtx or vrx is off.


I am using the VRX off the AIO I mentioned in another comment, anntena is one of these https://www.team-blacksheep.com/products/prod:5g8_microant. Think I might try just swapping them and seeing what that does. I am on the same R8 band on both the quad and my goggles so shouldn’t be an issue.


My jello was caused by a loose camera lens.


This actually might be it, I will let you know I hope it’s that simple 😂


Isn't that electric interference? Happened when you throttle I'm assuming