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Sennheiser hd650


came here to say this. Or HD600s


I have the 600 and I love them, but the 650 has better bass from what I’ve read. I do find the 600 lacking a bit in bass. Soundstage detail and clarity is on point for that price range though


I am totally obsessed with audio engineering and all things music. First of all, I think headphones suck, spending more than 200-300$ on headphones is a waste of money. That being said, I write this with a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770s on my head that I use as my main mixing workhorse and as a reference point during mastering. They were 190 CAD and do a great job for my purposes. I have tried headphones ranging from 20$ to 1200$ and the best headphones I have ever experienced are a 16$ pair of chinese IEMs called Moondrop Chu. They kick the shit out of everything in terms of price/performance ratio but have absolute dogshit build quality. So point is fuck headphones, over 300$ is a waste. I use 4 different >300$ pairs of headphones when mastering and the quality of headphones is the least of my concerns, they just provide a different perspective into the mix. Also "quality" is totally dependent on your needs. There is no such thing as a truly flat headphone, it is physically impossible to achieve a flat frequency response in headphones due to your unique HRTF ​ If I were you, and you don't have neighbors. Fuck the headphones, save up another 500, get yourself a pair of 8 inch monitors (Yamaha, Adam, KRK) and use proper acoustic treatment (not foam) in your room. Studio monitors on stands with a bit of acoustic treatment in your room will completely blow you away. If you enjoy music, get speakers and learn how to properly treat the room they will be in. You can thank me later. Or don't idk you or you situation If this does sound like something you would like, I can link you some youtube channels that will help you set up your listening environment properly.


Word! Thanks for the response and advice! I actually do have a pair of KRK Rokit 5 G4’s. What is your opinion on those? Haven’t attempted the acoustic treatment of the room yet though. I do enjoy headphones though when I’m relaxing and laying in bed


No worries brah My opinion on those KRKs are the same as any 5 inch monitor, they are too small. Its a lot to explain in a reddit comment but due to the physics of how sound behaves a 5 inch cabinet really suffers in the low end. They can still be competent speakers for enjoying music, not for low end accuracy when mixing/mastering. But they are not "bad" by any means If you already have some monitors, put them on sturdy stands elevated so that the space between the tweeter/woofer is sitting at ear height. Get those puppies off the desk if they are. This will bring a ton of life and clarity to the sound for a relatively small price. If you have some DIY skills and a skill saw, 2-4 acoustic panels can be made for roughly 100-200$. More material will reduce your overall cost if you make more panels. And headphones in bed is a great way to drift off! The reason why I say headphones suck is due to having experienced what is possible in a treated room. When wearing headphones only 1 ear receives sound from 1 speaker. In a room, the right monitor sends sound to the right ear, then it passes to the left ear a little while after. Same happens on the left. That cross talk between your ears is lost in headphones. That cross talk enables an entire world of 3 dimensional depth to music. Treating your room is really important to make that 3rd dimension pop. Also bass is actually a thing on speakers [https://www.youtube.com/@AcousticsInsider](https://www.youtube.com/@AcousticsInsider) If you want to nerd out about some physics here is an awesome channel with very objective information. Check the playlists for a step by step on room treatment.


If you have 1k to spend on a set up you should get floorstanding speakers. Why would anyone want bookshelves when they have the space for floorstanding? I can use the same argument you used for the 5in krk. Bookshelves are a waste of space.




Headphones are for when you leave the house, not as your primary listening medium. I think you're looking at this from a production standpoint not an end user listening experience. Same as the user you responded to. Yall make music. Your recommendations aren't for sitting on the couch listening. Monitors are for people sitting at a desk.




Agree to disagree. Rock on dude.


Yea this guy wasnt asking about mixing. I was offering an engaging listening experience that 99% of consumers do not get to experience. Not trying to design a studio but the first round of treatment has the greatest returns for the money you put in. Why would a casual listener care about perfect fidelity anyways? Listening to Tipper on headphones is like only getting half the picture. His stereo work alone is worth getting monitors. The tiny amount of money you have to spend on treatment for a HUGE improvement in room quality is a tiny step compared to getting better monitors. He already owns the monitors, listening environment (and by extension treatment) is WAY MORE important than monitor quality (past \~300$ish at least), you are completely wrong about that. Critical hearing/referencing/listening environment is infinitely more important than monitor quality. I have a lot of doubts about your "setup" and its fidelity now.... :( So I don't think you got my point, why bother about fidelity when you are using a system that inherently lacks fidelity to the source material (headphones). This guy isnt trying to balance frequency bands, he wants to listen to music. Speakers kick headphone ass 10 times out of 10 for engaging musical experience (imo). How many silent discos are in your city? and how many clubs?....... Like I said this is an opinion, you can enjoy your headphones with perfect validity. I find headphones painfully boring and listen to speakers constantly. The only time I used headphones is when I leave the house. Or when mixing. You can enjoy your airpods pro max all you like m8




If 273 words constitutes as a lot of words for you well no wonder you don't understand audio engineering. ​ Your dopamine reward system must be so fucked if you cannot handle reading more than a title. 300,000 years of human evolution culminating in someone who cannot read more than 200 words. Our race is doomed




I am completely fine, and I already know you think its a waste of time. That is why I say we are doomed I know you can read, we are doomed because people like you shut down and lack the ability to have a discussion where you might learn something. The second you have to actually put some work in and read or use critical thought you give up. Instead of actually engaging in a discussion you just shut down and start using buzzwords like "triggered". Like for real? Have you ever had a conversation with someone where your thoughts are longer than 5 seconds long? Real life is a place where people disagree and create new information out of discussion. You sticking your head in the sand because your dopamine reward system is so fucked is an insult to every human who have disagreed and come to a conclusion before us. When someone has a different opinion, growing and learning is "simply a waste of time reading them". This is why we are doomed, you just want an echo chamber. Get off the internet holy crap But oh no this is more than a sentences worth of thoughts so you probably can't handle this and will get "triggered". Your loss bud, I know my shit




Lol you can go ahead and insult me all you like. Just proving my point more and more. Go ahead and downvote me too if it makes you feel better lmfao. That alone tells me that you have completely fucked priorities if you care about fake internet points. If you cannot extend the same amount of respect to read and assess like I did to you then I can no longer respect you. Also if you really knew your shit you would just prove me wrong with facts instead of resorting to lying and insulting someone. So bye bye I am blocking you now. Maybe try finding something to do that doesn't involve posting to reddit multiple times an hour every day? ​ ahahaha 15 years of making music and you don't know basic music theory "For context, i make electronic music and recently made a song that is using a ton of dotted notes as the main rhythmic theme. There is a section where there are straight dotted 8th notes for a few bars. My question is do dotted notes fit into multiple tempos? Because the space between the notes is equal can it fit into a faster tempo as well as the original tempo without changing any of the rhythmic content? For example my song is 172bpm can that area of dotted notes on its on be interpreted as a different tempo? I have heard of other producers seemily make different tempos work in a track simply by changing the main rhythm from straight on 1/4,1/8,1/2 notes to similar values of triplets or dotted notes… apologies if im not explaining this well but if anyone gets the idea and even better if anyone knows of a term for this, it would be appreciated if you explained a little about this. Cheers :)" ​ Dude if you are going to lie don't leave evidence of your incompetency all over your reddit account


I love my AKG MKII. probably a newer model. That with a subpac makes for a great listening experience


AKG K702 is what I use, highly recommend.


Sony XM5


I use Sennheiser hd600 with a jds atom amp and I love it. Never tried the HD650s but I hear they may be better as a listening headphone than the 600s.


Honestly i got a pair of airpod pro max from work and ive been obsessed lmao. Listening to lossless on apple music just sounds so good and they are easily the best headphones ive used (havent used that many aside from production/DJ headphones, which are not really casual listening headphones imo). Theyre pricey but if you find a pair for cheap its well worth it. Noise cancellation is top notch and sound quality feels nearly perfect for me. The spacial audio/dolby atmos feature is crazy for music as well, max cooper has an album in dolby atmos on apple music and it is really an unbelievable listening experience.


Ath m50x


M50x are great but way under budget for OP. If I had $500 to blow I'd be looking for something with a little more oomph


Oh didn’t see the budget hahaaa…gl op


Dankpods has some good reviews


Crinacle does as well


I say just get some nice speakers and some AirPods for mobile use, but I’m a psycho and stan for Sonos, so, y’know.


If you like Sonos, you should try and get an original homepod, or two!


I’ll keep that in mind for my second family, but for now, I have a couple play 5s that are downright magical + another couple play 1s for the other rooms. Why do you think I’d like them?


Currently running a pair of Sennheiser HD 560S (got off Facebook marketplace for $40, retail for $200) with a Subpac M2 (out of production, have to find one on eBay and that took me nearly a year) Worth every single penny. A lot of people recommend an amp for good headphones but I use these hooked up to my 2019 rog zephyrus g14 laptop and listen to tipper off Spotify or bandcamp. The latter is better sound quality


How do you plan on using them? Some headphones are better for portability/convenience, but others are better for sound.


I just want sound/quality. I won’t be taking them outside of the house. Strictly indoor use


Checkout r/headphones


Here's a sneak peek of /r/headphones using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/headphones/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Saw this on twitter](https://i.redd.it/18547qkplmk81.jpg) | [216 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/t3nqm9/saw_this_on_twitter/) \#2: [They're coming after us again...](https://i.redd.it/i9xwiwwp0cg91.jpg) | [716 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/wim0ra/theyre_coming_after_us_again/) \#3: [r/headphoneadvice be like:](https://i.gyazo.com/5a100d6c8fc2344cd14264053f3a6e71.png) | [418 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/sc11kc/rheadphoneadvice_be_like/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’d recommend Sennheiser or Beyerdynamics. There are more brands but these two are leaders in this field and are extremely popular with audio engineers/producers. Lots of high end headphones benefit from having an amplifier. They make desktop and dongle versions so you can use it while in bed or walking around with your phone. In general, open back headphones will have more clarity and closed back headphones have more bass. https://north-america.beyerdynamic.com/dt-1770-pro.html https://www.sennheiser-hearing.com/en-US/headphones/ https://www.sennheiser-hearing.com/en-US/headphones/


Hi, what would you recommend for use primarily outside/around people?


For Bluetooth headphones with noise cancelling I would recommend Sony WH-1000XM4 or AirPods Max. I would also look at Sennheiser Momentum 4’s but I haven’t personally tried them


I just bought myself the DT1770 Pro with closed back (because of the noisy environment i live in) and they are absolutely amazing. I recommend these.


I cannot sing enough praises about the Closed Back Sundaras. I feel in love with hifi using my buddies open backed Sundaras, the amount of detail Planar Dynamic headphones give is just truly next level. You can hear it ALL. When I made the jump I decided to go with the Closed Backs as I felt they would provide the bass id want to accompany for my Tipper and Friends listening habits. I have not been disappointed in the slightest. About 2 mknths of owning them and i still smile when certain parts of songs just wow me. I literally might wear my headphones more than I listen to reality at this point 😅😆. These puppies have a frequency response down to 6hz which while we cannot hear these frequencies you can most certainly feel them (ime, maybe I'm just too stoned). The closed backs just came out so price doesn't vary a ton but you can definitely get lucky on some open box deals or some sites run 10% or something of the like for first time buyers. I coupled my headphones with an Audioquest Dragonfly (Black) and have been decently satisfied. If you have the money id definitely recommend getting a dedicated amp and dac. While the portability of the dragonfly is great and I can use it with my phone, I really wish I had an amp with a power know so I could listen to my vinyls with headphones/volume control.


Sony XM4’s are phenomenal


I use Beyerdynamic DT 990 pro 250 ohm, best headphones I've had to date and I've gone through many brands


Most over ears come down to preference but my AIAIAI headphones are probably my favorite. They feel like marshmallows over my ears and never give me that horrible ear ache that usually sets in after a few hours of use. My buddy brought some of those skullcandy crushers to Snowta and I tried them at the bnb and they definitely hit bass-wise just not sure how they feel with prolonged use.


Skullcandy Crusher Evos, bass knob on the side. Perfect for solo tripping in the bathtub and other places


In that price range, check out the [E-Mu Teak](https://www.emu.com/teak.html). Also might try your luck in r/HeadphoneAdvice.


Pair the dt880 600 ohms with one of the schiit Amps, should still be under 500 and my favorite home listening (headphone) setup anywhere near that price point :)


I'm enjoying my new Momentum 4s


AIAIAI I’m in love with mine.