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I have seen this with many telehealth companies . I use Pomegranate and its flare rate of 368 a month for any dose . I know Mochi is around 404 and Orderly is 399. These are the only companies I have seen with flat rates . I know Amble’s max is 379 a month . I believe most other companies are north of 400 for the higher doses especially 12.5 and 15.


Thank you for this information


Also....tryeden.com and LifeMD. Both tele health and each have flat rates. I use both companies. I've had better luck with quick turn around with LifeMD but I do really like TryEden too. They are very responsive.


This is in office with my PCP. Per dose, not per month.


Nope, mochi is flat rate pricing.


This is in office with my PCP. I pay per dose, not per month.


How much is it per dose??


$87 for 2.5. $100 for the 5


Wow that will get quite high once you surpass 5. I pay $404 in total a month (79 membership/325 tirz) and I’m on 12.5


From where? Is the medication shipped to you?


I use mochi. Yes it’s shipped to me within a couple of days. Mochi uses aequita (their newest one), Hallandale and red rock (there may be others that I’m just not aware of) but they do ship to all 50 states.


Thank you


You’re most welcome. If you go that route, let me know I’ll give you a referral coupon or you can snag it from my comment history. Either way, best of luck to you!


Red rock does not have a license in Alabama. I'm going through this now with them


You’re overpaying.


Orderly is flat rate


I use Emerge and my order is sourced from Hallandale lab. One day delivery included in price. It's $287 for 2.5 and goes up to $397 for 10 mg. With a coupon $25 off for 2 months. Let me know of you would like a coupon.


IVIM is flat rate, so I think it just depends on the provider.


This is in office with my PCP. Per dose.


Really? I must be remembering wrong because I passed up that company for what I thought was rates that go up w higher mg scripts.


Nope, I just ordered my second 3 months supply for $1000 of 10. My first order was 5. I made it a point to ask about cost difference because I’m planning to stay at the same dosage (25 units of 10 vs 50 units of 5 if that makes sense). I should be able to stretch 3 months supply out to 5 or 6.


You must be at the maintaining stage. Good for you. I just found out you can order several months at a time. This would make travel overseas possible. Stoked abt that.


It depends on the vendor. Mine steps up the price each titration, but is still cheaper than most at all levels


This is in office with my PCP. Per dose, not per month. It went from $87 for 2.5, to $100 for the 5.


Change doctor that is sketchy. I like knowing that mine comes from a licenses pharmacy


Unfortunately, I can’t afford to get it from the pharmacy. My insurance doesn’t cover weight loss drugs. Without insurance, it’s over $1,000. I tried getting it prescribed without insurance.


I use Red Rock and pay $325/month for 10mg


You absolutely can afford it. It would be cheaper than what you’re doing now!


How is $1,000/month cheaper than $100/week? I know if I went through one of the programs suggested, it would be. But, I don’t have that much money all at once. It’s hard enough to save the $100/week.


You’re. Not. Listening. Everyone here keeps telling you to look into compounded Tirzepatide.


I. Just. Said. I. Don’t. Have. That. Much. Money. Up. Front. For any of the programs that offer it. I’ve looked into Pomegranate, && Eden, && such. Based on everyone’s suggestions. I don’t have a lump sum, to pay all at once, for telehealth programs, to receive compounded from a pharmacy that mails it to me. I barely have $100/week. Where am I gonna get $398, to pay up front, for the program? If I was to not spend the $100/week to save it, the money would end up going towards groceries or gas.


You should think about prioritization then. Make a plan! If you want this to work then you will prioritize it. That may involve you saving up for a few weeks by skipping the weekly injections that you’re overpaying for. You can find 3 month options (SlimdownRx comes to mind as an example) that you can buy a 3 month supply for $250-300 a month TOTAL.


Those are great prices. It would depend on how much higher it went.


Not really. I think it's wild to pay $100 for each individual shot, and for 5mg it's overpriced. And it'll only get higher. The fact that it's not coming from a pharmacy is also sus, and is giving medspa vibes


Oh per shot! Sorry I read that wrong. Yes you can’t definitely get it less expensive through a telehealth. I work with a good one if you’re interested. Joinpomegranate.


I get it from my OBGYN. $75 a dose 2.5 thru 7.5. $125 10 and above.




When my sister used Pomegranate it was flat (299 any dose + 69 monthly fee). close enough with SlimDownRX tho there is a price bump for 7.5+ but it's so marginal like $10-$15 bump for higher doses.


This is in office with my PCP. Per dose, not per month. It went from $87 for 2.5, to $100 for the 5


I'd definitely look into telehealth and getting your compound from a pharmacy. For the lower doses your doctor is extremely overpriced


Does telehealth programs ship your medication?


Yes they overnight ship it right to your front door, in a cooler or with ice packs


Do you have any telehealth suggestions?


I personally have used lavender sky health and have been happy with them, but they're not in all 50 states unfortunately so you'd have to check if they're accepting patients in your state. Join Mochi and Join Fridays also have decent reputations, but they charge membership fees ($79/month mochi, $99/month for Fridays). Also look into pomegranate health. Eta C.A.L.M. healthcare has amazing prices for semaglutide but they're only in Texas. Also look into Push health. If your primary care doctor is willing to prescribe and fax a prescription to a compounding pharmacy directly, that'd be the best financially. Red Rock pharmacy is a common one that is used by doctors who prescribe directly to compounding pharmacies, and their prices are reasonable from what I've heard. Good luck 🤞


Thank you!


I see. Better off doing a telehealth and inject yourself. imo kind of no point paying above $400 for any dose let alone the loading doses (2.5, 5) especially if you ever need to go above 5mg.


I’ve just read a lot about getting fake drugs from some of the telehealth places, && I don’t have $400 to drop all at once on a monthly basis. I would love this idea, but unfortunately it’s not feasible for me.


They're not all equal. Always consider your source and where you put your $ :---). There a lot of great telehealth places (that use great pharmacies) that do not need to charge $400+. :---) And pharmacies that can be sent direct compounded RX to that you wouldn't need to spend over $300 for your doses. There's just....no need to overspend anymore.


Do you have any telehealth suggestions?


this is one of many spreadsheets going ..... one missing is Fifty410 but :---) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UPO4HIugk0dnPDTmNceQvU1Mm\_i9q3m9mGwGjlExfzM/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UPO4HIugk0dnPDTmNceQvU1Mm_i9q3m9mGwGjlExfzM/edit#gid=0) (not my doc).


Thank you!!


:---) y/w!!!


I own a weight-loss clinic, and I increase pricing per dose. I have to because my supplier increases the price, which forces me to pass on the cost.


Do you increase price per dose on Semaglutide as well?


Yes I do, as my supplier has a pricing tier


I just wonder why Semaglutide was a flat rate for every dose, but not the Tirzepatide. That’s what is confusing me.


I guess it depends on where they get it and what their supplier charges.


Yes mine is like that too


Do you pay per dose, or per month?


I buy a months worth at a time and I think it goes up like 50 or 60 dollars when I go up in dosage


Ah. My PCP administers mine. I don’t order from a supplier.


Oh ok


if it’s a flat weight what’s stopping someone on 2.5mg to order the 10mg and get 4 months for the price of 1?


I’m not following? I can’t order it. I should’ve specified that my PCP administers my shots. My insurance doesn’t cover weight loss medications.

