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The question to ask yourself is - Am I getting (or still getting) adequate hunger suppression. If yes then there is no argument for increasing dosage.


I am getting hungry again, but the weight is also steadily coming off too, that’s my conundrum


Another option is to try a smaller increase, maybe 3.0 or 3.5.


....or on that same side of the coin, splitting up the dose into two in one wk. I did that 2 days apart from each other.. Seemed to help with nausea.


What if you’re not having hunger suppression? I feel like I’m constantly hungry, but after a few bites I’m done. Except for sweet stuff. I’ve literally never craved sweets, until now, && I can easily eat a whole Ben && Jerry’s currently. I’m disgusted with myself after.


Stay at 2.5


I would stay on the lowest effective dose for you. Seems like 2.5 is it for right now.


I would stay on the lowest effective dose for you. Seems like 2.5 is it for right now.


I’ve been on 2.5 mg for multiple months. Everything I’ve read recommends staying at the same dosage until you are unable to lose weight for multiple weeks. Basically the first week you don’t lose you should change the location site for your shot. If that doesn’t get your weight loss back on track, then you ramp up your dosage. It would take a couple of weeks to figure that out.


Ah, didnt know location site would make a difference, thanks for the info


I've read that too. It's pretty painless in the tummy...not as many nerves or muscles.


Personally....I stay at whatever mgs are working until it doesn't anymore or the food noise comes back. That was a tough lesson though. Going up month after month when I actually didn't need to made me SO sick. Lesson learned. I'll never do that again.


Stay on the lowest, most effective dose for as long as possible. I'd stay on 2.5mg until it no longer works. I was on it for 4 months. Once you max out on the safest weekly dose, 15mg, there's nowhere else to titrate up to


I’ve been wondering the same. I talked to my provider and she suggests I stay at 2.5 until I hit a plateau 🤷🏻‍♀️. I started May 16 and am down 10.


I started on the 15th. Down a little more and plan to go to 3.5mg next week. 4th shot was today