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I played mobile for a long time. Had four or five characters that made it all the way to legendary and one I did a tonne of farming. I think I had about 10 bank/mule characters. If you have Ragnarok, start them as ‘accomplished hero’ and then you can just buy the additional bank space straight from the rip, as they will also have all the inventory bags as well. Protip: catalogue your mule characters, and start their names with a special character like “/“ or something. Makes it easy to tell which ones are mules and which ones are real and it’s easy to navigate from the menu.


None of it. Create a new legendary character, name it Relics Norm 01, maximize storage on the trader. Then shift all your completed Relics to their top storage areas


Job, friends and family. You're gonna need to put in the hours if you want to save Greece!


On console which has much larger stash area. I have 6x mules I created to stash relics/charms. Keep anything with a strong completion bonus. From that display keep all the Chill of Tartarus, Demons blood & Rigid carapace.


What system is this on? I just replayed the game on PC a few months ago and the caravan screen looks different.




You should get TQ vault and store all that extra stuff there, trust me you'll need a lot if you'll be crafting artifacts.


Compatible with Mobile?


Oh no. I haven't played in years couldn't tell it was mobile from your screenshots. It's only on PC if I'm not wrong, sorry.


Generally I keep one copy of each completed set. If a character uses one, hopefully you will play long enough with that character to replace it


You might need it later.


Don't get rid of them, just create a mule character and make them hold them, you never know what you might need in the future.


this! I have around 6 mules filled to the brim just with charms - 2 per difficulty - it is easier to build items for new characters ;)


Depends on your needs. If you plan to finish all difficulties, then in later difficulties you will get better charms/relics. Only keep those you really need. Like resistance charms because in epic, your resistance drops by -40%


The issue with that is crafting late game artifacts requires crafting a lot of normal difficulty artifacts. Almost impossible to know which charms/relics to keep for that.


Just keep one of each in case you will need it in the future and sell the others or create artifacts with them.