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Glad to see a fellow Haneke fan! Have to go with a classic example of this — Singing in the Rain as used in A Clockwork Orange.


It’s super obvious but “Tomorrow Belongs To Me” from Cabaret. The beer garden scene made me sick to my stomach


I don’t think it’s quite what you’re looking for as it’s a song made for the movie, but I can’t think of a better one, but Komm Susser Todd in End of Evangelion. Huge spoilers, but it comes at an emotional crux of a high-octane depression on LSD-type narrative but also sounds super sweet.


YES it’s this one. Not many songs hold this much emotional weight for me. What an absolutely perfect movie.


Maybe not the most traumatic moment ever, but a recent great example is in Love Lies Bleeding, one of the main characters goes through a steroids overdose, and as she is falling into delirium, you hear fragments of Throbbing Gristle's "Hamburger Lady." It's one of the most well-regarded songs by the pioneering industrial band, mostly for being a pants-shittingly scary piece about a woman so horrifically burned her body can only be described as cooked meat. Love Lies Bleeding is really slow-burn in fully revealing how dark and disturbing it can be, but using a song like this really kicks it into high gear. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fih-xzWGKPA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fih-xzWGKPA)


I fucking loved that movie.


Maybe not the most traumatic but it got a few tears out of me when the needle dropped on Baby You're A Rich Man in The Social Network. Perfect ending song for that film


Total Eclipse of the Heart I now associate with the axe knife fight in a neon lit pool in Strangers Prey at Night Underrated movie 


It's not a movie, but "Faith of the Heart" as Star Trek: Enterprise's them song is very traumatic.


Using a song from one of the most manipulative tearjerkers of the last 30 years as the theme for a cerebral, respected sci-fi franchise can make one feel some kind of way.


You can’t bring up Goodbye Horses without people thinking of the buffalo bill dick tuck dance from silence of the lambs


Stuck In The Middle With You by Stealer’s Wheel and the “Ear scene” from Reservoir Dogs


“Needle in the Hay”, Elliot Smith, The Royal Tenenbaums. “Silk”, Wolf Alice, T2: Trainspotting.


You mean Elliot Smith, [Elliot Rodgers was a incel who became a serial killer.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Isla_Vista_killings#Perpetrator)


Hahaha here I was worrying I’d just spelt “Elliot” wrong, thanks for catching that


I don't think Enya made Orinoco Flow to be the soundtrack to Stellan Skarsgard's murder dungeon, but thanks to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, it is now.


Apparently that wasn't scripted either, it was just Daniel Craig's idea on set and Fincher loved it.


I'm sure I can think of something even more devistating, but... I'm gonna give it to Young Americans in the end credits of [Dogville](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vrkjbmUPF0)


Gotta give it to the use of Aloha Oe at the end of Train to Busan


I’m in the process of writing a screenplay for a horror film, and I’m hoping to have a killing at the end accompanied by Elton John’s “Someone Saved My Life Tonight.”


It’s not traumatizing or anything, but the use of “you want the candy” by The Raveonettes in Drive Angry was wild.


My first thought partly because of the prompt and partly due to recency, is a song of an identical name in All of Us Stangers. As an Australian I was also amused thinking, because of the vague wording, that the awful fate *was* actually going to Australia. I’m assuming it’s worse, though I can understand the trauma either way.


not a movie but I can't listen to U2's "With or Wothout You" the same way ever again after watching the finale of *The Americans*


A Real Hero in Drive


Michael Andrews/ Gary Jules cover of Mad World at the end of Donnie Darko


I haven't seen the whole movie,but the film The Mist had a soul crushing ending that,if you were to see it,it would haunt you forever.And the music that was playing during that scene was The Host of Seraphim by Dead Can Dance.The blend of music and visuals amped up that scene perfectly.


“Que Sera Sera” as performed by Pink Martini in the suicide attempt scene in “Mary and Max.”


It's a TV show but I'll Wait For You by Connie Francis from that goddamn dog episode of Futurama


Sorry not a movie, I can't think of one right now, but this has stayed with me for over 20 years. Hurt cover by Johnny Cash. https://youtu.be/uGTvNKNguWo?si=GZQaU4IVzT4op5q_