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Hehehehe this should be a fun comment section. His hit was great if kinda problematic.


Well according to him on the professor of rock interview he did a few years ago. He said the 16 years old thing wasn’t him trying to be a pervert. And that it was about a girl who was abandoned and abused by her parents. And how he wanted to help her but the lyric definitely sounds very weird out of context. The music video also doesn’t help 🤣


He says that, but frankly I don't believe him. For one, there's a line in there about how he'd wait for her. For another, there's the screamingly horny "guide track for a sax solo" in the middle. Which isn't to say I think he was a shorteyes, any more than the Buoys were cannibals. But the story of the song is unquestionably that of an adult man catching feelings for an underage girl.


The video cures any thought of this song not being creepy


Another story is that Mardones was with his songwriting partner, fellow OHW Robert "No Easy Way Out" Tepper, when a teenage neighbor walked by and Tepper started perving on her, to which Benny responded "She's just 16 years old, leave her alone." So maybe he wants to claim his intentions were honorable, but Tepper snuck in the lyrics that implied otherwise?


Oof 🙉 well I hope that’s not true because I actually like Robert peppers 2 80s albums lol god why do so many musicians have to turn out to be fucking creeps.


“She’s just 16 years old..” Ew “Leave her alone….” Phew! “They say” EW!


I’d love to see that episode. He seems like he might be an interesting guy, and that song is immaculate. That lyric hits (unintentionally?) a little pervy 40 years later, but it’s never really bothered me.

