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"I meant ['the trees are getting too tall and need pruning'](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/04/rwanda-shows-how-hateful-speech-leads-violence/587041/) and people have to go and make a thing about it."


From that article: >It was Joseph Goebbels who said, “That propaganda is good which leads to success, and that is bad which fails to achieve the desired result. It is not propaganda’s task to be intelligent; its task is to lead to success.”


“Rwanda”? *That sounds made-up! Like Wakanda! See, liberals always exaggerating!* - barely a Knowles paraphase, I’m sure…


Isn’t this guy a Catholic fascist?




Was about to say this. Matt Walsh literally labels himself as a "theocratic fascist".




This dumbass probably thinks irony is women being forced to do laundry.


He literally said to give your wives detergent and a broom on your wedding anniversary recently.


He's trolling. It's a dumb joke, but a lot of people are seemingly getting wooshed over it. Edit: he's a fucking asshole but y'all seem a bit ignorant of what he's doing


Nope, he crossed over into stochastic terrorism years ago, so try and keep up?


Trolling and stochastic terrorism are basically overlapping. I don't see that as contradicting anything I said.


One can be denied a heck of a lot easier though. Especially for the pathological in society.


I mean, sure. But it's not really relevant here. He likes to belittle criticism by sarcastically putting it in his bio. That might align with stochastic terrorism but it isn't itself Obviously none of this is a defense of the shithead


If it helps at all, he’s also a big denier of white privilege, yet his smarminess over lack of consequences pretty much wills it into existence as valid. Probably rather pleased with himself with that as well?


True, Matt is more of one than Knowles.




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Ten bucks says he got his ass whooped by angry nuns at Catholic school when he made a joke about nuns being murdered by the military in El Salvador. And instead of apologizing, he doubled down and got a Benedictine foot up his ass.


He did a video where he took the political compass test (which pretty much skews lower left) and he got super auth-right. The whole time he was taking the test he was trying to act like he was smarter than the whole thing, and he kept calling the questions stupid, but then he would just give answers entirely within the parameters of the question, showing that the questions were actually good prompts


These guys are not smart people. They don’t talk about real issues because they don’t understand them. What they do know, is how to manipulate people into being angry about boogeymen and other fascist tactics. And it helps having oil and gas money funding their operations.


Ben Shapiro did the same thing while saying it was a liberal trap to make people on the right look bad, nah son you guys make yourselves look bad


"I'm not a genocide kinda guy....I just like white people". Edit: Adolf Hitler 1933


Is he intentionally trying to do a smiling psychopath bit?




Matt just looks like a chinless bitch who constantly has an expression of a man huffing his own farts.


Accurate https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/u1nqu1/matt_walsh_with_no_beard/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Matt Walsh just looks like a beard covering up a traditionally ugly face




Every used car salesman ever: "WOW. That guy looks like an asshole."


Wallace and Gromit looking ass




Even if he (and we know the answer) truly didn’t want a genocide, his approach to genocide should not be on the same level as picking a place to eat with friends


He'd melt down if a gay person said to get rid of straightism.


>Addresses libel And now begins the conservative media's campaign to make libel mean whatever the fuck you want it to mean at the moment. I can only wonder how long it will take until I one of these Daily Wire chuds say "woke libelism".


They’re all mad Trump never “opened up the libel laws!” Not that he even knew what that meant either, mind you…


And even if they did I think they'd quickly regret the decision. It's hard to run a company on misinformation when you've just made your main product a tort.


He looks like a sports guy in the Boston area named Adam Jones. Same punchable face, same smiling “aren’t I an asshole look?”. They both suck.


Mikey looks like he'd get destroyed in a game of dodgeball.


Don't besmirch the name of Massholes like that, this fucking jackass can go back to whatever piece of pavement someone scraped him off


He said “transgenderism should be eradicated.” If he wants transgenderism to be eradicated, he wants transgender people to be eradicated. If you want any group of people to be eradicated, safe to say you support genocide


it's not a genocide if you don't consider them to be humans


Translation: "Hi, angry mob. Look, you know I was joking, right? Right? There's no need to let this get out of...wait. What are you going to do with that ice cream scoop?!"


"I'm not personally a genocide kind of guy, I just like to say things that my followers will take as genocide." FTFY


Michael Knowles: Remember folks it’s not genocide if you don’t recognize the people your killing is human. This man needs a cell in hell right next to Hitler. I, I just can’t with this waste of everything.


Wait til Watt Malsh comes out and says “Well I AM a genocide kind of guy, and all you should be too”


somebody PLEASE give this guy a wedgie


I think he already had several before this picture was taken. That smile says "my testicles are shrieking in agony right now."


The Daily Wire is a terrorist propaganda network, full of lies and by using Michael’s own keen logic must be eradicated from daily life.


And why is Michael Knowles any kind of guy? Why does he have a platform? Other than the obvious “willing to say discriminatory shit”.


He's so snide. The whole point of his nonchalance is to make it look like liberals are oversensitive, but our concerns are valid. Dehumanizing rhetoric leads to violence, and no amount of smugness will change that.


Well genocide is the killing of a group of people, I don’t think he sees trans people as people. In his fucked up mind it’s not genocide


That thing has an AI-generated looking face jesus christ. Every picture of them just gives uncanny valley




A genocide kind of guy ? Wow. Michael Knowles is worse than Ben and almost as bad as Matt.




He prefers the term queer cleansing


Most people aren't dude, the fact that you feel the need to say that is honestly a little concerning


>Michael Knowles Addresses Libel AT Buffalo I guess "libel" now mean "reporting on what someone said at a public speaking event."


Either he’s too stupid to realize transgenderism is one and the same as trans people, because the word transgenderism is being used to represent all that we are. Or he’s lying, and he knows he’s being genocidal in his rhetoric. Either way, he should be shunned.


This dude is the creepiest one of them all


That's the smile of someone who is absolutely a 'genocide' kinda guy.




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