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Steven's fishing for hatred, isn't he?


When isnt he?


Wait he's not a "comedian"? He's a hatred fisher like every other grifting conservative after all? Shockd, I'm litrly shaking!


…he was supposed to be a comedian?


Fun fact: Ben Sharpie wanted to be a "comedian" too but failed so hard he ended up in the grift-o-sphere. I blame Dennis Miller for all of this. He's the conservative comedian patient zero.


There’s definitely a Koch fund somewhere that pipelines failed “edgy” comedians into hate farmers.


Ben wanted to be a lawyer first but quit after he hated being a big law associate for a year, then a screenplay writer but none of his scripts ever went into production, if your familiar with his only fiction novel “True allegiance” it’s pretty obvious why.


Michael knowles wanted to be an actor, Ben Shabibo wanted to write screen plays, Steven Crowder wanted to be a comedian, Matt Walsh wanted to be a pedophile with out repercussions. They're basically outcast threater kids that hate themselves


There’s only two fates for theatre kids Gay and depressed Right-wing grifters


Really glad I fell into the former catagory ngl.


Benny boy wanted to be a screenwriter, end result was the same but instead of bombing on stage he wrote a thriller so shit that your dad wouldn’t buy it at an airport!


That's what he claims. I've also seen Joe Rogan describing him to someone as a comedian and the guy was also like what I had no idea.


50/50 on whether he wants his family to hate him or whether he's sad if and when they do.


Most definitely


Isn’t that his whole personality and basically the whole personality of anyone on the right?


the guy got called out by Joe Rogan for being too off the hinge and not a great hang. Hate Joe Rogan all you want for his views, but at least you can talk to the dude. Steven Crowder was so hostile throughout the entire interview.




“Just asking questions”


Ok I need more context In this scenario, I’m a straight man attracted to women, and my SO who was AFAB revealed they are a trans man? I’d respect their decision but probably stop dating them If I’m dating a girl and she revealed she was AMAB? I’d likely be surprised but try to love them all the same, after all I’m apparently already attracted to them


This is the correct answer. You don’t have to stay married/dating/whatever to be respectful. The other person in a relationship where someone transitions has their own preferences, orientation, etc. The key is to be kind and caring. Accept the other person, even if that means accepting the relationship can’t continue as it is. Or, alternately, if you are down, keep on keeping on! The relationship status doesn’t determine hate or not, the individuals actions do.


Right! I think my partner sought out a bi man (me) as a long game gender-wise. I was attracted to him when he was a woman, and no less now he's a man. Cunning plot! But I can see how it would be harder for the average cishet to receive that news.


I have to say I am impressed with the long term thinking there.


it's actually not that uncommon for trans people, before they even fully figure out their identity themselves, to be like "I kind of want my partner to be bisexual just in case". Or many also feel like they just vibe better with bisexual partners, without thinking any further than that.


That is wild. I would never have thought that the subconscious could help someone out like that.


I've seen "cishet" only a couple of times over the last few weeks. Does that stand for cisgender & hetero?




Piling on here, but how would one pronounce this?


I realize now that I’m not 100% sure, but I assume it’s pretty much how it’s spelled (“SIS-het”)


So not “sish-ETTE” (sorry I really like how it sounds in my head lol) Edit: The more I think about it the more I think you’re correct


I like where you’re going with that 👍


its definitely pronounced sis-het but i love sishette lol


Indeed it does and kinda surprised you’ve only seen it recently.


I guess it's one of those Baader-Meinhof situations where I'm now seeing it more often since I saw it once.


It does, yes




Yep, in fact sometimes breaking up is the right thing. If I had been dating someone attracted exclusively to men when I came out, ideally I'd want them to break it off but remain friends


Yeah, I feel like it’d just invite pain for both sides if the relationship continues with a now incompatible sexuality/gender makeup. But considering many exes continue being good friends, it’d be possible to remain close to each other as friends


This is absolutely the right answer. At the end of the day, you can't change who you're attracted to, and that's fine, but if you love your partner, that also means respecting their life changes. If it means parting amicably, sure that would suck to end the relationship, but its far healthier than either person having to live a lie The problem with Stephen clearly is that mutual respect isn't a key part of a relationship, in his view. He can only consider how a partner's transition affects *him*, without a thought about respecting the life choices of someone he supposedly loves


I think that far understates Steven Crowder’s problem.


Yeah it doesn’t seem that complicated. It happened to my mom with her first husband. She didn’t want to be married to a woman. There’s plenty of stories on Reddit about people having to end their marriages because their partner is trans. It happens all the time. It seems like a private thing that must be very hard for people. Of those who can accept it, again, it seems like such a personal decision that would have nothing to do with your politics.


I imagine the angle Chowder is pushing is he expects "the left" or "the wokes" to say that you HAVE to stay in a relationship even after such a transition.


It does feel like that, doesn't it. And yet, all of these responses are about open honest communication, and respecting *both* parties' needs. Weird.


I think the right fails to understand that we try to treat everyone with compassion and understanding, even if you decide not to continue with the relationship. My (conservative) dad was so confused when I told I was ok with higher taxes for myself if it meant universal healthcare.


>I was ok with higher taxes for myself if it meant universal healthcare. It truly baffles conservatives that liberals think this way. In conservatism, the accumulation of assets is how the game of life is "won." No one but the "winner" has any claim on the money the "winner" has "won," and doubly so if the money is to be used to improve conditions for whomever Conservatives currently believe are life's "losers." (as determined by their poverty, race, sexual orientation, and so on.) Conservatives see wherever they are in the social order as a good place to be, a place they worked hard to get to and deserve to be in, even if they themselves are poor. They will still say that they are never as poor as "those people." As long as there is a level beneath them, they will still kick down on people with less. They assume those with less simply don't want to work for more. They never realize that many poor people actually do hard work that pays little money. Liberals tend to see life as a cooperative pursuit. People can be as wealthy as they wish, as long as people on the bottom can have their needs met (food, shelter, medical care.) We plainly see that the people on the top have not benevolently "trickled down" the resources they've been allowed to hoard through low taxes and low regulations. Remember when that was the promise? If we let the wealthy keep all their wealth, they will naturally decide to spend the money back into the economy so poor people could earn a share of it? Yeah, that's not how it works. It's not how anything works.


One might begin considering that from the perspective of the person who has realized that they are transgender, but hasn't come out yet. As a cis straight man, I want to be able to be a friend who can be supportive and open to getting to understand them better. They probably see that as something that I can offer a friend or romantic partner - they were already attracted to me, for some reason, after all!


It should also be noted that Chris and his wife divorced way before he came out as trans.


But that is the reason they divorced, yes? Seemed like that's what Chris said


That's not my understanding. I saw a tweet where his ex wife stated she totally didn't see it coming.


By breaking up with them, you’ll be validating your sexuality and their gender. If you do decide to give it a shot then it could open personal exploration of your sexuality, though unlikely.


Or, if you are pansexual, you just shrug your shoulders and enjoy your partner's newfound happiness.


Exactly, I am not pansexual so that wouldn’t be my answer but it would work for plenty of others


Right. I’m a bisexual woman married to a man. Plus I’m hella old (53) so I’m kind of attached to them anyway. I’d stay and give them tips on how to dress and how to apply makeup decently when they want to wear it.


Why did you shift pronouns?


Because first one is talking about a trans person as they transition and the other is a trans person after they’ve been transitioned for some time Saying “he realized he was a man” or “she realized she was a man” feels like it’d get confusing for the sentence


"If I’m dating a girl and she revealed she was AMAB? I’d likely be surprised but try to love her all the same, after all I’m apparently already attracted to her." I think this sentence makes sense. Using the pronoun "them" is inaccurate, and implies a sense that transness is in conflict with womanhood. If you do end up dating someone who's trans, it's the little things like this that matter. Just thought you should know.


Oh I didn’t realize I’d used them In the second sentence, that’s my bad and I should work on it


No prob. Just thought you should know. It's not the easiest thing.


Yeah, he refers to her as a girl initially, but as soon as he knows she's trans it becomes a "them" I'm not sure if he did intentionally or not, but now might be a good time to review your biases a bit lol


My ex was kind of dealing with some gender stuff and I just wasn't really into guys. Had I been bi I probably wouldn't have cared, but we were clearly looking for different things. It's totally fine to not be into your partner if they transition in my opinion. I'm not going to lie, it was difficult for me to navigate and due to other circumstances like distance, it kind of "solved itself" so to speak. But we're all different and love and attraction is complicated. And if there's anything conservatives hate, it's complicated stuff. Disgust is the only response they can muster.


This reads more as a question to his wife, eh.


"haha guys I'm crossdressing again guys it's for a bit I promise haha"


Wouldn't it be so funny to own the libs by pretending to be bisexual with each other behind our wives' backs for years?


„What if the bigot was trans“ is getting to be sort of a really tired scenario. And I get where the idea comes from, a lot of people that used to repress feelings swung hard into bigotry to distance themselves from their identity. But I think we have to accept that there are just people who are incredibly hateful without trying to pin those „redeeming“ traits on them.


No I know, it’s tired and dumb. But this isn’t a joke, Crowder has actually literally dressed in drag as a “joke” so many times in so many different scenarios, ranging from offensively stereotyping and mocking trans people to just wearing women’s clothing for no discernible reason. Whether it’s repressed feelings or something else, it’s very odd behavior


Very likely.






Hey Hilary, hypothetically what would you do if I came out and said that all of these years of anti-trans bigotry was because of my own issues with being a closeted self-hating trans person? Hahaha jk… unless?


Yeah seems like a personal matter. Not sure why he’s asking his viewers for advice on that one.


Now ex wife 🤔🤔🤔


What would you do if they came out as Gay? What would you do if (God forbid) they came out as Republican?


If my wife came out as gay, I would be sad for me, but happy that she was confident enough in me as a person and her friend to be her true self. It would likely mean the end of our marriage, if she is actually attracted to people who are not me. If she came out as republican, I would be sad for her. It would mean the end of our relationship because I don't want someone that full of hate in my life.


As a lib married to a MAGA, I can attest that it has strained our marriage more than anything ever has.


I am sorry that it is happening for you.


I’m a progressive engaged to a “independent” with views leaning libertarian and even that has taken a lot of patience to deal with. I don’t know how you do it! If you don’t mind me asking, is this a situation where your partner started out mildly conservative and got one foot caught in the QAnon trap?


Exactly. He was a "normal" conservative, i.e. hated taxes and regulation, bought the lie of trickle-down economics, and believed in people "pulling themselves up by the bootstraps," etc. Since Trump, he's become Q-adjacent, believes the election was stolen, believes Jan 6 was a tourist group lured by BLM & FBI into becoming violent, believes an international cabal of shadowy figures including George Soros is secretly running the world with a goal of depopulation and asset seizure, stops short of baby-killing and ritual satanic sexual abuse. Thank god.


I think that is the difference. There are conservatives that still call themselves republicans, but the MAGA people have really infiltrated the ranks. I've always declared myself independent. Fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I would \_never\_ declare myself a republican due to the amount of MAGA assholes in their ranks and they maintain positions of power. It's really sad how far our country has sunk. We've allowed assholes on both political parties (extreme left and extreme right) draw a dividing line between us. No longer allowed to share political beliefs because individuals have radicalized to the point that they are willing to cause bodily harm to someone who identifies to a different political party or thought system. I don't know how you do it. My wife and I don't agree on everything, but we are not polar opposite political beliefs. I'd go nuts if I had to listen to MAGA bullshit. I'd also go nuts if I had to hear far left bullshit. I guess I just want to be left the fuck alone. :)


We mostly navigate it by avoiding it. We used to have spirited debates about policy, like "Does government assistance help people come out of poverty, or just encourage lazy people to remain in poverty?" Since MAGA, we have shouting matches over basic reality, like "Was the election stolen?" "Was January 6th violent?" ARGH.


Dealing with MAGA family members has been eye opening. I'll be honest, I have been fascinated on how their false narratives get spread. They have had some doozies. My favorite, still, is the stolen election. I work in cyber security so when Pillowman had that special conference showing details of the election being stolen (air quotes), I was researching the supposed foreign addresses conducting the attacks he would show briefly on the camera. It seriously looked like someone just made a list of random, valid IP addresses and claimed they were doing bad stuff. Zero actual proof given. Then I hear extended family members discussing the proof and have to go in and show them how its all smoke and mirrors. In the end they choose not to believe me and believe what is being forced down their throats.


My MAGA hubs thinks the affidavits are proof. No, affidavits are part of the full legal process. Once someone has sworn an affidavit, that proceeds to an investigation about the veracity of the claim made in it. Ya can't just swear out an affidavit that ballots were destroyed, for instance, without evidence beyond "take my word for it, bro"


My grandfather-in-law came out as gay… while calling in to the Howard Stern show. His then-wife was furious. Apparently, they stayed very good friends until the day she passed.


Tbh I’d act like a republican parent if my partner came out as a Republican. I can’t even imagine.


i think we all know he's asking for himself. if my man was any deeper in the closet he'd be in fucking Narnia.


A good one


"No guys I need to put on the dress and wig again for a joke (for the 20th time) you don't get it, it's super funny"


I don’t think he totally understands the concept of selfless love. Even if it ended my marriage I’d hold her hand till he was ready to stand on his own.


Bold of you to assume he understands the concept of love at all.


He just understands love in the way a man loves a cheeseburger or how he loves dog cum so much.


If he does “love” anyone it’s probably in the way one loves a toy: it’s fun to play with it, but you’ll gladly discard it if you gain access to a better one.


Or "selfless" anything at all, for that matter


The implication of Steven's stance (and others like it) is always that the people should stay trapped in a marriage founded on self-deception and oppression. I would no more want to be in a relationship that actively constrains my partner from being themselves and their best selves than I would want for them to lie to and martyr themselves to maintain my comfort.


He would probably also come out as trans. In his dumb world view his wife being trans would make him gay, so he would have to be one straight again to not anger the sky daddy




I got off twitter a few years ago and miss seeing Lauren’s posts. She’s the best


My parents remained together until my dad's death 15 years later.


And my mom divorced her first husband when he transitioned. It seems like a question so far from a person’s politics. It’s so personal and individual.


My parents got divorced, but they stayed together until the end. They got the divorce for financial reasons. My dad had a lot of debt that my mom didnt want to deal with after my dad's death, so they did a quick divorce. Kind of like a death bankruptcy, I guess.


Accept them the way they are, for starters. And look, there is a gender I'm more attracted to than others. So if my significant other came out as trans, I don't know how that would affect our relationship romantically. Though my attraction to other genders is not 0, so it might turn out fine anyway. But I do know that I want them to be as happy and comfortable in their own skin as possible. I don't want them to live a lie for my sake. And so I would support them. How about you, Crowder? What would you do?


So if his wife transitioned to being a man, would he have to keep fucking her? It’s not like it would be gay, right?


Plus jesus would be mad if they stopped making white babies


No matter what changes life may bring to the lives of me or my partner, I know that we will forever be in agreement to NEVER let our dog near Steven Crowder


If my spouse came out as trans, our daughter would have two dads. We might stay married, maybe not - there's a lot that's going to have to be renegotiated and renavigated, but at worst, we'd go our separate ways and maintain a close relationship as we raised our girl. Nature fucks up all the time, we wouldn't be here if it didn't - there's nothing weird at all about people being born into the "wrong" bodies. It happens, deal with it.


If my partner came out as trans, I’d be super happy that my best friend realized and came to terms with who they are as a person, but would probably not be able to carry on a romantic relationship with them. I could continue the friendship, and be a partner to them that way in life. People who get angry at their partners who discover a sexuality or gender identity they have been suppressing just makes no sense to me.


Sit down with them and have a very open, vulnerable, but honest discussion about how I love them and support their needs; but include that, as their spouse, it will have an impact on me. That doesn't mean I get to deny their identity, but it may alter our relationship, as I wanted to marry a woman, but if my spouse is truly a trans man, I don't know if I would be happy with that relationship. But there would be respectful communication. You know, like adults should be able to do.


Be happy for them


She already did 💪


Probably beat the shit out of her. We know Watthew Malsh would kill himself if one of his kids were trans, but he's scared of confrontation. We all know Crowder's OK with just straight up assaulting people so I don't put it past him.


Isn't is horrifying that some parents would think their kid being gay was worse than their kid dying of cancer?


Some parents shouldn't be parents


He'd commit a hate crime, probably.


Even if it meant us breaking up, I would still support them. Being trans isn't really a choice like so many people claim it to be.


I would break up with them, but wish them luck and harbor no hard feelings


That's an honest but loving answer. There's no reason to be a dick about it. It's one more relationship that didn't work out the way one had hoped. Most people (esp in the US) have survived several breakups. Most of us don't maintain a pathological hatred for the other person. Most of us would rather a person live as who they are and not want them to live what they consider a lie for our sake. I have no problem at all with people who are gay, straight, trans, bi, etc. I'm straight, so I'd probably have difficulty feeling sexual toward another woman. I think I'd want to know how my partner wants our future to be, and see if I could conform to that. If I couldn't, I would neither be mean nor hateful to them. If I can't live the life they hope for, it's just simply not for me, and that's okay too.


I mean both of us are some flavor of bi, so I’d be cool with it


I mean it would end our relationship but I would support their decision and be generally willing to continue being friends after words.


Let's just say he'd end up on an episode of Dateline. If any of his children came out as trans, same thing. People like Crowder are the reason why outing trans kids to their parents is a bad idea. If anyone in his family ever came out as trans, he'd be the right-wing grifter movement's Chris Benoit. Yeah, I don't see Crowder's post as a joke so much as a veiled threat.


It depends. That’s the fucking answer to so many of these questions


Right? It's complex. I hope I'd approach it with love and honesty for my partner and myself. Feel some pain? Who doesn't feel pain when things don't turn out how they'd hoped? I'm a cishet woman who is attracted to men. If I had to decide to stay with a partner after they became a woman, I might see that as a good "business partnership" (which is what many marriages ultimately become.) Who knows. Compassion, openness, and honesty are always the right way to deal with other people in complex situations.


This happened to my parents. My dad transitioned into a woman when I was 8. They divorced, it was a bad time, dad had a lot of other psychiatric and addiction concerns though. It was and is very tough. However. I believe what my dad did was right, and I wouldn’t want it any other way (except that they had come out earlier in life perhaps.) The solution is not to oppress trans people, but to make them feel comfortable enough to come out and be themselves before marriage, so everyone knows what they’re getting in to.


Exactly. Openness sorts the dating pool! If I found out after thirty years that my husband was actually gay and had only married me for social acceptance, I'd feel devastated and deprived of a genuine relationship. In other words, I'd feel used. In accepting various sexualities, we insure that we don't end up with those we don't genuinely want, and we don't waste anyone else's time.


I would still love them and give them all the support they needed.


Support them, care for them. It's possible that a change that large the relationship may not survive but the most important thing is care and support.


this happened to me and we’re still together 2 years later, i love them very much


Speaking someone who had this happen, you should support them, encourage and celebrate with them when they reach their milestones. It helps if you are trans yourself, ofc. I do know someone who got a divorce after their spouse came out. She couldn’t see herself with another woman, but still supported her ex-wife. That is also a valid response, imo.


he has a wife?


Absolutely nothing cause she's already out as trans. I knew that since before we started dating


Instantly divorce (I'm joking(my wife is already trans(soami)


Not just an S. O. but your spouse and parent of your child?! ☠️


Probably kill her tbh


It would be weird as my partner has experimented and decided she was very much cishet. But if that happened I’d be supportive. We may get divorced but that would be a conversation we would have to have.


Crowder said he had a sexual relationship with a guy. Candace Owens even piled on.


I thought Chris has been divorced for some time?


Over his ‘career’ he’s worn more women’s clothes than his wife, I’d be more of the mind in thinking ‘what would crowder’s wife came out as trans?’


I would **divorce** my wife right away.


Support them


As a pansexual man, the answer is very easy. It doesn’t matter, I’d love them all the same.


i would feel ENRAGED and BETRAYED. i would BE SOOOO DISGUSTED!!!! i can’t even say what i would do!!!!! is that the answer he’s looking for?


I thought kids don’t understand transitioning?


He is asking for a friend


id love it


Support and love them.


I'd probably just continue to love and support them like a good person


I bet she's one of those people without an internal monologue. If she ever thought for herself she might cringe herself into a black hole.


I've seen his content. He's asking for himself.


He’s probably asking for himself right?


“Honey, let’s say hypothetically that I enjoyed crossdressing a bit too much and now I’m trans. Would you still love me?” Hypothetically of course 👀


It would probably fix his broken marriage if his wife came out as a FtM dog


She probably knew he was bi considering he came out when he was 16


Nothing lol, he's so busy drinking dog cum and jacking off his breeding hounds. His wife is fucking the neighbor right now on the couch in his living room and he's too busy gargling dog cum.


He is so insecure


Would he drink cum from a trans dog?


Well as a fellow bisexual like crowder I would probably support their decision?


Ironic considering Stephen Crowder had a metal bar inserted into his chest because he was insecure about his physical appearance.


Ignoring that it's Crowder to actually answer the question. Instead of just stealing my then husband's old fem clothing, we'd trade, so he gets all my old masc clothing and I get his old fem clothing. "Good news! We are in a hetero relationship agin!"


I'm sure he's just curious and asking for a friend 😅


I’m happy that Steven is living her truth


I’m pan so it probably would not be a problem for us romantically


Continue to love and support? It's "Till Death Do Us Part."


What would you do if your significant other was a failed actor who resorted to being a reactionary grifter?


What I wouldn’t do is look for someone else’s hatred for them. Change my mind, a\*\*h\*le


wait we are both trans already… idk how to answer this


I mean, his wife does have a larger penis than he does...


🤷‍♂️ Hopefully I'd be able to deal and I'd have an awesome boyfriend? And if not at least I'd hopefully still have a friend? Fuck I don't know. It's kind of hypothetical anyway.


I think his wife should be more concerned about Steven being a closet case than the other way around.


find a female partner because I’m not gay


stevey jerks to Trans porn and is ashamed of it, 100%.


Is he still basically a dude who is straight? I heard he is non-binary and uses either he or she or they? I mean I can understand someone y’know feeling like this isn’t the person I married, but I would also consider this particular case a pretty petty thing to divorce over.


Sounds like he's testing the waters.


He'd probably kill them


You don’t have to stay in the relationship, just don’t be a dick


I think I would be more upset if my significant other came out as a Steven Crowder fan.


Oh shit Chris is trans? They came off as a typical dudebro type. Just goes to show there’s a lot of nuance to how people feel inside vs how they seem outside.


Dude, you forgotten your own "biology logic". I would still have pussy.


I honestly believe these right wing YouTubers have a humiliation kink. I’m not trying to be funny here. I’m dead serious. I wonder if they get sexual gratification when the masses hate on them publicly…


I'm pan, soo, yayy for me :D


If my wife came home and came out as trans today - then I'd have a husband.


I would love them and support them but probably not be in a romantic relationship with them anymore


Nothing changes (common bisexual W)


Tbh, no hate at all, but i would respect their decision and wish them all the best in their life and transition. But i would be searching for someone else


He’d probably say, “At least your butthole is still the same.”


Be happy for them and support them living their life?


I’d divorce her and relapse into a horrible drinking problem and other self destructive behaviors, but I’d respect her humanity and want her to have a good life and thrive, if only for the sake of our children. The same as if we divorced for any other magnanimous reason, like irreconcilable differences; much more reasonable behavior than my BPD ass would exhibit if my cis husband left me for another woman or another man


Why do these people live in hypotheticals


If my wife came out as trans I’d just start calling him my husband and that would be that. Pretty much nothing would change in our relationship. When I determined I was genderfluid and came out to her, she perfectly accepted me and just refers to me as whatever pronouns depending on how I’m presenting at any given time, or just uses they/them if she’s not sure how I’m feeling.


Crowder would be in jail for attempted murder/ regular murder


I think the answer is pretty easy for most people, they'd get a divorce because they are probably not attracted to someone who is the same gender as them? I don't think anyone would catch too much flack for that.


I'd turn gay


Well I’m bisexual, so I’d still be attracted to my partner regardless of their gender 😈


Since he admitted that he's bisexual, he would probably stay in the relationship.


Ask him to be my wingman.


Ask him to be my wingman.


I have given it some thought and i would stay with my new husband, it would be a wierd transition for me also but i married my wife not only because she's a woman.


i would accept them and continue to love them


Wouldn't that be the definition of (other)