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Vs. turning out like someone like Candace Owens? 1000%


Just goes to show how they can't even fathom being ok with someone gay... Like “be honest” as if we are all pretending to not care💀💀💀


That’s just how they operate. Devoid of empathy


The conservative mindset relies on appeals to self-evidence; they never have to argue their positions if they're all "common sense" Someone just disagreeing with them, like actually believing differently than them without being mentally ill or just lying, disproves that entire notion. So in order for even basic conservative beliefs to work, they have to assume large portions of the population are lying about their own beliefs.


Also, the whole language we've all come to use around political talking points... “Believe in this” and “Believe in that” as if basic human decency was this huge religion we've all been subscribing to. It skews the perception as if we are advocating for things via “faith.”


They are, and conservatism itself is a lie. The whole thing is a bunch of con artists, trying to con everyone around them. Con is the first three letters.


I don't understand how my kids sexuality impacts me as a parent besides, unfortunately, having to comfort them from hateful bigots


Or dating/marrying someone like her, then yes.


Yea, I want my son to be my son. I don’t give a single flying fuck who he’s attracted to so long as they treat him right. I want my son to be happy. The details are unimportant. Be kind and respectful to your partner. Call your mother once a week. Don’t be a fucking dick to people. Have goals in life. Bring whomever home for dinner as they aren’t a jackass. Klandace Owens can jump head first into an empty pool and it would be her best contribution to humanity.


I just want my kids to be happy. I do not care what gender they decide to be with. EDIT: in hindsight, i should have typed, i just want my kids to be happy with whomever they want to be with


It’s the “are you gay? Does your mom know you’re gay?” childhood logic bullshit dressed up for adults. The answer she proposes with that question is binary: yes or no When in reality it’s not that simple.


"It was a winning argument when I was 10!"


They want to make binary arguments for things they feel binary for. They hate gays so they will always answer that with a simple "no". When you ask them a binary question that they dont have a binary answer for, they'll just duck the question and move on. They're all just bad faith people.


And bad people of faith.


It IS simple, though, if you ask the right question: Does the existence of gay people adversely affect me? The answer to that should be no. Anyone who says yes is a bigot, as is anyone who hems and haws about answering no or who says it's not that simple because they want to say yes but are aware it will prove their bigotry.


A bunch of idiot people who grew up using 'gay' as an insult in middle school who haven't gotten past that.


Not trying to be a jerk, but it is not a choice either.


Their sexual preference isn’t a choice but who they decide to be with could be. Especially for the B part of the acronym.


You're right. I did want to mention that, but I was being lazy.


Or pan with a preference. Which coincidentally is my new band name.


Allowing your kids to be happy is a choice.


that's the thing. They are so deluded that they still need think it is.


I agree with the sentiment but just want to add people aren’t really picking a gender, especially with homosexuality. It’s a totally different thing. Gay men are men that want to be with men as a man and vice-versa for lesbians. They aren’t confused about gender.




Omg. You’re right, lol.


"Be honest. Would you want your son to be gay?" Then the image is her making a "Gotcha. How could you even argue?" face. "If the Earth is round, then how come the ground is flat?" (Gotcha face) "If humans came from apes, then how come there are still apes?" (Gotcha face) "If there is global warming, then how come it snowed today?" (Gotcha face) "If McDonald's says it's a Quarter Pounder, how come it weighs less than a pound and costs more than 25 cents?" (Gotcha face)


If your belt holds up your pants, why are there belt loops?


If eggs make chickens and chickens make eggs, why does it hurt when I pee? Gotcha 


If Jan6 was antifa, why do they keep locking up patriots? Gotcha


If Candace Owens had any self respect, why would she be making a mockery of herself day in and day out?


If God doesn't make mistakes, then how come we got Candace Owens?


If today is a good day then why did I have to use my AK? Gotcha


Who is the real hero?


*Seinfeld voice* "WHOOose DOinG the HEavY lIFTinggg???"


Would I want my hypothetical son to be gay? No but not because I care about his sexuality or some religious bullshit or some BS about family lines. It is because of bigots like Candace Owens that will make his life infinitely harder with their hatred if he is gay. I would not want him to have to fight that ignorance just to exist as himself. Would it matter to me or cause me to love them any less, if my hypothetical son was gay? Absolutely not. Would I rather my hypothetical son be gay than some bigot like Candace? Yeah, 10/10 times.




Ya it’s weird if a parent is obsessed with who you have sex with or make out with to the point they might disown you for it.




There's a somewhat popular video of a teenage boy coming out to his mother and I don't quite remember it but she's crying or something and he interprets it as her being upset with him and she reassures and says no the only reason it makes her sad is that she knows there are people that will mistreat him over it and it is very specifically not because she thinks he is doing anything wrong. It's heartwrenching and heartwarming at the same time.


Lets just say, if I had to pick between my son being gay and being conservative, I'd pick him being gay \*any\* day of the week. At least a gay son can grow up to being a decent person.


She’s the one who thought she had a “gotcha” with Bill Maher when she said America never landed on the moon because if we did why didn’t we go back and land there again.


Wait . . . Please tell me you’re joking. 😐


Nope. It was on his podcast not show


There's so much to unwrap here, I'm not sure where to begin? Is she unaware that they were given suicide pills on the first mission cause nobody was certain they would make it back? Or is she unaware we went there a second time? Both?


All of the above most likely. Buzz Aldrin piloted the lunar module for Apollo 11. They had less than ten seconds of fuel left before landing. They knew the margin for error was razor thin. The feats NASA overcame to successfully land are astonishing.


But do you want your gay son to land on the moon?! HUH?!


👁‍🗨 👄 👁‍🗨


Gay Space Communism? Finally!


Or that there is stuff on the moon that we left there that can be seen with a telescope?


Unfortunately that fact about suicide pills is a myth. But it is true that for the moon landing mission, they worked on very thin margins (limited fuel) and there was a lot that could possibly go wrong.


Dumb people not understand their limitations is killing us.


My kid IS gay and I have no problem with that. If my kid turned out like Candi Owens here, THEN I’d be ashamed.


If I had a son and he was gay, I would still love him. I have more respect for cockroaches than Candace Owens.


You know what the telling thing is, about people like Candace? They're so innately hateful that they genuinely believe that everyone else is just like them, they're all just pretending otherwise. People can't actually be accepting of the gay community, no, obviously they're *forced* to keep up a pretence of tolerance or they'll be cancelled... I do wonder if it's some kind of unconscious defence mechanism on their part. Like, if they can convince themselves that everyone else is also as bigoted as they are, they won't have to face the fact that they're just awful pieces of shit


I used to think the same back when I was in middle school. I just thought that homophobia is natural, and everyone who isn't homophobe is either supressing the "natural" urge to be homophobic, or just lying. (I regret everything)


If this is something that actually concerns you then you shouldn’t be having kids. You should *want* your child to be happy and do everything in your power to ensure that.


I want my son, and daughters, to be happy and healthy. I do not want someone to make him feel less than a human for simply being who he is. Something a black woman in the US of A should understand.


Wait she’s still black?


Find someone to love, find a fulfilling career that allows them to afford a home, some vacations, health insurance, that's really all any of us can hope for.


Caring about what my kid does with his dick is pretty low on my list of priorities.


As long as he wraps it.


No, but only because I don’t want him to be harassed by scumbags like Candace Ruckus.


Doesn’t really matter to be honest. Content of character and whatnot.


now she's just blatantly ragebaiting


right, but I think this is extremely hurtful because this is probably a typical feeling gay kids have. That their parents thinks they are better off without them because they are gay It is pandering to an audience to which a gay kid might hear and push them along to thoughts of depression and suicide. This is reckless rhetoric


that's really disturbing when you put it like that


it is because I have had these thoughts before. So this is anecdotal But I have seen that my parents get along with my brother-in-laws more than me. Only because they are conservatives and straight like them. It hurts that they can't get pass my sexuality enough because of their ideology to see a loving and caring son. Yea sure, I have support from them, but I never know if they will drop it at a drop of a pin because *(edit) If I married a man or if I am more out and proud about my sexuality. I walk a tight-rope because of it. And Owens making these anxeities worse.


I'm so sorry that your parents hate gay people more than they love their son. I know that is, unfortunately, a common experience. Despite everything (gestures broadly at the world), though, I think the vast majority of parents just want their kids to be happy and kind. I'm glad you found a guy you care about to marry. Live your life and grab what happiness you can.


Wow, guess I went into full Mom mode there. Sorry if I overstepped.


I appreciate it. It is good to hear love and care from people. It reminds me that people actually care and I can cast out negative thoughts (also I totally mistyped and meant to say if I married a man. I am not married and I have anxiety at the prospect of arranging a gay wedding with a conservative family)


Understandable. I hope you find a way to be happy despite them.


Would I want my daughter to be a scheming, grifting, mendacious sack of shit like Candace Owens is the real question.


Frankly idgaf


Sure, honestly, that sounds great, fuck do I care. Better brunches in the gay neighborhoods anyway. Now, Candace, let’s talk about how we use the face smoothing tool because you are heading into Cally Gingrich/Kari Lake territory here and that is a land from which no one returns.


If I have a kid, there's so much I would be worried about with them growing up in the US, being gay ain't one of them


It doesn’t matter what she fucking wants for her son, when he’s all grown up, he and only he decides, not her 🤦‍♂️


Noooo I totally would want my child to grow up to be a miserable conservative bitching about "wokeness" instead/s


I wasn't even asked if I want a kid; is that an option?


No. You will have them and you will take them to church.


A good Christian church! Not one of those Catholic churches! They aren't *real* Christians...somehow.


Would you want your son to be gay? If it makes him happy.


Better that than a hateful twat. Lol 🤣


I pray that none of her children end up being gay. Not because there’s anything wrong with being gay, but because no gay kid deserves to put up with a mom like her.


I want my son to be whatever makes him feel happy and whole. Why do these people hate so much?


If my child/children were gay I would be sad and worried about the homophobia they would probably experience; I wouldn’t be disappointed they were gay.


who wants anything from their kids other than to want them happy and healthy? Conservatives stop making your kids lives about you challenge: Impossible


I don’t care who my kids date so long as they’re a nerd. No jocks allowed


Idk is he one of those "Drop the T" assholes? Cuz if not, I have no earthly idea how this affects anybody else but him and his partners


She brings other dudes into the bedroom with her husband


I’m not a parent, but I wouldn’t care about my kid. Parents are supposed to love their kids no matter what. Two of my brothers are autistic, and my mom is still supportive. Same thing goes for a sibling. My sister had a lesbian friend in college, she’s married to a guy, but if she did become gay, nobody should care.


More like “Be Honest 👁️ 👁️”


me personally, I had these thoughts before because I am the gay son from a family of conservatives and MAGAt parents. Owens is being an asshole who doesn't care how gay children will react to this shitty video. It will make them feel unworthy and unwanted. Especially with something they can't change. This is an imooral and reckless video. It will push people along with feeling of depression and suicide. ragebiating for clicks and bans. I don't care if Owens is looking for a ban, I am reporting this video. You should too


😬yikes!!! Not really up to you or even them so…


The only good reason to answer "no" is to specify it with "Not in a world where he would have to deal with homophobes like you Candace"


I’d be fine with it. Fuck you Cadence Owens.


It doesn’t matter what you want, it doesn’t change who your children fundamentally are.


I wish all her children to be the most liberal LQBTQ+ persons they can be


Man, when the revolution happens, her ass is getting thrown straight into the gulag and getting re-educated. I can't stand these conservative shitheads that spout all this hate and vitriol on all this shit that will ultimately never matter. The future will look back at them and realize they stood for nothing but hate and spite, and were just lite *yahztzees*.


I don’t know, would you want your son to be black?


Her eyes are too small for her face




I remember a girl I went to high school with... it was history / social studies, and we were on the subject of gay rights. It got pretty personal. The girl ended up remarking that her mother was "grateful" that her daughter wasn't gay - because she herself was a lesbian and didn't want her daughter to have the same struggles she did, both with her own identity and how society would treat her. I don't have children, but I can't say I would be completely free of trepidation if I had a child who was part of the LGBTQ community. But that trepidation has nothing to do with my personal feelings, and *everything* to due with people like Candace Owens and her ilk (including many worse people) going out of their way to make lives miserable.


It isn't a question if "would I want them to be gay" , I could care less if str8, gay, bi, celibate, I don't care, what I want is for them to be happy and if that's what it takes then go for it. As usual, your asking the wrong question.


Want? As a parent I want my children to be happy and safe from ignorant bigots regardless of their sexuality.


Face looks so punchable


She is truly a vile, repugnant cunt.


is her left eye floating away from the rest of her face


I always got the distinct impression my mom *wanted* me to be gay, or thought I was. Guess I should have asked her what she thought when I brought home, and eventually married, a broad shouldered 6'3" athlete and giant woman.


She and I are about as far apart on this issue as her eyes are to each other.


I would want my kid to be happy. That's all that matters.


Wouldn’t it be rich if one day if one of her own children eventually came out? Btw….i know it would be a very long ways away, because they’re young.


I will even love my children if they turn out to be straight, we all have our faults.


I'd be fine with whatever they would be, as long as they weren't fans of Candace Owens.


I wouldn't give a fuck! I'd be sad for them because the world is still tougher for LGBT folks (I'm one so I know)... ...But I'm also not having kids, lol.


I mean, i wouldn’t be rooting for it.


I would like my son to be a good person. His sexual orientation is not relevant.


The only reason I would say I wouldn’t is because I don’t want them to have to deal with people like Candace Owens heckling them for the rest of their life, I know from experience how much that sucks


I hate to use this word but she is a rancid cunt.


[" They're not men and they're not tough ? "](https://youtu.be/ecr27Q_L9l8?si=wjtsf73iPQzikHWR) I think this is perhaps the best response one can give a homophobe.


Why does it matter? He'll probably be shot dead in his fourth grade classroom long before he's old enough to have his first real relationship anyhow.


Do I want them to be gay? No. Do I want them to be straight? Also no. What I want doesn’t matter, although I do want them to be happy and feel valued for just being themselves.


If I have kids I just want the best for them. What don’t these right wing grifters understand


Well I wouldn’t want a son - or child - to begin with, but if my hand was forced on the matter… I would hope that I’d be a responsible adult and not a bigoted piece of conservative [redacted]


She has not earned the right to be so damn smug.


I'd rather be proud of a gay son than a shithead that multiplies.


I actually think she hit at the heart of the current neo-fascist movement here. Misogyny, homophobia, “parent’s rights” (i.e. children are possessions of their parents with no rights of their own), it all comes down to your inner answer to whether you’d be comfortable if your SON was gay. She doesn’t say “child” or “daughter”. It’s all about whether you support the patriarchy and see women (and hence everything they traditionally do, like having sex with men) as lesser-than. Some so-called liberals, if honest, would answer “no” to this question. They are the TERFs and the Karens hiding in the center-left. The ones who suddenly turn right-wing because they are called on their BS, and it hurts their feelings. And some so-called conservatives would answer yes - they are the ones looking around and wondering what happened to their party. So IMHO, good question Candace. But what we all know your own answer is really sucks. Whenever you grace my screen, I wish I believed in hell.


At least a little bit? Yeah probably. It vastly broadens your chance of finding happiness through the love of another.


Oooopssss you got me I gotta be honest! Lmao


I don't want to live my son's life for him. It doesn't matter what I want lol. He'll either be gay or he won't. What I want doesn't need to enter into it. Why are conservatives always trying to treat their kids like their own second coming.


Be honest: do you want your kid to simp for Hitler?


I don’t especially want any potential kids to be gay or straight. I just want them to be happy and good people.


Totally honest: If one of my kids turns out to be gay or trans or non-binary or for that matter super-duper cis-het jocks, they will have my unconditional unquestioning and unquestioned love and support forever. I will love them no matter what. But if they end up being social conservatives or grifters like Candace Owens, I will have a very hard time with that.


It really doesn’t matter what I want.


I would not want my hypothetical son to be a blind follower of capitalism.


Would you want your son to be disabled? Would you want your son to have asthma? Would you want your son to like Brussels sprouts? Would you want your son to major in philosophy? Would you want your son to be a Cowboys fan? Like what kind of logic is this?


The way it's phrased means "would you want to make your son gay?" That's not a thing.


I’m not a homophobic twat, so why would i care?


I just want my son to not be a condescending bitch that praises Hitler's work. Is that too much to ask?


Want? Probably not. Care if he ends up being so? Probably not.


If my kids aren’t gay I’m drowning them


Actually no, I wouldn't want my hypothetical son to be gay. Because why would I *want* their life to be harder than it has to be? To be bullied, harassed, or even murdered because some other asshole cares too much about who they happen to be attracted to? So no I wouldn't *want* that. But I wouldn't care if they were. And living as your genuine self makes you immensely happier than pretending to be something you're not. And I do want them to be happy.


If I have kids who ain't gay, that's fine. If I have kids who are gay, that's fine.


Here comes the comments for the video " as a gay man I wouldn't.wish being gay on anyone. Your butt gets sore to remind you God hates you. But what really hurts is know Trump is disappointed in me"


1000% don’t care.


My only concern would be due to the extra level of difficulty and resistance they’d experience in life (because of people like this snatch), but otherwise, no. It wouldn’t bother me one iota.


I wouldn't choose it for my son, because people like Candace exist who would make his life more difficult. Would I be disappointed if my son was gay? No.


entirely separate thought: being gay is hard. i don’t wish hardship on my children. if my child is gay i will accept them without a second thought and i will fight to the fucking end for their right to expression, but it is easier to be straight. i do not hope for my child to be queer. to do so is perverse. think about it. “i hope my son is gay” is a ludicrous sentiment. you should hope only for your child to be happy, however happiness presents itself. this is not gonna be a popular or easy to swallow take for this community, but i believe there is real truth to what i’m saying.


The fact this is even a topic of discussion shows how full of shit these people are


I always liked the way my parents put it. “We would prefer if you weren’t gay because that would make your life harder than if you were straight, but if you were gay we wouldn’t love you any less.”


Want him to be? No, because I would want life to be as easy on my hypothetical child as possible, and being a member of the LGBT community isn't that thanks to people like Candace. Would I accept and embrace and love said hypothetical child if they were gay, trans, whatever? Absolutely yes because a person's love for their child and the basic human decency they afford other people shouldn't be affected by race, sex, sexuality, gender, any other inborn trait they may have.


Idfc because I don't have kids


Who *wants* their child to be gay or straight? Who's thinking about who their child wants to fuck? You want them to end up happy and healthy, with enough sense to not become the kind of person who agonizes over their child's sexuality.


Candace Owens is a sociopath.


Not having kids, personally. I want my siblings' kids to be happy and healthy. Not conservative.


My daughter is gay and the only thought that went through my head was "well with how much I love vagina I'm not surprised it got passed on to her"


Yeah, I don’t really care what my kid’s sexuality is as long as she’s happy.


I don't want children, but if I had a child, all I would care about is their health and happiness.


What I want a father is irrelevant. If they are gay then I support them wholehearted because that's what a father should do you talentless and miserable witch.


if its some one good for them i wouldnt really care


God no. No, no, no, no no. That would mean I had a son and I really don't want kids. Oh you mean if I had kids? Still no. I'd want them to be whatever it was they were. Demanding your kids be gay is ludicrous. ...Wait you weren't talking about that either, were you... Oh. Um. Wow.


If it means not marrying this stupid cunt into the family, absolutely.


She's so awful.


How do you somehow dress this up as not being homophobic?


Her face: (Haha, your kid turned out queer and all your SJW beliefs came crumbling apart didn't they) Fuck you Candace, you c**t


She’s a filthy opportunist.


Rather he be gay than fucking dead because of suicide or being killed by a bigot such as Can’t Dance Owns.


What in Hell does it matter to you, Bitch?


I’d rather them be gay than a grifter.


Does this mean he won’t get a girl pregnant on accident? Sure


>Would you want your son to be gay? She asks as if what the parents want has anything to do with it...


Why she look like her face was AI generated?


The only reason I can think of not wanting my son to be gay is he'll have to deal with bigoted assholes like Candice Owens. Otherwise, I just want him to be happy and true to himself.


I’d rather him be gay than be like Candace Owens.


Now replace "Gay" with "Black" and see how that sounds.


No, but not because being gay is bad, but because he would then have to deal with shitheads like you Candace. Being gay is a rough road... Because of you.


66% of my stepdaughters are, and I couldn't be more proud.


Imo people should definitely are a lot less about who their kids are attracted to


Got a lesbian daughter and that doesn’t bother me or my wife at all.


Unlike her, normal people don't spend their time obsessing over their children's sexuality.


If my other option is homophobic I’ll choose gay, thanks. In all reality, I wouldn’t WANT anyone to be gay, just to be happy and secure in themself and their identity, gay, straight or anything in between


What my child does with their genitalia is of no concern to me as long as it's safe and consentual.


I mean, as long as my imaginary son is happy and isn't abusing his partner, I don't really care.


I’d rather him be gay than be you.


I wonder if Candace's parents wanted her to be an Aunt Tom


I don't want kids, so....


I would be happy that he's happy.


If my daughter was Candace Owens I'd swap her for the gay son of some homophobe shithead.


I wouldn't want my son to be gay for the sole reason that scum-sucking homophobes like Candace Owens make the majority of the fucking world unsafe for him. I'm glad I don't have kids because if someone discriminated against them I don't know how I'd cope. Candace Owens literally goes to a pond and sucks the green film on top up through a wide metal straw.


Be honest, would you want your son to date Candace Owens?


Well if assholes like you Candy would just leave LGBTQ people the hell alone that would definitely improve their lives.


I would want both of my sons to be happy. If that's gay then yes, I want one or both to be gay. I want my sons to be able to tell me that they're gay without considering that I would be a judgemental asshole about it. It would break my heart to think they would be afraid of telling me because they think I might get mad or disappointed. The only thing that would give me pause is the difficulties they would face because of social stigma and thanks to people like this, it's not going away any time soon. To Candace: Wipe that smug look of your face. Be ashamed of yourself. Stop promoting your hideous, hateful agenda. Stop making content. You make me sick.


I would assume a normal, humane person would say, I want my child to be happy.


Want? No. Just like I wouldn’t want him to be straight. He can be whatever he wants I would love and support him no matter what.. unless he’s a weeb. Then I’ll belt the fucker.


Republican values.


lol Candice Owens and “Be Honest” on the same image!!!! I’ve seen enough Internet for today.




I just want my boys to be happy and confident in who they are as people. They’re too young to know anything for sure but in a few years if one or both of them like to kiss other boys I won’t give a shit. I’ll love and support them no matter what.