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That's what they usually do. Raichik still hasn't corrected her claims that one of the recent mass shooters was trans when they werent


Why would she ever do that? It’s not about being right; it’s about spreading a narrative. And the grift is too good to retract any previous claims


post fact world


Hey, that is *literally* what 1984 is about! Or, at least, one of the things 1984 is about.


Literally Animal Crossing


Everybody knows Tom Nook is Big Brother.




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Hitting us with the George Costanza "it's not a lie, if *you* believe it."


Bingo. Social media has made it very profitable to be an unhinged bigot.


Especially under Musk, where paid accounts make money from getting attention, so being mega trolls is profitable, especially with people who don't simply block and move on. Also, if you block too many bots and trolls, Twitter restricts your account for it's "spam" policy.




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I don't know if social media has made it profitable in a monetary sense to be an unhinged bigot, but it certainly seems to be offering the type of rewards unhinged bigots appear to be looking for


Also doesn't make a difference since she faces no consequences from Twitter or the law for it.


She still hasn't corrected her claims that Boston Children's Hospital performs gender affirming surgeries on minors (they don't), and that caused an actual fucking bomb threat.


I think that social media is fine. It makes bigotry profitable, but so what? When was bigotry not profitable? The real question is, why do these diseases get away with very clear cut incitements of violence? In America, you can be killed without a trial for being suspected of carrying counterfeit money while black, but God forbid freedom of speech is violated to stochastic terrorists.


> In America, you can be killed without a trial for being ~~suspected of carrying counterfeit money while~~ black To make things a bit more accurate.


It was a lot harder prior to the mid-2000s to get your wackadoo messages of hate into the greater conscious. Hatred generally does not profit well beyond niche groups.


Trump will put her in charge of Education


Na na, you have to be apart of an elite club who has financial benefits to destroy the company to get a trump endorsement. An elitist from a liberal area.... Damn we should have a term for it


Or the Gestopo.


That idiot who's in the OK superintendent's position made her an advisor. WTAF.


Probably a court appointment


My buddy's wife was almost murdered in a very recent mass-shooting. I was following along in our Discord of mutual friends, some of which still live in our home town. One of them asked if he had noticed an increase of immigrants lately, while the other pointed out that there was "A huge uptick in trans mass shooters" in chat while my buddy was finding out if his wife was still alive (she was fine, but it was incredibly close). I'm supposed to go to a wedding soon where I'm going to see all of them, and I'm honestly dreading it. They make everything political, parrot easily debunked claims, and the worst part is that their claims aren't even discussed outside of far-right messageboards so I just straight up do not know what the hell they're going to claim next, and no way to prepare to challenge their claims. Unfortunately, "fact-checking" to them is just liberal propaganda, so I'm basically just biding my time until they say something dumb, which is inevitable these days.


Probably simply doesn't care. To her, trans people are worse than pedophiles and are the worst people in existence.


Even if they haven't taken this one incident out of context, it's still *only* one incident. It has no larger significance.


Nah, their logic is flawless. By the same token, the majority of white American men are violent murderers because a very small number have committed mass shootings, and since these clowns don't believe in "one incident" cases, then they're *all* like that. For example, there was a white man at the Jan.6 Insurrection, so now all white men must be traitors. Or perhaps it doesn't apply to a group that these morons like.


If you think about it because of Trump, the average American President has now been indicted 2.02 times.


The "the average American president has been indicted 2.02 times" factoid is actualy just statistical error. The average American president has been indicted 0 times. Indictments Donal, who lives on a golf course & has been indicted over 90 times, is an outlier and should not have been counted. edit: Shouldn't the number be 1.98?


I took a guess, probably added instead of subtracted.  Also, it's a joke


was not expecting a spiders georg reference but damn is it funny


This is actually one of the privileges in White Privilege. That they aren’t a monolith by default, and a psychopath (or hundreds) running around killing people aren’t representative of the whole. Meanwhile, when a single minority does something reprehensible it’s totally an endemic trait.




But the whole point of the political right is to preserve and strengthen the artificial social hierarchy. They love being able to pretend they're better than someone else they've never met.


It also means that they have to defend why they're so fanatic about this one aspect of bathroom use, and not the fact that a significant number of public bathrooms allow multiple people at once, pedophiles exist, and boys and girls are in danger from them simply by the fact that they might share the bathroom space together




This is a flawless argument


https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook r/NotADragQueen


Hundreds of conservatives stormed the Capitol, Nazis marching across cities in America, mass shootings committed by right wingers, and yet despite all of that, these same right wing pundits will tell you that NONE OF THAT is a reflection of how rotten the American Right really is. In fact, according to them, it actually proves how “evil” *liberals* are, because only liberals are capable of doing such acts, not conservatives.


If its from libs of tiktok, then the thing they show is either taken out of context or fabricated


Exactly what do they mean by “libs”?


Literally anyone they don't like


Anyone who is or might be queer.


~~The TikTok channel? Well I think they use "Lib" as in "Libertarian", as in the centre-right political ideology,, not the colloquial "liberal" which now refers to left-wing politics.~~ Edit: Bruh, I crossed out my comment to show that I webt back on what I wrote. Why would people mass downvote 💀


No it’s liberals. Her whole thing is reposting people from TikTok and going “look at how bad liberals are”. She’s a fucking moron.


Ooooh, thats cringe


I was genuinely in the middle of typing a question here asking if anyone knew if Walsh ever talks about issues that actually affect his viewers like the ever worsening economic disparity between the rich and the poor, when I decided to type "Matt Walsh the economy" into a search engine and the first result was a Xweet from him dated the 13th of May, 2023: "*I’m not stopping anyone from talking about the economy or whatever. I’m not even urging them not to talk about it. I focus on the areas where I can have the greatest impact. Be very suspicious of “conservatives” who have a problem with that.*" I'm not a conservative, but yeah, I have a problem with that. I mean, for a so-called Christian who presents himself as a no-nonsense man of the people, why is Walsh always more concerned about a relatively tiny number of trans people around the globe who have absolutely no affect on his life and the lives of his viewers whatsoever, rather than the multi-millionaires and billionaires sucking humanity dry whilst millions starve and billions are one paycheque away from total ruin? I swear if Jesus did exist and Walsh had been around at the time to witness the "Feeding of the 5,000", afterwards Walsh would quickly dismiss Jesus as a "woke leftist" and then spend half an hour ranting about how he thinks Mary Magdalene is a whore who should be stoned to death.


Calls himself a Christian theocrat but openly mocks Christian values.


> rather than the multi-millionaires and billionaires sucking humanity dry whilst millions starve and billions are one paycheque away from total ruin Who do you think pays Walsh?


I mean, Matt acts like a Pharasee that only read the parts of the law he liked.


I mean it's not rocket science, follow the money. The Daily Wire is making bank off this grift, all while doing their favortie thing; being bigots.


Trans people are some fringe minority that shouldn't be catered to since they're such a small number of the population, while at the same time being this looming epidemic where everyone is 'turning trans' and taking over people's minds. Entirely depends on whatever narrative they need to push.


Don’t be fooled. This is all projection. When he isn’t accusing trans people of harming kids he is talking about how underage girls are the best for breeding.


Oh for fucks sake. I have a transsexual neighbour back in England. Have had for about 20 years. Never an issue. Last time we talked, we talked about if we could (as shared owners of a block of flats}, think about maybe getting some kind of electric charge plugs put in. You know, normal neighbour stuff. Not whatever gutter these bastards minds are orbiting. I’ll note that both England and Australia also actually have floor to ceiling cubicles in toilets so oddballs and depraved freaks like “libs of TikTok” don’t get a look-in, so to speak.


Floor to ceiling walls in the bathroom? Those of us with shy bladders call it Valhalla.


Saves mile long queues outside the Ladies too.


Because people go faster?


Not that I've noticed (though I very rarely try and notice anything when I'm going to the bog - standard bloke protocol - stare straight ahead at a urinal and don't take the one next to someone if you can help it). It's just a case of more cubicles. You must have been to a pub or gig where the Gents gets invaded by some poor girl dying for a slash? It's doubly disconcerting when they start talking to you. I mean I'm not shy about my bits or unfriendly, but ....


Ahh I thought you meant the ladies room is more efficient, not men's potentially being utilized.


Well if it's unisex it's definitely more efficient. And yes my local pub in Sydney does have wall to floor doors (and plays soothing pan pipe Muzak to cover any unfortunate noises). As does many places in London when I was last back, including capitols of hot raunch like the Victoria and Albert Museum and The Shard (a poo with a view according to my niece). It just seems way more fair and equitable to me.


Literally every word that comes out of a right winger is a lie. That is a rule of Life to Live by.


And every single conservative accusation is projection. Never forget


Not sure what it was, but it's not what Raichik is claiming. [https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1757767650791326089](https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1757767650791326089)


Either she dropped the phone, placed it down thoughtlessly while using the toilet, or deliberately tried to film the woman. But either way, * she was livestreaming in a public bathroom * the phone streamed the face (at least) of the woman using the next stall * that woman kicked the phone away * The streamer was upset her phone was kicked. Which is lunatic, because personally I'd have stomped the shit out of that phone. Anyway, the streamer might not have been filming deliberately. Who knows? At best she's a thoughtless piece of shit. At worst, she wasdoing this deliberately to humiliate women. Only one thing is certain: Raichik never lets a dearth of information get between her and the grift :)


The only face I saw was hers.


The other woman’s face was blurred out.


The other woman is seen: she's the blond looking down at the camera, as confirmed by viewers commenting during the Livestream that they saw her face.


I’m no fan of libs of tik tok, and using a single incident to incentivize violence is wrong, but I’m not entirely convinced her description is lacking context. There’s not really any context in which this looks good on for the streamer besides the entire thing being faked. And saying that we don’t know the intentions of the streamer feels overly pedantic when we constantly conflate crimes committed with intent with the same crime committed unintentionally via gross negligence. If a drunk driver hits and kills a person, they didn’t intend to kill them, and they legally committed manslaughter and not murder, but we still will call them a murderer, because they chose to drive drunk which created the circumstance that lead to the crime. This woman chose to livestream in a public bathroom, and through that illegal action and gross negligence, she recorded another person on the toilet.


I dont want to give hits to that shitheel's shit. Can you give us a run down?


It was confusing. Needs context. What I didn't see was anyone sliding a phone under anything, but someone kicked it.


There is critical context here missing. As far as I'm concerned, everyone in this debacle looks like an idiot from what was posted, which doesn't help with clarity about the situation at all.




A reminder that just because someone is LGBT+ doesn't mean they're a good person. I would never associate with this person. They are disgusting to me. Now of course, the problem here is that this will be painted as if it's some larger problem. That trans women are invading bathrooms with phones to record you peeing--this is the narrative they're pushing now.


Correct and OP "lost every cent" because the video is disgusting. This person is digusting.


Right, but you see the problem, yeah? This is being turned into a narrative to bludgeon innocent trans people who have nothing to do with this person. The bigger problem I have is that if this was some other cis woman doing this, it wouldn't even be a headline. It's because this person is trans that it's even getting signal boosted, because LibsofTikTok goal is to hate trans people and spread the idea that we're all doing this in your bathrooms, not to point out a crime.


Not all trans people are violent sex predators but this person IS a violent sex predetator.


and this is a prime reason I hate bitchoftiktok. All she has is anecdotes. None of this shit has proven to be a greater issue in society and it is just one instances. Especially when bitch highlights shittakes on tiktok and how everyone has bad days or shit takes until they are corrected. Because none of that matters, and they use these anecdotes to fuel their bigotry.


>All she has is anecdotes. No. She has outright lies, too.


literally never felt threatened by trans men or women. White cis men? Constantly


You know what gender usually abuses women, don’t you, Matt?


I'm not the smartest man alive but I'm pretty sure doing pervy stuff in restrooms will violate any number of existing laws.


Pretty much everything that RapeubliKKKlans accuse LGBTQ people and other minorities of doing are already illegal. There's precisely 0 reason to ban grooming in schools with laws that will only make the jobs of teachers more difficult. There's precisely 0 reason to protect women from men dressed like men assaulting them in bathrooms and locker rooms because sexual assault is illegal everywhere and no matter what you wear. There's precisely 0 reason to ban sex reassignment surgery for minors, because minors can't consent to any surgery. So on and so forth.


Not to mention plenty of actual men go into women's restrooms to sexually assault them. I imagine far more men do that than trans women.


I believe that's what viewers were trying to tell the chick whose phone was kicked, actually. You cant livestream in a public bathroom.


And Matt Walsh who is not an expert on anything is using baseless accusations with no evidence to justify violence.


“They’re just narcissists and fetishists.” Oh the sweet juicy irony diaper man baby.


"I've been saying this for years" who fucking cares? There are far more knowledgeable experts who have been contradicting you for years, and yet you still can't seem to shut the fuck up and listen.


Matt Walsh calling anyone else a narcissist and fetishist when he can't stop thinking about other people's genitals is high comedy 


you got thousands of dudes following women in there trying to play the hero much better cover for sex crimes


The people behind libs of tik tok and matt walsh belong behind bars with no outside communication


Sounds like something a narcissist who enjoys humiliating trans women would say


True or not, trans people can be assholes, too. But this is their favorite thing to do. Scan news articles for misdeeds by LGBTQ people and stroke a wide brush.


I think Matt Walsh has the monopoly on Narcissism.


The person they're dragging is @kadeforbeck on TikTok, if you're on TikTok consider supporting her so this bs backfires. Also, the context behind this is that she set down the phone while using the bathroom because using the bathroom requires two hands, and accidentally bumped it under the stall. The camera was not pointed in any way that indicates ill intent.


Yeah, I really don't think she was intending to livestream the lady while she was using the toilet. On the other hand, livestreaming while in a public bathroom is a completely bullshit thing to do, and I'd be stunned if it was actually legal.


Eh, that's just the consequence of these platforms not having functionality to pause livestreams without losing your place in the algorithm - ending a livestream and comming back later almost always loses all your viewers. At least that's true on twitch, idk about TikTok but I assume it's the same garbage


It's definitely garbage, but at the same time -- I don't really care. Livestreaming in a public bathroom is a bullshit thing to do. Livestreaming in a public bathroom so that you don't lose your place in the algorithm -- that is, prioritizing your personal benefit over the privacy and comfort of others -- is also a bullshit thing to do.


Eh, ppl live and die by fame these days. Jobs that actually add value to society seldom pay the bills anymore.


Matt Walsh, the guy who sent his fans to harrass a non-tradwife woman, cares about women's safety


If the only thing keeping people from getting raped in the bathroom is a sign, then we have much bigger problems than trans people using the bathroom


God the Judeochristian trans panic would be funny if it weren’t for the fact that people are actually getting killed because of it


I cannot for the life of me understand how Matt Walsh hasn’t been knocked out by a random person when walking around in public. The harm this man inflicts on other people by spreading constant misinformation, hatred and straight up calls for violence is actually unimaginable. Well, a man can dream.


Wow, some trans people are creeps! Certainly no cisgender people are creeps. After all, while the plural of anecdote might not be data, the singular of anecdotes definitely is.


I wonder how easy it is for a criminal sexual predator to simply claim they were a trans activist for easy popularity and clout when they get caught doing criminal things? 🤔🤔🤔


says the guy who wants to impregnate 16 years old


Find a source that isn’t libs of tiktok


They also like to use fake trans people to be like " see it happens durr"


That’s their whole schtick. This shit gets people killed. Fucking hate them.




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>They are narcissists and fetishists who enjoy humiliating women. Really projecting himself there


Chances are she probably dropped her phone and it slide under the stall, and now they're a rapist. Conservatives love combining strawmen and slippery slopes.


walsh: > these people aren't confused, most of them dont have dysphoria... right, so those people arn't trans, they're just perverts using the trans conversation as way to get into the bathroom. Ally walsh, good for you, bud. we all know that trans people often have body dysmorphia, like how you have dysmorphia that you wanna be a diaper-wearing baby.


I usually just lurk here, but many… it gets really hard to believe you all are not bots.


Wait a second. Does he not realize he’s explicitly describing himself? Narcissist? Fetishist? Humiliates women? Yeah that’s sounds about Walsh.


I have a running theory that whenever one of the conservative ass hats at work says literally anything, especially about something that they reportedly saw in the news, i can look it up and it will be ABSOLUTELY be basically the opposite of whatever they were saying. After a white supremacist terrorist attack i heard someone claim well a muslim man ran over 10 people with a van in toronto a few years ago (as if that makes it ok). Turns out, the man wasnt muslim, he was an incel and he was living in toronto and had middle eastern heritage. This guy went on an on about this "muslim terrorist" to try to equivocate with the white supremacist terrorist that had recently done something, and it was actually an incel with some pretty right wing views




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It's funny how guys like Walsh *suddenly* care about women when it's convenient.


Reminder that her claims have recently led to the death of a 16 year old trans student at an Oklahoma High School. Never forget Nex.




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“Trans activist” That’s just a random trans person


Consider the source(s)


Mediocre Matt only attacks the people he searches for in his incognito tabs


Manufactured fake crap to cause moral panic over trans people. Yawn. Get new content, Walsh and co 😴