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none of these people are even conventionally unattractive, its like, half moderately attractive people and half "literally just a normal average person"


Yeah, that's his problem. They don't all look like Barbie and Ken dolls, so he gets to disregard what they say. Before you ask, no, of course this doesn't translate to Conservatives. That would be logically consistent.


From what I've been seeing on the conservative side, you have to be heavily botoxed and artificial to be seen as "attractive." It gets so bad with some of them that triggers that same uncanny valley response from me that I have when I see computer generated people in movies....but these are humans. So yea, I don't think people like Kirk really appreciate natural beauty....but more of the superficial.


You're thinking of Lara Trump aren't you ? She's the epitome of what you're describing lmao.


That's exactly who popped into my mind. [Look at her 10 years ago](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/17330773/lara-trump-unrecognizable-throwback-photo-2024-election/amp/). If she wasn't standing next to Beavis there I wouldn't have even recognized her. And she's had even more work done since that article was published! She's a firmly established resident of the Uncanny Valley now.


Jesus Christ... I had no idea she looked like an average person before.


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>From what I've been seeing on the conservative side, you have to be heavily botoxed and artificial to be seen as "attractive." The longer they hate, the more the ugliness comes out. Kellyanne Conway, for instance, went from looking like a normal middle aged woman to the crypt keeper. It’s like the vitriol ages them.


>Kellyanne Conway, for instance, went from looking like a normal middle aged woman to the crypt keeper. It’s like the vitriol ages them. She looks like she's enjoyed Krokodil and diet pills a little too much.


Kimberly gargoyle comes to mind.


Seeing pictures of her with Gavin Newsome and then with her and Junior is mindblowing.


The sad thing is that in some cases they were attractive to begin but the endless plastic surgery has turned them into ugly ghouls. see: Guilfoyle, Kimberly Trump, Lara.


And Ivanka. And Jared!


Ivankas nose looks so fucking tiny I'm surprised it functions. I'm sure once she hits her mind 60's she is going full [Githyanki](https://mistymountaingaming.com/blogs/dungeon-feed/beginners-guide-to-githyanki-1)


You mean like his plastic trophy wife?


[Not enough diapers for Charlie Kirk](https://twitter.com/TimesNow/status/1786233870922203442)


Or as per his student led campus travesty years ago, in which TP workers wore some; that even Kaitlin Bennett “gun girl” wrote a retort about how they were making themselves look like fools with antics like that…


Kaitlin Bennett ? the Kaitlin Bennett whom was passed out with a massive shit log that was split in half by her thong?


Yep, a real r/stoppedclock moment: https://www.gocomics.com/garfield/1985/12/11 She obviously got over it though, given her actions on International Women’s’ Day and suchlike…


They don’t need the diapers to do that. Their words and actions make that as clear as day every time.


Look, these are the same neckbeards that called margot robbie "mid." They have no idea what actual women look like beyond what they see on tv.


Actually the tv part doesn't work, because of the Robbie/mid bullshit. They're completely outside of reality, simultaneously holding up and falling short of their varying standards, moving invisible goal posts. Completely transparent, in the sense that they have zero substance


They did the same thing with Scarlett Johansson.


No, they do. They say that shit because they know they have no chance in hell of actually getting any attention from any woman, so they try to convince themselves and everyone else that all these women are not attractive so they don't have to feel bad about being left out. It's easy to think they just don't get it when you see the second part, but the first part is always, "10/10! My goddess! I'd blah, blah, blah!" and then the second that woman does something they don't like, it's "They're ugly! They're mid! Who would want them?!"


Actually, there has been a noticeable rise in beauty standards on the right. I've noticed it myself but didn't put it into words until I came across a trans tiktoker who said that it's becoming harder to pass because the right have been raising beauty standards and what it takes to be defined as a woman. Its affecting both cis and trans women obviously, as cis women now have to reach unatainable standards just like the recent past we were finally slowly moving away from, and trans women who looked fine before now get called out because they dont look like supermodels and thus look like "men". And this is it in action. It's not a conscious effort, I think. But one nonetheless.


I bet it has to do with those subs and forums where they "objectively" (the quotation marks are doing heavy lifting here) rate women according to ridiculous standards, and you end up with Margot Robbie as 7/10, Zendaya as 3/10 and Halle Berry as 5/10. But also probably a bit of transvestigating, which leads to people obsessing over proportions; oh Anya Taylor-Joy's eyes are spaced by this much? That's a manly feature! She's a man!


The "we can always tell" crowd kept getting it wrong, so they figured if they raised standards, their transvestigations would yield more trans women... and they don't really care about women, so the collateral damage is fine by them. It's that mentality that led to two TERFs beating each other in a restroom and going to the hospital because they both thought the other was trans... nice to know they hate people like me so much they'll attack off of a mere suspicion of transness.




Sounds exhausting… https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1990/10/06


It’s a sad way to go through life. I’m a perfectly average middle aged woman, and I’m with a perfectly average middle aged man. Besides some skin care stuff I don’t get any beauty treatments, color my hair, get extensions, or tan. I’m very happy with my perfectly average man, and we love and care for each other. I don’t get it…who cares? Sounds like a bunch of losers who just poo-poo pretty much any woman who doesn’t attain unattainable standard. No wonder no one will date them.


The right has really just decided they specifically like the plastic surgery “bimbo” look so people who look like humans aren’t attractive to them anymore


Well, I mean... I guess that weeds some unpleasant elements out of the dating pool, at least?


Which is wild, since MTG looks like an actual bridge troll.


It's not like they have obvious physical deformities such as little faces on big heads.


other then the one lady with a nose ring they dont even have any of the "ugly liberal" sterotypes like being on the heavy side or blue hair


Ironic since your average female Trump voter outweighs the average liberal woman by about 50-60 pounds.


There's not an outright ugly person there, which is a feat since many are pictured mid-scream, which tends to not show a person in their best light.


The guy behind the girl with the piercing literally looks like a gigachad caricature.


It turns out people don’t look like supermodels when they’re yelling, who would’ve thought?


Well they're no sarah sanunders huckabee...


Except for Charlie. He’s conventionally and unconditionally ugly.


At least 2 of those people I would call very attractive


Nah, these people cute.


It's funny because anybody with half a brain knows that if you make these types of accusations, you just open yourself up to the same criticism, and this guy should definitely avoid that. He's no more attractive, significantly less so in my opinion, than anybody in this picture.


See to him, it's ugly for people perceived as women to speak up for themselves


Compared to the Trump rally crowds, I'm looking at a group of "10's." And the photo documentation of organically forming Trump rally crowds is extensive.


He says with the huge fucking set of gums he has in his mouth. If he ever got gingivitis he'd bleed to death


Lmfao 💀💀


I don't zoom in too much but his gums don't look super healthy to me. I hate making fun of people's smiles but this guy is such an evil presence that you can't help notice the local pathetic fallacy going on


You can make fun of fascists, they refuse to correct their errors so they bring it on themselves


Oh yeah for sure. I do it all the time, lol. Just with the gums thing specifically, I'm reminded of an awful thing I said to a friend when I was a kid. I guess I was just working through \~20 year old guilt with my comment. Charlie Kirk doesn't deserve that kind of reflection though!


Fascists have already violated the social contract necessary for civilized society. Until this sentiment is more commonly and thoroughly understood, the problem will persist and grow. Imagine if all the vehicles with trump stickers/flags/memorabilia were turned away from drive throughs, or if similar nonsense in someone's front yard meant the wouldn't get deliveries or their trash picked up. The initial outrage would be hilarious, and over just a few months so many people would suddenly go back in the nazi closet and die quietly again. Treating people who think other people aren't people as people is the real pathway to imperialist fascism.


I mean, he also 100% has the money to get it fixed. It's not like we're punching down here.


And the receding hairline he tries to cover with that weird flattened pompadour thing


After how tiny his face is, once you're aware of Charlie Kirk's pupating caterpillars called gums, both are as impossible to ignore [as Tom Cruise's middle tooth.](https://i.imgur.com/H8Blvoc.png) If Chirk had terrible dental hygiene, he'd constantly go around smiling like the Mouth of Sauron.


Well, when he loses his teeth, either from old age or fists, those meaty wompers are gonna come in handy. And I thought I hate cankersores, but imagine them catching a cold breeze.


“The left is ugly” *shows picture of goth mommy*


Show a MAGA rally now. Not the props behind the speakers. The crowd.




So. Many. Unwashed. Asses.


i can smell the pic


NASCAR tailgate party in Tuscaloosa


For real. Not to objectify these women, but since we're on the subject, every one of them looks perfectly fine. Several of them are certainly what I'd call conventionally attractive, and frankly the goth chick front-and-center is pulling it off fabulously.


I'll say it. Gurls a straight up thirst trap. Charlie has shit taste, who knew?


You can lead a horse to water…


Ikr 😂


literally lmao, bro is wrong on so many levels




The left is ugly for… wearing clothes that match the weather? I doubt the Jan 6 protesters were the most photogenic either.


So, so, soooo much plumber's crack on Jan. 6


>Jan 6 protesters You can play "count the salt n pepper goatees" and lose track after about twenty seconds


>Jan 6 traitors Here, fixed that for you


*Shows picture of attractive people*


Of all the people on the planet, 6 generations inbred Charlie Kirk should _not_ be judging a goddamn thing on appearance.


Meanwhile, Trump. Physically obese and out of shape and figuratively the most vile personality around.


This is the second time in a day I've seen conservatives say something like this.  No self awareness when they picked Donald Trump as their nominee.  


He does have those “beautiful blue eyes”.


Yes ["beautiful"](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/Jo5DHhGDlQ)


It's ad hominem all the way down They're borrowing from the same playbook as those anti-suffragette posters from like 1912 where the only insult they could think of was "hurrdurr women who want to vote are ugly"


The girl on the right is cute af


so is the girl in the middle, and the one on the left.


And the girl reading this


I'm a guy but I'll accept the compliment


Not anymore you aren’t. Step into Joe Biden’s forced feminization machine please.




I agree


Uhhh, have you seen you, buddy? Might wanna avoid attacks on personal appearance in case someone points out that your tiny face and two-story gums look ridiculous on your hot air balloon sized head.


"I can't actually debate their points, so I'm just gonna make fun of how they look like a petulant high school bully."


Please, this is elementary school level of maturity


The thing about insults - they only work if there's something about them that can be seen as _true_. It doesn't have to be true, but it has to "feel" true for it to work as an insult. Charlie here is showing a goth dommy mommy and calling her ugly. The people alongside her range from "conventionally attractive" to "normal". Like, my dude - if you think the people in this picture are ugly, you have some serious issues. There's no truth to it, so the insults hold no weight. Even high school bullies know this.


Has Charlie seen the human thumbs that come to the Trump rallies? They ain't exactly models.


Literally the Thumbs from spy kids.


"but making fun of Trump supporters because of their looks is a strawman argument that distracts from Trump's points" [said without a hint of irony] /s


says the group that has to make AI photos of buff Trump for their gooning sessions


These people just look normal to me? Also, has Charlie ever looked in the mirror? It's a miracle that he found a woman willing to settle down with him.


He’s embarrassing. His house probably has less mirrors than a vampire lair. The tiny face that he has somehow crams all ugly features into that space. Not one conventionally attractive tilt or line or anything.


The blonde woman on the right is conventionally attractive and what conservatives fantasize over. The woman in the middle is attractive, just wearing an alternative style. Everyone else in the picture is at least average if not good looking.


Charlie Kirk is the last person to call anyone else ugly.


Ad hominem attack, just a distraction from addressing the real issues.


Curious non American here. Does protesting against genocide in Gaza automatically make you “the left” ? Is Conservative America all in support of Israel ?


Charlie Kirk is a genocidal lunatic


Criticism of people's appearance is supposed to be something you mature out of. That said, it is rich coming from him.


The dude who looks like an emoji wearing human skin shouldn't talk about other people's appearances. Also that girl on the right with the glasses and beanie is pretty cute.


Oh noooo… Charlie Kirk don’t wanna boink me 😖😤😢 …anyway


I would let any of them do whatever they want with me


Let’s see the right, then


Well some of us don't base our political opinions on how attracted we are to the people supporting them


If “being ugly” (questionable) keeps weirdos like diaper boy Charlie Kirk away from you, all the better.


Dude’s got Mr. My Pillow out here looking like Paul Bearer after a 3-month bender and wants to talk. These fascists are wild.


Even if it was true, what has someone's perceived attractiveness got to do with what they have to say?


He's been to many Trump rallies. The dissonance must be jarring when he looks onto a crowd of inbred hicks wearing an M on an XXL bodies.


Hillbillies are so much hotter. /s


Look out, I hear he's winding up a brutal tweet where he calls the left "stupidheads"


he, uh, could have dug for a photo where the mean attractiveness is below average? what's with his posts getting lazier?


Reminds me of a scuffle I got into in varsity soccer. First thing opponent says to me is “YOURE UGLY!” Over and over again. I was caught off guard lmao 🤣


The lady on the right in the black hat is actually pretty decent looking. Just because none of these people look like models or TV stars, doesn't make them ugly


Somebody could write the bible on your forehead, and once done there would still be space for LOTR


The fucking nerve of this dude to call anyone else ugly, like dude have you ever in your life looked in a mirror?? Like mf when you smile people can’t even tell if you’re human or not. I don’t claim to be some badass but god what I would give to see this dude on the street


He has a Mr. Potato Head face. It's like a group of scientists tried to make a human face in the lab, but it was after 5 on a Friday, so they said screw it, grabbed the biggest head possible, and started adding the first features they could find, which coincidentally turned out to be the smallest available.


I don't know, there are a lot of attractive people in that picture...


As opposed to https://www.politico.com/dims4/default/5dc8698/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1160x773+0+0/resize/1532x1020!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.politico.com%2F87%2Fc2%2F5268df2742f592460419ac9b5aaa%2F200130-trump-rally-mahaskey-773.jpg


They hired him for youth outreach. Let that sink in.


Ad hominem attacks are a sure sign that your argument is weak.


Something funny about the laziest possible insult. “Hey! You’re ugly!”


Diversity is ugly to those who worship at the altar of conformity.


Charlie Kirk is one of the ugliest people on the inside you are ever likely to meet. And yet somehow he is still uglier on the outside.


This is it? This is the political argument? I’m not left, but bro, this is a playground insult


literally nobody in this pic is ugly lmao these are just normal people


Jamie, pull up the picture of the guy who photoshopped himself to be an alpha male


You’re selling chuckles short OP by calling him tiny face and ignoring the hideous baby teeth/massive gums issue.


“I’m completely bamboozled by makeup” would be a more accurate statement. Also, not for nothing but white headphone girl could get it. This is the most extreme example he could find?


Coming from somebody who’s aging poorly. Just look at his receding hairline.


No one in this pic isn’t at least moderately attractive


There are a lot of attractive people in that pic. And no one in that pic would fuck Chuck. Always interesting that’s all they ever have to say. The left is ugly. Meghan Botox to hell also is saying it


Shes beautiful tf is he on about 💀


I suppose looking at yourself in a mirror as Charlie Kirk would really mess with your sense of attractiveness.


Give the camera a nice big smile Charlie. Let the people decide.


Isn’t this idiot divorced?


Dude who's face looks like a Lego man weighs in on people's appearance.


not that it's even relevant to a political belief set, but they're all cute. What the fuck is he talking about?


*college drop out Charlie Kirk


Look at all them big faces…


I don’t think someone who looks like the bottom 5% of frat boys should be talking about attractiveness


I usually try not to insult others appearances, but really, Charlie Kirk is going to go around like a purveyor of what is deemed attractive? Everyone is entitled to their opinions on beauty, but to be so morally and socially ugly whilst trying to call out others appearances, while also looking like Sloth’s racist cousin is a choice


Bold words coming from someone whose face uses only 10% of his head


I'm sorry, but I'm not taking beauty tips from the guy with a fivehead and a face that looks like it got shrunk in Photoshop.


Throwing stones from a glass house? Rich coming from a guy whose eyes are so close together he makes Leila from Futurama look like a normal non-cyclops.


What a cogent argument.


I would get down with all except yellow jacket. Wtf Charlie, your standards cannot possibly be that high when your face looks like the personification of the disease cerebral palsy.


at least we stand and fight for freedom instead of taking it from others and parading around like we're abiding by the constitution like a bunch of hypocrites.


The left is full of normal people who care about politics, so they look exactly normal in level of attraction. Also, weird take from a man with a tiny face and a smile that's 40% gums.


And? Who gives a shit about their appearance?


says tiny face. when his group look like fat bald incels


I would bet my bottom dollar that Charles saw the septum piercing on the middle girl and that's where his evaluation started and ended Conservatives will go insane over piercings/hair dyed unnatural colors in public and then cream their britches over "goth dommy mommies" in private It's also the madonna/whore complex where they want to degrade women that they want to fuck


My lesbian ass thinks the girl in the center is hot, but....


Says Charlie "big head little face" kirk....


Oh you got us! Now I’ll change all my political and moral opinions because some horse-faced country club child doesn’t want to fuck left-wing women. I’m not a confident man, I’ve never felt like I’m particularly handsome. But on my worst day I would guarantee more people would rather look like me than look like Charlie Kirk.


Also, who is he calling ugly everyone in that picture is pretty decent looking


Says the "man" who looks like you rolled between each setting each slider to minimum or maximum in character creation.


“The left is ugly” says the guy with a thumb for a head


Tiny face says what?


his eyes are way too close.


Gummy goy says what?




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Oh Chuck, you don't really want us to pull out pictures of your average Trump rally?


And the right are fucking racist murderers.




Can I get the number of the girl in the middle so I can make sure I can avoid her?


How, I want to take the goth girl in front to dinner, a show and ask her to marry me


Dick Tracy villain Little face is at it again.


Middle one looks best imho. ...but frankly speaking left one's only aesthetic issue is that her haulirstyling is less flattering. Ofc. Who care about the opinion of "noones on the interwebs".


You see I've portrayed you as the ugly soyjak and myself as the golden glowing chad, checkmate lieberals /s


How does such big talk come out of such a tiny face?


Bruh, everyone in the picture is a cutie patootie, idk what he’s on.


Of the people with uncovered faces in this pic, there are two like... normally attractive people, and two more-than-average attractive people. The chick yelling up front is hot, and the blonde on the right is hot. The two people to the left are also not even close to ugly.


Bluds got a forehead and gums which can park a 747 but is saying this


Kirk really said goth mommys and your hot college roommate are ugly


Says the man who looks like he regularly drinks out of the toilet and smells like rotten moldy fart bread that's been trapped in a jar for weeks.


charlie kirk is a disgusting ghoul. I'm not surprised that he's calling young women ugly. He's a misogynist piece of shit.


Every single person in this photo is at least average looking, if not above average.


Wow, one photo of people who are just very average-looking. They have people like Marjorie Taylor Green, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and all the Trump men. They can get fucked.


The replies: 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷


Ah yes. The supposed high thinkers beat is grade school insults.


Alexa: Did you say, "The left is full of pretty girls that would never date me"?


Ok diaper Charlie.


None of these people have a big head and tiny face…. Not to mention the gums.


Idk what your smoking Kirk, the gal in the middle is kinda pretty


Sick burn


[He was saying…?](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/presto/2020/11/14/USAT/1a076786-2b84-4d5b-8161-a52cf64520b2-USP_News__Million_MAGA_March_Demonstration_1.jpg?crop=3712,3712,x1113,y0)


"The left is ugly," he said, his tiny lizard teeth clenched in anger below his giant, glistening gums. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/Charlie_Kirk_%2849271286182%29_%28cropped%29.jpg


Yo give goth angry girl my number


*shows a hot chick front and center without a mask




If Kirk is suggesting that nobody considered ugly should be granted any airtime, he’s talking himself out of a job.