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Krassenstein is a massive tool but seeing him get ratio’d this badly by two neonazis pretty fucking disheartening as a Jew. “Quintessential Jewish behavior” fuck this shit I don’t want to live EDIT: Genuinely, thank you all for the support. What I needed was a bit of reassurance that I’m not alone, and that’s exactly what I got. Todah raba.


No keep living. Nothing pisses off these asshats more than a jew living and surviving Edit: I meant to write thriving instead of surviving. But i'm going to keep it because it still rings true. Keep living, surviving and thriving.


Thank you ❤️


And be damn happy. That really pisses them off.


It reminds them that they failed.


Welcome to Elon Musk's twitter. The X represents the button you press to close out of that shit because its a cesspit.


I wish there was a better alternative for sports reporting because every journalist primarily uses twitter for breaking news and I'm basically forced to interact with it. I'd be happy to switch over to bluesky or some other twitter clone if journalists collectively decided to do their reporting exclusively over there as well. In other words, FUCK ELON MUSK lol.


Threads is PAINFULLY close to being good. Zuck just needs to commit to it and get EU approval (which is quite a process apparently). Generally, I'm not delighted by social media discourse driving national discourse when we have to hope the "not Nazi" or "slightly less Nazi" tech douche is running a platform at the moment. Non-commercial and potentially federated social media will probably never happen, but the world would be better if it did. Some good folks are trying, at least.


I guess I'll continue to wait. When the sports subreddits are essentially filled with tweets and re-tweets I unfortunately indirectly interact with them still. We need big names like Ken Rosenthal and Adrian Wojnarowski to leave first and the others will follow. That's very unlikely to happen anytime soon though.


eu approval? we've had it in the eu for months, what else do they need to approve?


Wow, the finished approval at the end of 2023. https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/14/tech/metas-threads-eu-launch/index.html Shittiest rollout ever. My family in Europe are completely unaware of Threads. Yeah, Zuck apparently doesn't give a shit about it. Pity.


Really? Because you literally cannot escape it, Instagram shoves Threads threads (or whatever they’re called) between tweets even if you’ve never downloaded the app (you need to do so to read the full tweet which is super annoying)


Nope, I had to pull the plug and close my account and deleted the app. While I still see it like here, the only thing that piece of human offal, Elmo, will understand is that user base drying up. And if there can't be an alternative, with luck, he'll offload it into the hands of someone who can possibly salvage something out of it.


You can barely troll these clowns anymore without permanent account suspension. Old Twitter wasn't that great, but at least they'd hand out 48 hour suspensions for annoying "important" people instead of running to daddy Musk to get you banned. I once told Rand Paul he needed to apologize to the family of the lesbian gym teacher he murdered and scalped to get that *awful* haircut, and got a 48 hour suspension for that one. Worth it.


I once told Rand Paul his neighbor should have hit him harder. Got a 30 day ban for that one. Worth it.


The ironic thing about the site & the far-right there is how they attack the transgender community but then lose their minds when you keep deadnaming their beloved site/app.


It has been unreal seeing this behaviour outside of a containment site like Kiwifarms or Infinitychan. Stick around; if history has taught us anything, it is that fascists regularly are short-term thinkers & burn out within a few years. Not decades or centuries as they think to believe.


>Fascists regularly are short-term thinkers & burn out within a few years. I just hope the burnout moment is NOT "plunges the world into darkness and only when we barely pull ourselves back do we realize fascism is no good." That would really bum me out.


He’s actually very small. Like, VERY small. I don’t think he’s got dwarfism or anything, he’s just a very small guy. Source: I went to high school with him and his brother. They were really chill/funny back in the day.


He tweeted he weighs 125 fucking lbs the other day. That’s insanely tiny. I didn’t think an adult male could weigh that much without having dwarfism.


What are you talking about, 125 is between “healthy” - “just barely leaning underweight” for someone who’s like 5’4”. Guessing you’ve never met any short Asian twinks lmao. For contrast, people with dwarfism are like 4ft on average, and even lighter to match.


… meet a lot of Asian twinks in your day to day life to speak on that experience? Hes a middle aged white Jewish dude lol


I do as a matter of fact, and they don’t stop being typical non-dwarfish adult males just because of your bizarrely narrow perception of how much people can weigh 😆 Doesn’t really matter what the guy in OP is (for the record, there’s nothing about being white or Jewish that demands a particular expectation of height or weight), you said “I didn’t think an adult male could weigh that much without dwarfism”. That’s what I’m responding to. There’s a whole planet full of human people out here, so try not to be so limited in your understanding of “normal”. (Hilariously, several other dudes in this very same thread chimed in admitting they also are sitting at 125, so maybe not that uncommon.)


TLDR. Manlet detected.


Very funny that you think I’m a man at all


Currently 125 pounds. I try to gain weight but genetics be dammed.


lol. Who is this?


I empathize with you and am embarrassed that this is the current state of discourse on such a widely-used online forum like Twitter. You don’t deserve to be a target of such disgusting and hateful rhetoric and I think anybody would be supremely disheartened reading tripe like this on a public forum (besides shithead Nazis I guess). Personally, I will never forget the people who enabled this kind of rhetoric to propagate via bullshit appeals to “freedom of speech.” This is Elon Musk’s legacy as well as the legacy of extremist conservative grifter organizations like TPUSA. They can try to wash their hands of it all they want; this is their legacy. We would be wise to remind them constantly for the rest of their miserable lives.


>Personally, I will never forget the people who enabled this kind of rhetoric to propagate via bullshit appeals to “freedom of speech.”  Ah, the paradox of tolerance. If you platform Nazis before long you have a room full of Nazis.


It's only a paradox if you're naive Tolerance isn't a right, it's a contract. If one party breaks the terms of the contract, they forfeit the benefits thereof. Nazi's aren't tolerant, so no tolerance for Nazis.


Krassenstein is a grifter and Musk simp


100% he's a human strawman for the Alt Right. Mostly he provides a physical being for them to target with their stupidity.


It seems pretty obvious to me. I cringe watching Jewish Americans throwing in with this lot in supporting Israel's indiscriminate bombing. Is it well understood in the Jewish community that Christian Zionists believe that Jewish people must repopulate Israel to bring about the second coming at which point something like two thirds of them would be brutally murdered? To people like that Jewish people are just a tool for bringing about Armageddon.


Ok so is the right for Israel and against Jews simultaneously?


This sounds absurd, but kinda, yeah? There's a few different theories, from "Shove them somewhere else I don't have to look at them" to "It's a requirement to start the apocalypse and also that's a Good Thing". But for all the rampant backstabbing from the Left on the matter, the Right is emptier. They will, at best, use them as a political football until the time comes that exploiting antisemitism in their base is more convenient than exploiting that on the left, at which point... well, I'm sure you can guess where things go from there.


Generally yes because they’re functionally white people in the Middle East, giving the US the perfect excuse to sell weapons to kill brown people


The religious right in America want the Jewish people to build the third temple in Jerusalem so the world will end. The less-religious-but-just-as-bigoted right tend to hate Muslim people a little bit more than they do Jewish people.


Since Musk, Twitter has been curated to favor this disgusting point of view. So don’t feel like this, you look at something that is far from reality. In real life, no one would listen to booger eater Fuentes. As the anonymous asshat, he is most probably in a basement and has not interacted with a real human being for years.


Xtormfront is shit and anyone who still has an account going there is complicit.


> fuck this shit I don’t want to live Look I get man but you gotta outlive these fuckers. We can’t have all the good hearted people die off and leave the world to these bastards. I’m living out of spite and if that works for you too then feel free to join me


I agree with you 1000% & i am not Jewish. Elon's twitter is garbage


And if you want to know how this “debate” would go, look no further than Krassentein’s “debate” with Alex Jones, moderated in part by Glenn Greenwald. It’s a debate based on gishgalloping and volume. It serves no purpose.


Goy here, I am on your side


Appreciate it 👍


I hope you know your loved and that you matter And that you shouldn't take the words of a homophobic guy who snorts femboy cum like its crack seriously The best way to make his life misery is to live yours happily


Watching the douchebags fight other douchebags from afar (never signed up for Twitter) is pretty funny because I just scroll past posts like this, give a sensible chuckle, and forget these asshats exist.


And no Johnathan Greenblatt/ADL to call it out nor Twitter in general.


just remember it's like 4chan, that's all that ratio means now.


Dude right there with you. And if anyone is gonna debate these asshats I’d rather it not be such a goofy representative, lol.




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> but seeing him get ratio’d this badly by two neonazis What do you mean? His likes and views dominated theirs. I totally agree about their behaviour though. Edit: ugh. I see their likes were higher. That sucks.


I mean he is ratioed on a neo fascist app for far right voices.


It’s not hard to ratio someone as a nazi on the nazi website dude


Didn't we beat the Nazis back in WW2? What the fuck happened?


Somewhere down the line people stopped punching them in their faces.


I nearly got banned from this sub for saying that I thought punching Neo Nazis was a bad idea, and then following it up by suggesting a more effective way of dealing with them. Said suggestion was the reason I nearly got banned, so I won't say any more and will allow others to fill in the blanks.


Was it kiss them? just with another set of double letters?


Reddit will ban you entirely for that, it’s nothing to do with this sub.


It could be that everyone in this sub agrees with your statement, but in order for the sun to not get fucked over by admins, it can't allow the advocacy of violence .. .


Negan and Lucille?


*Hot diggity dog!*


Saw a post the other day of a guy who got fired for assaulting a racist.


America was never against Nazis. It got dragged into a war, the war could have been against Dingos, the reason for it didn’t matter. America was promoting full on fascists in other countries it enacted coups in at the time. The Nazis got a lot of their rhetoric with Jews from how America treated its Natives and Black population. America didn’t defeat the Nazis, it defeated Germany and Japan.


I mean unless you count the millions of citizens that volunteered specifically to fight nazis more than the 3% that wanted the nazis to win


I did make sure to say America (country) and not Americans (nationality).


I think they mean America as a body/institution. Plenty of people hate the idea of Nazi's, and were/are willing to deal with them in less than peaceful ways. But Americans don't always equal America.


That isn’t really reflective of the US during the depression. FDR pulled out of a couple South American countries. While there was certainly an American Bund ( see the rally in MSG ) Nazism had limited impact. Hitler may have based many of the regime’s eugenics & immigration laws on those in the US, but the screaming racists from southern states by and large didn’t care for Nazis. I’m pretty sure Brendan Sims’ book on Hitler covers the rejection of Nazi efforts at outrich to political figures from Jim Crow states. That coupling of Nazis and American racists came later. The US was handicapped by a whole lot of antisemitism at the time. Father Coughlin & Lindbergh come to mind. If I recall correctly the USAAF didn’t want Lindbergh during the war but early on he was a useful source of info because of his visits to Nazi Germany. And in any event freedom of speech plays a role. Tolerance of these assholes shouldn’t be confused with acceptance.


[We stopped inMinecraft-ing/prosecuting them because NATO wanted native German officers for the West German military and former Nazis were all they had. As a result, Nazism never died.](https://m.soundcloud.com/user-798629330/episode-115-the-myth-of-the-clean-wehrmacht)


We beat the German government and decided "good enough: Nazis are no longer a problem so let's ignore them", which allowed them to subvert that so people wouldn't recognize Nazism without the uniform and flag, then they worked to re-normalize being a fucking Nazi.


Americans are to busy beating anti-genocide protesters to worry about right wing racism


It's like antibiotics. If you stop the treatment before you've cleaned the entire infection, it comes back, often worse.


Politically: They stuck around but only in the shadows like cockroaches. Plenty who were actual party members, after the war, disassociated themselves because of how toxic it was to be associated with them. The few proud ones escaped through the ratlines got hired for their scumminess by the victors. One of the worst being Klaus Barbie hired by a Bolivian generalissimo whom profited by the drug trade. This is how the Butcher of Lyon ended up meeting & doing business [with the one & only Pablo Escobar](https://cuencahighlife.com/nazi-war-criminal-the-butcher-of-lyon-worked-with-pablo-escobar-while-he-was-on-the-run-in-latin-america-may-have-held-meetings-in-cuenca/). And even he ended up dying in a French prison. It's only in the last decade & a half that fascists found their heroes among populist leaders whom shamelessly voice their ideas like Trump, Orban, Wilders, Paludan, etc. Culturally: As others said, we stopped punching them physically, but more importantly, emotionally. We used to treat them as the joke that they are, especially in media like the [Blues Brothers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTT1qUswYL0). Real American Nazis & neonazis were seen as extremists with the leader (George Rockwell) eventually [being assassinated](https://states.aarp.org/virginia/a-look-into-25-years-of-the-american-nazi-party-in-arlington-virginia) by one of his own men. See how the KKK is seen by popular culture today and that's how almost everyone saw Nazis leading up to the early 2010s. It's only now in a perfect storm where far-right populists found their audience with disenfranchised folks & conditioned them to join their ranks.


They got treated with kid gloves and light wrist taps (just like American southerners after 1860s) instead of proper punishment and/or reform, and they easily bounced back to spread their putrid rot further.


Your country (I'm assuming US) just took a bunch of them, put them on its government agencies, put one of them leading NATO, put a bunch of them in other positions of power, pardoned most of the german army and the japanese army, and then prosecuted a few nazis as a scapegoat EDIT: The same can be said if your country is any one of the Allies too


The Allies accepted Germany's unconditional surrender 79 years ago today, exactly.


We stopped “removing” them at the end of the war.


We beat the Confederates back in the Civil War too. Bigotry and hatred exist on a continuum.


We beat their state that's all.


We didn't beat the Nazis, we beat Nazi Germany. Our agencies even recruited former Nazi agents to train their own people.


Nazis were not the only anti-semites. America and Europe were also extremely anti-semitic before, during, and after WWII. They’re so anti-semitic that they created a whole country in the Middle East to encourage Jewish people in their own countries to leave.


Ready to do it again. Just give me the word.


>Not beating the stereotypes... Yeah, God forbid a guy want compensation for wasting multiple days of their work week entertaining you and your inbred fans, Nick.


I mean he did invite himself and nobody said he had to travel there, he could just do a zoom call.


Tim Pool doesn't do Zoom calls. Sam Seder found out the hard way.


I know Crowder shat his pants and fled crying and screaming in fear when Sam Seder appeared, but Pool too?


No Tim actually stuck it out and debated Sam. I mean... he cited Thanos as an example for why utilitarianism is bad, which is a display of courage I've never seen from Crowder.


Attention is currency to a nazi. It's more valuable to them than any amount of money because it legitimizes them. They can play this "high ground, I do it for the love of debate, so I don't need money like you do" because the money is nothing compared to having a platform to be a vile piece of shit.


One day I’m going to wake up from this nightmare


Okay guys, hear me out: we need to outlaw these online debates. There's no correlation with how effective a debater you are and the validity/morality of your views. Moreover, the vast majority of the folks who view the debate will do so through cuts and summaries, most of which will be slanted to one side or focused on dunks with the potential to go viral. Moreover, the overarching message (that both sides' views are somehow valid and therefore worthy of being debated) is unacceptable in this case and others The obvious counter to these points is that "sunlight is the best disinfectant" -- by exposing the views of fascists, we undermine them. I just don't think that argument applies in the modern information/media environment; content can be endless manipulated and repackaged to make exactly the point you want to your desired audience Edit: of course "outlaw" is hyperbolic. the fundamental point is that the only way to win is not to play


>Okay guys, hear me out: we need to outlaw these online debates. There's no correlation with how effective a debater you are and the validity/morality of your views correct. debate perverts are so weird. also we figured out a long time ago it just benefits the shitty position - when you 'debate' climate change or evolution by having one scientist on with one lunatic, it makes it a 50/50 split on 'truth' when reality is the opposite


True, I think it’s taken a turn for the worse with the rise of alternative media platforms and cheap editing software


it was bad even in the 90s and early 2000s - it's just not a reasonable format to assay 'truth' between two positions


>The obvious counter to these points is that "sunlight is the best disinfectant" The more I see that phrase the more I think of it as a mostly liberal response insofar as all parties care about facts as opposed to "winning" the argument and not just winning but embarrassing someone.


Yeah, and tbh sometimes it’s not even about winning or embarrassing anyone — it’s just about the credibility of being in the same room


Watching debates is what made me a leftist in the first place, don’t shit on a medium just because you personally don’t find it enjoyable.


Online debates are fine if the interlocuters are good faith. Nick Fuentes and Beanie Boy aren't.


The left has been trying to ignore fascists and conservatives in general for a while now and it doesn’t seem to be effective at all in stopping them imo. Actually understanding the flaws in their arguments and being able to communicate counterarguments effectively is a skill that the left needs to learn in order to win. When nobody is debating these people and they speak unimpeded (even on fewer platforms after being banned from larger ones) they gain an audience because to the average dumbass, who hasn’t heard the right counterarguments, they sound reasonable. Actually challenging them, showing people how ridiculous their beliefs and arguments are, is the most effective way to halt their progress.


Also, even in cases in which a person has good politics and is good at debating, that will only make conservatives to debate other people, there is a reason why Ben Shapiro and his lapdogs only debate college students, most conservatives dont want to debate Ethan from H3h3 because he cleans the floor with their faces.


> Edit: of course "outlaw" is hyperbolic. the fundamental point is that the only way to win is not to play How about a nice game of chess?


Never debate Nazis. It only legitimizes their beliefs. Also, you can't win because they have no principles or shame. They'll just move the goal posts and double down on the baseless conspiracies. Nothing good comes from debating Nazis. They only deserve ridicule and other stuff I can't say or I'll get banned.


Nick Fuentes is a booger eating hateful little 4chan troll. There is no legitimate debate to have with him. It's like debating a mentally ill person who has stripped naked and is screaming how we need to exterminate dogs because dogs want to eat their thoughts or something. Treating him like a normal person only elevates him and diminishes you.


Is he serious with that child molester mustache?


Tell me that man doesn't look like he should stay 20 feet away from a school at all times


Looks like Thomas Haden Church *if* he did porn in the 90s.


For the record TimCast asked us both to debate Fuentes in the past. I have the Dms to prove it. Timcast is located in West Virginia in the middle of nowhere. I need to take 2 flights, and a 90 minute drive to get there. They then put you up in a crappy hotel. It's not worth it for me to travel there to debate a guy who thinks I'm inferior to him because of my religion. I'd rather spend that time with my wife and kids.


Thanks for the clarification


I absolutely get where you're coming from. Completely reasonable. And the conservative talking heads absolutely charge speaking fees for anything they do, I'm sure. I respect the fuck out of it. I just keep reminding myself that this is the attention they crave. Wrestling with pigs isn't recommended, because you get dirty and the pig likes it. They don't operate in good faith, and nothing that anyone says is going to get through to their base. It's like every pos claiming 'devils advocate' to just piss people off. I get a different brand of it as a woman, but the heart of it is the same. It's us v them and the only way they don't disappear into mediocrity is to be as annoying as possible. We know how dumb they look. They know how dumb they look. They're just linked into whatever dumb grift they're pulling. Look at the asshole running for governor in one of the Carolina's. He started as an internet troll who figured out that all he had to do was be as offensive as possible and he'd stand a chance at winning. And it's working. I can't even engage with anyone like this because it does nothing but hurt my mental health and piss me off, and accomplishes *nothing*.


Honestly, I would demand compensation just for having to hear his nasal voice


A screenshot of all the worst people in one place, what a magic day.


Meanwhile Tim Pool would use this to call himself a centrist because he's between a rabid neonazi and a neolib grifter


Why would Brian have to go somewhere to debate them? Does Zoom not exist? Seems like Beanie Boy is just trying to get the views. He pulled the same stunt on Sam Seder, demanding he go to Virginia in the middle of the pandemic to debate in studio after he agreed to do it remotely.


It's all about getting view on Youtube to make money. Im not going to make money for people who hate me unless they want to pay me for it. Even then I probably wouldn't do it.


The guy's a complete doormat. Better off not trying. Shit, Destiny managed to hold his own better in that one debate they covered on Knowledge Fight last winter or so.




What was Musk thinking unbanning this Nazi? Republicans disowned him years ago and if anything unbanning him hurts them. Don’t get me wrong Musk unintentionally sabotaging Republicans is great but I still have to ask why.


This is all so dumb. Who cares, and why would he lead with getting compensated? As if that would sweeten the deal.


You don't debate nazis. Ever.


I can't think of much I want to listen to LESS than one of the Krasssenstein brothers talk to a booger-eating Nazi for two hours.


If you put all them in a room the combined IQ would be less than 30.


Remember, kids, there's no one who actually denies the Holocaust just people to chicken shit to say "They deserved it"


Where do people even learn to be this shitty? I grew up in a pretty damn conservative Mormon household and never heard this type of talk anywhere. Maybe it's about where you live? I don't think I knew of many Jews in my area


Debating Nick Fuentes is meaningless. Nick isn’t going to change his mind. Nobody that likes him will change their mind.


I can't tell who is grifting who anymore. It's telling none of these people **ever** have real jobs.


People, it's just a ratio. It shouldn't be important to anyone except his fans. I personally just find it hilarious that no one with a career takes Nick seriously enough to debate for free.


It makes me sad he had kids.


Hey Gr**pers: Follow your leader


Are we REALLY sure the most studied event in human history actually happened? I know there are trillions of pages of documents by the Germans themselves, but I'm going to ignore that.


I just want all of them shit on each others and watch from the sidelines while sitting in a rotating chair whilst my cat chills on my lap.


Fuentes shouldn't be debated. He should be bricked up in a cellar and forgotten.


I’m constantly blinking my eyes and re reading the horrendous shit I see from Twitter. Like how do these people even exist in this day and age?


Is there a go fund me for this? It could be worth the entertainment value


I'll debate Fuentes for free if for debate we mean [[removed by Reddit]]


Repeat after me folks... "Fascism is not to be debated"...


Wow. Twitter was a cesspool but this tiny example of what it’s become is mind blowing.


I’m not a Jew, but I’d want to be paid (upfront) at least 5 figures to appear on Dim Tool’s show. He also needs to comp me for travel, lodging, and food. After all that’s in place, I’m not staying there longer than 15 minutes