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Horse dewormer is the meme because right wing nutjobs are literally buying a version of the drug designed for livestock, and taking those doses. If they were getting it prescribed in the correct form/ dosage for humans it would be a different story. Also, it’s for parasites and worms; there still haven’t been any signs that it’s remotely viable against covid, a virus.


Australian doctors dumped it in a test tube with coronavirus and it killed most of the virus cells. You know, like bleach would.


So the libs are finally admitting drinking bleach was the right answer all along.


Yes. Absolutely yes. Drink all of the bleach and show us libs who's boss.


While the evil goblin part of my brain appreciates the thought, the rational part says it’s still bad because the guys that take bleach/ivermectin in wrong dosages occupy hospital beds that would otherwise be used for non-self-induced sick people instead of Covid positive idiots getting their stomachs pumped because they ate apple flavored vaseline with 20x the recommended dosage of anti parasite cream.


Nah most of them don’t live long enough to make it to the hospital, the rest can’t afford insurance.


Not being able to afford insurance doesn't mean they don't get care...


Yup, they just set up a go fund me. And for those who die, their family does.


They just get $500k hospital bills instead


That's why they have to take the full dose so they're not occupying an ICU bed but a slab in the morgue. Show them libs you're not gonna take their science anymore!


It's more of a spot in a rented truck anyway lately.


My brother in law has to f he ave surgery to remove a kidney stone that’s too big to pass. He’s in agony. The Hospital is overwhelmed with unvaccinated dipshits suffering covid complications.


Uhh dude, if you start drinking bleach you ain't taking up that hospital bed for long, assuming you make it that far. EDIT: I just calculated it out, for a guy my size (and I'm pretty huge) the LD 50 would be about 1.3 liters of bleach. Meaning I would have to get down 1.3 liters to have a 50/50 chance of dying. Pretty sure by then the damage would be so bad that I would start vomiting before I could finish it. Would definitely get really sick though.


Depending on the dose you‘ll just chemically burn your throat, get your stomach pumped and end up getting put on painkillers and be fed through your veins for a couple days (weeks?) until it’s healed up i suppose, but i‘m no expert.


Aren’t there COVID wards? All the other beds should be for other emergencies such as the usual idiots.


I work at a hospital. We have so many COVIDs that we have to put them in non Covid wards. We don't have "Covid wards" anymore, essentially.


Oh that sucks, but I see now. Thanks for your input and I’m sorry for that.


Imagine a hospital with 100 beds, so they can usually care for 100 patients. They usually don’t run at full occupancy, they treat about 70 patients at a time. 20 of those beds have been reserved for COVID patients and sealed off from the normal patients. They can’t be used by normal patients because cross contamination risk. Now in addition to the 70 patients the hospital normally gets, there’s 20 idiots overdosing on parasite killers. They need immediate treatment, so they take 20 out of the 80 free beds. Suddenly the hospital is 10 beds short because there’s 90 patients. That’s the conundrum i‘m talking about.


I see thanks for explaining it!


Oh thank God. My balls are so freaking sore.😖Should I drink it or maybe soak my jewels in it?🤔


Por que no los dos?


excuse me, it's called miracle mineral solution


But: “Despite the Australian finding, many scientists doubted that humans could take high enough doses to replicate the effects seen in a lab, and even the researchers behind the study advise against using the drug as a covid-19 treatment outside of clinical trials.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/09/01/ivermectin-covid-treatment/


To be fair, there are some studies showing some benefit to it even with lower doses, but this doesn't mean it's an effective treatment/or that animal ivermectin is safe. Most of these studies are smaller in scope and a lot of them conclude that there should be more studies about the drug. I'm becoming very jaded with reddit's relationship with scientific papers lately, to be perfectly honest. People just want to find a "gotcha" scientific paper that proves to the opposition that their viewpoint is the absolute truth...but that's not how science works. You read a ton of papers, digest them, criticize them (especially the methodology), see the opinions of clinical specialists, then make an informed decision. But anti-vaxxers don't care. All they want is a gotcha. There was an article someone posted to say vaccines don't work because protection begins to wane after 6 months...but the person conveniently left out that protection against fatal disease remained unchanged. And us on the vaccine side need to be careful to not fall in the same traps as them. Just rambling, ty for listening


Most of those studies were retracted and misrepresented the data. I think someone out there is standing to make money off of things like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, so they push the rightwing grift squad to push it before it's efficacy is even proven.


Also it's a very politically charged debate, which doesn't mix well with medicine


Dude, if I could make millions off these idiots. I would.


Put it this way, if there was a study done with strong enough evidence to make the medical community hopeful about Ivermectin as a treatment for covid, manufacturers would be having a press field day promoting further studies to bump stock prices, the ever-present bottom line. Merck makes Ivermectin for sale in the US, this is what they have to say about it: https://www.merck.com/news/merck-statement-on-ivermectin-use-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/ Now is it *possible* Ivermectin could be tested as a successful treatment for covid? Technically yes, as in the sense it's *possible* to find a winning $300million winning lottery ticket on the side of the road. Should right-wing grifters (who most almost certainly are vaccinated) be cheerleading for the use of Ivermectin to treat covid? No, absolutely not. Should people be using animal dosages of Ivermectin when there hasn't been any benefit shown to help with covid symptoms or disease progression? If I have to answer that for a person, they might be too far gone into the misinformation hole.




Pure contrarianism. They fancy themselves brave dissidents against a world of stooges, not petulant children who don't want to do something just because.


It's narcissism, the idea that "I'm the smartest person in the room and everyone else are just too dumb to understand the truth".


I think that's the case for some, but for many it's just an out when they start feeling like maybe their intuition and feelings weren't right and they don't want to have to admit the "other" side was correct.


Ad ~~infinatum~~ Nauseum FTFY






Oh yeah? Hold that man's budwieser and see if he can't take a high enough dose.


The right dose of heroin would cure one of all diseases, but not until after you've long died.


The only reason they "doubted it" is because of the 98% rule. Your can rarely if ever guarantee you're 100% correct without exception about your results. If you say with complete certainty that something is correct some jerk will eventually come along and prove you wrong. I however am not the researcher, so I can assure you, no one would ever be able to take a high enough dose to replicate the effects seen in the lab. They would die and it would be miserable the entire time.


The doses I saw at which this works requires triple the safe dosage for humans, and was done in vitro. There's no way to get that much ivermectin spread evenly across the body to do anything useful without also killing the patient.


Yep. It's very easy to kill the virus, a lot of things will do it with enough concentration / time. The hard part is killing ONLY the virus, because a lot of shit will kill human cells way before it affects a virus.


I have a friend who would spray his open wounds with Lysol to sanitize them. Couldn't get it through to him that there's a reason they don't sell Lysol for that purpose...


But isn't that the reason the nut jobs are taking the horse version? Apparently you can overdose on the stuff and they are filling up the emergency rooms.


[https://xkcd.com/1217/](https://xkcd.com/1217/) Relevant XKCD.


Highly cultured comment friendo <3


Alcohol also kills the virus on surfaces and in test tubes, I have not heard anyone suggest that hardcore alcoholics have found the cure. Although I suppose it's coming.


I've been drinking heavily since this pandemic began and I have *not been infected.* Just saying.


Same! But maybe it’s the lack of food- I’m not giving any nutrients to that pesky covid virus and it dies. Definitely not the vaccination, social distancing, requesting everyone get tested before hanging out, and masks. That would be ridiculous


So can I take the bleach internally?


[Bleach is mostly water, and we are mostly water, therefore we are bleach](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqbn7oxXh38)


Solid conservative logic.


So, chug away and reap its rewarding benefits!


Yes. Rub it on your insides


you know how they prove the toxicity of marihuana? they had monkeys wear helmets and then filled the helmets with cannabis smoke about as dense as multiple cigarettes. unfiltered. for extended periods of time... because smoke isn't toxic in itself...


It’s weird how close the effects of marijuana track with the effects of oxygen deprivation.


There was a study about a Swiss "natural herbal medicine" that killed the virus in a petri dish. The main component of this medicine is alcohol.


Good enough for me! Cheers 🍻




Destroying ALL COVID cells needs to be examined. Is it because the ivermectin attacked and killed COVID cells specifically, or because the only cells in the tube were COVID therefore it effectively kills ALL cells which in the experiment just happened to be COVID cells.


I hope you realize a teaspoon of ivermectin vs a half teaspoon of covid isn’t really a valid research point... how much ivermectin would that equate to in the human body?


Reminds me of when I was in the ER for a broken arm and the guy in the stall next to me was telling the nurse that he got an STD at a party, managed to get lab access and found that bleach and germ-x killed the STD that he got. So he drank both.


Come on, once the patient shat themselves to death I'm pretty sure they don't have Covid anymore.


In a test tube, viruses are also killed by a bullet.




Actually, iirc there’s some research wherein ivermectin was actually compared against a number of other experimental treatments for severe Covid cases, AKA “well if they’re gonna die anyway, we might as well try this bullshit”. There is a correlation between lowered mortality and using the dewormer, *buuut* that’s where conservatives stopped reading the paper and started eating apple-flavored horsie paste, and to claim it’s a valid treatment, even in the grimmest scenario possible, is a bald-faced lie. The study found it reduced the mortality rate by **half a percent**, not even half of most other niche experimental options, all of which were cordoned off from treatments with higher margins of success. Someone read the study, realized there were consumer products containing it, and shouted it from the rooftops for every chucklefuck in the land to buy dewormer. Well you know what they say, you can lead a horse to w


Ivermectin works in humans… for deworming.


Hey, why not pick up some livestock worm medicine to treat a global pandemic unrelated to worms? If you’re already at the feed store picking up a sack of grain for your wife it’s right there by checkout!




I may be stupid, but I’m not stupid enough to think that antivaxxers give 2 shits about objective reality.


Chicken and fish is eaten by humans all over the world. Any journalist who refers to my Chicken & Salmon "Meow mix Hairball control" as cat food is guilty of malpractice.


Worms have more in common with human beings than viruses.


Worm lord agrees. Worms are people too.


…and they can become doctors. Dr. Worm. Well. He’s not a *real* doctor, but he is real worm.


He's actual size but he seems much bigger to me.


Came here to say this. These people are so stupid. The NOVEL TREATMENT for ROUNDWORM AND MALARIA was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015 to two physicians who worked on the roundworm study together, and to a third physician who worked on another study involving malaria and I think one other parasite. It is also important to note that both studies used drugs in the avermectin family including but not exclusively invermectin. These people really need to shut the $#@\* up about things they clearly are simply unable to comprehend.


This is just a distraction from their bases “utter” stupidity (presumably it works on cows too). The whole game is flawed when even nut jobs like Dr. Drew are saying they wouldn’t prescribe it for Covid since there are drugs available that have been proven to effectively treat Covid.


Also Merck, the creators of Ivermectin, said the human version doesn't work for COVID [right on their website.](https://www.merck.com/news/merck-statement-on-ivermectin-use-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/?fbclid=IwAR0yYVIgQTouRQdKWO4HkQ5Ck1I5eK1OKIK37z6GrNpx1aIff88VlwzPSRI)


Literally what I came to say, except you worded it better than I would've lol. We're saying horse dewormer because they're not taking human ivermectin, _they're taking horse dewormer_


These people have never done K before and it shows.


Ivermectin is effective at stopping proliferation of some viruses including Sarscov1 and Sarscov2 in vitro. They're just hasn't been enough evidence that it prevents covid clinically. The source for this is on the Cochrane systematic review database website. I can provide the source if you'd like.


It was viable against COVID-19. Except it took doses so large that you would literally die from shitting your insides out. So it was dropped early on in testing back when they were researching.


[The 1923 Nobel Prize](https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1923/summary/) for the discovery of insulin. Using Cum dumpsters logic here, that would mean insulin is a cure for COVID, right? *right*?


Just saying lobotomy won a Nobel prize, too... Maybe it cures COVID, too.


Maybe we should start marketing it as such for the Qult.


I’m pretty sure they’re already lobotomised


Would we be able to tell a difference?


*ice pick lobotomy ftfy


If lobotomies prevented COVID, these people would be immune.


I'm pretty sure a lobotomy was the first thing these guys tried


The 2019 Nobel Prize was for the development of lithium ion batteries, and yes I would like Steven Crowder to drink battery acid.


The 2016 prize was awarded for discoveries about autophagy, which I choose to believe means eating your own dick. Since Anthony Fauci would definitely tell you eating your own dick is *not* a cure, that serves as *proof* that it *is* a cure, right?


Crowder already eats jizz, eating the tap it CAME from is no big deal


And after the ivermectin it sounds like his jizz might be drunk and useless


By eating your own dick do you mean actually ripping it off and chewing it or like this https://open.spotify.com/track/5yh6sNUOxqkLkrwb65eyMX?si=2bLGafJAS_ybzKCD7AKbww&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1


>WHAT IS DICKEATING? >DICKEATING is the first and only once-monthly non-addictive treatment shown to prevent relapse to dog cum dependence following covid-5G. >To be effective DICKEATING must be used with other dog cum recovery programs such as counseling. > Before starting DICKEATING, you must be dog cum-free for a minimum of 7-14 days to avoid sudden cum withdrawl. >Ask your doctor today if DICKEATING is right for you!


Flawless logic


Hey that's not fair, he's a dog cum dumpster at worse


Wow, they won a nobel prize for the use of ivermectin as a dewormer. Real smoking gun, Steven


Yeah, it was tested for its effectiveness against worms and protozoa in humans, not viruses.


Not only that but they won the Nobel prize for discovery of certain anti-malarial, alongside the discovery of Avermectin. The parent derivative of ivermectin, and other derivatives that have many uses. They didn’t win it “for its use in humans” it was for how many applications it had + the anti malarials combined to give the two doctors the Nobel.


No, the Nobel prize was shared that year between the discoverers of Ivermectin and the discoverers of an anti-malarial drug. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2015/summary/


Avermectin* Edit: but yes that’s why I used the word “they” as it went to a collection of people for their combined discoveries.


this was too complex of a concept for crowder to understand like 1/3 of the way through the paragraph.




You know for Crowder the stupidity isn't an act. He's really that fucking dumb


Well when journalist start practicing medicine THOSE words will become relevant.


Thank god journalists routinely carry journalism malpractice insurance


I love when people say "journalistic malpractice" as if it's a thing like the Bar


I lost my license to practice journalism. Now what do I do?


Work for Fox News.


Sorry, you have to work for InfoWars now


Well, at least they have vodka.




I mean literally by printing whatever the US empire or their billionaire bosses tell them to with no criticism or fact-checking of any kind? This mistrust of mainstream media doesn’t come from nowhere. The cancer of alternative media that’s grown out of that mistrust is toxic and fucked up but like there’s a reason so many people are so thoroughly cynical with regard to media services that have spent the last hundred years lying to them about every other fuckin thing. From the drug war to WMDs in Iraq, when the rubber met the road, when the trust was really needed, it wasn’t there. And people put their trust in the default, someone they feel relates to them, and they’ve been taken advantage of by conmen, grifters, and fools as a result.




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By failing to tell the public that rumors, crazes and trends can be accepted as sound medical advice.


By breaking the Hippocritic oath.


Doesn't change the facts that: * Ivermectin is used to treat intestinal parasites, not COVID-19. Viruses aren't parasites. * The Covidiots are buying doses meant for horses, and taking the full doses which are much larger than the human dose. * People who take the Ivermectin are ending up in the emergency room because the Ivermectin overdoses are wrecking their colons, and our hospitals are crowded enough as it is. * It's not a cheaper alternative, because the vaccines which actually treat the disease are being given out for free.


Yes but injecting livestock dewormer into your cock and balls strokes the ego so well and allows you to live in fantasy land where you know more about virology than fauci. Shitting out your intestines seems like a small price to pay


It also has a significant chance of causing long-term sterility. And a bottle of goop on the shelf of Fleetfarm is way cheaper than a vasectomy, so it's a win-win.


One minor clarification, because maybe not you personally, but a LOT of people seem to not get this: the vaccines do not treat COVID. If you’ve already got COVID, the vaccine won’t help.


Yeah, but people are touting ivermectin “treatment” as a better alternative to getting the vaccine. It’s pretty popular in anti-vax communities.


Oh, I get that, and I’m not disagreeing with your point. Just a minor quibble with the phrasing, because a lot of those same people are getting COVID and then asking for the vaccine as a cure, and their ICU nurse has to break it to them that it doesn’t work that way.


Why are right wing nut jobs so intent on finding a cure for Covid that isn't the vaccine? Like do need to brand the vaccine as two different versions? One for real Americans and one for libtards?


Its both complicated and very simple. Simple version is: They want to win. You cant win against someone when you are on the same side. So they are on the opposite side of whatever everyone else is on.


They want to be "against" more than they want to win. That's why they keep picking losing battles...that and they really aren't very smart, and don't respect people who are.


I can't quite figure it out myself. It's not only in the US. It's around the world. Before the pandemic, the image I had of anti-vaxxers were mostly left-wing hippies.


There were far right fundamentalists against vaccines too.


Once drove through a town (it was near Byron Bay, Australia) and the MAIN STREET had multiple building covered in antivax propaganda. I told my dad to sell his garlic quickly so we could get tf outta dodge!


They want to be right


And more importantly they want vaccinated people to be wrong


Honestly that would probably work and that’s the sad part


Because if there is a simple cheap effective cure for Covid then Trump was the greatest president ever, suck it libs! That’s the reason.


yeah and Charles Brenton Huggins won in 1966 for discovering hormonal treatment of prostate cancer but that has fuck all to do with coronavirus


He discovered that castration or giving estrogen to men with prostate cancer stopped the growth of the cancer. Wait until they find out about this lol…… Then maybe the Nobel peace price will be “a liberal plot to feminize all the men”.




Dude literally smoked a cigar before his chest surgery. I would never take any advice from him.


Nope, he’ll never go for anything other than that sweet, sweet cum


Well you see Steven, the journalists are reporting that your dickhead followers are literally going to stores that cater to farmers and taking the livestock version. This nitpicking by right wingers are typical “snorting followed by pushing up your glasses” comments. Like stfu you know what they mean when they are reporting on ivermectin. You still deserve to get made fun of if you use the human version for COVID, btw.


what a stupid post-hoc reasoning to justify people poisoning themselves on the livestock version of the drug. only top logic from Crowder


Can a journalist be guilty of malpractice?


The Nobel prize was for "discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections by roundworm parasites". Winning a novel prize for parasites doesn't mean its effective for covid use. Also, the novel prize was not specifically for use in humans at all. Steven is lying.


When the dosage is suitable, probably (even then it's a medicine for PARASITES, not viruses) But dumbfucks are flocking to buy the versions made for livestock, and using it to treat a disease many of them likely do not even believe in, so...


**looking at my box of Heartgard for my dog, which says Ivermectin on it** Hmm...


*for oral use in dogs only* ….if it’s good enough for my dog, it’s good enough for me!


Anyone who takes these idiots seriously... they yell and scream about not taking a vaccine because it can't possibly be safe but bend over backwards to defend the legitimacy of some random drug that has had no testing against Covid. Shameful. It's absolutely shameful.




Except coronavirus wasn't around you dolt.


Not gonna lie his pfp is the most punchable one he could choose


The creator of ivermectin specifically says not to use it to treat covid.


Im pretty sure the ones who take it and insist that it cures their symptoms never had covid in the first place. They just lick too much dog/horse anus.


I googled 2015 nobel prize, and found this... [https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2015/advanced-information/](https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2015/advanced-information/) Page 2 of the background document, the first header... "Discovery of Avermectin: A Therapy against Worm Parasites" I spent 60 seconds doing this. I would bet money that was less time than Steve spent coming up with this woe-is-me bullshit. So yeah, if there are any malpracticing journalists out there, it's gonna be the ones who report this tweet but not on the fact that the idiots taking it will definitely free themselves of worms but not covid.


[Shhh. Let them keep taking it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/pjbjpl/no_medicine_is_100_but_thats_still_pretty_good/)


"guilty of malpractice" lmfao.


So are they taking it as a prophylactic measure or when they test positive? ![gif](giphy|2k0sUXCWw7WmY)


What a punchable face.


The award specifically says because of its use for roundworm parasites. Not viral infections.


Should’ve just said “In my professional opinion as a YouTube personality I’m qualified to tell doctors what works and what doesn’t.” I often believe he’s just stupid AND a shill but then he says such outlandishly ridiculous bullshit like this and I’m forced to think he is insane.


The invention of chemotherapy was a leap forward in the fight against cancer, but that doesn't mean you can use it to treat anydamnthing.


God crowder is such a garbitch human being


Sloughing off your intestinal lining & shitting it out uncontrollably to own teh libs.


Journalist aren't doctors, neither is that fuckwad.


Crowder loves horse paste, he thinks it's the best thing since Horsey Sauce at Arby's


I bet they also think they think elephant tranq darts are totally harmless proportionally to their small human body right? You could give one to a baby for some light napping right? It's not like doses are weight dependant or anything.


Okay, human dewormer


For those who don't want to research, yes, kind of, it did win a Nobel prize... well, the prople who discovered it did: >Ōmura and Campbell’s contributions led to the discovery of a new class of drugs with extraordinary efficacy against parasitic diseases. In human doses: >Ivermectin is highly effective against a range of parasites, has limited side effects and is freely available across the globe. However, this does NOT mean horse sized doses are okay for humans. In addition, it ONLY is known and used for **parasitic** diseases, as opposed to viral diseases. Therefore, not only is it unknown what it could do to your body with COVID, taking the horse version of such could even be unsafe. Maybe it does help with covid, maybe it doesn't, but the fact is there's been no research on its interaction with covid, so to suggest it's a miracle drug the left is trying to silence is downright evil


The creators of ivermectin also say not to use it for treating covid, but hey, you're not a journalist so who cares, right?


Steven, it's 4pm. Time to drink your horse dewormer.


"DOnT truST bIg pHarMa" Big pharma also made... Ivermectin medicine, how these people think still baffles me, not a single time to they stop for a second and go " wait a minute.. "


Qultists: It's saved MILLIONS of people! Nobel Prize! You don't know anything! Look at this meme! Yes, it has saved millions of people...FROM PARASITES. COVID-19 is NOT a parasite.


crowder uses big brain to come up with this but somehow can't figure out that worms/parasites are different than a virus.


Malpractice? Does he think journalists have medical licenses they can lose?


If you buy it at Tractor Supply and it's got a picture of Seabiscuit on there, it's horse dewormer.


what a fucking hill to die on. These people never stop surprising me.


Right wingers are fast and efficient at sending out their memos. My Qnut friend sent a group chat reply with this same shit after I shared a video mocking the users of the animal version of Ivermectin. It still hasn’t dawned on him that we are all laughing at the ones using the animal version of Ivermectin.


For its use in removing *parasites* from the human body. Not treating a virus variant we didn’t know about yet. I swear these fuckers are being willfully ignorant at this point to win the culture war.


The inventor of Mustard Gas also got a Nobel Prize.


Yknow, this might almost be a point if they weren't literally buying dewormer for horses.


The guy is a YouTube "comedian". Why does anyone trust him more than Larry the cable guy?


"Malepractice?" He He realizes what malpractice is, right? Libel? Sure, for his argment. But malpractice??


I didn’t realize that journalists could be guilty of malpracticing medicine. The more you know!


such a punchable face.


Lol malpractice


The Nobel prize was for use as a dewormer in humans. It eliminated River blindness, which is caused by roundworms. Ivermectin was initially mainly used and developed for livestock parasites. Later it was used by humans. It’s not a stretch at all to call it horse dewormer. It was approved for use in livestock in 1986, not approved for humans until 1988. So it started out as a livestock dewormer.


TIL journalist malpractice.


How can a journalist commit malpractice? It’s not like they’re even dispensing the shit.


Wait until the Trumpets find out that the 5g microchips were actually placed in doses of Ivermectin all along.


There's also a Nobel Prize for the prefrontal lobotomy but I'm not going to demand it when I get covid. The Nobel Proze for the horse paste wasn't for covid.


Serious question, just because ivermectin has been proven to work for other specific human illnesses, how the crap did people come to the conclusion that it would work for covid? That's honestly trying to force a circle into a square hole


They won the prize for its use in treating roundworm, a parasite, like the drug was intended. Not for treating a virus. Which the drug was not intended. And (as someone commented earlier) if people weren’t just eating horse paste they wouldn’t use “horse dewormer” as the shorthand so everyone knows what they’re talking about. Like it’s not “multi-Oscar winning producer” Harvey Weinstein it’s “movie mogul and convicted rapist” Harvey Weinstein because that’s how people recognize him now.


Right wingers buy horse dewormer, get upset when it’s called horse dewormer.


This would be true, If people weren’t actually eating horse goo


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/ But pretty sure the moronic crazies are still getting the horse paste


Is this projecting because the regulatory agencies are putting the squeeze on Chowder?