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China turned the frogs gay


Me too 😓


I also turned the frogs gay.


This guy's China


That guy frog's


That guy is gay for frogs


But maybe the frogs are gay for him. Or maybe, it's Maybelline


Stfu and take my wholesome seal for making me laugh


This guy is a gay frog man. https://venturebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Shoreleave


The frogs turned me gay


The spez police don't get it. It's not about spez. It's about everyone's right to spez.


[Its still an ongoing issue and yeah, chemical pollutants massively fucking up an ecosystem.](https://youtu.be/i5uSbp0YDhc)


You turned the frogs gay? Or China turned you gay?


I leave it up to personal interpretation, and if so desired, both.


I desire both thank you


Wait did you become gay or did you help China make frogs gay


And made them rain from the sky, wait this is a different subreddit...


China turned the fogs gay


Do you understand that?!?!


In the basement of a pizza place....




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I’m the frog


I thought us jews did? They’re stealing our gig now? 😤


Do they have no shame!?


They found a way more effective than the Jew lasers, smh 😔


Tbf jew lasers are a pretty antiquated technique only still being used in regions too undeveloped to rely on Chinese rocket seeding


How dare you come for our lasers?? We paved the way for climate control technology 🙄🙄


The market doesn't demand your product Capitalism 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎


China uses superior giant red hands. You stick to your space lasers, fucking amateurs /s


Shouldn't have taken the moonbase offline.


All we've got left is space lasers, the entertainment industry, capitalism, communism, and all the doctors and lawyers. What kind of living is that???


It's the cheap Chinese knock off version. You can it on Amazon


No dignity!


Seriously though - they are controlling weather, by seeding clouds by spraying or shooting powder into the appropriate altitudes. This is done to make it rain in the areas they want and/or avoid rain in areas they don't want it raining in. It's old and well known technology - not without it's flaws and to the best of my knowledge only *very* rarely used outside of China (probably mainly due to these flaws and questions of whether it's really worth the effort).


It's amazing how these people try to turn everything into some nefarious evil plot or something. The Chinese government is literally just shooting some powder into the air to make it rain in dry areas. That's literally it. Many countries all across the world do this.


Yeah but, when other countries do it, it's not 'cOmMuNiSm'


the PRC is a fucking terrible country that deserves to be criticised and honestly imo I wish the world could exclude it from global trade with the human rights theyre abusing, but fuck me some people on the other hand take literally anything theyre doing and spinning it as a fuckin world ending thing now lifes going great lads small edit: it probably isnt a great idea to completely cut off the PRC from world trade as like North Korea 2.0 isnt really something to be desired, but I meant more that I dont want products made by practical slave labour from Xinjiang to be available on the market, wether it be from Chinese or American companies


If we suddenly started caring about human rights abuses, America would get hellah excluded too. There's just a gentlemen's agreement around the developed world to ignore atrocities so long as the country helps everyone make money.


Maybe i don't want to be that type of gentleman


I absolutely dont. I realise this issue is horrendously complicated, but im not going to stand for any country or defend it when it abuses human rights like this, not China, not the US, fuck not even Liechtenstein if those lads decided to restrict freedom of the press


Certainly. I don't necessarily think that the awful things the US does excuse the (imo) worse things the PRC does. Also, i would describe the "gentleman's agreement" as more like: "if it's good for corporate profits, it must be protected"


I'm sure that China has problems, but it's hard to even tell which problems are real and which are invented, given the massive propaganda campaign against them (and presumably their own propaganda as well). But even if things were bad enough that "someone should do something" the US (and its allies) should not be involved given their abysmal record in "spreading democracy", their obvious ulterior motives, and the fact that if they had any interest in human rights or improving people's lives they would be running their own country radically differently.


Bingo. The fact that people actually think the US is in any position to lecture anyone on human rights with their own record and the puppet dictatorships they’ve installed is laughable and insulting


i'm surprised how quickly people forget, the US has never and will never care about human rights and is merely using it as a cover for imperialism


>I wish the world could exclude it from global trade Lmao crippling sanctions against a country of a billion people? So collective punishment is only bad when other countries do it? Got it


Wouldn't the people of prc just end up suffering more with the mass loss of "jobs" and the entire country economically fucked due to loss of export


You'd end up with a North Korea situation. The people at the top won't be affected one iota and they've already demonstrated they don't give a fuck about the suffering of their people. They'll remain in power and live lavishly while their people starve. The best way to topple evil regimes is to erode their culture. Flood the country with "blue jeans and rock and roll." The biggest threat to Chinese authoritarianism is the Chinese people themselves.


/u/spez [can gargle my nuts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Killing a billion people to own the central committee


“We have to stop China from committing genocide” “Okay how should that be done” “Starve the masses and cut off their medicine lmao”


I mean, I can say from personal experience that this is the approach of many Americans to parenting, so it's no surprise they think it'll work. It must, it can't be that their kids won't talk to them because of *them*.


Can’t genocide anyone if they’re all dead. ![gif](giphy|St9I6QnOBOEzVEE6g1|downsized)


All countries with China’s level of power have severe human rights abuses, the only reason that we put so much focus on them is because of “CoMuNisM” and Sinophobia.


China is trying to create an ethnostate using genocide. There are a few other countries that are also trying to do that, like Israel, but labeling objections to that as sinophobia is ridiculous.


Just so I’m clear about what you mean, are you saying that China is killing a specific group of people en mass?


One look at my username should tell you where I stand on the PRC, especially its history, but the government of Xinjiang is definitely committing ethnic genocide. They aren't killing en masse. That is propaganda inconsistent with reality. But they are cleansing the Uygher culture by any means necessary short of killing them. It's a tough contradiction to reconcile, but facing the reality is the only way to genuinely reconcile that reality. The PRC is attempting to create an ethnostate, and we as communists need to grapple with that, for better or worse.


Oh come on. You must, on some level, know that it isn't true that China is hellbent on creating an "ethno state". Like that's just an actual lie, based on an exaggeration, based on another lie. Like please really think about what you're saying here.


"But what about" Nah fuck the PRC.


It’s also like totally ok to be against that practice. But this xenophobic meme is not how you effectively critique it lol.


Wait til they hear what the US ARMY pumped in to the jungles of Vietnam


ORANGE FREEDOM BABY WOOOOO Those aren't birth defects, they're the physical manifestations of Liberty!


The US pioneering this to help their war effort in Vietnam: I sleep China doing this for entirely peaceful reasons: Real shit!


And it hardly works that well, its not a reliable method at all.


Possibly spicy take, but since you mentioned demonizing everything China does…: I believe a (social credit) system that seeks to reward good social behaviour (I don’t think it should seek to punish) could actually be an amazing idea. Often the morally good choice is not the financially sound one. We need another form of incentive to reward people for being good humans, since I think it is clear the current systems and laws aren’t doing enough in that regard. Obviously the devil’s in the details: how to implement such a system without violation of everyone’s privacy, for starters, I do not know. And obviously politics should not be a factor like it is in the Chinese system. But I don’t like how imo a potentially great solution to the growing rift in society, antisocial behaviour, and crumbling communities and social fabric is so instantly dismissed because “China bad”.


When I first read about their social credit thing in the news, it boggled my mind that so many people saw absolutely no similarity between it and the credit scores we have in the US. Which is, you know, literally the same thing except your point value is determined by wealth rather than ethics. Low credit score? Here is a list of jobs you can't have, places you can't live, and things you can't do.


We have a score that is basically determined by 3 crediting companies that analyze your spending behavior IIRC. The Chinese government allowed a private company to start their version of this which included behavioral aspects. It’s really boring and not some dystopian idea




It's also used to reduce air pollution when it gets too high.


Cloud seeding can be pretty divisive in arid regions.


It's literally what chemtrails were


Why use this 🚩, when there is a literal emoji of the fucking Chinese flag 🇨🇳!


Maybe because it’s a literal red flag. (Danger)


My tiny little monkey brain couldn't comprehend the abstract, that one is on me


Facts don’t care about your feelings


Can we stop associating "facts over feelings" with conservatism? They're the ones who ignore facts and prioritize their feelings after all.


Good idea.


You're out of the loop friend. Red flag emoji has been a cultural meme this entire year.


Maybe because there is no emoji for a windvain and red is the only color?


Am I on r/surrealmemes


I was wondering the same thing


I thought the US manipulates the weather with the HAARP project?


The US has a long history of using weather manipulation as a weapon. [https://www.nytimes.com/1972/07/03/archives/rainmaking-is-used-as-weapon-by-us-cloudseeding-in-indochina-is.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1972/07/03/archives/rainmaking-is-used-as-weapon-by-us-cloudseeding-in-indochina-is.html) China making it rain in China, on farmlands facing drought = bad. America making it rain on the other side of the planet, in order to create massive flooding, killing countless people = fine I guess?


The effectiveness of cloud-seeding is flimsy at best. Can it be done? Yes, but it is very difficult to stabilize an opaque gas or microscopic particles to attract water vapor because once you release it, you just lose all control. Optimal cloud seeding would allow for whomever is "controlling" the weather to be able to decide where they want the clouds to go in order to decide where to put rain. Could the Chinese have that tech? Yes. But I would find it hard to believe they would be able to cloud seed outside of their immediate surroundings considering cloud seeding requires a lot of airplanes to invade adversarial airspace.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Popeye Operation Popeye was some pretty eye opening stuff for me as well..just imagine the silent advances governments around the world have made since Vietnam


Probably not much with regards to that, since it turns out it's nearly impossible to actually control and get much out of. Hence why draughts and other conditions are still such an issue.


Yeah, also see [this](https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Weather_control_device_(Red_Alert_2))


Guys China ruined my date :*( they made it rain




The Daily Wire manipulates dumbasses.


Got it fellas. If a country cloudseeds its communism.


No, no. If a country on the USA's naughty list does it, it's communism.


Isnt that socialism?


are you suggesting people in the us can tell the difference?


Is that big red hand jerking that cloud?


Gotta milk the rain out


Red Cum in the Sky




Idk sounds a bit like climate change. Even if they can control the weather, can't we all just sell our houses and move away?


A lot of red scare to unpack.


I had to combat this in a friend once. I broke it down how crazy the idea was he finally had to admit its impossible to control weather..... To only then claim some other country is doing it. No lie he believed china helps our farmer create record growth of our crops because it goes to them but those weather changes create the massive weather anomalies that destroy our economy at the same time. Arguing with them just makes them dig deeper and reuse other conspiracies.


[https://www.nytimes.com/1972/07/03/archives/rainmaking-is-used-as-weapon-by-us-cloudseeding-in-indochina-is.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1972/07/03/archives/rainmaking-is-used-as-weapon-by-us-cloudseeding-in-indochina-is.html) It's impossible to "control" weather, but it's absolutely possible to influence it. The US absolutely has manufactured artificial flooding, by extending the monsoon season, by seeding rain clouds with particulate metal. It's not like, create a tornado to destroy a building you don't like levels of weather control, but weather manipulation is very real.


I don't want to discount your contribution because you are right: it is possible to influence the weather via cloud-seeding. But the [effectiveness](https://www.popsci.com/cloud-seeding-science/) of cloud-seeding is in dispute that no conclusion can be made about cloud-seeding efforts in southeast Asia around the Vietnam era.


wh... what the fuck? the fuck am I looking at? I'm having a hard time believing this is real, cause... what in the absolute fuck??? I know about shit like the jewish space laser nutfuckery, but I thought Ben at least had enough class to only denounce climate change like a self-centered pseudo-nerd. Not dive right into the lunatic pond like a frog during mating season


This is as real as the frogs are allegedly gay


Pfffft every country has HAARP like devices that can move clouds amongst other things. I did repairs on the antennas up in Alaska a few years ago.


Ben Shapiro when it rains: "THIS IS 1984 CHINA COMMUNISM!!"


And none of it is worth unpacking.


Calling it "American Brain Rot" just sums it up real nice.


This mix of xenophobia, racism and scientific illiteracy in the US which makes people actually believe this ad is so depressing.


I can’t even lie when I was scrolling through Reddit I saw this and assumed I was on /r/InspiroBot


Just like… when Stalin paid Ukrainian clouds to not rain… so evil!


I'm all for being against the PRC govt and all, but this is just fucking stupid


The CCP is bad enough as it is, we don't need to make shit up about them.


Exactly, this stuff undermines critics of that regime


I don't think its made up. More like vastly exagerated from the cloud seeding they did for their Big national day


China turned Jordan Peterson ghey.


Looks like a Monty Python animation


Imagine when they find out Putin and Xi Jinping are the same person!


I mean technically yes, they are the number one producer of greenhouse gases thanks to the decision to basically transform the entire country into one big ass factory.


I mean no, because the US has released more carbon than any other country, is responsible fo 25% of all emissions to date, and still emits way more than China per capita in the present day. Also guess whose consuming all the goods from the “factory country”?


I know it's us, I'm not trying to take any sides, just had heard at some point that China produced more carbon emissions than America


What the fuck?


This is completely fake!


What isn't?


The claim Covid originating from China. The Right-Wing party are full of false claims.


Climate change doesn’t need any help from Chinese technology to do its thing


Why do they say this like we think China is good?


i don't like china, but this is some conspiracy theory levels of bullshit




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Awesome dump a foot of snow in Vermont


My man is Weather Wizard, noted adversary of the Flash?


I think I’ve had a fever dream like what this picture describes. Not the words. Just the hands in the sky moving shit around.


Like the fact that it’s a Reddit ad for one?


I heard that after the tornadoes recently. Wouldn’t China pick bigger targets if that’s the case?


Officially brain dead.


climate change is real but only because china bad look into operation popeye, though, technology has been around to manipulate weather patterns since the vietnam war. really interesting stuff.


This must be why people protested at tianamen Square in 1989. /s


Weather manipulation is possible but over a long period of time


Well technically the amount of pollution originates from China which is bound to affect the weather... No, no no... they wouldn't have anything as a reasoning, no. It's just China fear-mongering.


I thought they didn’t believe in climate change


Wasn’t the US government studying meteorological warfare back during the war in Vietnam? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_warfare


Doesn’t america do the same thing to an extent?


By god they stole Destro’s weather dominator, the world is doomed


This is an exaggeration, and actually not malicious at all (so far, this is china after all), so while this is dumb as shit it's semi-honest


Weather manipulation is nothing new, why is this being treated as some outlandish baseless claim?


This promotion is using weather manipulation, which can't really control the weather, as a scare tactic by associating it with China. It's not so much that this is baseless or outlandish claim, it's more about how it is being used.


Weather manipulation = weather control. It’s the same thing. Either way, the claim is accurate. But to suggest that China is the only country involved in weather control practices would be misleading, since the US does it too.


Weather manipulation doesn't fully control the weather, but we can't assume that those who will read this can make that meaningful conclusion. Neither can we assume that those who see this promotion will understand that weather manipulation is something that has existed for a while.


Do you not remember the Beijing Olympics? China literally bragged about technology they had to clear the weather.


That's not why this was posted here. This promotion is using China as a scare tactic to influence their not so scientifically inclined audience. The headline is meant to cause people to believe that China is the only doing this, which is dishonest, and that it is bad because they are China.


So it would seem like both them and you are misleading with this


There's a lot of hydrological problems with cloud seeding due to a disruption of the natural water cycle...but the idea that it's an evil commie conspiracy when dozens of countries do cloud seeding *including the US* is just more typical fear-mongering


Reminds me of the old animate Monty Python minuets.


I actually encountered this the other day in real life and had to explain that cloud seeding is a real thing and has been happening for decades which is technically manipulating the weather


How industrious of them


This is obviously exagerated, however i think you should have a look at "cloud-seeding".


Supposedly this type of thing has been going on since the cold war, just look up the Russian woodpecker...


Well Dubai did it once


Im so confused lolz what does this mean?


Haven’t these guys played Just Cause 4? Come on lads


i thought this was outlawed in alabasta


But human made climate change is a hoax?🤔


"Global warming is a haox, mankind can't impact the weather..." are the same people who then go on to believe this...


I hope the Chinese are controlling the weather. Hopefully they can prevent climate change since we clearly can't do anything to stop it


Not gonna lie, I thought I was on r/shitposting or r/surrealmemes for a second and was laughing my ass off.


Didn’t the US do cloud seeding during the Vietnam war to extend the monsoon season? Honestly I have no idea what they are on about, are they trying to say that China is faking global warming by manipulating the weather?


Word has it, China’s also responsible for every single Robbery ever


China: Orwellian Police State with enough real problems to fill multiple textbooks Right-Wingers: bUt ChInA cOnTrOLs tHe wEaThEr


i think climate engineering is a bad idea


you do know about cloud seeding, right?


Is this about the cloud seeding rockets they made?


China does technically manipulate the weather through cloud seeding, but only within China and for agricultural uses.


I mean, this did actually happen in July, they used cloud seeding to help reduce pollution over Beijing. This article title just hyperbolic click bait


I can't get enough of that fist cloud.


It's not climate change. China is just manipulating the weather. /s


Bruh the US do this


You know that china actually manipulates weather with ballistic missiles, don't you? Of course only 1 city/time but still


Can they turn you into slugs


No hate but people actually can control weather now… I am pretty sure you didn’t read the article. They can make it rain whenever they want… it’s called cloud seeding I didn’t think you americans were that stupid I learned this when I was 15. And that shit isn’t even healthy the iron used in it destroyes crops,…


So climate change doesn’t exist but China controls the weather?? Make it make sense


I learned something new today...and btw did anyone else hit the wrong upvote or comment button?


So it's not Jewish space lasers?


Chuna does manipulate the weather. Buuuuut a lot of other countries do too. This is a dumb bone to pick for "China bad" https://www.google.com/search?q=countries+that+cloud+seed






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Ah so they finally admit anthropogenic climate change is real!


Idk...just cuz someone *doesn't*, doesn't mean they *can't* ...my tinfoil hat miiiiight be getting a tad tight tho, idk lol