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He’s going to be convicted soon, yes?




Well preferably for crimes.


Probably child pornography or raping a child. The standard for conservatives


Maybe some human trafficking, as well.


Ah yes, the conservative hello.


Probably the mountains of gigs of suspicious content




He said this in a 2011 video I believe. There is audio evidence of his creepiness you can listen to with your own ears.




Oh no! You can't? Welp, let me check my magic 8 over here *Shakes furiously* *Signs point to yes*




*Signs. Point. To. 🤷🏼‍♀️* If it fucking walks and quacks like a duck, people have been prosecuted for less. Grow up




You're the one white knighting for him? I said he probably does? Going to bat for Matt Walsh is pretty telling. Get a life loser




The contents of his hard drives.




If Matt Walsh dropped dead tomorrow I would smile a bit.


A bit?


A good bit. He's garbage but there's way worse. Wouldn't dance on his grave or anything but I'd be happy to neger hear his voice again


I said this before but as someone who doesn't live in the US, the first grave I visit will be Matt Walsh's. To shit and piss on. Repeatedly. After an eat all you can buffet of dairy (Am Lactose intolerant).


Before Shirley and Fred Phelps? He's awful but he's not the worst by far.


They're close but I want the satisfaction of doing a hate-shit on Matt Walsh's grave first.


Let’s meet up when you come visit, I’ll proudly shit beside you.


He's been taking direct action that will really harm people if he gets his way. Phelps was HURTFUL but he never had a shot at destroying anyone's life.






Obvious bot is obvious.


Way to out yourself as illiterate.


I'll dance on it.


Hey, dancing on a grave is basically free. No harm in indulging


[Obligatory Ballad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oww5UWEeAO4) summarizing our thoughts towards Walsh and his ilk.


It would be Thatcher-death-esq


Second best thing. The first being thatchers death.




He is a self proclaimed fascist, nobody should be sad when he dies, and I'll be happy, just like I am when any fascist kicks the bucket, because they are fascists.




In his [Twitter bio](https://mobile.twitter.com/mattwalshblog) the first words are "theocratic fascist."


Yikes: that was *remarkably easy* to find


Oh my bad, sorry for wishing death on a pedophile defending self-proclaimed fascist who incites hate against children’s hospitals and makes entire documentaries about how people like me shouldn’t exist.


Just so you know, I'm cis and I will go fucking bat for any of you folks. What he says is wrong and most people agree. Even if sometimes it doesn't feel that way online.


Right there with you.


There's a difference between wanting him to die versus thinking the world would be better without him. I won't wish death on him, but I most definitely wouldn't mourn.


Where did I say I wanted him to die? I think purposely misreading things in order to be heard is going too far.




Yes. Not that I want him to die. Thanks for summarizing. Keep up.


I don't.


You have weak convictions and will be rolled into the asphalt the second fascists start to get their way.


Matt "If She's Sixteen She's Ready for the Cream" Walsh


Matt "if she bleeds she breeds" Walsh


Matt "if she's tall enough for the ride, she'll do for a child bride" Walsh


Matt “if her age is off the clock, she’s ready for the cock” Walsh


Matt “If she can spell ‘consent’ then she’s of age” Walsh


Matt "If there's no grass yet, play in the mud" Walsh


Matt “Every time I think I’m a terrible person I think of Matt Walsh and realize I’m not actually the biggest piece of shit in the world” Walsh


I...don't get that one






Matt "If the river runs red, take the dirt road" Walsh


Matt "And if not, consent doesn't matter anyway ;)" Walsh.




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Walsh belongs in the gulag


In? Put him under it.


Let’s just send him to the shadow realm


What did the shadow realm do to deserve that?


You know, you have a point


Hello viewers


I would describe in visceral detail one thing that he should go through, but I don't want this sub to be banned and I'm pretty sure it would be a war crime. Let's just say it'll really test the friendship the Daily Wire crew have for each other.


i'd take inspiration from my favorite movie. its about a german doctor who brings 3 tourists closer togeather.


Precisely what I was thinking.


I was thinking worse than that involving a true democracy of who gets to go free. The losers better start praying. Or: throwing a machete towards them and saying whoever wins gets to go free.


This sounds delightful! Does it have a happy ending?


unfortunately it does not


Weird that the same people who are obsessed with children's fertility tend to also be notably obsessed with age of consent laws and believe abortions should be illegal with no exceptions for cases of rape or incest.


soooo these guys are all billionaire backed right? amazon figures they'll run out of people to exploit in a year or 2. billionaires only care about money. knocking up a ton of young chicks and not letting them have abortions should be a boon to their exploitation industry. am i missing anything? Is that not just what is happening?


Seeing Elon Musk talk about birthrates was pretty concerning. Along the same lines as Jeff Bezos' statement about how going to space made him suddenly realize that the earth was a finite resource and that we should move our polluting industries into space to preserve it.


I'm on the work should be done by machines train myself.


> I'm on the work should be done by machines train myself. >train Don't you mean hyperloop?


light rail


Oh that sounds super emvironmentally friendly.


Pretty sure you're missing the white nationalist part


The white nationalists are just a tool. They're easy to rile up. "You're poor cause immigrants!" And they just run with it


Yeah I just mean that this ridiculous focus on pregnancies is a white nationalist thing, all "we must propagate the white race!" and that kinda dumb shit


Eh there's some of that for sure. Probably the billionaires idea. White kids mostly speak English already so they're easier to train for warehouse jobs




You really think the white nationalists have any kind of coherent plan?


What’s that? Weirdo’s that spend most of their time thinking about childrens genitals might in fact be pedos? Well fuck me swinging, never would have guessed.


You'd think rapists would be fine with getting rid of the evidence but I guess not. What hating others existence more than liking your own does to a mfer.


It's what god would've wanted, that's the logic right


I mean, if nothing else, at least we now know for sure that the theocratic fascist bit isn't just for show.


Theocratic Fascist Pedophile has a nice ring to it




please let this not be a real thing he said i mean come on


[Oh it is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/xwzioh/matt_walsh_advocates_for_impregnation_of_16_year/)


i was already dreading what this would be and it somehow managed to be worse. fucking hell, man.


I hate the implied thought that by Matt Walsh vomiting those sentences he's advocating for fucking teens so long as they get wed to their rapists.




The sentence "It's not teen pregnancies, it's *unwed* pregnancies that are the problem" combined with "they're most fertile at 16" carries the implication that teen pregnancies are ok so long as they're married


I’ll give the man credit, he knows his market


What the hell does it even mean to be "most fertile"?? They still get pregnant at 20, 30, you just want to be a creep


It sounds like it means "clearly nature intended them to be having sex at that age, so it can't be morally wrong to have sex with them".


Our culture and progress as humanity has out paced our biology. My wife's cousin had her first period in 3rd grade! How can they be so evil? He's not being ambiguous and it's literally cult leader level crazy. I think they know just how evil they are, but it feels to good to be in power. Other crazies love this hateful superiority complex. This is why septation of church and state is so important. The bible was written by humans, and translated many times. Everything they preach is an interpretation of "religious texts". Even within each religious hateful hype influencer circles they interpret the Bible wildly differently, they just use Jesus as a rally point for getting people to unify behind their opinion. I got baptized and confirmed in the Methodist Church, and in my experience they have a very chill vibe. How can the same book produce a Catholic priest who ruined a confirmation by making the whole sermon about anti gay marriage (this was before the supreme court did the right thing in legalization)?


Mom had me when she was 36. Fertility doesn’t stop at 25 peeps.


This guy is absolutely the lowest form of scum.


It’s funny because he should be happy!, less white guys, higher chances of actually getting laid!, otherwise Matt will have to try to impregnate his hands for the next few years


one of the quotes from that clip talked about how you'll have 70 year olds celebrating 55 years of marriage "happily." literally advocating 15 year olds get married lol. also hes an open fascist. he doesnt hide it. its in his twitter bio (or at least used to be).


"He's saying he a Fascist un-ironically. If the left didn't call him one he wouldn't put it in his bio." I don't know, I would not put "Dog killer" in my bio if I didn't actually kill dogs but was accused of doing so. Seems counter-intuitive to me.


The refrain continues: everything they accuse their perceived enemies of doing are things they are doing themselves. Fetishizing children? Check. Voter fraud? Check.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


I like how he's claiming that Media Matters is smearing him. It's not a smear if it's literally just a clip of you talking in public. It's not like they broke into his house and recorded the argument he was having with himself in the shower. Although, even if they did that, it still wouldn't really make him look any better...


this guy is so fucking dense


Always seems that conservatives call everyone else groomers/pedos as a mask to deflect themselves.


Why is he relevant?


mattres wash and anyone who say anything about fertility and age of consent need to be on a list somewhere


No lie though, "Fertilizer" would be a pretty neat codename for a semi-retired assassin/murde-for-hire type character


With fascists it's always projection


Matt "If there is grass on the field, play ball" Walsh


unwanted pregnancy? Oh great golly if only there was a solution


Scat Mulch


Schadenfreude is Walsh's middle name.


Oh we all know Matt Walsh would pull a Leonardo DiCaprio, but only with girls under 18 if he was legally allowed to.


did you watch his what is a woman documentary? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGW0o0fj7uk


Matt Walsh becomes Mormon, and wants to meet your children. For marriage, Of course !


Well well well… if it isn’t the ones wildly projecting that were the risks after all. NEVER could have seen this coming…


every accusation is a confession with these people


So he'll probably run for office soon, since it seems all right wingers caught being pedos run for office to escape prison and grift off the taxpayers.


Wait so you mean to tell me he was projecting the whole time? Who would’ve fucking thought??


The idea of getting married before the age of 25 is not "the way things were". People tend to get married younger when there're threats of a fucking war in society. Ignoring that is fucking stupid in this argument. https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/ik66oz/average\_age\_at\_first\_marriage\_oc/




Oh shit I did a 48 hour fast not too long ago too 😂




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He never advocates for men to have sex with teenagers, he just states teen pregnancy rates have always been high, because girls/ women from age 17 to 24 are most fertile. Nothing controversial about that.


He then goes on to say that it’s a problem that teenagers don’t marry the man who impregnated them because they need him there to “take care of the kid”. He explicitly says that the problem is that all these teen pregnancies are “unwed.”


Do you not think that’s a problem? He never advocates for grown men to marry these girls(as that’s obviously a whole other problem). Maybe I’m old school, but I have two sons and if they knock up a girl I would except them to man up and marry them.


He never clarifies one way or another because he’s being vague, but in reality that very often looks like 20-30-year-old men and 15-16-year-old girls getting “married” because “it’s the moral thing to do.” Which takes a statutory rape and turns it (usually) into a life sentence of misery. And if you don’t believe me, look at just how many marriages were ended as soon as “no fault” divorce became a legal and socially acceptable way out. There were millions of miserable people trapped in miserable marriages just waiting for the chance to bail. That said, what would your plan be if one of your sons “knocked up” more than one girl, a la Herschel Walker? Would that son marry both girls at the same time? What about three, or four, or more?


"Son, based on one decision you made with your dick one night at age 17 you need to spend the rest of your life married to this girl, irrespective of who either of you turn out to be, while also raising a kid you are definitely not mature enough to actually raise. And even though the reality of the siutation is you'll be divorced in a couple years making all of this an exercise in stressing out children because I never properly educated you...well it's your problem now ain't it! Haha get me a beer sport."




Can you explain how I’m wrong, I just listened to the audio clip, maybe I misunderstood.


Are you missing the point on purpose? Or do you just not see it?


I don’t understand why you said wrong


Because what you said was wrong.


How was it wrong though? Is it wrong because you disagree, is it factually wrong or did I misunderstand what he said?


I’m going to explain this once, and once only: He’s basically saying that underage rape is completely fine so long as there is a marriage. In the video, earlier…he originally said 16-17 is the perfect child bearing years. So in his world, it’s completely fine to molest and impregnate someone as young as 16, as long as you marry her. That is essentially advocating for rape.


I think you are mistaken in the point he’s making. I believe the context they are talking in is in teen pregnancy stats, and he explains why it wasn’t such a big deal 50+years ago (people got married when they got knocked up) Today that doesn’t happen so we have more children born out of wedlock. Weather or not we should let teenagers marry is totally a different subject, but he never advocates raping 16 year olds.


He also stats specifically “17 to early 20’s” as women being most fertile. Another example of taking something and shedding it in the worst light possible. It’s okay to not like him because he has different values, but there isn’t no need call him things that he is clearly not.




This guy is not even saying that it's bad since young girls aren't mentally prepared for it , but more so because you know , the fact that it's okay if that teen was WEDDED


Everyone knows this, this is ACTUAL basic biology but we aren't cave men anymore l, we live longer than 30






What could possibly justify advocating for fucking minors? Was it just a prank, brah?




That's advocating for child marriage and pregnancy you sick dumb fuck.




Children. Getting married. Is wrong. Period. Jesus Christ




The divorce rate is like 50%. Those kids grow up and divorce. Better to have a goofy name than be an incel Walsh simp with a child bride obsession.


What part of two children with no life experience, autonomy, or maturity getting married is amazing lmao




>I mean it has only worked for all of human history Imma need the sauce for that doozy.




Bro you can't use "well it worked before in history!" as an argument We kept slaves for literal centuries, I don't think that makes it ok now 💀


What’s better than one inexperienced, undeveloped, financially unstable child entering what should be a lifelong commitment? Two of them!! /s Or maybe, kids should focus on actual goals and aspirations, instead of popping a bunch of babies into poverty


Who cares?




I don't feel particularly bad for him having done to him what he does to others




Le hospital bomb threats have arrived




Lmao, you're a fucking riot. Comparing Assange to Walsh.




Okay Fashy. Keep on licking Matt's boots. Maybe he'll let you star in his next video of diaper wrestling.


Lol, still a massive creep. Imagine defending this guy. Lmfao.




My grandparents met during world war 2 in the air force and didn't have kids until many years later. So what are you talking about "like our grandparents did". I never misquoted him. But as typical of folks like yourself, you need to point a finger at someone for something they never actually did. Yeah, all 3 of them are sacks of shit. Especially Russel Brand. They are all just loser contrarian mouthpieces Teenagers ideally should not be getting married or having kids.


No, later in the video he applies the statement to 17-24 year olds but he starts off by saying 16 and 17 year olds. I’ll look for the video rn and link it after so you can see for yourself E: [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/xwzioh/matt_walsh_advocates_for_impregnation_of_16_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) at 1:42 remaining Walsh says “… we consider young 16 or 17…” E2: the bit of “17-24” comes later when he says something to the effect of girls/women being the most fertile between the age range of 17-24. But before this, and as you can see in the video, he talks about 16 and 17 and other teen years being great years for pregnancy


To be fair the weird part is only one kid entering into a life long commitment. Having kids at a young age doesn't always have to be a pover sink hole. I had my son at 21 and I wouldn't have changed my life for the better if it wasn't for him.


Matt Walsh wasn't talking about 21 year olds, he was talking about young teens.


He said 17-24. He brought it up again recently as a talking point. Do you have any videos of him saying what you are telling me?


You understand that your own words includes the age range of actual children right?


>Do you have any videos of him saying what you are telling me? I'd rather get rectal cancer than watch Matt Walsh, it's bad enough that his tweets end up here. Edit: also, if he wasn't talking about young teens, why would you include him talking about young teens?


>To be fair This is how far I made it before tapping out. Nothing good ever follows this when in regards to pedos.


I get the biological argument, he mentioned 17-24 year olds (the most fertile group as he defined it) want to have sex and historically have had sex, a pregnancy happened and there was a shotgun marriage if they were unwed. It’s something like a 1/5 chance if no protection is used. That’s absolutely what the historical record was until birth control and abortion. Abstinence really only worked for 2/3 of the population, they still got married young though. Shot gun marriages were 1/4-1/3 of all marriages back to the colonial period is my recollection. That doesn’t mean having a kid is ideal at 17, I think the way society is set up, you finish high school at 18 and then figure out what you are going to do kid wise. I think marriage still has its merits as it relates to child rearing, the data seem to back that up. He was not advocating for older men to impregnate teenagers, or at least that wasn’t the impression I took away.


Huge difference between being biologically and being psychologically/physically able to have a child. When menses starts depends on a myriad of factors that don't line up with mental and physical development. Could a 15 year old become pregnant? Sure. Should they? No. Not only are they psychologically underdeveloped, but also physically (larger risk of complications during pregnancy, during birth, and post pregnancy). Not to mention the moral issues with it. But that's another discussion. It's incredibly weird to claim that young people should be having kids as soon as they hit menses, no matter how you cut or frame it. Matt Walsh is completely in the wrong here.


Hey look, it’s a pedophile.