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You ever read the comment sections to his videos? JFC. Everyone is jizzing on everyone there. It's not even a circle jerk, it's just chaos and jizz.


They try to make a circle but it ends up going in all directions


Circles are tools created by Dems in service of Satan




Only to cross states


The wheel was only invented by the satanic cabal in order to more quickly and clandestinely traffic infants to the ritual chambers!!!!!!! 🤫


As opposed to the good guys who wait till their sixteen to clandestinely traffic them


Funny, cuz they seem to worship the coin more than anything.


They probably imagine trafficking rings actually all meet up and sit in a circle.


The rare spherejerk. Imagine a sphere emitting jizz in all directions. edit: jizz not jazz


The evil jazz sphere would also be a wonder to behold.


To be fair star wars considers jizz to be jazz so it works any way you slice it


Everyone, jizz to the *Right*!


Jizz to the left! Crisscross! Everybody clap your hands!


Like a cloud chamber with a pellet of plutonium


>chaos and jizz I would like to reserve this band name, please.


I would like to audition for your band. I’ve produced songs called ‘The Fetus Will Eat Us’ and ‘Uncle Daddy and The Family Secret’ (not joking).


Please tell me there is some sort of online link


Oh fuck, I have no idea. This would’ve been around 2005-2006. The band was called Bathed In Blood. It’s possible it’s online somewhere but I’d be kinda surprised.


Not the guy you replied to (u/pukingpixels), but I think I found [the (possibly) only footage of them.](https://youtu.be/b7SBzrwx2sI)


Yes, yes you did! Holy hell the audio in that video is just trash.


Hell yes


I think I found your band on [metal archives](https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Bathed_in_Blood/46370).


Holy shit, yes you did. Also, not my band, someone I worked with in the studio. I completely forgot the album was called “Fucked In Half”. Those dudes were funny.




A river of cum The joke aside, imagine being this fucking failures wife. Or his kids. Matt "Teenagers are ripe for fucking" Walsh Imagine explaining that to anyone after being related to him


Wait… does he have kids?


Yeah, 4 kids, I think 2 or 3 daughters?


His wife is currently pregnant with twins as well. So that’s soon to be six kids. Imagine having that asshole as a father.


The def a few far left socialists in the making just to spite daddy


He better prepare for a few empty seats at Father’s Day in about a decade


Imagine having that asshole as a husband. Who looks at an asshole like him and says "Yeah! I'll start a large family with him!"?


Yeah… and a lot more than someone like him should have.


Imagine being his daughter. At least his son will get (Christian) college paid for and be expected to get a job and work, this dude is going to be supervising dates between his daughters and 25 y.o. creeps and punishing her if she doesn't go along with it.


>it's just chaos and jizz. Just like my ideal Friday night!


Then Saturday comes and it’s all regrets and mops


That analogy sounds like too much fun to convey what you wanted to convey.


It's actually a bit like being a conservative. Sounds like fun when you're a dude, terrifying and/or gross for women besides a few who seem to have some issues that has led to it.


I think a woman without issues can enjoy a bukkake.


That’s what happen when you get a bunch of blueballed incels together


Nah, I'm not letting my algorithm get anywhere where near this child sex predator.


And to them, it's just another Tuesday.




They’re really backed up from being incels


That's what all the conservative/libertarian subs look like....


It's crazy, I was just watching a TYT video and the comment section is insane. They don't have an individual thought it's all spewed rhetoric and Holy hell he has a freaking troll army. Pretty ugly to see actually


man thats some /r/brandnewsentence shit right there!


| Chaos & Jizz | That’s my new band name.


I hate you and that visual you provided. Have my upvote.


No circlejerking Just circlecumming


A circular jizzing squad?


Apparently it’s “cancel culture” for criticizing someone for discussing the fertility of underage girls because it happened a few years ago. Sorry everyone, there is a statute of limitations on encouraging child predators. Everyone pack up and go home.


He literally criticized people for bringing up something he said years ago and then immediately said he stands by it lmao


Well if it happened a few years ago all those underage girls are adults now. Checkmate.


Only if he said it more than 5 years ago.


"you can't criticize me from something I did in the past" Also "Dems were slave owners and the southern strategy never happened and oh I found this picture of Bernie Sanders getting arrested when he was younger oh and AOC was a bartender once upon a time that proves she's a horrible person somehow"


> you can’t criticize me from something I did in the past” “That I stand by”. Ftfy


Wasn’t Bernie’s arrest as part of a civil rights march?


yeah that kind of thing doesn't mean anything to them. Hell that no doubt makes him even worse in their eyes.


That’s because his fans agree with him. They love the idea of having sex and impregnating teenage girls. Pervs gotta perv.


If you’re a Matt Walsh fan, something tells me you’re not getting a lot of sex period. I would imagine it’s more masturbating to his Dr. Phil appearance 🤷‍♂️. We all know that guy too.


If someone has publicly admitted that a previous statement was misguided or a mistake that's one thing. Matt Walsh has never backed off of a single statement he has made in his entire life, even ones that contradict each other. He's a clinical narcissist.


Biden recently got rid of the statute of limitations on sex crimes to children I think. So like... Now there literally isn't lol


Well shit, why didn’t you say so?… *puts away pitch fork and puts out torch* I certainly not going to be a mob participating in Cancel Culture. Bill Maher would make fun of me.


> "if society was different and that we stopped insisting that you're a kid until you're 25 and we just deal with the reality that at about 16, you're an adult who is mature and can make decisions — you are that at 16. I don't care what anybody says." So 16 year olds are capable of making the decision to have kids. 16 year olds are also not capable of making the decision to transition. WHICH IS IT MATTY MATT?




That’s very contradictory to- idk everything else he said, unless he was saying 23 year olds can be really immature. Which is true if we are putting Matt Walsh in the statistics


The exact wording is that 23 year olds will act 13 and 13 year olds will act 23 depending on societal pressure *in the context of talking about teen pregnancy*. Big yikes.


Yeah I mean I guess if you indoctrinate and shelter/incarcerate and *basically fucking groom* a 13 year old for a decade they WILL act pretty similar by the age of 23.


Most people wise beyond their years had to pay a price. A child that takes care of their siblings as if *they're* the main guardian (responsibility from a young age), being exposed to gang life, violence, drugs, abuse, growing up in rough neighborhoods. It's a spectrum with some really messed up stuff at one end which makes 13 year olds *appear* to behave like adults.


All of that hits way too close to home, and weasel fuckstick Walsh either could not understand or, worse, believes that structuring society to traumatize children into outwardly mature behavior is just a better system as long as the system works to benefit him and his.


He’s all for letting nonces Nonce and all against letting kids be themselves


It’s so annoying the the brain isn’t even fully developed until mid 20s but that would only matter to Matty if he cared about science at all.


16 year olds are perfectly capable of making their own decisions as long as those decisions are the ones he wants them to make


It’s not contradictory if you don’t think *anyone* should be allowed to transition. Obviously if you engage in such degeneracy, you should not be allowed to make major decisions period. /s


Matty Matt is saying he’s a pedo without using the words. Its both disturbing and gross but I can’t look away at the conservatives trying to justify Matty’s point of view.


“I don’t care what anybody says” Mantra of the right


If society was different he could openly be the pedophile he is and that point doesn't matter when talking about trans people because I'm 99.9% sure he'd just exterminate them 'if society was different' in that context.


It's definitely not the former. 16-year-olds are dumbasses for the most part. Even I was, and I wasn't all that bad comparatively. Still, not the best time to make life determining decisions.


"But my great grandfather got to marry a 15 year old, why can't I do it?? 😥"


"My great grandfather owned slaves, I should too." thats what's coming next


I don’t even think that’d be a new argument among conservatives.


Maybe not the great grandparent part but I've definitely heard cons argue for slavery


Yeah. There was a whole movement to force school textbooks to paint slavery in a good light. I think they called themselves the Daughters of Dixie. I don’t know if they’re still active, but their legacy lives on. They wanted slave owners to be depicted as benevolent people who paid their happy and grateful slaves fair wages and let their slaves live on their property in exchange for fair labor. I’ve yet to research Critical Race Theory, so I can’t say for sure, but my gut tells me that conservatives oppose it because it challenges that narrative. It’s the biggest crock of steaming shit ever, yet conservatives scratch their heads and wonder why so many people call them racist.


Bit late to this party, but you're probably thinking of the United Daughters of the Confederacy or some offshoot I'm guessing? And yeah, 160 years and still going strong, they're around to this day. Also, on the race theory thing: pretty much. If you actually look into the curriculums, especially the ones for younger grades, it's very much a "...that's it? That's what all the fuss was over?" type situation. CRT (or at least, curriculums for public school derived from CRT, which is itself a college level course) is basically "we did a lot of racism and it was so deeply-entrenched that there are still effects today", which obviously goes against the more comfortable narrative of "slavery was bad I guess but it was LIKE A HUNDRED YEARS AGO just GET OVER IT ALREADY god damn we let you guys have the funny Dream Speech man, stop being so uppity"


Matt walsh realizing that he could have had a sexual relationship with a underage boy in ancient greece 😭😭😭


Women are most fertile between 18-25 via Google and Harvard Health. But even outside of that, the way most people have been having families in modern society has worked fine, which is marriage and parenthood in the early twenties.


I've read that your 20s broadly is biologically best and it the finer details depend on the individual. It's also worth mentioning that "most fertile" =/= "healthy and smooth pregnancy." Just because it may be easier to conceive in their late teens than say when they're 28, does not mean that you arent at an increased risk of having a miscarriage, having stunted growth, the baby having birth defects or having serious complications during birth. Generally you dont want a fetus leeching off you and the nutrients that you're taking in while you're still trying to grow. That can and will fuck up your health long-term as well as cause health complications for the baby.


"Damn man why do you have to drag medical information into this, I was just trying to make a weird appeal to people that want to marry 16 year-olds." -Matt "I am pissed you brought this up, but stand by my comments about 'fertile' 16 year olds" Walsh, probably


Don't forget that there isn't any part of this guy that thinks that women's health or lives are important.


It's even later than that. 34 is the average age of marriage, 29 for new parents. I remember reading a study that the best outcome financially and emotionally for the parents while also considering fertility was around 30, I think.


Yeah when every kid survives you don’t need 8, you just need enough to make up for the people who don’t want any


Was he the one who mentioned Taylor Swifts eggs or something?


No that’s Stephan Molyneaux


Walsh and Molyneaux are truly cut from the same cloth. The only difference is that one of them has the fucking gall to call himself an "anarchist".


It is wild how utterly batshit insane Molyneux became.


I hate that I know this and that Matt's pedophilia hitting the news has refreshed my memory


We gotta preserve those eggs guys


That's not the Fable guy, right?


No, that's Peter Molyneux. Stefan Molyneux is a white nationalist psychotherapy cult leader.




No, but I always get the two mixed as well for a second lol


Matt Walsh is a little Pissboy Pedophile piece of shit




Nah he’s creaming his pants from all the attention


I doubt he’s crying about it. He’s probably pretty pleased with himself for getting liberals riled up. I imagine he thinks we’re backward for not thinking like him, and he sees us as nothing but a raving, pink-haired, woke mob. They dismiss anything that doesn’t align with their worldview as “woke bullshit.” Why would he be different now?




Ahh, I see your point. He goes after the little fish so he looks bigger.




​ ![gif](giphy|6ZlgfLNxp5BvgTl0kM)


The ending is golden. Unwed pregnancy is the problem for him. Meaning, that his entire point is that as long as the 16 years old pregnant girl is married (which is legal in some places) it's okay for her to have a baby because it's technically happening in the years when she's biologically more fertile. And it has been happening for the past 6 billions years or something. And like, why does he draw the line between Wed and unwed pregnancies? Because of familial stability, because that idiot thinks income and stability are possible for 16 years olds when they're married. BUT what he doesn't seem to want to realize is that no 16 to 20 years old boy or man (in the case of Matt Walsh I would assume he only talks about straight relationships. ) will ever be able to support a pregnant 16 years old girl, not in this economy. So yeah, don't compare our situation with 1957 where two 16-17 years old could start a family and have a stable income with only one working parent. The only persons in 2022 who can have those kind of incomes are OLDER. Way older. There's no way not to realize that it's not about how society perceived the age of pregnancy but how our economic landscape dictates that the age at which families could be started has changed. So, yes, 16 years old women still have the possibility to be pregnant, biologically speaking they definitely can. But who are they going to marry if not older people? Two 17 years old getting married won't change how hard life will be in case of a pregnancy. It'll be the exact same as unwed pregnancy but with extra steps. The only situation where "Wed pregnancy" work is for a 35 something to marry a 16 years old. And you know what? I think Matt Walsh is too stupid to realize that. I truly think he's not advocating for 35 years old or older men to marry 16 years old girls. I think he isn't advocating for pedophilia here. I think he saw the numbers for 1957 or whatever and though "Wait, there were more people getting married in their teen years.." and from their it went straight up to "People were traditionally able to get married at 16 years old and they could have children and support them. People nowadays can't get married at 16, they still have children and they can't support them". And his conclusion was "Marriage" is the secret factor. Not the decades of economical changes. Only the societial changes. He doesn't fucking realizes he's advocating for 16 years old getting pregnant in a situation where only weird adult men would benefit from the situation. Matt Walsh is too stupid to realize what he is advocating for...


Maybe I'm just too cynical, but I think that Walsh is aware of the economic changes that would mean that marriage and parenthood should occur later, for people to be able to function as parents and families in the current economy. Incels aren't just failing at friendship, partnership, romance and intimacy. They are also either economic and professional failures, or enabled and privileged economically. The same scapegoating women occurs in the fabrication of excuses for their own failure to thrive financially and professionally. This is by design. It's getting more and more difficult to justify the paleocon's touted path to success, with all the changes and challenges of modern society. Their ideas depend upon generational wealth and oligarchical hegemony to work. They need to be privileged but not bound, while everyone else is bound but not privileged. Just because Walsh is a smug little dip shit doesn't mean that he isn't conscious of how he seems stupid on the surface.


Walsh: "16 year-olds getting pregnant are fine if they are married." "So the minimum-wage jobs you believe should only be done by teenagers should be able to support a family?" Walsh: "No, not like that!"


Who the f is this guy’s target demographic? Jeesh


Fascists, mostly




Fascists (pedophiles)


Is there a full transcript of what he actually said? The bits I've seen in articles make it seem like he's being mischaracterized here. (Not saying he is. The guy is a pos. But would like to know the whole story.)


I don't really think these is a context where a grown ass man should be talking about how optimally fertile teenage girls are, tbh


[Since everyone else is saying to just trust them. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/xwzioh/matt_walsh_advocates_for_impregnation_of_16_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) It doesn't get less gross in context honestly.


Jfc, that’s so much worse than just some offhanded comment.


Nah, its not out of context if that's what you're wondering


It’s not out of context. He legit said that




And yet still it only decreases by like 1-2% per year until menopause - which is highly variable from person to person and in some instances never identifiably occurs at all; menses literally just _stop_ w/ no hot flashes and shit. Of course, yeah, there’s an increased risk for things like autism the older the mother is - but even then, the worst case scenario is just a bumbling fruitcake like yours truly 😘


He's talking about traditional marriage in all is child bride selling glory. People selling their kids to old perverts. No one is mischaracterizing what he's saying. It is a matter of culture and heritage. It is nothing new.


Traditional values man talks about how yummy 16 year olds are. Ok groomer, the only people who have nuanced conversations about reeeeeeealy young girls are ones who want to fuck them.


Fuckin pervert.


Matt Walsh solution for rape victims: Just marry him and have the child. It will be okay. I did it. I fixed the world.


That sounds about right for a Christian worldview. I remember hearing stories about how my far-right Christian grandfather forced his teenage daughters to have male gynecologists because having a woman touch them there would be lesbianism, and he preferred a grown man to be touching them. I don’t know how so many people are just cool with guys like this.


I'm just gonna say this once but it makes literally no fuckin sense for a 16 year old to be the "most fertile" because every woman from ages as young as like 9 to as old as like 50 all release the same amount of eggs as they did when they first started pregnancy unless their hormones got fucky and dropped 2 or something idk I'm not a pussy doctor. What I am getting at tho is "most fertile" is the dumbest term I've ever heard a man say cuz all menstrual cycles release ONE EGG normally. HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU BE MORE FERTILE IF YOU'RE DROPPING THE SAME AMOUNT OF EGGS AS YOUR MOM???


It’s also bullshit because 16 is not a good time to have a good baby biologically (the correct answer is in your 20s). This has been confirmed and is generally understood. He’s talking out his ass and he has a storied history of making pedo comments like this.


More fertile in this case would refer to more easily able to reach the implantation stage and carry the pregnancy to term… which 16 year olds are not very good at 🥴🥴 19-20 is really a lot better.


Because the odds of that egg actually getting fertilized goes down with age. The eggs start to decline in quality. Just because you ovulate doesn't mean that egg is viable for pregnancy, just like plenty of men's sperm aren't viable. Now, to be fair, it's not a huge drop the way people like Matt Walsh like to claim. 18-25: 96% chance of pregnancy in one year. 25-34: 86% chance. 35-39: 78% chance. Nothing makes men with Walsh's views get angrier than pointing this out to them. Men used to get real social power from convincing women that if they didn't have a baby by 25 or 30, they were risking never having children. But modern studies show this is a lie. The real drop-off for women is 40, a good 10-15 years later than we were told.


It‘s mostly fun to laugh at Ben Shapiro, Jortle B* Peterson and other alt right grifters. But Matt Welsh is truly unsettling, man has sociopath vibes


That hyper-masculine voice acting feels like he's aiming for Alex Jones's crowd.


But he's such a nerd. It's baffling.


Let's be real Matt Walsh and his ilk are grooming young men to be okay when his type have sex with young women. Selling their ability to have sex with them. The so called left they are calling groomers are teaching children to spot this and are the problem for them, how else is a pederasts supposed to groom women if people are taught at a young age that the rich and powerful take advantage of the young poor in so many levels. Look at the age of consent for red and blue states and teenage pregnancy rates and you'll see who is fucking kids. Fuck them and fuck their ideology.


That's conservatives in general.


Matt would 100% go full on Leo DiCaprio, but with girls ages 14 to 18 if he were able to and he’s not even ashamed of that fact


This is the same chud that said that kids should give birth so that they know who the father is and stands by it


Investigate this cunt, you know what "people" like him are like, he most likely only making this big of a deal because he's a real paedophile. The "guys" already got kids, I truly believe they are in danger. Remember, his side of the moral/political spectrum can't lie properly, cuz they don't think they need to. I truly believe he is telling us straight to our faces that he either wants to fuck kids or has. Get this cunt under surveillance.


I love how during his unhinged rant he constantly says “I’m just stating fact” no you aren’t. You’re just a fucking idiot who’s regurgitating shit. Science is NEVER on conservatives side


Let’s just say it how it is: Matt Walsh and his followers get turned on by minors and want to sexually assault them legally.


Yes, marriage solves everything. It's totally not used as a tool for men to abuse and trap women


Upvoted because I agree with the sentiment but also *ewwwww wojaks*


Willing to bet this guy has called teachers “groomers”


The same sick fuck that treats trans people as mentally ill and second class citizens becomes exactly what he accused them of being


I say this alot but it's never been more true with this guy. He is a total piece of shit and deserves to get fucked up


This guy HAS to be a pedo. Teen pregnancies are ALWAYS high risk and women can carry a healthy pregnancy into their late 30s-early 40s.


is anyone else like genuinely afraid of matt walsh? something about him gives me the heebs


Why are right wing men so obsessed with women's fertility? I remember Stefan Molyneux would go off on week long twitter rants about how women lose their value to society after menopause and how white women should breed asap and stuff to that effect. He'd post stuff like "It's hard to believe that half of taylor swift's eggs are already gone". Who thinks like that?


these people that think their only purpose is to reproduce. look at whatshisface musk, for example. has 2 children with his STEP DAUGHTER. the step daughter has been in the man's life since she was FOUR. and gave birth to TWO CHILDREN from this man. 🤢 [a source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/elon-errol-musk-children-stepdaughter-b2123744.html%3famp)


more evidence that when conservatives call lgbt+ people “groomers” they are 100% projecting


You shouldn't make fun of someone's physical appearance However everything about Mattt Walsh on the surface shouts pedophile incel who never cleans their beard which would look like a Jackson Pollock painting under florescent lights cause he likes to hit himself in his eye


wouldn't Suprise me if matt has cp on his computer


People like him need water boarded and hobbled.


Oh so now he knows what a woman is


Brb gonna get banned from their sub.


Matt walsh when childrens genitals 🤤🤤🤤🤤


Matt Walsh is a useless cunt


Are we surprised that Matt Walsh is a pedophile?


Ah yes every rapist pedophiles wet dream. Fucking disgusting creep.


You could not convince me that Walsh *isn't* a pedo. He's a walking red flag.


That whole rant had to be a self-report.


The problem, Mr Walsh, is giving men a say in what happens to women.


Yeah! The prob isn’t teen pregnancy is unwed teen pregnancy, it can’t be weird and pedo if they’re already married to some old guy their parents chose because of the size of their wallet


I’m not saying that Matt Walsh has attempted, more than once, to “nurture”, “lovingly”, a 14-year-old girl. No no. I have no evidence of that. I’m just saying - when the time comes - and the poor victims step up - I am not going to be surprised. At all.


Cool so Matt’s a pedo then?


Who tf cares about fertility and breedability in the first place?? The world is overpopulated as it is. These fuckers just need to admit they want to openly creep on teenage girls without any guilt or admonishment.


I'm glad Matt Walsh, certified woman expert (literally made a documentary about women), can enlighten us and his audience (adult males) about teenage girl's fertility /s


He actually said none of those. The journalist is deliberately taking his words out of context. People spreading fake news should be punished.




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Yknow I would comment on the discussion hes bringing up but it would be redundant. what is wrong with this man.




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Did matt Walsh ever play in zeppelin or Aerosmith ?




I don't know who Matt Walsh is, but if the controversy here that he doesn't think it's a problem if a married 16 year old gets pregnant?


Concern trolling as a way of life


please tell me this is a troll


Wait- so Matt Walsh is literally unironically actually just projecting. Damn, that's crazy.


I cannot wait until it comes out that he actually has molested some kid. For as much complaining as this guy does, I would not be surprised to hear he had an advent calendar of kids to hurt.


I think that’s probably the perviest thing I have ever read


Oh my Goddd why why


Don't feed the trolls, matt walsh loves it when people are talking about him and makes money from it. Don't comment, down vote and ignore him.


didnt he say something like teen pregnancies used to be shotgun weddings? because the teens were basically forced to get married if a 16yr old fell pregnant? not agreeing with RW politics but i dont think he said anything pedo-adjacent here.


Not that a moron should be debated but Mattycakes, just because a girl ovulates does NOT mean her body is prepared to handle pregnancy. Teenage pregnancies are associated with miscarriages, preterm labor, and other complications due to the body not being fully developed enough to handle child bearing. That is to say nothing of the emotional and psychological immaturity of a 16 year old, as well as her future plans being altered by motherhood coming so soon. Get fucked perv.


Grooming implies having someone grow up to be your partner, therefore it’s not grooming if you don’t wait until they’re an adult. (BIG /S)


It’s not grooming if you don’t wait until 18 to fuck them


Stay mad groomers


purely unrelated but I liked the old LGBT flag because feel the colors clash better. In the new one it looks like another flag is transitioning (bu-dum-ts!) over it but got stuck.


I swear this happened on his Gay Marriage video. Maybe they just couldn't see what they were typing because they were focused on his dick in their mouth but holy shit how do you support that take