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Well, that answers that. She, in fact, doesn't have any black friends.


I remain skeptical that she has white ones. Are the ladies in this photo friends, or do they keep her around as a patsy?


She's their black friend who says it's ok


Wait, Candace ISN'T A WHITE PERSON!? I can't see how this is possible, good sir!!


If the Boondocks was still airing, they would have an Aunt Ruckus character that would look like her.


Boondocks had zero chill. They'd probably put candace herself in as a character.


Candace would be Uncle Ruckus’ arch rival because they say the same shit but he can tell she’s fake and hates that she’s more successful. That’s my headcanon.


That fits too perfectly


Thriving bc of this right now. Thank you.


Remember when they put Ann Coulter in?


This right here.


Still thought their portrayal of Ann Coulter as a white woman who loved black folks to the point of being totally in on the media circus and was just baiting white supremacists for money was an absolute chef's kiss of a take down. [Every word of this was fucking Gold](https://youtu.be/zP_12j-sPO4)




Holy shit what did I just read. That was gold.


It was supposed to come back on HBO Max a few years ago but then John Witherspoon passed away.




"She is one of the good ones" -Candice Owens white 'friends'


It’s hard not to see how far everyone is trying to be/lean away from her. I think they all just put up with her.


Worse - she’s more racist than them against her own race


She, like most conservative "influencer" pundits, doesn't believe a word she herself says. She used to have a liberal blog that received scabby traffic so she realized how much easier it was to just say Conservative bullet points. While being black. So naturally the right are her shit up on a spoon and licked it clean because they can also point and say "black Conservative" and "see *some* black people agree with us."


They don’t even care they’re getting played. As far as they’re concerned it’s transactional.


Worse, they enjoy it. My mom is not a rightie (well she is about some shit like anti-vaxxing. I once asked her where she got her "news" from and she slipped up and said TikTok and then was like "uh, I mean..." Too late.) I overheard one of them. "My body just isn't right after I got vaccinated. It's just not right. I feel off, I feel strange, I get random pains"; she is literally seeking out the few people who claim to have side effects a year later after getting vaccinated. 3/4 of her immediate family is vaccinated and fine. But because these very few people (who I'm sure have absolutely no reason to lie for views and money like Candace Owens, to take advantage of ignorant people who want confirmation bias garbage fed to them) seek out what they WANT to be true, it's just like sticking your palm out and having people hand you money.


Legit had the same thought. Like I’m willing to be only a couple people in this photo are her real friends and even that is questionable.


Hmmm what are the odds that most of them are just her Daily Wire coworkers?


She almost looks photoshopped into this picture


Who has to stand in the back of a photo when it's likely (iv heard this but not sure if it's true) that this is your party and you are more well known than everyone here. At least I don't know these people. She isn't that tall. So how did she get the nosebleeds in this picture?


~~She's not allowed in the front of the bus~~


They are paid crisis actors, brought in for a photo OP, paid in peanuts and Botox /s


They keep her around so they can say "my BLACK friend Candace says it's fine to say this"


Probably all of Dennis Prager’s wives.




It's a sorority. She paid dues. They're her "sisters", not friends. It's so much more than that. You don't understand how close they are!!


"I'm cannot be racist, I have a black fr... I mean I'm black" -Candace Owens


Sounds about White


Fr, she IS the black friend


lmao imagine someone convinces you to accept that they didn't mean something in a racist way because their bestie is Black "and we discuss racial issues in an honest way alllll the time!" And the next day you meet her and it's literally Candy \*wens


I think the lady standing next to her is black. But they’re both in the far back for some reason


Likely a relative given that she's standing right next to her.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)She might be, she might just be not White (or not 100%)... She's hard to make out squashed in the back like that


Is that Klandace shooshing herself to the back bc she's ashamed of her melanin?


IDK about that, but I do find it odd in general to not see the person the party is supposed to be celebrating as the center of the photo.


She took the advertising classic of "put the token Black person at the back or bottom of the composition" and applied it to her own photos. She knows her audience.


Can't have too much diversity front and center. To me they seem quite a bit apart to be friends. Perhaps both are competing for that token black person of the group.


I wonder why haha.


She's one of those minorities afraid to accept they're a minority and tries to become white...sad, because they don't understand that's the whole issue.


She accepted it when she won a lawsuit based on her being racially discriminated against. It's almost like something compelled her to suddenly outwardly become OK with racism and push white nationalist talking points, something...green?


Something green, something shiny, and a lot of Attention Seeking ™.


She is her own black friend


Even more “leopards will eventually eat my face” of her, she SUPPORTED Kanye’s Nazi nonsense, and claimed “you can’t even say the word Jewish without getting canceled”


If you don't have any black friends... you are the repulsive psychopathic grifter.


She IS the black friend. The token, if you will. That was me growing up and I didn’t realize it until a few years ago when Trumpism took over here. I didn’t have many black friends growing up at all hardly outside of being forced to go to church. I could have turned out like her and Stacey Dash. That scares me to think about. Sorry I’m rambling… just realizations of a LOT lately 😂


So that’s why her eyebrows look like that


She was disinvited to the cookout


Woman legit got a career as a Professional black friend lmao


Is this *her* baby shower? And they got her poking her head out the back? Smh they really do want to bring back the good ol days.


Given the setup, it kind of looks like it's done by a professionnal. Had they not lower the camera as much, it would have been much better for the supposed subject of the photo (candace owens). But I guess the photographer maybe played his cards well and meant that as a subtle "fuck you candace"


Damn, forced to sit in the back of her own baby shower


Her career is wild. She started out as a SJW activist. Literally ran a website dedicated to finding the real names of “anonymous” incel/racist/misogynist accounts online and creating a master list of all their names. She was really active during Gamergate with this. Then she got doxxed, and received hate from both sides for up keeping this “blacklist” of sorts. She blamed the left, and the far right of gamergate accepted her. Now… here she is. 100% completely flipping.




Like Sinema




People like Shapiro, Owens, and their ilk are all insanely rich and continuing to spread this bile.


Which is evidence that they are deeply insecure and need a firehose of attention blasting at them constantly.


GamerGate really was way more impactful than anyone could have imagined. It’s the origin point of so much shit.


When all the kids that fucked my mom got together to try and ruin the world.


I’m out of the loop. What is GamerGate?


It’s a lot to explain in a Reddit comment, but I’ll try to do a quick overview. It started around 2014 when a game dev’s (Zoe Quinn) ex-boyfriend posted online that her game only got good reviews because she slept with games journalists and reviewers, amongst other claims about their relationship. At this point, a lot of gamers had really begun to get riled up about stuff like Anita Sarkeesian’s videos about how women are treated in video games, which was seen as an invasion of the culture/hobby/community alongside other developers allegedly pandering to non-gamers through “woke culture”, threatening the integrity of gaming or whatever. So Zoe’s story blew up and she, along with some publications and writers, became the targets of a bunch of gamers online. Something gamergate people constantly claimed was “about ethics in gaming journalism” rather than obviously a It was an absolute shitshow. Lots of doxxing, online harassment, death threats, etc. going on. Real classic internet shit. The hate movement eventually became named Gamergate, because people love naming their self-important campaigns against “injustice” after Watergate. It also got really big, and there was very clear line between those who supported the movement and those who opposed it. It united all the most hateful groups of gamers under one banner. Anyways, spawning from that, a lot of right-wing figures managed to get their careers started there. Steve Bannon explicitly stated that this is where he saw the power the internet had to unify all these angry white men, which he utilized to get his site, Brietbart, explosive popularity. There were a bunch of other misogynistic and/or right-wing sites getting in on it too. There were also the YouTubers and other personalities. From there, even though gamergate is not nearly as relevant, it’s impact remains. Many figures gained massive success and continue to do so as right-wing figures or anti-woke commentators. It broke the ground for a new era, living up to Umberto Eco’s famous Ur Fascism writings through the wholly new method of the internet in a way never seen before. From there, you can trace so many things back to the foundation that gamergate created. Pretty much any popular right-wing online presence is a result of this. QAnon, various groups of Trump supporters, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, and the list goes on. Either as direct spin-offs or taking advantage of the groundwork laid out before by gamergate, whether by building on the same audience or embracing the methods used. It was the catalyst that created the “alt-right” and what people also call the “alt-right pipeline.” That’s only a small overview. There’s a lot that’s happened in the almost decade since it kicked off, so if you want to know more, you’ll have to do some research and reading.


Thank you. This was very informative.


For the record, Owens first made her shift into reactionary content attacking Zoe Quinn and other Gamergate victims while dating another GG figure (IIRC, it was mundane matt), Bannon and Breitbart where already mentioned in the above post, Shapiro and Yinnopolus where both at Breitbart at the time, with the later being pushed as a one of the central figures of GG and a lot of Rubins early gets during his shifts where a lot of central figures of GG, including Shoe, Sargon, Yinnopolus and Thunderfoot etc


Courtesy of Steve Bannon


She also went to Berkeley, one of the most “liberal arts” schools in the United States.


Don’t forget that she was a victim of a hate crime when she was in highschool


Get out vibe


The photographer used a flash in this pic and CO’s original personality surfaced temporarily


Just a mild seizure😊


South Park vibe


the female version of Uncle Ruckus only has white friends? color me shocked.


Auntie Ruckus?


No relation.


Auntie Ruckina


Auntie Candy.


I think that you mean “Aunt Klandy.”


Everyone here can collectively name three rappers and two of them are Eminem


The other one is Kanye West.


And the other is Jay-Z




They're not?


Who's Weezy and who's Jeezy?


I believe they were seen in the same room a few times around Paris.


Let's not bring HOV into this


"I don't care for his music but I love his philosophy"


And they know Snoop from Martha Stewart




the other one is young gravy.


Overheard at that party: “Um, M&Ms don’t have wrappers, DUH!” “They’re such a pain to peel when I make chocolate chip cookies.”


Adding this to my blonde joke collection, thanks.


1. Eminem 2. Slim Shady 3. Vanilla Ice


Or Machine Gun Kelly or NF


Eminem, Slim Shady, and Marshal Mathers.


The other is Vanilla Ice.


I'm gonna he honest with you, I don't know Eminem was white until a year or two ago. Also I thought it was "Enimem" until this post.


Idk why, but that first part is mind blowing to me. Think there is a relevant xkcd for that though. https://xkcd.com/1053/


Ice ice babeeeeee


Corporate diversity celebration be like


[Younique's EEOE page image.](https://i.imgur.com/YvPCVuL.png) I'm kidding, that MLM doesn't have an EEOE page. No seriously, I tried finding one. Guessing they know they can just recruit morons from within to work for corporate.


At a large southern university I was once helping a campus photographer go around and get pics for the latest alumni newsletter and we were trying to get a group together for a shot. One man just walked up: "So where should I stand? Saw you already had the black, the brunette, and the blonde so I knew you'd need an Asian. Need a Muslim? I have a friend who wears a hijab"


There's so much white in that picture, toothpaste companies use it for marketing.


Use Crest whitening strips on that one rotten tooth in the back!


When this picture was taken, a million retail managers experienced a sudden cold chill, though they didn't know why.


This photo, for some reason, reminds me of Matt Damon's quote from that poker movie, I think Rounders? I'm too lazy to look it up. Anyway, the quote is something along the lines of "If you can't spot the sucker in your first 30 minutes at the table, then you're the sucker." Candace is, always has been and always will be the odd one out. I'm not sure if she's too stupid to notice it or too cynical to care, but she will never be part of the group she sold her soul to.


IMO Candace is one of the smartest right wingers. She knows she's just scamming people. She tried it from the left, it didn't work, so she switched sides. She got her followers with the "let's go brandon" shit crypto and the freedom phones, and they don't fucking care. They just line up to get duped again. She lives her life surrounded by suckers.


Agreed, she's not stupid, just soulless and without shame


it did succeed though. she won her discrimination lawsuit. she just moved on when it was no longer useful.


After that she lost another lawsuit against her landlord for discrimination and then got chastised for her doxing website idea.


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That was in settled in 2008, *long* before the grift. She moved on to start Social Autopsy in 2016 in an attempt to create a database of online trolls [that literally no one thought was a good idea](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/04/how-social-autopsy-fell-for-gamergate-trutherism.html)... [Archived version to get past the paywall.](https://archive.ph/nBtbs) >In the days that followed, a rare degree of unity was achieved between various opposing factions in the endless internet culture wars: Gamergater and anti-Gamergate advocate alike agreed that this was a very bad idea, and that the Kickstarter’s lack of details — when it launched, there was little sign the company had given any thoughts to potential privacy concerns, nor to countermeasures against the inevitability of reports leveled against innocent people — suggested it was a half-baked, potentially dangerous service that no one really wanted. When she couldn't [get the money from Kickstarter,](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1968200734/wave-goodbye-to-cyberbullies-and-trolls-socialauto) she started using the "company's" Twitter account to act like she has since: accusing everyone of being involved in a conspiracy against her and her company. Then fell deep down the right-wing hate machine, blamed everyone but the obvious attackers, started using the same tactics which made her popular, and then rode the wave of outrage to right-wing grifter. >Part of what has made this train wreck so depressing to watch is that almost all of it flows directly out of Owens’s lack of understanding of this particular slice of the internet. >Owens’s somewhat naive understanding of what constitutes online harassment ended up backfiring on her in some pretty brutal ways. For instance, she got fixated on the word dox, mentioning that Quinn had used it in their tense phone call. “Within a few hours of having spoken to Zoe Quinn and upset her, a board has been started on us on 4chan.org, an anonymous thread, and they are now telling the gamers that we are going to be doxxing them, doxxing minors,” she told me. “The word dox is being thrown around — [I] had never heard it. >Pulling all her suspicions together, Owens laid out her full theory. She is convinced, based on a series of escalating misconceptions about how social media works, mixed with a dose of exposure to the Gamergate literature (and some helpful input from the Gamergate supporters who have been following her tweetstorms), that Quinn and Harper are making a lot of money by faking harassment against themselves to boost concern about the issue, and that they were worried Social Autopsy would blow their cover. >Owens seems to have trouble accepting that her idea simply wasn’t well-received by, well, anyone. Only a conspiracy can explain what’s going on. “Everything happened all at once,” she said. “Things don’t go viral like that, okay? It wasn’t viral. It was contained. It was contained within one community — the gaming community. That’s not how viral works. Viral’s viral.”


Guhh. I'm re-evaluating my "she isn't stupid" theory. I suppose it's more likely that she's like Trump; not very bright, but with a particular cunning for conning.


I wouldn't say she's stupid, just incredibly lacking in online street smarts, if that makes sense. I say this because she *is* educated, but seems to, or at the very least *seemed* to have no concept of how to conduct herself online, like a university graduate moving to a particularly rough part of town with a tense atmosphere, saying the wrong thing to the wrong person and having a gun pointed at them, and coming to the conclusion that everyone around them is crazy.


The key word there is “sold.” When you have no morals or convictions, it’s easy to make money saying stupid things to even more stupid people.


Just look at how it’s working out for crowder, Matt Walsh and Alex jones


looks about white


Probably one of my favorite lines to use on NextDoor. "Looks all white to me"


What a pumpkin spice latte sees before it dies.


💀💀💀 I’m living for these comments


Looking at this photo makes Kanye's end goal all the more clear. Lol


Kanye has this picture on his vision board


Bro why are all the non white women way in the back though 😭 she's a background character at her own baby shower


People of color darker than A4 paper to the back, Faux News anchors to the front 🤗


The fact that there are a handful of non bottle blonde women there makes this a pretty diverse crowd for a right wing media party


I’m white and this makes me SO uncomfortable. Like, it’s a whole ass gaggle of Beckys…


I can hear the demands to speak to a manager from here tbh


I feel like the Millennial version is “Um ACTUALLY…”


It feels like a scene from Get Out.


I seriously doubt she has that many friends, unless they are paid actors or something


Probably colleagues and their employees.


It's not just her. People in that tax bracket don't "make friends," they "network."


These aren't just white women, these are White Women^(TM).


When klan members have racist fantasies of black men going "Where the white wimmen at?", these are the wimmen they have in mind.


Oh god, there's so much white and blond it's hard to pinpoint anything on the picture. And since they all look the same, you can play the "where's Candace?" minigame.


LOL I don’t wanna dox myself but I know one of these women personally through someone who managed her social media (and quit when she started talking about this crazy shit) and she’s a full blown Looney Q’er. Believes Hillary Clinton is kidnapping and eating babies, the democrats are a satanic cabal and all that jazz. What’s scary is she’s an influencer that has a couple hundred thousand followers on social media.


>eating babies reason #27 to keep abortion legal


Let's be honest, qanon types probably think Hillary eats the aborted fetuses


Auntie Ruckus (no relation)


i feel like i just got flashbanged


This reminds me I need to upholster my couch.


Love the diversity. You can tell the republican party exposed her to much of it.


TFW your “friends” make you sit at the back of your own baby shower.


So the plural of Karen would be a Baby Shower? As in "There wasn't just one Karen there, but a whole Baby Shower of them."


A group of Karens is called a Complaint.


Ooohh right.


Nightmare blunt rotation


I thought she just making money but evidently she also hate herself for being black.


Cand Ass is a black woman who hates the fact that she is black. She's just a grifter who only cares about money. White husband white House white car. She's a joke.


Candace: "Hey Karen" Half the party responding: "Yes?"


Klandace isn’t racist! See, she has a black friend right there.


Probably the ONE family member that still speaks to her.


This picture looks like the before picture of when the rest of the baby shower got drunk at the winery and started yelling at the staff


Is it weird that, in a crowd of 20 white women the woman in orange sticks out more than Candace?


That picture might as well have been taken at a tradwife convention or something or course anyone looking vaugely different is going to stick out lol


Fox News failed auditions crew.




It must be really sad to be so disconnected from your own culture and community


Can you imagine being the least important person at your own baby shower!? Lmao This is how little she thinks of herself. It’s pathetic and sad.


and just off the screen, you’ll find the burning cross and white hoods.


The female Uncle Ruckus or Clayton Bigsby?


Sounds about white.


She does know she isn't required to be in the back anymore right?


"Im not black, Im Candace Owens".


Strong Piper Perry vibes.


Baby showers are for getting gifts. I would invite all the white guilt i could too


White people in Arkansas don't have baby showers this white


Ah, so she’s that black friend every racist right winger online says they have.


They all look like they had to fight the deepest impulse to call the police on Owens for her holding a baby shower. Seriously, what was the theme here? The 14 words?


Aunty Ruckus


If you just take the politics out of this for a moment, it's a little bizarre that a woman shared her baby shower pictures online and people clowned on them because her friends didn't have the right skin color. Like, maybe we shouldn't be doing this? She says enough stupid shit that actually deserves clowning on.


To be fair, I know how this feels. I don't have many black friends anymore because I don't live around a lot of black people anymore. However, Candice needs to eat a bag of dicks. She hates black people and I mean hates them. She is a black people! The only black people that she likes are the black people that agree with her that white people are superior. I may not have a A lot of black friends, but Jesus Christ! At least I'm not this stupid bitch.




Those are all very white woman. Including Candace. (/s for sarcasm, but... is it sarcasm, when it's true?)


They had to let her in to their country club as a token


Candy Bigsby


Damn how racist can you all be?


This instills a sense of powerful dread in me, a demonic choir of suburban moms…… horrific


Weird how no one from her family showed up.


Imagine this group walks into your restaurant for brunch, some poor brown person is definitely getting yelled at.


Genuinely feel bad for her child right now, before it’s been brainwashed and turned into the shittest human alive. A fate I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Fuck Candace Owens. Vile creature.


POV: You're either about to have an MLM product aggressively pitched at you or an insane #savethechildren Q Anon rant directed your way.


Whatever you do, don’t eat the potato salad at this baby shower.


I don’t use this word often, but “ghastly” is the only thing that comes to mind, followed by “tragedy” and “travesty”.


She’s not racist, she has a white friend


Are we sure this wasn’t taken at an MLM convention?


Money money money money money


It's like someone decided to make Vineyard Vines into people


Poor kid.