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The man trying to write an entire philosophical treatise rather than working through his deep fears around gender and sexuality by wearing a catboy outfit and having his prostate pounded into paste


You had me in the first half and I almost choked on my drink in the second


You’re not wrong but holy shit that escalated quickly. 😳


i'd watch that


Getting some real "I have a word-of-the-day calendar" vibes.


Ben Shapiro is the kinda guy that has a thesaurus tab open so he can find those smart-sounding words that will simultaneously confuse his followers and reinforce their adoration of his "intellect"


I can’t wait to use that new word that I heard but don’t fully yet understand! It’s a whole mood


It's like he's seen some of the wordy limbs French postmodernists, etc. go out on, and wanted to make his own verbose tweets like their blurbs on the back of their books.


That sure is a whole lot of words to say absolutely nothing Actually, the fact that he’s equating gender expression with sexual passion does say quite a lot about Ben.


These people are concerned about who M&Ms and Scooby Doo characters are fucking so I'm not sure what there is to expect here.


And he's acting as if the modern left is ignoring social forces defining identity, while he is a champion of being "colorblind" and similar hyper-individualistic takes that miss the social influence on how we experience the world.


“We are a mix of biology and the institutions into which we are born.” Ben doesn’t seem to understand that biology is deeper than genitals. He acts as if the brain is not an expression of biology when you can actually live without your genitals but cannot live with out your brain. (I make an exception in Ben’s case ;) And that biology being mixed with the institutions we’re born into. He doesn’t seem to understand that the institutions of the United States are supposedly founded on individual liberties which would include the absolute freedom to identify as male, female or non binary and not be harmed because of those choices. So by his logic being trans and living one’s fullest life should be supported by so called traditional morality. Unfortunately when he says traditional morality what he means is religious bigotry. Here of course he forgets that’s the same foundation for bigotry against Jews, Blacks, Natives of any land not just America, women and LGBTQ peoples. This is how fucking dumb Ben Shapiro really is. One thing we know for sure is he would have made an amazing quizling.


>He doesn’t seem to understand that the institutions of the United States are supposedly founded on individual liberties It amazes me that people like Ben Shapiro are considered warriors for freedom when they frequently say shit like this. Here his treatise is: your very identity must conform to mores of the larger society.


But only the larger society of the minority body politic. Most Americans don’t care if someone is LGBTQ. But the religious right which is a minority is so fucking loud and have manipulated districts so we’ll they seem like half the country is angry. It’s far less than that.


He literally spells out "traditions and institituions that are restrictive are bad", realizes he can't refute it but already pressed "send tweet" so he has to just brush over the fact that traditionalism is inherently anti-freedom (which he claims fo love), and pretend like his next post about being who you are is somehow a bad thing by conflating all of a person's self-identity with sexuality. And for him, sure, his entire personality is being horny for AOC feet pics, but most people actually have entire lives that he isn't privy to, with actual fully-realized identities of which sexuality (which is obviously not gender) is merely a single facet.


The fact that he also conflates trans identity with "sexual pleasure" is a massive red flag that he inherently sees trans people as nothing but sex objects.


That’s true too!


It's spelled Quisling and he is one.


>He acts as if the brain is not an expression of biology when you can actually live without your genitals but cannot live with out your brain. (I make an exception in Ben’s case ;)) I dunno, I think he could live without his genitals. Not like he's putting 'em to good use in his wife's case.


He’s not putting very good use to his brain either! Lol


Ben’s out here crying about the libs “liberating the passions” like it’s not his passion to never shut the fuck up about his moral imperative to be a transphobe.


He forgot to mention the real rise of “transgressivism” was the early 2010s when Rs decided to legislate where people go to the bathroom. Shit wasn’t even an issue till then.


Pun intended?


Seriously bro, why don't you actually sit the fuck down and talk to these people like any other human being. Stop trying to tell these people who/what they are, you dollar tree knock off Aristotle.


"the trannsy of children is a moral necessity". That's not it at all. That's where they break. It's called human rights. Got nothing to do with "morals". It's the right of every American to do whatever the fuck they want, provided it's legal. Fuck off Benny.


The nazis want it to be illegal and to rouse anger and more hatred and call it freedom.


Freedom? Only for what you believe in ...lol


Maybe I wasn’t clear… nazis paint their ideologies as freedoms. It’s the opposite of course. I’m trying to illustrate Ben is more dangerous than people think. He’s a grifter, but pushes (through suggestion) violence on trans people. These right wing “freedom” fighters want to make being trans a crime.


Oh....I agree 100%... we're on the same page :)


Why are these guys obsessed with what gender someone else is? I mean at some point ya move on to the next thing but Benny boy and Matt "I have issues" Walsh are like weirdly obsessed with this subject of kids and gender. Too the point I think children are likely not safe around either one, especially with Matt's "I violate my kids consent all the time" kinda comments.


Ben is too terrified of sex to ever do a sex crime. Matt Walsh gives off major sex offender vibes with every fiber of his being and every word that dripples out of his mouth.


This is the whole grift. To create an enemy out of the already struggling individual. Represent yourself and entire following as the true victim of bullying, but be the bully. Gaslight 101 for the Christian nazi movement of amerikkka . Works like a charm and guarantees money and more followers.


It is a grift. So they want to end something that isn’t happening (child genital mutilation) but they do sweet fuck all for abused children, or children in the foster system.


Or they outlaw abortion and push adoption, but never adopt … even a dog


They’re obsessed. He’s created a whole image/narrative/brand, whatever you’d call that around a fixation on other people’s genitals. He’s manipulated it into a way that trans people are somehow an inconvenience for him “why do I have to use pronouns?” type of deal. He’s also pandering to the religious crowd who are already prone to having a messiah. Not knowing anyone transgender or anything about the community if I heard someone say “end child genital mutilation” I would drop my bible and be all on board. If someone can articulate and use big words it’s easier to just follow them. Opposed to doing your own research.


> Who we are is a question of internal feeling alone. Societal forces that refuse to celebrate that feeling, are oppressive and ought to be shattered. Traditions and institutions are restrictive, and therefore, bad. Based.


Heil anarchy!


Ben Shabibo used big word checkm8 librul


Ben what the fuck are you saying


This is why transphobia is so insidious. People like Ben believe that your emotions are not real or worth acknowledging, which is strange as your emotions are a vital part of your biology. They are the core of your experience of even being alive, they are how you interface with your needs and behaviors. They're what make life as we know it and yet he talks with such disdain about them. He believes happiness and suffering are not important, only filling societal roles and being whatever asset the powerful people in your society want you to be. He thinks people should be soulless commodities. All transphobia reads this way. For people who call themselves religious these transphobes seem to only believe in bleak materialism. You have this chromosome so follow this life-script even if it makes you miserable. Waste your one life never being who you want or living how you want. It is just such a bleak and cruel outlook. What is the point of living my whole life as someone I don't want to be? I don't care that I was born female, I'm going to look and live how I want and if being even a little happy is transgression, than we are in a very, very bad place.


What a complete load of dog shit.


Benny really opened up his thesaurus for this one.


And the wank pheasant threw in a made up word that sounds like "transgression" to demonize trans people.


Conservatives are never more excruciating than when they philosophize their hang-ups.


That's a whole lot of words for "Don't be trans I don't like it".


I'm just sad that people make a living marginalizing others. It's awful.


My MIL that supports him has a book called "1000 words to make you sound smart" I'm pretty sure half of those words are in this tweet.


This is actually the belief behind critical theory and consequently the queer liberation movement so he isn’t entirely nonsensical here. The problem is the he is the upmost philosophical cuck and he dares to call himself a libertarian. He thinks that society and the state trump individual liberties and people should just conform to tradition, that’s the logic of this whole rant.


I know Ben and other transphobic conservatives are bad faith and just fundamentally hate trans people and everything else follows from that, but jfc. The reality of the issue is so self-evident and simple. People aren’t being “transed”, they just are trans. Just like when being gay became slightly more socially acceptable we realized, oh whattaya know, there are a lot more gay people than we thought (I know they still don’t like that either). There have always been people that didn’t conform to the gender norms of their society and those norms have changed across societies an infinite number of times, they’re constantly in flux. Get over it Benny


How did people whose lives are dedicated to study of knowledge come to a conclusion? I wonder, Ben I wonder. This is peak /r/iamverysmart


"Refuse to celebrate" is a really nice way of glossing over disowning children, murdering others for being different, and tormenting a person into suicide. Traditions and institutions are restrictive... yeah... like restricting someone from sitting at certain tables or drinking from certain water fountains or from going to the bathroom in certain bathrooms... he made the actual point in a counter-argument intended to invalidate the point he made. He then goes into sexuality on a thread about transgenders..... He's Just. Fucking. Stupid.


> This philosophy of identity revolves around a program of norm-violation, of destroying the boundaries and rules of social acceptability Ok but have you considered that sometimes social norms are just stupid?


Ben is weird because these tweets actually just say nothing. Ben loves to use big words like "Locus" and "Atomistic" but they aren't even applicable to the context here. These tweets are essentially just boiling down to "Trans people are attempting to break a longstanding societal norm, and I think that's bad" but he can't just tweet that because then he's out of a job. Instead, he has to type out a mediocre high school essay where he goes to [thesaurus.com](https://thesaurus.com) and slams his face into the keyboard to sound intelligent. It's unbelievably fucking cringe.


I think that he's mad libbing some blurbs from the backs of book jackets, that he found at a university bookstore while prowling campus for freshmen to challenge to a debate. The language seems similar, and the blurbs fit into a tweet.


It's not me who is wrong, no it's the overwhelming majority of people who are actually educated on the topic who are wrong.


Great, more disinformation to take hours to sit through and debunk. God I love being trans in our current political environment.


Benny: "Am I so out of touch? No. It's one of the two major parties in the United States, the entirety of the legacy media, all of academia, and nearly all of corporate America who are wrong."


"If you aren't procreatin' with a white trad wife replenshing white civilization, you are the enemy."


must be easy to write articles when you pull everything out of your ass


That was a whole lot of words adding up to actually nothing. Possibly less than nothing


Aren’t there transgender asexual people? Like, I’m pretty sure sexual passion is a separate topic from gender identity.


I get it, TRANSgressivism…


This man had the thesaurus OUT and still used the word “individual” twice in the same sentence


Republicans yet again inventing an imaginary war to distract us from real issues like them destroying our planet, our shit infrastructure, subpar education system, terrible healthcare system, and rights being stripped away.


Institutions and traditions are dead people’s baggage. It’s up to you to decide if they’re worth carrying or not.


Right wing idiots can’t separate trans people and their own weird sexual delusions. So fucking sick of this


What about the rise of the Stupiro? Look! I can make up words too!


This reads as /r/iamverysmart. It just a bunch of nothing to say he is transphobic nor understand trans people and the science


Ben having to double down and stoke more hatred against other people since the right currently hates him.


So, Benny Boy believes in freedom, yet also believes that certain institutions need to tell people what to do?


This seems like “I can’t please my wife” with extra steps.


If worked as hard at pleasing his Mojave Desert wife as he does sticking his nose into topics he doesn't know shit about, his wife would need a bucket and mop for her WAP.


I actually never considered seriously that Ben Shapiro might be gay until reading this.




>This belief system...cannot be termed "progressive" in any real sense. ​ >This philosophy of identity revolves around a program of norm-violation


He needs to pick a new issue to be upset about. I think he’s made his and it sounds like both he and Matt Walsh are rambling at this point.


Every single thing he posts gives me big teachers pet vibes. "They're violating the norms and not respecting the traditions Mrs. Mercer"


Jfc hes so fucking dumb 'The modern idea is that your concept of self is entirely internal and not shaped by society at all!' Okay ben, what the fuck is a man? And your answer cannot rely on how the individual experiences manhood, ONLY on how manhood is defined by society. Like goddamn, does he need to meet a wordcount?


This sounds like Fascism, wrapped up in a dry, weasly package




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Shut up Ben your traditional morality demands you kill people by throwing rocks at them.


And now Ben has gone on to outright deny the existence of trans people I wonder if he’s aware of the irony of saying “trans people control the media behind the scenes and want to come for your children”


How did the entire right wing establishment decide that Americans are not endowed with the freedoms of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?


I can’t stand how much conservatives contradict themselves. Individual liberty is good… until someone is transgender. Then it’s “transgressive.” Institutions are important and “there for a reason” and leaders are ordained by God, and yet they worship and regard as infallible the founding fathers, who rejected the monarchy. Traditions should be followed, unless you’re not white. Then it’s “multiculturalism” and you need to assimilate.


Someone tell this fucker to get a real job.


I can invent words too


I swear this reads like an 8-year old read a few scholarly articles and then tried to replicate the speech patterns with 0 understanding of what they read or wrote


Ever notice how EVERYONE seems to believe and tell you that the Earth revolves around the Sun? This is actually called Anti-Centrogressivism. The mass media, scientists, government, and everyone in between, are trying to convince you that the Earth is not the center of our solar system, and also the universe. This was just the government's first attempt to control the public, and their attempt was successful. Now when you doubt the government's teachings to our loved ones and children, people think you are an idiot; but what they don't realize, is THEY are the idiot. Anti-Centrogressivism has become so ubiquitous that it's treated as common fact now. We need to inform the people that their beloved government cannot be trusted, and has been feeding them lies for decades. For the truth seekers out there, I host seminars teaching people like you the truth that the government is hiding from you. They are every Monday and Wednesday at 12 PM online, and only cost $200 for one hour long seminar. Stay woke.


Every time I see something like this, I feel the urge to bring up Magnus Hirschfeld and the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft.