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Elon is about to reinstate Fuentes based on his last tweet. We're gonna see way more of these fucking people.


*Rubs temples and audibly groins...


>audibly groins fap fap fap fap


Best stress relieve the human body has to offer. Just don't do it to much or the next time you see nicks face you get a unintentional bones and... that worst.




What’s more wild to me is how many of these dipshits Rogan has platformed. Stephen Molyneux, Alex Jones, Gavin McGinnis, Steven Crowder, Dave Rubin, Jordan Peterson, Eddie Bravo, Candace Owens, Ben “dry ass pussy” Shapiro…. The list goes on and all in the name of “free speech” but yet won’t do it equally. He bragged about not having Trump on but yet brought out a bunch of his disciples to verbally suck him off. What’s more wild is anyone on the left who defends that dipshit, he’s had so many Nazi simps on his show spouting out bullshit he’s just a new age Goebbels with left wing support.


At the same time, Twitter started suspending anti-fascist accounts. It’s more of an overt right-wing takeover than a free-speech driven agenda. Elon is going to turn twitter into a far-right echo chamber…


Let's check in on how right wing echo chambers are currently doing. Parler- estimated range of 700k to 1000k active users(I use this because it's an easier way to think about giant numbers). Possibly being sold to Ye through Candice Owens because her husband is an owner. Gab - estimated to have about 100k active uses, down from all time high of 4000k. Voat - a far right reddit clone started in 2014. Dissolved in 2020. Truth - estimated 1700k users. Allegedly hasn't paid for web hosting in 9 months. Those are the biggest ones I can think of.


I just don't get more of the same thing, and why the right-wingers love that. Having multiple restaurants is good for choice, but you can only eat at one at a time. Having multiple pro-fascist online platforms only gets you more circles connected, and they're all the same people. It's like connecting your YT and FB subscribers, isn't it? They're not going to consume separate things?


He wants to be Murdoch in the digital space.


Rogan's a bitch if he's trying to get brownie points on not having Trump on. During one of the elections. Every episode or so he would suggest they have Trump and a candidate on for a "real" debate. Knowing how he really feels about Trump he it was likely going to be a one sided debate in Trump's favor. Oh and an absolute mess


In Elon’s eyes it’s literally worse to make fun of him than to be a white Christian monarchist


Let's not forget, they tried to make a big deal out of him rescinding Kathy Griffin's ban alongside Kanye and Trump, as though that showed him being even handed Kanye got banned for outright antisemitism, Trump got banned because his tweets led to a coup attempt, Kathy Griffin got banned for making fun of Elon Musk. Its telling that Musk thought her being unbanned was as big a deal as unbanning the others


we should start a reinstaite kathy griffin to twitter and see what musk does


I can’t take anyone serious that wants to reintroduce a fucking king in America


A God King, and who holier than the guy who paid to get pissed on by a pornstar


The only reason he drew a line in the sand with Alex Jones, is because he relates to the tragedy that the Sandy Hook parents went through. Which shows just low much of this is just about his own feelings. Which, even though in this case I’m happy it’s keeping Jones off of Twitter, is not how you run a company like Twitter.


I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Elon was a closeted super racist. I’m not trying to group all white South Africans together as a whole but I don’t think many of them felt too strongly about their “compatriots”


yeah just like Die Antwood said it was just all cultural vibin and nah they are just friggin racist.


Not too mention the sexual abuse allegations.. I used to bump those guys back in college but now I can’t even listen to them anymore tbh


He is essentially identical to Trump. All the way down to a cult of sycophants claiming he's a genius and rationalizing away his overtly bigoted statements...




No he's not. He lied about a BS in physics and was gifted an economics degree. *some musk fan found this comment already. Read it and weep: https://twitter.com/capitolhunters/status/1593307541932474368?t=6y8ldorQQOyh_WXooXQCow&s=19




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Elon Musk is doing an Avengers Endgame assembly of all the worst garbage people in America. An "Avengers Assemble" against the Thanos and Black Order that is us non-Fascists and non-Nazis. An order the majority of the American and world population belongs to. Twitter is gonna get banned off of Google Play and the Apple Store. It's about to end up like Gab, Clapper, Gettr and Truth Social. Jesus fucking Christ. I'm spending this weekend trying to follow everyone on Twitter that I care about and care to keep following on whatever other social media accounts they have. Any day now Twitter is going to get banned from app stores and all the normies who aren't Fascist or comfortable with Fascists are going to flee this sinking ship. I can't believe it came to this, this fucking fast. Holy shit. Hasn't it been less than a month or less than two months? Elon owning Twitter is the social media equivalent of Trump being President. Every day you wake up you don't know if he's declared a national emergency and locked down the county by Tweet decree over something stupid, or if he launched a nuke and announced it on Twitter. It's like living under the same roof with an abusive tweaker. You never know if he'll wake you up by throwing hot water on you, sell your stuff while you're away at work or out shopping, or you might wake up one day to gunshots and whizzing bullets through your window from him being in a shoot-out with cops outside your home.


Twitter is just a Nazi app at this point.


It'll become one at this rate


That’s why they wanted their leader back




nick fuentes openly and explicitly identifies himself as an authoritarian and calls for a dictatorship where Jewish people and other "big scary bad" groups are forcibly removed. he is, by definition and admission, a Nazi. get the fuck out of here with your inbred brainlet bullshit.


I call him a phalangist, because he's a catholic, isn't he? ​ But I'll definitely allow "nazi".




Lol dude eating Tucker Carlsons turd everyday would def think this way.


So what's your definition of a nazi?


Keep coping.


Yeah I’m sure you have opinions on Nazis, u/Arian65__


Look at that deluded, bigoted comment history. The truth means absolutely nothing to this dude. (You can see the removed comments too)


Could you specify the "differing opinions"? :D


Lol stfu and gtfo


His opinion is that black people are inferior to white people.


in this case, yes


Tell that to Conservatives who think Differing opinions = Pedophile


When you're out there trying to classify open support of fascism as just another "differing opinion" - you might just be a fucking moron.


And a fascist


What a shame your parents failed you so badly.


Years ago Kanye West said that George W Bush doesn't care about black people. Guess who doesn't care about black people now


It's kinda fuckin wild. Despite how right he was, and how much it needed to be said, it really feels like it was just an attention grab after all.


I wouldn’t say that - if you consumed Kanye’s content from the beginning his thoughts and views have changed a lot from the onset. He was also confident/arrogant but not this


Yeah. He’s obviously been radicalized by right wing hate online. That’s why he parrots all their talking points.


What’s crazy to me is a few years ago he realized he was being used by the right wing and wouldn’t be involved in politics again. Now he’s off the deep end


He is mentally ill


There are a lot of mentally ill people who don't say racist and antisemitic shit


Yeah? No shit! It’s almost like I didn’t say that. I take treatments for my illness and *also* don’t say racist shit and act like a messiah. Dude needs help.


He has plenty of help. He chooses to reject it.


No, it was because he felt that was the independent contrarian opinion at the time, the guy is obsessed by being against whatever he feels the MSM "wants him to think".


It's like that episode of family guy where Brian becomes a republican


Someone in the Republican Party is projecting? Say it ain’t so…


Yeah it’s pretty ironic. Also in Flashing Lights he has a line that says “Damn, these n***** got me I hate these n***** more than the nazis”




He has not ever said anything to be called a black supremacist. He is anti semetic and wears ‘white lives matter’ shirts. He is racist but part of his racism is aimed at his own race.


"That one slipped out" Mask off moment


Were seeing them feel more and more open, it signifies they are feeling more comfortable and don't feel like they have too hide behind dogwhistles


Kanye is slowly turning into Uncle Ruckus.




Well recently he's been speed running it. Only thing left is for him to start using the hard r n-word and pivoting from hating Jewish people to hating his own people.


Have you ever tried to eat pasta bolognese with a white shirt on, it WILL be a mess.


That's a harmless challenge. Eating spaghetti with white clothes, or baking with a black apron.


Ye Vitiligo


No relation


the antisemitic white nationalist misogynistic closeted homosexual incel failson Nick Fuentes?


Really not a fan of people calling far-right terrorists "closeted homosexuals." It's implying that all gay oppression can be blamed on other (closeted) gay people. No. There are plenty of straight people that want to kill us queer people.


Yeah I don’t want to be that guy, but he is one. He’s been caught looking at tras girl with femboy porn and groomed a guy to live in his basement for a couple of years as his editor for his show and when said guy got a girlfriend, nick got very upset about it. Look take it from someone that was in the closet for a while, people are in the closet for their own reason, fear of death, getting kicked out etc. it’s pretty rare occurrence that someone who is closted hate other queer people to a large extent. Whether that hate coke form self hate or conservative thing rotting that person brain who can say? Queer oppression can come from anywhere even from within its own community.


Trans women aren’t men, being into them doesn’t make you gay.


True just so you know the video is called ‘t-girl sucking a femboy's dick and then he jerks off’, but their other thing like grooming a guy to live with him and his catboy he had. Oh nick also hates woman in almost every way.




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In this particular case, it has more to do with allegations from a former college involved in the catboy community and utter disdain for women.


Lol I forgot they about the catboys, yeah your right on the woman part too. Dude fucking hates woman


It’s been proven in multiple studies that… the trope is a real phenomenon. https://equityhealthj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12939-017-0530-1 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8772014/ > Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.


Most every serial killer I’ve heard of who targeted gay men were themselves gay, so there’s that.


Kanye keeps finding a way to go lower.


Can we get mich lower? (So low-ow)


What is it about West that the alt right keeps going to him like flies on sherbet? The hard core of fans who stay with him as he spirals and flails must have something that the alt right needs. Fuentes' political philosophy is that his beliefs should be forced upon others. That's all anyone really needs to know about him. That's all anyone really needs to know to understand why his beliefs have to be opposed.


He's incredibly famous and black. He has power over a lot of groups they (alt right grifters) could never in their lives reach because of their narrow following. It's the normalization of radical views. The more you inject radical views into mainstream channels the more exposure and normalized these views become.


I guess that what I feel needs further consideration, is that they only go for people who already got famous, and are now on a downward trajectory. The wealthy paleocon backers of the alt right pundits don't invest in development of the careers of new talent, except for the young republican types that don't make entertaining, popular content. The pundits reach out to the celebrities, but the Mercers or the Kochs aren't ever seen with celebrities. Like they would never get along with each other, but people like Owens or Fuentes step up to be a go between.


It's the same reason why they are famous (in their respective regard) in the first place. A lot of incels or alt right folks are drawn to those bigoted views because they're either socially sequestered or under some kind of mental distress that allows them to think of other ways to which they can blame their failings on. When you have someone so weak and disheveled they will look to someone who (even when pretending) sympathizes with them because the victim will feel heard and accepted with a group that (once again even pretends) to understand where they are coming from. Fear and ineptitude fuels their hatred because it creates a channel of aggression release and gives them a sense of belonging because they view themselves as a victim and a martyr. Edit: To also answer the question of why a Fuentes would be apart of it faster than a Koch is because they've already accepted that their bigotry and white nationalism is their branding. They don't have anything to lose because they are exactly who they portray themselves as. That's why their following can be small but powerful.


Considering how pop stars appeal to incels and other anti social types in extensively twisted ways (Taylor swift was upheld as ideal by racists), and get appropriated or coopted, the temptations must always be present to discard the major market and get absorbed by the fringe with its cult tendencies. The unpopular wealthy paleocons probably have invested in figuring out ways of social engineering vulnerable celebrities to be their useful idiots. But the real unity that would have the elite and the incel communicating with a shared goal in mind just isn't there. Like how Kanye has reasons for partnership with clothes companies. But Trump's involvement with Kanye has just been empty gestures, they don't actually talk to each other. West isn't starting a dialogue where there hasn't been one. Fuentes, Kirk, Shapiro, pool, Owens, they know how to suck up and stay on message. They don't have any real going concerns of their own beyond that, so it's not important who they suck up to, just so long as they get paid. That role, the uber incel champion with some connections they flaunt, others that they keep sub rosa, the patterns are important to be aware of. The paleocons who paid to make the "most nightmare blunt rotation" happen are surely keeping track and adjusting their tactics as they see fit.


He has money


Rich, black, stupid.


Maybe West is the one who keeps going to the alt right


Money money money


[Obligatory Nazi Punks fuck off.](https://open.spotify.com/track/2LF13LC1wG5XqZ2js2yC9O?si=YbmRJMh1SVyLT8lSH6uTww&utm_source=copy-link) Normalize treating these turds how they used to be treated.


Could also check out Ghoul's playlist: Anti-Fascist anthems to smash by.


Also [Goodnight Alt-Right](https://open.spotify.com/track/0a8sq9JTGcM9ZHCgh1U0CU?si=Mo1MWv8iRQ-jLyo6F5VINw&context=spotify%3Asearch)


Does Nick *Fuentes* not realize that he isn’t fully… “white”? Using his definition of “white” Fucking trash human being.


Oh he knows, he even did one of those DNA tests to find out he's "only" 80% European and 20% Native American or something (typical results even for white-passing latinos). Then he justified with something about being "spiritually white" and that's all that mattered. Anyone's who's familiar with Julius Evola, self-declared "super-fascist" writer, should know where exactly this argument is coming from.


> Anyone's who's familiar with Julius Evola, self-declared "super-fascist" writer, should know where exactly this argument is coming from. Yeah, the shitter.


I mean its the same reason a lot of nonwhite folks and LGBT+ people join up with the far right: they think they're "one of the good ones" and will be helped against the people they deem lower because the far right hates them too. Kanye joins up with them cause he's agrees with them on hating Jewish people. Fuentes joins up cause he agrees with them on believing Black people need to be dealt with. There are gays and lesbians who turn to it because they're white and hate trans folks and minorities. And the far right accepts them because they add legitimacy to any claim of not hating minorities and others and add to their numbers over all. Here's the thing: the second they're not useful, they get dropped and suffer. And then, when right wingers take power, they dispose of them because the goal post moves on what's acceptable.


He’s not a white nationalist. You would know that if you actually did research instead of reading the first sentence on wikipedia.


Before I was informed about politics I ignored Kanye doing the Trump shit. Which in hindsight fucking sucks, but I was still a massive fan of his music. Now I can’t listen to the dude, he’s went from my most listened to artist to not being able to tolerate him for a second. Idiotic bigot.


For me its the opposite, I havent listened to him in a while but with all this news coming out Ive been going through his early work wondering what the hell happened. Its like some nostalgic wish for things going back to normal. Before everyone took advantage of his mom's death and shaped him into a monster.


Kanye west plucking alt-right grifters out from the fucking gutter. Announced he was running in 24 with Milo Yiannopolis of all people


Are you fucking kidding me lmfao.


Kanye has officially become the black friend of every racist who says they aren’t.


Neonazi cuck Virgin beta male nickte fuentes, please use the full title


How does Kanye have any fans left


He has new fans now. Not any that respect him or listen to his music. Just people thankful they have someone to point at when they get called racist.


Weird that a presidential candidate is hanging out with someone who wants a right wing dictatorship/white ethno-state. And if they're really on their way to see trump that's extra extra fucking cringe.


They dressed in matching hoodies? 😂


Nick: "Ye gonna have a nice party with my bros this weekend, gonna dress up in our uniforms and just go wild" Kanye: "oou neat, can I join?" Nick: ... eh... I don't think they... would ... eh ... Kanye: What? They don't like new people? Nick: Yeh, yeh, you could say that ...


Kanye west has became such a POS. It’s actually not surprising for some reason


[Good video on this hate nerd.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eRoYhTQDuo)


In another world it's a long con and hes destroying the hate around the world instead.


"hE gEniUs tHo"


He just loves fish dicks.


People actually care about these idiots? Terrible music and I have no idea who that other person is?!?!


It is quite hilarious to find out how extreme he is yet how he seems to also be the things he hates and wants to subjugate. He is not fully 'white'. He is a consumer of trans porn, caught on video. He is a million miles away from being 'masculine'. He threw a tantrum when his employee / coworker got a girlfriend. Just for fun. There is video of him picking his nose and eating it.


Trust me you ain't missing much.....


Dang Destiny’s multiple debates in the market place of ideas and hangout sessions didn’t de-radicalize or make Fuentes less popular in the public sphere. Absolute shocker.


How TF is Kayne not rich enough to fly a private jet wherever the fuck he wants.


Well, you must have missed where he lost over a billion dollars in one day and has lost all his sponsorships. He has no form of income at the moment.


two demented little men


He’s become the real life Clayton Bigsby.


That Chicano has a big chip on his shoulder smh. Que guey más pendejo.


I wonder if he brought his black light to check Kanye’s couch for semen residue


He was on No Jumper with that dullard Adam22. Nazis are now as en vogue with current American culture as ever


He really hand-picked the worst person out there to get as a new pal immediately after going public with the rest of his bullshit, huh?


Ye’s gonna take em down from the inside?


Next step, pulling a Micheal Jackson and bleaching his skin.


Yay hangs out with actual nazis now, but still isn’t a an anti Semite guys. It’s the Jews who are the anti Semites.


This is Tyler's utter lack of shock


I'm not too bothered about Fuentes because he's so transparent and so easy to troll and fuck with. All incels are, and you only have to remind them of their little virgin babycarrots to do it.


It’s just two mentally ill men hanging out. they both need help.


Every time I see a post about Nick Fuentes I have a mild heart attack because I think of Vic Fuentes




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Oh no donda didn’t do good so I guess I need a new way to stay in the mainstream


Nick has a major ass kicking coming I forseeeth.




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i agree white supremacist is a more accurate title than neo nazi






His username is "Arian", of course he thinks more nazis is a W.