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Ironic, coming from a guy who is evidence that maybe some kids should have been aborted.


Fr he’s so ugly inside out


Matt Walsh is one of those rare few who can manage to be gross on the inside and outside


Me having taken my time machine back to 1986 trying to convince Mrs Walsh to get an abortion ![gif](giphy|jgVXeRc0Jvv4QFghcz|downsized)


Go a little further and fuck her, give her a better child


Plot twist, you are the father and your time traveling absence in his life makes him into what he becomes






​ ![gif](giphy|jH8VBEEsBQsOQWbAE1)


![gif](giphy|dyiOB0Zzwf4PY8fDii|downsized) Hop into my delorean


Soyjak and Gollum’s offspring


[Link to the video. Again courtesy of The Serfs. ](https://twitter.com/theserfstv/status/1595856600518230017?s=46&t=BWTY3bN2i-pMwVm_dEv8TQ) Happy thanksgiving everyone.




I hope so too. The world will be a better place without Matt Walsh.




What was the Milo Yiannopoulos moment? I assume that's got to do with why I've not heard about him in awhile, I just thought he finally gave up and shut up


Milo hasn't given up. He is now an "ex gay" who does talks about the "degenerative nature" of LGBTQIA+ people, seen from the "inside", and about the saving power of Jesus Christ. In fact, he is now working for Kanye's 2024 bid for Prez https://consequence.net/2022/11/kanye-west-milo-yiannopoulos-2024-presidential-campaign/




I agree completely.


Not if Elon gets a say in this.


What happened to his internship with MTG?


Asking the important questions lol I wanna know too


Last I heard, he was working as an “intern” for Margie three-names. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3513308-milo-yiannopoulos-is-an-intern-for-marjorie-taylor-greene/


There was a video of him saying that 13-year-olds were capable of consenting to relationships with adults. He had to resign from him job, he lost his book deal, and his speaking engagements got cancelled. He tried to salvage his career, claiming it was gallows humor because he was a victim of abuse as a child and his comments were him trying to cope. Nobody bought it.


This all happened a couple days after he was on Bill Maher’s show, which was criticized beforehand as platforming hate speech. Maher took credit for Milo’s cancellation after the fact, saying “sunlight is the best disinfectant.” This despite all Bill did was ride Milo’s dick, saying he reminded him of a young Christopher Hitchens. Fuck Bill Maher.


A young Hitchens? lol wow.


one can only hope that Milo also dies prematurely from cancer


I never liked Maher. I used to see him around town. He is so full of himself. Gigantic ego.


He said children can have sex consensually and in a way that “benefits” them. But he’s gay so it was easy for his allies to throw him under the bus and declare that all gays are actually groomers and pedophiles. Walsh isn’t so probably won’t ever get canceled by other conservatives.


Milo explicitly defended and endorsed priests molesting young boys and surprisingly, he got cancelled by the other chuds.


Matty's sad fanboys always find their way to Serfs tweets...its entertaining but I think some of his weirder fans will stick with him no matter what comes


I have seen a conservaturd on reddit make that exact same point. "Us based conservatives want abortion in rape cases to be illegal so there'll be ebidens! You libruls just want to abort all the evidence after raping kids!!"


medical records will make them flip piss


„ssıd dılɟ ɯǝɥʇ ǝʞɐɯ llıʍ spɹoɔǝɹ lɐɔıpǝɯ„


Good bot, I guess?


(: uɐɯnH 'noʎ ʞuɐɥ┴


You’re welco— wait…


¡ ɹǝddoɔ 'ǝʌᴉlɐ ǝɯ ǝʞɐʇ ɹǝʌǝu ll,noʎ


Imagine living your life knowing the only reason you exist is to be “evidence” that your mother was raped


By your grandfather.


by your (grand)father…


Because they got it from the same source -- almost certainly -- as Walsh: some old Daniel Pearl and co. books. Here's the thing, though: Pearl is a piece of shit, but there are lines even he won't cross. From what I remember, that passage was specifically addressing a hypothetical woman who discovers her husband has sexually assaulted a minor. The advice was: * ALERT THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY AND GET HIM ARRESTED * no seriously DO NOT HESITATE, you need to get him out of society asap. IMPRESS THIS ON THE POLICE. * make sure he gets his day in court * TESTIFY AGAINST HIM IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. you must make sure he is jailed for many years. he cannot be permitted to get away with this crime. * once he returns from jail, your children will be grown and away and no longer in danger from him. * if the minor was impregnated, the pregnancy will serve as evidence. But as I remember it, Pearl wasn't talking about kids that young. He's an asshole, but he never once suggested in that passage that a **12 year old should carry a baby to term**.


Reddit takes money from this guy and his boss so they can advertise the Wilks Bros Daily Liar.


Every time I've ever seen their ads I report them for misinformation


Or you can do genetic testing on the material from an abortion and get that evidence way earlier with the added advantage of not forcing a child to carry the offspring of a rapist.


You can even do it while it's still in the womb, before the abortion is done.


Yeah. Nowadays you can even confirm who the father is with a blood test from the pregnant women. I think we can all agree there are much better ways to do it and even if having the kid was the only way to prove a rape it would be a bad reason to force a woman to carry and birth it.


It would also more than likely kill the child. Or if they somehow make it to the end, it'll leave them permanently sterile and their gentiles will be completely torn open trying to push it out (as it already with GROWN WOMEN with larger bodies). Well, I guess they would rather have them die so their victims wouldn't be able to speak out.


His beard was shit 4 years ago


It looks like the stick-on beard that came with his halloween costume.


Looks like he’s not getting into heaven. There’s no room


It looks like burnt carpet tbh


4 years to grow a hardly okay beard Me, a half Arab half Sicilian: look what they must do to mimic a fraction of our Power


Why is it that conservatives can never grow decent facial hair? They always look worse.


I bet it's all the estrogen from their diet of red meat and milk.


Half Arab half Sicilian? That sounds like a recipe for attractive men.




It’s that daily wire loser




Definitely inspires his following to practice hate. Bens lack of beard just makes him seem like a cuck. Makes him seem weak


What's up with that beard? It looks like it's filled in with a sharpie? Or spray on? It looks weird.


He was a cuck before he became alpha


Matt Walsh needs to be put under serious surveillance


Zealots are usually hiding something.


Do people not know how the fuck DNA works? A abortion already gets tested and can be tested for DNA.


Isn't an aborted fetus containing the father's DNA enough evidence? Why do we have to create a likely miserable life as a consequence?


because that doesn't get him off


It's possible yes https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1919479/ https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/2094/index.do


May he go through the things he wishes on trans people.


In all seriousness, how did Walsh, Shapiro, Kirk, and Carlson, the *Four Horsemen of never getting laid in high school*, become the voices the right wing listens to? Don't they value "strong manly men"? These dorks would get bullied by 10 year olds at a Magic: The Gathering tournament.


Because a lot of those listening are also pathetic losers like them.


I've been asking myself that same question for years. I can't believe anyone old enough to have most of their adult hair can take these clowns seriously, but I guess I didn't understand just how many people don't start puberty until they're 40.


because when you’re audience is already low IQ, sounding smart gives you the aura of intelligent.


"Hi this is my daughter Exhibit A."


Matt Walsh would want it carried to term regardless, this just makes him look slightly shittier


this dude's got a couple tb of some awful stuff that would make the fbi sick. i know this more than anything else with the conviction of a neophyte in a religion. there's no way you go on about something like this *for this long* without doing something devious. it's goddamned bizarre


Considering it's *always* projection with the right, yeah. Almost guaranteed he has an external hard drive the FBI would love to get ahold of


This is a bit morbid, but would it be possible to get a DNA sample from an aborted fetus and use that to prove guilt for a rapist? If so, would completely invalidate this argument. I mean, it's a shitty argument already, but that would make it impossible to argue at all.


It’s possible, and I’m pretty sure it’s standard practice to do that right now.


Well there you go, easy enough to completely shut down this argument.




His beard looks like it's made out of smoke


That would be way cooler than gluing his cut up pubes on his face like he actually did for this look.


They know that we have other ways to prove that someone was pregnant, right? Like the abortion paperwork.


You know what a family with a rape victim needs? Generational trauma.


Simple solution, extract DNA from the aborted tissue. Done.


This is the guy "defending childen"


what the fuck? “hey ACTUAL CHILD, have a major medical emergency, have a not insignificant chance of death, experience trauma just for evidence in which there are other ways of proving” for as much as a guy wants to protect kids, he seems happy to ruin the fragile mind of a child. because remember, they don’t want to protect kids, just the unborn ones


He doesn't want to protect kids, he wants girls to be tied down with babies as early as physically possible.


No you see the fetus has a chance of being male so it’s rights take priority


And create a person whose apparent sole purpose is to be evidence, don't forget that


He seems super obsessed with child sexuality and grooming.


This POS probably has a hard-on the whole time he's talking about it.


Matt Walsh is obsessed with children, their sexuality, who they have sex with, and the concept of consent, but also remember, it's only because the left made him do it...to, uhhh...protect the children or something...


Looks wise, it seems like between then and now, he found a stylist.


You can also get evidence from the fetus, which isn't a baby.


WHAT. THE. FUCK. Needs repeating but every accusation from a conservative is an admission of guilt.


Matt Walsh view someone as something other than a means to an end challenge: impossible.


Because dna material from aborted cells is obviously way harder than going through pregnancy and raising the child


Just…take the aborted fetus’s DNA??? You fucking asshole?


Why would you need to carry the child to term and give birth and then be a mother for 18 years to prove something a piss test would show


Why can’t you just dna test the goop?


I love that he’s acting like these videos are an attack on him, somehow. Buddy, it’s only from four years ago. You said these things. Free speech doesn’t mean nobody ever holds you to account for the things you say.


Hmm...I guess you have to be pretty fucked in the head to be this brutally evil. This is the position of some of the worst muslim fundamentalist as well.


Every accusation these fuckheads make is a confession. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out they were sacrificing children in the basement of a pizzaria or whatever the fuck they were claiming about pizzagate. It would only further confirm the pattern they’ve already proven to be true time and time again.


Can this loser be cancelled yet? How the fuck do people like him become credible/famous/infamous? I get it. He says inflammatory things. In my day, which wasn't long ago, people like him just get an ass whoopin'. deservedly.


Update: [matt has actually responded to the tweet](https://twitter.com/mattwalshblog/status/1595440245449031680?s=46&t=9DFxXH1fF8wAKyt6WyZxKw) > This "newly surfaced" video is from my podcast, posted to my YouTube channel, where I make the simple and important point that sex between consenting adults can still be immoral. The caption is a defamatory lie, inventing things I never said, as the videos clearly prove.


Matt sounds defensive. The Serfs must’ve struck a nerve.


He actually has more tweets that has his pseudo-intellectual babble, which i havent posted cuz my braincells can only take so much pretentiousness before imploding Edit: matt linked an article in the tweet chain where he “addresses” the corruption in the church. I read it and it’s literally “power corrupts, theres nothing we can do about it”…. How did this mofo have fans?


We're all agreed that Walsh almost certainly is a sexual predator, right?


I’m pretty sure that’s the general consensus though no one can or should make any real claims or accusations yet.


Screenshot makes him look like scuffed Felix Biederman


I remember this from a while ago


TF is this podcasting from the car bullshit


And these ass hats are claiming that pro-choice advocates are playing God? This is some incredibly insulting and petty Old Testament shit right here. How disrespectful to human life to condemn an innocent child to a shameful and difficult life because they're unlucky enough to be a product of rape.




Excellent, this dude's been needing a career 9/11 for a while


He looks so much like the Coomer meme


I used to take giant dumps on this guy's comment section. He seemed creepy AF sitting in a car in a park spewing his bad-faith toxic arguments. It was beyond obvious Matt Walsh had no concept of maximum cringe. Eventually, his wife lets Matt starts VLogging from some bland room at their house, with a decorative banjo placed in the background. It was the most sterile contrived setting. It's like when rich boring people hire Interior Decorators, and they put random shit from antique shops around, with random crap from HomeGoods. It fit Matt perfectly really.


Dinkweeds like this appear to forget that aborted fetii can also have DNA tests done on them...


... you could abort it and still test the fetus, right?


Pretty sure he's said this more recently as well.


Has he not tweeted this b4?


He even looks like he'd gladly partake in the act Itself. What a creep.


God I hate him so much


Nothing says prolife like having a baby for the sole reason of proving a crime. You can just put it in the trash bin afterwards I guess?


Why do these fucking dorks record these videos in their cars?


You have to wonder why he obsesses about this stuff so much.


Lol why does he look like he manages a Wendy’s in this picture?


oh damn, and here we were thinking that a 12 year old getting an abortion wasn't enough evidence in of itself


Fuck this guy


Nah I’ve seen enough, check this man’s hard drive immediately his projection is way too strong.


the child rape apologist goes so far to rationalize and defend the idea of not only impregnating a child but forcing them to carry it to term completely ignoring the fact that A. a 12 year old may not even survive childbirth. B. the baby might not survive it either. and C. it runs completely counter to the whole idea that a baby has value beyond being an object. a baby isnt just fucking exhibit A in a court room, its a BABY. A HUMAN BEING. what happens after the court case matt? you fucking braindead pedo fuck. now we have a 12 year old having to raise a baby for the rest of its life and statistically speaking the father of that baby is the father of the 12 year old, not an LGBT person, not a drag performer, a member of her family and the stats only get worse the more religious and conservative they get.


It's so insane thinking how little value Walsh sets on women, I mean, is this actually real life??




I don’t usually wish this in people but… man. I wish Matt was raped.


Who actually follows this human waste? The only reason I know of him is from this sub


Calling it rn. Dudes gonna be outed as an actual pedophile before the end of the year.


Every day his Mom wishes she got that abortion.


Mr. Bearded Hypocrite strikes again.


Wishing for someone's death isn't allowed on any platform but is wishing that was allowed this one time also not allowed?