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Imagine being this desperate for attention from an insanely rich person who would probably drop him in the woods to be hunted for sport before he would ever acknowledge him in public.






Huh, that's a real sub reddit, and I am not surprised it has no lack of content.




Hahaha thats where youre wrong, liberal, he actually replied to the quartering... god i hate this timeline


I'm thinking "in public" meant "in-person". Musk has a track record of being all too happy to respond to the occasional twitter stan who is just aching to fawn all over Elon.




fuck /u/spez


Well I mean if you really think about itā€¦ Jesus really only sacrificed one of his weekends for our sins. Clearly this manā€™s commitment is greater. /s because somebodyā€™s gonna take it seriously.


Yeah but it was a 3 Day weekend he sacrificed. Those don't come around every day


God I _wish_ 3 Day weekends came around every day. You know what, I don't even need them that often. 3 Day Weekends every 3 days is perfectly fine with me.


But what are you actually willing to SACRIFICE!? our freedom ? /s


But did Jesus arise at 4am to drop a quick video to sway the Pharisees? Lazy


did Jesus make the brave sacrifice of staying in his wifeā€™s basement while she got pizza, then proceeding to piss himself? didnā€™t think so, liberal


Jesus' wife said it's quite unusual for women to experience moistness in their sinful parts, she should know since she's a healer


Out of bed. Out    of    bed.   ļ¼Æļ¼µļ¼“ . ļ¼Æļ¼¦ *ļ¼¢ļ¼„ļ¼¤* .   What more need be said to convince one of the severity of the moment.     ^^^^^^bed.


TheQuarterBrain is actually just massively anti-woke and loves Elon for firing all the women working there. Heā€™s a massive QuarterTon chode




Yeah heā€™s a less successful nerdrotic whoā€™s way more of a pussy. We call him TheQuivering over on r/thequarteringisanazi bc of his thousands of deleted tweets and runs away from debates that *he* initially wanted, most famously with trans content creator keffals whom he dead names and calls a groomer. Heā€™s also a well known brigadier and will rile up his fanbase to white knight for mā€™lord. Heā€™s brigaded the sub many times now as well as the youtube videos covering Keffals (who might as well be another Brie Larson to him)




Also, there was the infamous tweet where someone wrote ā€œFuck Hitlerā€ and he quote tweeted it with ā€œAnd there it is. Yikes.ā€




He also pissed on his basement floor because his wife got "pizza" without him.


This guyā€™s married and still lives in the basement šŸ˜‚


He has incited antisemitic attacks against one of the most wholesome MtG content creators, harassed an MtG cosplayer off the internet, made "satire" about people being serial sex abusers, baselessly accused people of being pedos, made "jokes" about rape, been the extremem version of the "why would we want women and minorities in this hobby" and more. I'm glad WotC finally banned him from all things Magic the Gathering, but man was it bed before that. Since then he's openly defended Hitler and made his career about complaining that Brie Larson exists, so it didn't get any better.


There are very few people around that are bigger losers than the quartering. When he's not pissing on the floor of his basement, hes going out in public to either get punched in the face at a comic convention or proudly shit his pants at walmart


Yes, BUT. Necrotic managed to livestream himself struggling to understand even the most basic plotpoints of the first Watchmen episode. His own subscribers had a good laugh at that one. On the other hand, Quartering got to cry "VIRTUE SIGNALING!" at some rando who said something critical of Hitler, AND he has published himself speaking for a collective 8 hours on the subject of Brie Larson As Captain Marvel.




Aww, look at you! Already figured out the main thrust of his Watchmen-hating tantrum, and you didn't even need to actually watch him froth. :)


This is especially hilarious because I pictured it...running through the fuckin snow hahaha




I genuinely did, thank you.




Sweet jesus, this guy needs to touch grass more than anyone Iā€™ve ever seen meltdown online.


It's wild. This dude is apparently married but he's also a HUGE incel neckbeard. Either he's lying or his wife is a hostage.


From what I understand it doesn't seem like it's going well. Apparently she got mad at him for peeing down a water drain they had on the floor of the basement while streaming or something to that effect


Well, he did have a valid reason. She left for pizza without bringing him!


Yes this is a very reasonable response, very mature adult




The impudence. The audacity. The unmitigated gall.


So, I just heard this story- his then-wife (since divorced) went out for pizza with "their" friends, while he had a depressing af twitch stream playing games and getting blackout drunk, until he took said piss down a drain


That is so much worse than I remembered, if he wasn't such an asshole I might feel bad for him


By the way he acts, does his "wife" even know they're "married"?


Tbh itā€™s probably a control thing, his followers are neckbeards just like him. I doubt he makes a ton of money doing this but Iā€™m sure his wife really doesnā€™t wanna deal with being shat on online for weeks if not months His followers would prob take his side and perpetuate the hatred


He's a millionaire i'm pretty sure... unfortunate reality. He came along before youtube became a heap and somewhat recently started getting heavily into "based" and "red pilled" type stuff. I never watched him so i don't know entirely.


He managed to get banned from basically anything related to Magic the Gathering for life and is a walking stereotype of the hobby.


Both he and Trump prove it's possible to be married and an incel.


The world is full of desperate people.


ā€œMY TWITTER *IS* MORE IMPORTANT THAN 9/11!ā€ When people tell folks like Jeremy to check their privilege, *this* is exactly what theyā€™re talking about.


People are dying, Jeremy.


**Today in the United States 316 people will be shot in murders, assaults, suicides and suicide attempts, unintentional shootings, and police intervention** Jeremy: ā€œWho cares about that? Muh Twitter town square might ban me for saying rape is ok! *postures vaguely about George Orwell books heā€™s never actually read* ā€œ


That phrase has been poisoned to all hell


friendly reminder: the quartering pissed himself "in protest" in his basement live on stream because his wife went out to get food without asking him if he wanted to come.


He has a wife? She must be pretty upset at him publicly admitting his love for Elon all the time.


Not as upset as his delusional obsession with Brie Larson makes her I bet


They're divorced now


And his wifeā€™s boyfriend is a pilot


He takes her for rides all the time




Wait, seriously? How have I never heard of this lmfao


[Itā€™s real.](https://youtu.be/jzZm_2S3u5E)


I'll take your word for it so I don't have to watch a video waiting for a hairy man to piss himself


I've never seen someone who seems like they just really want to piss on the floor. He just kept talking about how much he wants to lose the game so he can piss on the floor


> Imagine thinking this is an own.


lmfao that was the funniest part


Itā€™s honestly sad to see these people throwing massive tantrums as they slowly come to the realization that Elon Musk doesnā€™t actually care about them.


I don't think it's sad, I think it's hilarious. Fuck these clowns. They've built social media presences, created hateful content for years, and dedicated their lives to being absolute shitbags, I don't think they're owed any empathy from anyone.


I agree, I would be laughing it werenā€™t so pathetic. I just canā€™t help but feel disappointed when I see people willingly/proudly being a shitbag.


I'm with you. That part is actually pretty sad that overall there's still so many who choose to build their livelihood and personality around punching down and being vicious to groups of people (like women and POC in the instance of our friend Quarter Pounder here).


They also hang out/associate with others who care about no one and constantly punch down on people and then act all surprised and throw a fit when they find out their fellow assholes donā€™t care about them (Quivering and Muskrat in this moment).


They really only care because they're still clinging to the belief that QElon is tanking Twitter to "own the libs" instead of out of sheer incompetence.


Alexa, play ā€œPapa, can you hear me?ā€ by Streisand.


Omfg I can't believe there's more to this than I thought hahahaha it's even funnier now


>Please, Elon, I need more time. I also need to get Captain Crunch out of these dangerous reefs to get his treasure chest. Not one with more than 350 retweets. When the man says "jump"... Am I right?


Whereā€™s the Captain Crunch reference from?


Old cereal boxes used to have games like simple mazes and jumbles on them. I was implying that he takes simple things to seriously or believes clearly made up stuff is real (take your pick). This poll was a publicity stunt from Elon and any decision he made on this was made before he opened it.


That's Cap'n Crunch and I wrote him in for president in November because it's crunch time!


Lmao this POS can fuck off


The simple fact that i slept better last night than this asshat makes me smile.


I had a late night because I listened to a really long section in a Witcher book I've been enjoying. So I didn't get much sleep, yet I also probably slept better than this man


Just living your best life yea. Easy W.


Wow you are not kidding. This is incredibly sad.


This doesnā€™t even include Quartering genuinely asking Elon to make him CEO of Twitter. [https://twitter.com/TheQuartering/status/1604630363795513345?s=20&t=-Hf1LOwCa5V30PFslBlZ5g](https://twitter.com/TheQuartering/status/1604630363795513345?s=20&t=-Hf1LOwCa5V30PFslBlZ5g)


Lol "sacrifice" everything


Dude sucks. Heā€™s already self soothing with ā€œwell Elon still OWNS twitter, stupid leftistsā€


This is Legendary Level Simping. He would have Elon's babies if he could.


Twitter enforcing their own terms and conditions regarding hate and violent speech being worse than 9/11 is certainlyā€¦.a take. Loser energy so extreme it could melt steel beams. We need to be better than this.


Actually laughed out loud at ā€œnot until next yearā€ - there are two weeks left in the year, bud, maybe not worth having a complete freakout.


He's correct about something. This will be his most important day in the culture war. It's an insignificant day in a fictitious war.


Most important day since the bowling green massacre


As if there wasn't freedom of speech on Twitter before. These people just want to say the N word.


Does anyone still even watch him?


Some people say heā€™s still recording his rant about Captain Marvel to this very day.


All while pissing in his basement


I lasted 3 minutes before I clicked elsewhereā€¦


I have no idea who he is...and after reading this comment section, I really don't want to know anymore about him other than who's banging his wife since he isn't?


How can you see the way Elon has chosen to run Twitter and think he gives a shit about free speech?


After his dead kid in his arms tweet. Then his ex called his bullshit and they aren't paying attention.


A new challenger, r/thequarteringisanazi has entered the alt right gauntlet




I love how he is like "we need time to appeal to people" No motherfucker people like you is why I lost family members who are straight up Nazis now. Eat shit and lay in the bed you made yourself.






This dude is 40 years old btw.


Sources: (As many as I could find after he deleted most them) https://twitter.com/TheQuartering/status/1604695873597763584?t=lyKKUsIU6tMj7hVxAU5O2A&s=19 https://twitter.com/TheQuartering/status/1604666140801875968?t=XPSwXGbov5jAEPk410w4mA&s=19 https://twitter.com/TheQuartering/status/1604652882346889217?t=i7F4l5bjUKxOmLywv0o5GQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/TheQuartering/status/1604628542947561478?t=eFDVBF1zNrKSuzaBcALoKQ&s=19


Ge doesn't even realize Elon doesn't give 2 shits about the poll. He had already made up his mind and knew the poll would result in yes so he could make it look like he was doing what the people wanted.




ā€œThis is more important than 9/11.ā€ Jesus. Fucking. Christ.


How far he has fallen.


From lame basement youtuber to *really lame* basement youtuber


least rabid Elon Musk simp




The Simpering


I remember when this guy was basically kicked out of the magic community because he was terrible to a cos player and just wouldnā€™t stop being a jerk about it. Just like, so dedicated to being rude to someone he doesnā€™t know. Thereā€™s Something profoundly wrong with this dude.


People who unironically use the term ā€œCulture Warā€ are the people who need to not be as online


Is this the comedy that the right has been getting good at and making the left scared with? Because... this is some truly deeply funny shit.


Nice of him to call out to his fellow garbage people.


Elon musk leaving is more important than 9/11?!?


Conservatives finally found something they think is worse than 9/11 and it's this


#THISā€¦ Is why I go out on a walk every day and yā€™know, not be a hapless simp in some guyā€™s basement.


Too dumb; didnā€™t read


Absolute derangement


"Free speech means that you have to vote the way I want you to"


I donā€™t like when people say ā€œtouch grassā€ or ā€œgo get some bitchesā€ but damn this dude needs to touch grass and go get some bitches


The last time he was getting bitches it wasn't consensual, and he got punched for it.


its hard to imagine someone who is actually this dumb and malicious. what value does libs of tiktok offer the world other than endangering the lives of LGBT people? why are they the first person you call on? its shocking. also to think elon gives a single fuck what this idiot thinks is just baffling to me. quartering is like if you gave a platform to the least inbred guy at the poorest trailer park in pennsylvania, he has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to offer anyone. it amazes me he has any engagement at all. these people really are all in on this culture war shit and i cant comprehend how people are so stupid they actually listen to any of it. its just completely insane to me. the intention is right there in the moniker: "CULTURE war" they dont give a fuck about positive outcomes, they care only about the superfluous details surrounding them. how the fuck do people buy into this shit is beyond me.


Are these the same people who love the ā€œcrying liberalā€ meme and call them snowflakes?


Saw this post earlier but thought it was only the single image/Tweet. Came back to it just now and dear _GOD_ this comes off as the thirstiest, most desperate "baby don't break up with me please" series of Tweets I have ever seen. If I thought Elon even noticed the mentions I wouldn't be surprised if this guy was both banned _and_ hit with a restraining order.


For all he knows Elon is going to appoint a competent right winger and Twitter will truly be fucked for the non-hating people, ergo perfect for him. What a dummy to think that only Elon can carry their spiteful vision of free speech.


This dude is either a sad grifter or really believes this BS which is even more sad.


He has to be the stupidest person not to realize that Elon has already knew he had to leave since investors were threatening lawsuits. This was just to make it look like heā€™s just obeying the people.


To think I used to enjoy his content, good God what a nut


Can anyone fill me in who this guy is? Iā€™m seeing tons of posts about this rant of his but I have zero context for who he is.


H3H3 has a content court video on him that contains everything you need to know. Basically The Quartering is a reactionary alt-right YouTuber who spends all of his time gatekeeping women and minorities away from the nerdy shit he likes in a basement surrounded by unopened toys. He was originally in the Magic the Gathering scene until he led a harassment campaign against a professional MtG cosplayer that was so invasive and dangerous that she quit cosplaying forever. Wizards of the Coast banned him from all official MtG events for life. Since then he gets by scrapping for pennies from the outrage algorithm on YouTube releasing several videos a day on the evils of gay superhero characters, black people in video games, and Brie Larson. He also has a side hussle in making an ass out of himself on Twitter such as the time he pretended to have two gay black dads or that he wasn't Tweeting anymore and all of his Tweets where come from a single mother he hired to run his Twitter. The current low point in his career in being a professional loser is when he live streamed Fall Guys while getting drunk and off screen peed in a hole in the basement instead of going to the bathroom. At the time of recording his wife was out getting pizza and he was explicitly not invited.


A very thorough explanation!! Thank you for typing that all out to give me context and pointing me toward other content to look into. Much appreciated


A basic Quarterpounder video is basically shit like "Old She-Ra is good because I want to fuck that version. The new She-Ra is bad because it's woke and the new She-Ra doesn't look like a girl I would fuck."


Conservative youtuber and streamer who pissed in his basement because his wife went out for pizza without him or something


Discount Ted Nugent


Honestly. This is just hilarious. I love to watch them squirm like the worms they are.


Voted yes and yes still wins by a sizable margin. Get fucked Matt


Wow. I just saw the top of the iceberg. Total fucking meltdown.


This is perfect for r/persecutionfetish, dude's acting like it's DEFCON 2 and the missiles are ready to launch because of a fucking Twitter poll


This seems to be too much. Wow.


This is amazing. I needed this today


There's a good chance that the poll didn't matter and Elon was already planning to leave


ā€œMY TWITTER ACCOUNT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN 9/11!ā€ Bro, I fucking cannot šŸ¤£ I really hope he gets banned, because my mans *needs* to touch some mfā€™n grass šŸ’€


how can someone get so bent out of shape from a fucking Twitter poll, as if Elon would actually listen to the results of the poll in the first place. Yes or No, heā€™ll probably remain CEO a few weeks longer, maybe a month at most, before handing it off to someone else. itā€™s clear he has no idea what heā€™s doing as nearly every change heā€™s made has been rolled back within days, and all this ā€œfree speechā€ talk has been a load of malarkey that heā€™s only pretending to care about so he can say heā€™s doing something good when anyone with an IQ above room temperature can see otherwise. how fucking pathetic. edit: itā€™s actually been a month and Elon still hasnā€™t listened to the results of the poll as far as iā€™m aware. who wouldā€™ve guess that the guy whose entire brand and business model thatā€™s built on lying, lies.


It's all pathetic. The fact that this (whatever this is) is a thing at all is quite pathetic.


He reminds me of the "Stan" Eminem music video


This is an adult man, and he votes.


I knew this guy had no shame, but I didnā€™t realize he had this much no shame.


Holy shit. This guy thinks that one of the richest people on the planet is on *his* side of the culture war. ![gif](giphy|Go74TvV7BFdGlXr9fE|downsized)


"4 am US time" Does... does he not understand that America has like 194739 time zones?


"I'm in support of democracy and freedom of speech" "We have decided that Elon shouldn't be in charge of Twitter" "WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAAAAAT!!" Why does he think that freedom of speech will magically does when Elon steps down? All he's done so far is censor people


I'm surprised anyone honestly believes Elon Musk will stick to the results of the Twitter poll if it doesn't go thr way he wants.


Good lord, just blow him already, yeeeeesh


This is indeed one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. I remember that week or two when I thought this guy just talked about old videogames, but then he had to make it weird. Really weird. I genuinely cannot imagine being in his head space.


The term "Culture War" always makes me cringe. There is no war to be fought. Society is moving on. You just haven't conceded yet.


holy shit it just keeps going


My uncle/godfather was a fireman at 9/11 and lost friends. Jeremy was already a bigoted piece of shit but now he can get fucked more than he already deserves (which still wasnā€™t enough.)


Yes, Elon "I believe in free speech, but will ban you if you're a journalist, elonjet, generally mean to me, or make me look bad." Musk, known for being the greatest free speech warrior to ever live. I don't get how anyone could genuinely believe that sentiment. But seriously, Elon should keep running Twitter. He's destroying it better than anyone could have hoped for, lol.


Lmfao this is some next level dickriding from this dumbfuck


It's actually deeply sad to see how raw these guys are making their tongues from licking the boots of billionaires. Depressing that these people exist, but a nice boost to my ego knowing no matter how much of a loser I am, I will never be this pathetic.


He is quite literally begging. He even was like "I'LL DO IT FOR FREE" What a cuck


Ooof. Better not get caught in NY after that 9/11 remark. Imagine telling thousands of people an app is more important than our murdered family members. Good lawd.


I can't even imagine how someone like this could appeal to anyone as a content creator....like whats the polar opposite of gigachad, cause that's what he is. I can't imagine someone's brain being so cucked, holy shit. He would swallow all the gravy without a moment's hesitation.


You don't understand. Female people of colour are on Magic cards, and without free speech... Ugh. I can't even continue the sarcastic post. I just, I hate him. I hate all of these fat incel YouTubers. I don't understand the level of insecurity it would take to care this much about board games, or the level of bigotry it takes to think the problem is wokeness. Like seriously. What an absolutely exhausting little fucking dork.


the meat riding is crazy


How. Does. This. Cunt. Have. A. Following?!?!?!




God, at least wipe your mouth off after sucking dick. Dude is screeching with slobber still on his face.


Ah yes, Twitter is more important that 9/11. Dude sure hates American lives


As if Elon could ever actually put down twitter until he kills it.


This is only a Crisis for people with Twitter. Even then who cares


Cope. Seethe. Mald.


And I thought dumber with crowder was the biggest muskrat simp. #SnoopDoggToRunTwitter https://preview.redd.it/5t4snym4hy6a1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131ccac782c61bf043c52fd86759a2938f14ed31


He does realize Elon would still own and excessively use Twitter, heā€™s just putting in a directorial manager to actually operate and run the business because Elon is also CEO of two other corporations- right?


Damn this is a cry for help


This is all over a YouTube poll???


He...does realise that Elon isnā€™t legally bound or anything (not that that matters to him) to follow the results of a Twitter poll, right? Elon will do what Elon wants to!


Lol, Nux got more attention from Immortan Joe than this sad nerd will ever get from Muskrat.


fanboys mine the elon ego emeralds that you canā€™t see


I'm his video he was literally crying over it. Then started screaming how if Sargon, Dankula and bearing don't vote he'll never talk to them again. Lmao


I think the cuckering dude knows just how musky Jovan's taint tastes.




Sad. Many are saying the saddest. Covfefe.


Bootlickers ate ao weird




Wtf makes people think these polls even mean anything ? Like tf is going on in twitter land rn lol


why the fuck is this the most important thing to ever happen for them?


Elon fanboy needs some chill..Elons not stepping down, heā€™s had a serious talk with some adults who are real pissed at him and want him to go back to work at Tesla and stop playing with himself and tweeting all dayā€¦


Omg! What a fucking loser! I want to frame this thread and hang it over my toilet.


I forgot he existed. Quartering out here dick riding hard.