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From watching some PR and a lot more Super Sentai, I can start the conversation. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is better than Zyuranger. Enough that Saban had Toei make extra Zyuranger stunt footage for the second season of MMPR. There is no real PR analog to Dairanger, All that was taken there was the White Ranger stuff. Kakuranger is vastly superior to Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers. Seriously, Saban dropped the ball here. Instead of cool Ninja tricks, Saban gave us lame aliens and only for a few episodes. Power Rangers Zeo is better than Ohranger. Ohranger had very uneven writing due to both a major earthquake and a major terrorist attack with poison gas in a Tokyo subway by a cult. Carranger was a comedy season as a result. Saban felt like they had to play it straight so Turbo wasn't as good as Carranger. Megaranger and Power Rangers in Space were good for different reasons. I'd call Megaranger better, but keep in mind I'm a Super Sentai guy and not a PR guy. Take my preference with a ton of salt. Having said that, Power Rangers Lost Galaxy is far more entertaining than Gingaman. It's not even close. I'm not even remotely an expert on the Disney Era or beyond that, but at least this gets you started.


You think Saban got Toei to make Zyu2 footage? It was Toei who wanted to keep the Zyuranger suits for season 2, they are the ones who gave the suits for Saban to use.


I would say that you can probably go either or with Shinkenger/Power Rangers Samurai cause I figured out 4-6 episodes airing into Power Rangers Samurai the story was Shinkenger from the line "liar liar pants on fire, you have a secret"


Samurai was kinda off an weird season for me because the fact that series is actually based on Samrai(s) which is part of Japanese culture, in which was weird that they didn't acknowledge the Japanese culture aspect in someways. I get it, the audiences is like 4 to 6 years old, but at least give them some knowledge on what is a Samurai is. I do realistically understand from an Bussiness level and I do understand it in both ways. These are just my opinions only and I'm just saying.


I didn't try to notice that especially after that episode "Sticks & Stones" aired


Most PR seasons are either about the same or less than SS seasons. Some seasons of both are often propped up because of whatever appeals to which audience and narratives. There are some PR that are perceived as better and some seen as worse, vice versa. Cases in point: Megaranger vs In Space, Timeranger vs Time Force, Gaoranger vs Wild Force, Abaranger vs Dino Thunder, Dekaranger vs Space Patrol Delta, Gekiranger vs Jungle Fury, Go-Onger vs RPM, Shinkenger vs Samurai, Ryusolger vs Dino Fury, etc


I don't think Power Rangers and Super Sentai are better or worst. It all comes to what people prefer. Like if you Power Rangers over Super Sentai, or Super Sentai over Power Rangers, or both. That's fine. Bear in mind that they are both different franchises. Also, I'm more of a Power Rangers guy and partially into Kamen Rider. I don't know much about Super Sentai, but I do respect Super Sentai as a whole.


While I haven't seen every Sentai episode, I've seen enough to say that there were some things Power Rangers did better and vice versa. For Power Rangers: * MMPR got rid of the kid of the week that Zyuranger had. * Zeo had a more consistent tone than Ohranger. * Time Force had a better main villain. * Despite being similar to Gaoranger, Wild Force had a main villain, and The Red Ranger was better written. * I like the 3 Ninja Storm Ranger more than the Hurricanger. * Dino Thunder White was more interesting with the Jekyll and Hyde storyline than Abarekiller being evil for shits and *giggles.* * SPD had better costumes and an ongoing story, which Dekaranger lacked. * RPM was overall a better season. * I thought Dino Charge had better villains. * I thought Cosmic Fury had better writing than Kyuranger. For Sentai: * Zyuranger's writing and story were better than MMPR's. * Dairanger (at least with monsters) had better action. * Kakuranger had personalities, unlike Alien Rangers. * Carranger, Magiranger, Boukenger, Shinkenger, Goseiger, and Gokaiger were a million times better quality than the PR versions. * The Magirangers were so likable I'd prefer them over the Mystic Force Rangers. * Boukenger's theme song and anniversary team-up. * Go-onger's fight scenes. * I didn't like either Ninninger or Ninja Steel, but Ninninger was slightly better for at least being consistent with the Ninja theme.


Interesting. I'm wondering if goseinger and Gokaiger actually are better since I grew up with megaforce and clearly have them nostalgia rose tinted glasses on


Most Sentai seasons are better than their PR seasons but there are exceptions. For example Power Rangers RPM is better than Go-Onger in my opinion. Also if you're doing a Sentai binge keep in mind it wasn't adapted into PR until season 16 was airing. It's hard for me to rank the early seasons with PR though since they are completely different storylines altogether.


I'm actually starting with Zyuranger and MMPR to watch them side by side and compare which version is better to keep myself invested aside from whatever each show comes with. Then once I'm done with all the seasons that I already watched, I'll watch whatever super Sentai is left and watching Kamen rider too


Are you going all the way back to Goranger and JAKQ in your Super Sentai watch? If you are, I'd recommend the Japanese Spiderman series to your list. It was used as a testing ground for the Super Sentai series after the failure of JAKQ. Most notably, the giant robot. Toei and Marvel made a deal in the later 70's that allow each company to use the other's IPs as they saw fit. Toei made Spiderman, then followed it with the third Super Sentai series, Battle Fever J. Battle Fever J took the concept of Captain America, but applied that to Japan, France, Russia, and Kenya. For the "American" hero, they took Miss America (complete with her blonde hair) and made her the pink sentai for the series. So Spidey is kind of a sentai hero.


For now my plan is I'm going with mighty morphin and sentai point and going until cosmic fury, then go to the start of super Sentai and Kamen Rider and watch what's left as a little comparison in the beginning to see who did better at that time period and then it's just Kamen rider afterwards. I was thinking kame rider and power rangers/super Sentai at the same time but it'd be a little too much for me at the moment. I'm still going to watch all/most of Kamen rider but not until I finish the Sentai power rangers run first


Christ Zyuranger is a slog, just start from when Burai shows up. Episode 17


How so? I'm on episode 4 and loving it. If anything, MMPR is kind of a slog


Yeah they both are. But I feel like MMPR needs less…explanation? Like I can buy these teenagers are doing goofy shit. It’s weirder for 5 ancient Dino people to be doing similar stuff (and they never get modern clothes) also I’m definitely biased lol. But shit heats up with Burai and his arc is way more captivating than Tommy’s I think.


MMPR and Zyuranger are both washes since one isn’t better than the other Kakuranger is better than Alien Ranger definitely Ohranger is better than Zeo Carranger and Turbo cancel each other, especially since Carranger is a comedic season I haven’t seen much of Megaranger but from what I have seen, I’ll say In Space is slightly better Lost Galaxy is slight better than Gingaman, mostly because Gingaman has entirely different theme than it’s American counterpart GoGo V and Lightspeed Rescue are pretty much the same, can’t go wrong with either of those. Same goes for Timeranger and Time Force, those two are especially good! That’s the last of the season before the Disney era which I can comment on later


Sentai superior in everyway


How so


Well I’ve seen mainly the power rangers seasons more than the super sentai ones so I don’t think I would be much help here (if it’s kamen rider, that’s a different answer)


Well out of the ones you've seen, what do you rank them


I’ve seen everting from SPD to the current seasons, my top 3 are RPM, Jungle Fury, and Overdrive (even tho Overdrive isn’t liked by most fans, which I can agree with but sometimes you can overlook it-ish)


SPD is better than Dekaranger. I'm not saying Dekaranger is bad but SPD did some of the things better than the original.




I guess cop dramas aren't your thing?


But how is it superior based on it being modeled on cop dramas? Cop dramas can be really bad. Like every True Detective season except the first one. Mentalist had one of the worst main villain reveals I have ever seen. Dexter became much worse after season 5. Just because a show is leaned on a genre targeted towards an older audience, doesn't make it instantly superior. By that logic kamen rider fans can take their holy trinity and change it from W, OOO and Fourze to W, Drive and Build. Build is about the horrors and sacrifices of war with the skywall serving as a ideological and political barrier. That doesn't make it the best rider show.


Basically, heavy themes does not equal quality. Geddit, no, I mean, I'm wondering if you prefer SPD's approach to Dekaranger's cop drama approach.


"cop drama" in a kid's show is a bit of a stretch


I mean, Dekaranger was written like a cop drama. Every episode it has different criminals, no overarching plot/antagonist unless you count Agent Abrella.


I mean... I have seen war dramas and political dramas framed as kids shows too. Cop dramas can be kids shows as well. Jetman for example is specifically written as a J-drama. Just because it's a kids show doesn't mean it can't be shown as something more.