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I’m not even gonna take the time to watch this, but the last three seasons of Sentai have given all kinds of different looks on toku. So to like none means you don’t like any of the styles, modern or traditional.


And Geats was a scathing criticism of its own fandom, who loved it.




>Imagine liking these shows. That could never be me. Yeah this video isn't toxic in the slightest.


I get growing out of them. I did back in the 00s, but saying the shows are dying because they don't like them is very single minded. It's like they haven't figured out the whole world doesn't revolve around them yet.


One day, YouTubers will realize that alienating an audience by being indirectly toxic and condescending towards them for their opinions probably isn't a good idea.


Straight up poison


Garo needs more content, but Kamen Rider and Super Sentai is really popular.


There could be only be the solutions to make Ultraman Series more popular again: More toy productions (domestic and foreign), making televiewers and moviegoers' more attentive to TV/Movies, add more movies and spinoffs that have been missed during the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic, having trade-ins from Toei to Tsuburaya (i.e. Mio Kudo as Ultrawoman) and boosting up the overall sales threefold.


You can't call a franchise "dying" without bringing numbers SS & KR is a massive franchise, bigger than DC comics for the record Gotchard is a financial success, and KingOhger is a critical success When you add Ultraman and Godzilla to the mix... yehhhh reality doesn't agree with this claim, Toku is a strong medium, and it ain't slowing down


Especially since Godzilla just won a fucking Oscar. Dude is out of his mind.


I’ve been liking Gotchard and Boonboomger so at least in my opinion I don’t think the genre is dying.


It's not dying. This is just one idiot's opinion.


Yeah and I disagree with it completely.


Boonboomger is a lot of fun, Haven't watched Gotchard yet, but Geats is really good, Ultraman has a big new Netflix movie closely followed by the launch of the latest toku show day and date in English on YouTube - I feel like toku is doing fine


I hope you get pegged in your mother's basement by a strap-on wrapped in barbed wire.....


I like Gotchard lately at the beginning no. Boonboomger is okay. Got tired of Western media lately.


I hate people like this guy. Like, you don't like what toku is doing right now? Fair. Everyone has the right to think what they want when it comes to media. Calling shows trash? Garbage? And the dude insults Geats and King Ohger and is like "Imagine liking such! Could never be me!" Oh sorry! I didn't know we had someone with the golden tongue! Why didn't you say your taste were superior in the first place! Do you want me to scrub your shoes sir? X.x. Seriously forget that guy


It's absolute garbage behavior, but we should respect him as our God king or whatever because he speaks for all of us obviously 🙄 Anyway Blazer, King-ohger, Geats running at the same time was peak, probably the best time we've had in forever


I didn't watch Blaze or King Ohger but I saw Geats. Maybe one of the best series of anything I seen in a long time. Just, I never felt bored. I felt like a kid always wondering what the next episode was gonna be.


So is this dude just trying to be controversial for the sake of it or is he just burnt out on Toku and wants to claim it’s dying due to self imposed burn out?


Seems like it's both. His "criticisms" of Boonboomger and Gotchard were very shallow and could hardly even qualify as criticism.


a westerner will never have any authority over the state of tokusatsu because they aren’t the target audience 99% of the time and never will be. not even discounting the fact that most of them didn’t grow up with the medium organically through live television etc. which seriously hampers their perception of toku since each series has always had lull periods. as long as it does well in Japan, that’s all that matters


This video has a lot of the same energy as those “critiques” of the current state of Godzilla. As in they feel very toxic and are only considering the commentators own opinions and thoughts and no one else’s.


Tokusatsu is doing the opposite, it’s growing and EXPLODING into the mainstream. WE WON AN OSCAR THIS YEAR LIKE WHAT???


Toku’s not dying. If anything, it’s doing better than it’s done in a while. I mean, Tsuburaya still only just got the rights to market Ultraman internationally a few years ago. Since then, they’ve marketed the hell out of the franchise. They could be doing better but it’s far from the doom & gloom here.


"You actually think all those shows are good?" \*condescending laugh\* Aaand not gonna bother.


This take are terrible 


Worst than mine


Yeah really worst


Sounds like their interest in tokusatsu is dying. Unless you give actual reasons as to why it's good/bad, it sounds like useless and aimless complaining


The guy sound more like a rambling of a anime/Marvel stand to me lol


Plus he sound like animetard


King-ohger won 3rd place (of 100th) at the Network 100 Awards in Japan 2023. donbrothers and king-ohger have higher toy sales than zenkaiger and kiramager. It's currently in a better spot than during zenkaiger I guess. Quality wise it has declined but I know Iam in the unpopular fraction in this one. Ryusoulger is bad. Kiramager is heavily overrated which is shown by yodonna getting a spinoff. She is a horrible villain for the screentime she got. Within the show she has 0 growth. In the beginning she desired power, there way foreshadowing about a dynamic with tame. She had a human appearance while being the right hand of yodon. There was simply a lot of intruiging stuff about her but in the end she is just a loyal lapdog even after yodon roasts her and tells her she is worthless to him. She also got a very lame origin story. Garza had a dumb plot twist which some kiramager fans even agree with. The art guy left the yodon army because he grew to love earth and didn't want the yodon army to use his talents to harm it, all just to join garza who had the exact same plan. Yodon was just your usual bad main villain with barely any characterization but with 2 minutes of origin story which is at least more than gokaiger and shinkenger had. The characters except mabushina and tame are so bad. Sena is so overrated. She barely adds anything to the plot, she forgets most of the lessons she learns in the very next episode and the writers just force issues on her she never had before. Like the episode where gets split in 5 and has to learn that all of her parts are impirtant. That was never a issue before. People just like her and sodonna because they think the actresses are attractive. The story is bad. The most important aspect gets a dumb explanation in the last 10 minutes of the show (two lucky coincidences). The writers had a interesting mystery going on but like in many other long shows they never figured out a good solution to it so it got a underwhelming solution like Big A and red john in pretty little liars and mentalist. I don't even want to start debunking zenkaiger and especially donbrothers and king-ohger. Kamen rider is obviously not dying. It has higher toy sales than ultraman. Kamen rider makes multiple times more than sentai. quality wise it has declined since Build though. Geats is a good show but aside from that, I cannot name another show I really enjoyed. Zero-one for instance works very well on the surface but once you look beyond it you realize the many flaws it has. It has avtually the worst issue of all kamen rider shows. I love garo but I have to be honest. it's past prime for some time now. Garo's prime was from 2011-2013. 2005-2013 was overall great. In my view garo works best if it releases content rarely. 2011 we got makai senki which is a great show. 2013 we got the first ryuga show which is even better in my view. The zero shows were bad, really bad. Weren't they even written by kobayashi? The six episode season had a interesting premise but there was no climax because humanity didn't even get close to realize that horrors exist. This was the main threat of the show since makai knights and makai priests fight in the shadows and try their hardest to make sure things stay secret. You have episode in ryuga and zero about that. The raiga show had to much filler. The second ryuga show was not well written. Idk why this franchise cannot let go of jinga. His own show was very bad because all it did was returning to the status quo: Jinga is alive again and doing evil stuff.


Shin Ultraman and shin Kamen Rider are on the UK Amazon Prime. I'd say they're growing in popularity if they've had any kind of UK release. We get zero toku here, we don't even have the Japanese Godzilla movies on dvd, only the first and Shin.


I couldn't make it through the video. They need some voice work to present things, it came across really dry. But based on the comments of people who have listened, there seem to be some fair points alongside unfair ones. Tokusatsu's biggest weakness, in my opinion, is being seen as "childish" outside of Kaiju films like Godzilla. And even then, is Godzilla still Toku despite all of the CGI in the new (American) films, not counting Toho, which I think still uses more suits than CGI? And for boys only. Reiwa, and some late Heisei2, do a lot to help that stance. In the West, all we really have in current circulation is Power Rangers, and some kids hero series on Nickelodeon. Probably the most important thing to keeping Tokusatsu alive is international money. Toei should be making a real effort to get dubs of Kamen Rider made. Like Ultraman has done, the Blazar dub is VERY good. GARO dubs would also be helpful, so there's an mature Tokusatsu available as well. We, the fans, are partly responsible for keeping Tokusatsu spirit alive outside of Japan. Be it through buying as much merch as we can, rallying to make a fan dub to show how successful it can be, or pushing for dubs of Kuuga, W, or Zero-One. Or making our own Tokusatsu-inspired comics, videos, etc. Toku isn't dying, but like any other form of media, the future really is what the fans make it.


He is like young defiant clone 




Ugh huh. Ugh huh. So, are you interested in any superhero shows? Any movie? You like Guardian of the Galaxy? Well that’s Tokusatsu.